Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

The Cruise Ship Disaster

17 1 0
By PassionsFan2000

The people of Harmony are celebrating Julian's birthday on the Crane yacht. Kay practically had to drag Tabitha along. She knew something was going on between Tabitha and Julian and was determined to find out what it was. Tabitha stayed by the door but didn't see the eyes watching her. She began to get nauseous, and slyly walked out to look at the calming sea; Not knowing that someone would follow her. "You are looking quite lovely tonight!" a voice rang out, startling Tabitha. She spun around as quickly as a cheetah and found Julian standing there. "You do too Julian...And happy birthday!" he smiled and motioned for them to move out of the doorway, and she followed.

They looked out to the horizon just as the sun was setting. Julian then asked the question "How are you feeling?" She looked down and turned slightly, but answered: "I am feeling tired, and crabby..." He stopped her before she could answer the next question. He started telling her some remedies of tea she could make to help with some of the side effects. She was getting so angry that she stopped him and yelled out "Julian, it's twins!" He immediately stopped and pulled her into a tight hug. "What was that for?" he shrugged and answered "Maybe it's because you are carrying two more of my children. I know you are only like 20 weeks along and haven't been to the doctor yet, but I trust your power to ensure their healthy state." *Crash* Tabitha flew into Julian's arms, and he grabbed on tight.

A sound began yelling over the speaker "We just got hit by a bigger boat!. We're sinking!...everybody get to the top deck NOW!." They both took off running and arrived to find everyone panicking. She knew what to do, so she went to the front of the deck and started to use her powers to keep both boats afloat. She released one hand to start a new spell to take everyone that was on the yacht and threw them onto the bigger boat. Everyone was on the boat when all of a sudden the mast broke and started flying towards Tabitha, it hit her straight across the chest. Tabitha's spell was stopped as she flew through the air and into the freezing water. The yacht sank alongside her. They hit the bottom at the same time, but the yacht's mast fell to the side and part of it impaled itself into Tabitha's side.

Back on the bigger boat, Julian was arguing with the captain "You cannot move, until we find Tabitha! She risked her life to save everyone. You want to know another thing...she risked the lives of her unborn children to save you and your precious boat." Everyone gasped, and Julian realized what he had done. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Damn it!" Julian said. Everyone started asking questions, and Julian was trying to answer all of them until Sam yelled out "Come on! we have got to go find Tabitha!" Some men from the ship, along with Sam and Julian get scuba gear on and gathered in a lifeboat.

As soon as the boat hit the water, they all backflipped into the icy water. They each started swimming towards the wreckage. They left two people from the boat at the top in case something goes wrong. Sam and Julian saw blood rising up in the water and quickly swam towards it. They saw Tabitha laying on the cold ocean floor with the mast stuck in her side. Her skin is as white as Minnesota snow. Sam beckoned for the other men, and they quickly swam to him. Over the radio, they asked, "Did you find her?" Sam nodded and pointed down. When they all got closer, they saw the tip of the mast was in her side. Julian stayed up by her face and tried to find a pulse. He found a very faint one, while Sam and other men were trying to think of a way to get the mast off. Sam had them hold onto the mast while he and Julian tried to pull Tabitha away. They all agreed and got ready. Julian was the one to say "On three. One... Two.... Three!!" Sam and Julian managed to release Tabitha from the mast but even more, blood was pooling out and rising. Sam tossed Julian something that would be able to help until they could get out of the water. Julian's wrapped his arm around her waist, as they all began swimming to the surface. Sam was the first one up and signaled the other men on the boat, who quickly brought the boat closer to where they were. Sam and one of the men got back onto the boat and helped get Tabitha out of the water.

Once they were all out of the water, they quickly started to go towards the larger ship. The crew lifted the lifeboat out of the water, and everyone immediately gathered around to help any way they could. Sam and Julian carried Tabitha away from the ledge as they waited impatiently to arrive at the shore. Ivy had some of the crew bring blankets and towels to try and get Tabitha warmed up and to try and stop the bleeding. It took them 10 minutes to arrive at the docks, but that was only one of the problems now.

