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Penelope's plan was going off without a hitch; it was as simple as a flirt in front of the other students and hung out twenty- four seven. The school was buzzing about the two girls already. They even had a ship name already, and they haven't told anyone that they were dating or anything like that.

"I guess your plan is working; Henelope is trending on all the student's twitter accounts," Hope said, looking at her phone.

"I mean except the queen of twitter if she tweets about it then it will become really popular," Penelope said back

"who would that be?"

"you were dating her, and you don't know who she is," Penelope said laughing

Hope was not laughing at all but gave a death stare back at the raven-haired girl who wasn't laughing anymore but was afraid to say another word. "don't worry about that I have a plan in motion."

"I guess your plan worked she just did" Penelope showed Hope her phone.


"Are you sure it was a good idea to tweet about Hope Milton?" Lizzie said

"why do you call me that I told you a thousand times to call me Mg."

"sorry that I like your name, jeez. But stop avoiding my question."

"I think it was a good idea, so the school didn't think you had a thing for Hope because you know," Mg said

"you mean that I liked girls. What would be wrong with that? come on; Mg, we are in twenty-thirty." Lizzie said with a harsh tone

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that they would think you were faking it because you want attention. If you like girls, that's awesome."

Lizzie looked at Mg with soft eyes. "what am I supposed to do, I really like her, and I just said that I am glad that she and the devil would be cute together?"


Hope took it and read, "I have seen this Henelope ship all over my timeline, and I didn't know if I should comment on it, but Penelope and Hope would make such a cute couple if it were real."

"This is excellent news. everyone will know the name Henelope within the hour, and we can tell everyone we are dating just like we wanted." Penelope said, looking at Hope and wondered why she wasn't as excited as she was.

"Okay, during the next pep rally, we will kiss in the bleachers. So it won't be cheesy, but everyone will see." Hope said

The other girl nodded and left the room, leaving Hope with her thoughts.

She wondered if Lizzie meant those words she said or if she wrote it to get Mg off her back. Earlier that day, she told the young vampire to convince her to tweet something about the ship.

As Hope let her mind wander, her eyes led back to the box that sat in the corner of the room. She didn't inch forward to it or try to open it, but it kept trying to figure out why she couldn't just get rid of what was inside. She didn't care for it anymore, or she thought. Never did she think that she would get heartbroken by someone that was never hers. But the pain is all the same. It might be that another person abandoned her leaving her all alone again.

Lizzie starred in the mirror and tried to find the exact moment she messed up. Was it the day she ran after the shorter girl, or was it when she left without saying goodbye? Lizzie had a record of going and not saying goodbye. She always thought that saying goodbye meant that there would be no more hellos. So the blonde was trying to hurt Hope, but she couldn't say goodbye to another person, not knowing if she was going to see them again.


It was loud and roaring in the gymnasium, everyone in the school was sitting on the bleachers waiting for someone to tell them what was going on. The doors slammed open as Ms. Tig and Alaric walked in with happy faces. They walked up to the middle of the auditorium, and everyone went silent.

"Today is an amazing day. We are holding elections for the student council. Every supernatural species will have one person speaking for them. Does anyone want to nominate anyone for Witch, Wolf, or Vampire."

"I nominate Kaleb Hawkins," Mg said

"I nominate Penelope Park," some witch said

"I nominate Jerome," a wolf said.

And a few other people were nominated from each group.

"if that's everyone, can all of you come down and sign your name on the list." Ms. Tig said

Everyone got up when Penelope said, "I nominate Hope Mikaelson for Being a Hybrid." And everyone looked shocked. Not everyone knew what she was, but now they do.

Hope looked at Penelope and knew everyone was watching them. She leaned in and kissed the girl. Their lips met in quiet harmony that was until people started shouting "Henelope" over and over.

And the two girls smiled at each other. Penelope didn't know it before the kiss, but she contracted a crush on Hope, and the kiss cemented it to the ground.

Lizzie left the gym as everyone shouted the ship name and Mg followed her. "hey wait up" he said

Lizzie stopped and turned around with tears running down her chin. "I want to be alone right now, Milton please leave."

"no, I know how you are, and you need me."

Lizzie felt anger build up inside her. "you follow me like a fucking puppy everywhere I go you want to be there. You don't think I know that you stare at my ass when I'm not looking, I do. I don't tell you because I feel bad. I will never love you as you love me. It's pathetic that you still try. I am obviously gay, but you knew that but continue to try and force feelings on to me by being kind and available.

Mg had his veins pop out from the anger and sped the two to an empty room.

"Milton, what are you doing," Lizzie said

"stop calling me Milton. I told you a thousand times not to call me that", he said as he walked closer to the blonde.

She walked back, but she couldn't speak; she was frozen. She hit the backboard and had nowhere else to go. He leaned in and kissed her, and she couldn't do anything. It was like being trapped in space, unable to control where you float.

He put his lips on her neck as tears flowed from her eyes. Internally screaming for help but no one could hear her. He ripped off her shirt and pinned her down on the desk as he unbuckled his belt and pulled down her trousers. With no warning, he violated her with his fingers. More tears started to come out as he pulled his fingers out and stuck in something much worse. She was continually being pushed back and forth with a lot of force. It only lasted a minute, but it felt like an eternity. One second someone was on top of her, and the next, she was in her bed with her clothes off.

Mg blamed Hope for his actions, but it was all him. She never compelled him to hurt Lizzie; she only said to report back to her.


hey everyone from now on i will be posting once a week every Friday. this week will have two chapters then next week will be one and the same after that.

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