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"Lizzie wait up please," Hope said, running in the abandoned hallway until nothing could be heard or seen, but that doesn't mean Hope couldn't find Lizzie. She closed her eyes and concentrated until she found the blonde's scent. She ran into one of the classrooms that had been burned down and walked in to see Lizzie there, but she was completely nude, she was waiting for Hope to find her.

Hope didn't say anything. She just stared at Lizzie. She didn't mean too, but her body kept attracting her.

"what are you waiting for Mikaelson, come and take your prize," Lizzie said walking closed to Hope

"you don't know how much I would love to, but Lizzie, you don't want to do this. You have heightened emotions, and it wouldn't be right for me to take advantage of that."

"Whatever I'm getting hungry anyways, and the cafeteria has some blood bags," Lizzie said while getting speed dressed and walking away.

"you need to drink right from the source, the vein," Hope said while Lizzie walked away.


Lizzie looked at the school, and nothing was the same. Maybe it was her death that caused everything to become a lot more morbid around her. She didn't know, but that struck a memory about her sister.

She opened her phone and looked at the astronomical calendar and saw that the next solstice was scheduled for three months precisely from today, and that was how long Lizzie had to get Josie out of Limbo. She decided that she wouldn't tell her mother because she didn't want to give false Hope. She walked into the cafeteria where everyone was still shocked about what happened to mg, but none knew what type of monster he truly was.

She walked into the kitchen where the kitchen staff offered her food, but Lizzie nodded no and grabbed a blood blag, and started to drink it, and they looked sad. They knew her since she was a little girl and knew that she wanted kids and possibly grow old with someone she loved, but that was taken away from her.

She walked out and kept drinking the blood, and no one noticed at first, but when she started to vomit all the blood, she was intaking, the school saw what she was. She wiped her lip, and Penelope was looking at her, and Lizzie wanted to rip her throat out, but for her sister's sake, she didn't do it and walked to her mother's office.

One knock on the door and the whole thing flew off even Lizzie forgot how strong she indeed was. She walked in, and her mother and Hope were talking. "I can't drink this Hope was right I need to drink from the vein." She said dropping the blood blag on the desk

"wait, you said she had to drink from the vein?" Caroline said and looked at Hope

She nodded

"take her to the town square and train her I will explain later." And the two girls walked out.


Hope and Lizzie were quiet on the walk to town, and Hope couldn't help but ask, "so how is your letter partner?"

Lizzie immediately got a distraught face like she forgot something. She pulled out the phone she got from the stranger and looked at the last text she sent and completely forgot that she didn't say she was okay.

"look, you can do that later," Hope said, trying to make Lizzie stop.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm okay, I promise." Lizzie typed and pressed send then looked forward then a second later Hope got a notification sound and Lizzie though it can't be and Hope didn't even look at her phone she also refused to look at the blonde at that moment. She typed again, "I swear if this is Hope" and pressed send and another notification.

"give me your phone" Lizzie demanded

"why," Hope said, playing dumb.

"Are you the one that I have been messaging for the last few weeks?" Lizzie asked

Hope nodded, "look I didn't know until today. When you sent me the message earlier, I swear I ran to your mom's office, and she said it was you."

"Again, my mom is trying to fix my problems."

"look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you it was me as soon as I knew, but you had things going on, and honestly, I didn't want to ruin what he had," Hope said

Lizzie understood and nodded her head and said, "I'm sorry about leaving without saying goodbye. I didn't know how to do it. I didn't attend my sister's funeral because I didn't know how to let go."

"your sister would be so proud of you for your courage, I didn't know her, but I heard stories on how she did anything for you."

"look, I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone," Lizzie said.

"Okay, I promise I won't, and this time I will keep it."

"my sister isn't dead; she is somewhere called Limbo, and I need to get her out. I have three months to do it, can you help?"

"my aunt had books on Limbo and how you could travel there, but we need to go to New Orleans to locate them, plus I assume we need her body," Hope asked.

Lizzie nodded

Okay, we will leave tomorrow, plus it would be easier to train you to be a vampire in the most vampire populated area in the world. Still, for tonight you see that girl I want you to vamp speed to her look in her eyes and tell her everything will be okay and not to be scared and take a bite in her artery and drink blood but listen for the heartbeat right when it hits five beats per second stop and give her vampire blood to heal and compel her to forget what happened."

Lizzie nodded again and did as Hope said like it was her priority Hope watched and smiled because she did it entirely she was nothing but proud, but she noticed something that she completely forgot about so when Lizzie walked back smiling Hope said: "Lizzie there is something I have to tell you."

"go ahead."

"I think you are sired to me. It's like every time I say something, you have to follow it. Am I making any sense."

"I noticed after you told me I should drink from the vein and threw up the blood bag, but I decided to let it keep going because it makes training me easier and after you can unsure yourself form me," Lizzie said lying know the first time she noticed was when Hope said them not have sex was the wrong thing, and her attitude changed towards it.

"Are you sure because I don't want to do it if it's not what you want."

"it's okay, but I have a couple of ground rules."

"Sounds good."

"While we are working together i don't want to have any relationship besides a professional one. We are going to work to get Josie back, and then we go our separate ways."

"okay," Hope said as the two walked back to the school to get their things packed.

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