Once they got everyone off the boat, they had to figure out how to get Tabitha to the hospital quickly. Julian remembered that he rode over here in a limo. With one click on his phone, the limo came racing up to the entrance. Everyone shared a laugh, while the men carried Tabitha to the back of the limo. They sped down the empty road, hoping Tabitha could hang on just a little bit longer. The limo pulled into the hospital parking lot just as Eve was running through the sliding doors. Ivy waved, while Sam and Julian got Tabitha out of the car. "What happened?" Eve said to Sam. He responded by telling her everything from the beginning. He didn't even finish the story when Julian jumped in and said "We need to go now!" Everyone then took off running for the emergency room doors. Eve motioned for a nurse to bring a gurney out, and Julian was quick to gently lay her down. Eve and Julian whisked Tabitha away and into an actual room.

The nurse came in with a dry robe, and some general materials to get her settled in. Once Julian helped move her from the gurney to the bed, Eve cut Tabitha's shirt so she could see the slice. "Oh god! Remind me again what was impaled in her side?" he looked up from Tabitha and said "The tip of the mast." Eve got back to work at trying to stop the bleeding when Julian said something else. "She's pregnant with twins! Please try and save my children!" Eve pressed a button on her pager and wheeled Tabitha out of the room and straight past everyone. A nurse pulled Julian back as they walked through the OR doors.

"What's going on Julian?" Sam asked, and he told them that she needed to have surgery. "And she's checking on the babies, and making sure they are alright." Everyone went back to sitting in the waiting room chairs, only to wait six hours to hear any news. As soon as Eve walked back through the doors, she was immediately bombarded with question after question. She tried to answer all of them, but couldn't handle it. A loud whistle blared through the halls, shutting everyone up. "Tabitha is just fine!" Julian cut her off and asked about the babies, Eve let it go and said "they are perfectly healthy. The mast missed them completely, and I know the genders of them but can not disclose them without permission from both the mother and father." They all understood and followed Eve to see Tabitha. Eve only permitted two people to be in there at a time, so Julian and Ivy were the ones to go through the white door.

Her skin was looking normal again, her golden locks glowed with the sunlight. He stepped forward to take her hand, and her skin was as soft as silk. Ivy moved one lock of hair out of her face when she noticed one tear rolling down her cheek. She wiped it away and gently hugged her. Julian asked her what she was doing, and all she said was "giving her hope." He smiled and went back to praying that she would wake up soon.

Night cast through the window, and still Julian would not leave her side. Nurses brought him pillows, blankets, food, and more. Yet he would not take them. All night he sat in the chair staring into her soul, waiting to see her round blue eyes. Eve came in every once in a while to check on Tabitha and the little babies. Everything was going fine until it wasn't. Julian laid in the chair finally able to sleep after two days, when the machines blared to life. He sprung up out of the chair to see Tabitha flailing back and forth on the bed. Nurse after nurse ran in, then came an on-call doctor. Before he knew what was going on, he was yanked by his arm out of the room. The last thing he saw was a nurse slamming the door. Julian paced back and forth for what seemed like an eternity, before the doctor finally walked out of the room. "Mr. Crane, I know you probably have a lot of questions, so let me start by saying, Tabitha is going to be fine. Her brain was trying to wake her up, but all the other systems were fighting against it. We managed to get her to wake up as the brain wanted, so know you can talk to her. I do recommend not letting her sit up or move too much until I can get Eve back here to examine her." Julian just stood there shocked but managed to nod his head once before the doctor walked away.

