Ledge (Trigger Warning)

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Standing on the ledge, Lizzie couldn't remember why but she needed to jump. "please, I don't want to die someone help" it wasn't her choice. It's like she has to do it. One step off and a tear fell off her chin then the second"

Earlier that day.

Everything was going great between Hope and Lizzie. They knew each other better than they knew themselves already; if they went on the newlywed game, they would win.

Lizzie walked to the counselor's office, "nothing could go wrong. I'm just going to say his name, and everything will be better. It has to be." Walking up to the tall door with a beautiful wood finish, Lizzie knocked, and Camille pulled her in. "what's going on."

"it was Milton Greasley who assaulted you?" Camille said fast

Lizzie nodded and said, "yes, how did you know that?"

"he tried to compel me, but he didn't know I was on vervain, so when he vamped me out of the school, I rushed back inside and looked for you, but I could locate you knocked on the door. We have to go to your mother before he hurts someone else."

Lizzie looked at Camille and knew she had to do it for the other girls' safety in the school, but that didn't make It any easier. The two walked to the main office "I can do this" Lizzie told herself when Mg spotted the two girls walking and vamped in from of them, but Lizzie wasn't going to let anyone get in her way, so she said a sleep spell and walked past him as his fall made a harsh noise as his body hit the floor.

Caroline ran out to see what was going on, and Lizzie told her that she needed to talk to her. Camille left the two to have privacy. Before they entered the office, tears rolled down Lizzie's cheek; they sat down next to each other, and Caroline waited for her daughter to speak.

"Something happened."

"honey you know you can tell me anything, and I will always support you, does this have anything to do with Hope?"

Lizzie shook her head, no "Mg."

"Are you two dating or something because you know that would be okay."

"were not dating, he," Lizzie said, stuttering.

Caroline put her hand on her daughter's shoulder and said, "take a deep breath, you can tell me."

Lizzie closed her eyes, took a breath, and looked in her mother's eyes and said, "Mg Raped me" for the first time in weeks, she felt a massive weight off her shoulders.

Caroline could even say a word she hugged her daughter and got up and left the girl alone to find Mg, not knowing that it would cause unforeseeable events. Lizzie watched the door waiting for her mom to come back, and when she heard the door turn, she got up but saw the face of pure evil. She froze up as Mg walked up to her, but he wasn't alone Penelope was right behind him.

She tried to say a spell, but it was too late. Her mouth was closed shut by Penelope. She started another spell that would allow Mg to compel the blonde to forget what happened to her, or that's what Penelope thought he was doing. When she was done, he forced her out and closed the door.

He looked in her eyes and was happy for what he was about to do, "I want you to go up the stairs open the roof door and walk on to the ledge and jump, you never saw me here when I leave I want you to text anyone and tell them that you are going to kill yourself." Mg said, then ran out.

"Lizzie pulled her phone out and texted Hope, "Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough I feel like the whole world is against me and I think it's time to join my sister in heaven." And pressed sent.

Lizzie walked out the door, and Caroline returned the same time she was leaving, "Hey honey, where are you going?"

"I will be right back," Lizzie said, lying and walked up the stairs.


Hope looked at her phone and saw a message and smiled, understanding who the message was from when she read it she ran as fast as possible to the headmaster's office and broke the door down as Caroline starred at her.

"who is the person in the letter I need to know right now," Hope demanded

"why Hope what's going on," Caroline said, looking worried.

She showed the message, and she said, "oh no, Lizzie."

"it's Lizzie?"

Caroline nodded and said, "Hope to find her. She has vampire blood in her", something Mg didn't know.

Hope nodded, and her eyes turned yellow as she sped around the school looking for the blonde but nowhere to be found. She ran in front of the school "where are you Lizzie" and looked around. She heard a voice but one she recognized and saw the blonde standing on the ledge and ran up to the roof, but when her foot hit the floor, Lizzie's went off. She tried to catch the blonde but was too late her neck had been broken from the fall She had no pulse as Hope picked her up and took Lizzie to her room.

She laid the blonde down slowly as Caroline walked in and saw her daughter's body lifeless, and this was the second time she saw her kid like that, and it doesn't get any easier.

"how long till she wakes up?" Hope asked

"about two hours," Caroline said


Lizzie remembered the last thing was her foot going off the ledge then waking up in a Fairytale looking castle. She sat up and saw someone who looked like her sister but just left the room. "hey, come back," Lizzie said, getting up feeling a terrible hunger and following the person.

She walked out the door, and this time she could see a face and was ninety percent sure it was her sister. She was looking directly at Lizzie and turned another corner. She ran after her until she was gone nowhere to be seen then suddenly pulled into a room.

"miss me, sis," Josie said, looking at Lizzie.

She didn't ask any questions. She just hugged her sister. But Josie cut her off because she knew she didn't have much time to explain what was going on.

"look, Lizzie, I don't have much time to explain what's going on, but the jest is that I'm not dead. Were in limbo you got here because you died and had vampire blood in you, But a witch put a hex on me, and if you don't save me by the next eclipse, I will be here permanently. Get my body and find a way to get my soul." Lizzie nodded as everything started to go black

"Don't push anyone away," Lizzie heard before waking up to two eyes staring at her, knowing exactly what happened to her and who did it.

She sat up and felt a great hunger; she walked to the fridge and took a sip of blood from a bag as Hope and caroline watched her. "Mg compelled me to jump because he was afraid I would tell someone he raped me; he didn't know I told my mom or that I had vampire blood in me."

Hope looked at Lizzie. "I think you should take a minute. I will deal with Mg, I promise."

"don't kill him, please promise me you won't," Lizzie asked.

Hope said, "I promise and walked out all she wanted to do was rip his head off but knew that she couldn't. She tracked his scent and followed it to the cafeteria where he was sitting with all his friends, not worried one-bit about Lizzie.

She walked to Mg and couldn't hold in her anger anymore, especially when he had a massive smirk on his face. She sped him to the wall as she held his neck to the wall and said, "I know what you did, and you're going to pay for it."

"It was your fault you compelled me," Mg said before his head was off his body, Lizzie ran in and saw him dead and ran out.

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