He quickly ran back into the room to find Tabitha looking back at him. "Hey, you're finally awake." He said sitting down on the bed. She nodded and said "...How long was I out?.." Julian took no time in thinking about it, but just blurted out "2 days" She smiled and tried to move the slightest bit, but Julian was quick to say no. Tabitha's eyes widened and she started asking question after question like "...Wait, are the babies okay?..Am I okay?..Is everyone okay? Is...." Julian cut her off by planting a kiss on her round lips. He sat straight up and told her that everything was fine. For the first time in three days, she smiled. Julian was eager to get a picture when Eve came running through the open door. "I heard about what happened. Is she oka...." she stopped when she saw Tabitha smiling and looking better than the last time she saw her. "Oh thank God, you're alright Tabitha. When I heard about what happened, I ran here as fast as I could." Julian and Tabitha both laughed, which was not a good idea for Tabitha. Pain raged from her left side and up. Eve was very quick to jump into action and give her some more pain medication, before checking on her wound. It was good news that her stitches didn't pop, it was just painful. Eve left the room, leaving Julian and Tabitha alone.

"What are you feeling?" Julian asked Tabitha who was trying to reach over and grab a cup of water that was sitting on the bedside table. He was quick to grab the cup and handed it to her. "Thank you, Julian...You have really been a great help tonight...Thank you again..." They both smiled when all of a sudden the door blew open and everyone ran into the room carrying gifts upon gifts. "Oh thank goodness, you're awake!and doing okay!" Sam said putting his gifts down on a random table and sitting down at the edge of the bed. "Yeah, we're fine. Is everyone alright?" They all laughed and stood around the bed. The pile of gifts caught Tabitha's eyes, and she asked "What is all that for?" Everyone but Sam ran over to the "gift table" and Ivy said "We wanted to get you something to say 'thank you' for saving all of us. We never wanted you to get hurt, especially not with the babies." Tabitha's face went pale, and everyone stood still.

At that moment Julian remembered that he had told everyone about the twins. "Oh my God Tabitha, I forgot to tell you..." Her head whipped around to face him. "...When you fell into the water, I was arguing with the captain and he was making me mad, and I didn't even think about it, but it just flew out of my mouth. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to at all." Tabitha grabbed his hand and replied "It's okay, I'm not mad. I just wish you would have told me." They shared a romantic gaze with each other. Kay was the first to catch their attention, by handing her a pink box with bow after bow. Tabitha opened it to find four baby blankets, two pink and two blue. "It's so you can have one of both of the genders because we don't know what you're having yet," Tabitha told her thank you, and Julian had everyone give him a minute alone with Tabitha.

Everyone left him to talk with her. "What is it, Julian?" He sat down and just giggled. "What are you laughing about Mr." he planted a kiss upon her lips to shut her up. "I forgot to tell you that Eve knows the genders, but she couldn't tell me without your permission. But now I don't know if I want to know, I mean everyone has gotten us gifts and I don't want them to not have something because it doesn't match the genders..." It was Tabitha's turn to shut him up, by pulling herself up to place a kiss on his cheek. "I understand that, and I agree with you completely." They were sharing a sweet moment when she felt something happen and grabbed her stomach. Julian saw and said "Tabby, are you okay? What's wrong?" it took a minute to respond, but eventually, she said, "I think I just felt the babies kick!" He put his hand next to hers and felt another kick. "It's so real. I can 't believe it." Tabitha just laughed and he helped her lay back down against her pillow. "We are going to be a great family, again!" Julian said. She kind of got a selfish spark, because she wanted to open all the presents that were from her. He gave her a nasty look, but walked over to the present table and handed her present after present, which made her smile. Every gift was something for the babies, which made Tabitha very happy but saddened at the same time.

He asked her if she was alright, but she didn't answer. "It's just that I could have bought all this baby stuff. I didn't need anybody to pay for it. I feel like I need to pay them back." What they didn't know is that everyone was walking into the room. Ivy was quick to say "No, we all wanted to do something to pay you back for saving our lives." Sam joined in and said, "you risked your life to save everyone." Tabitha was so happy but in tears. "Thank you, everyone, for all the gifts." She said as she yawned. Eve walked in and said, "I think it's time for everyone to go home, and let Tabitha get some rest." With that everyone walked out, leaving Tabitha to fall into a peaceful sleep.

The End

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