Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

969 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

Hecuba Tortured Tabitha

18 0 0
By PassionsFan2000

Tabitha and Timmy were sipping delicious Martimmys in her living room. They were laughing at something they did when an evil laugh cackled through the house. Hecuba appeared, snuck up behind Tabitha, and hit her in the back of the head. Tabitha was knocked unconscious. Timmy tried to get to his princess, but Hecuba used a spell to knock Timmy out. Sometime later he woke up in Hecuba's lair, with Tabitha lying on the ground next to him, with her wrists tied behind her back. "PRINCESS! Come on Tabby, please wake up!" Timmy worked to wake his friend up. She let out a moan and slowly started waking up. Timmy jumped for joy and said, "Oh Princess! you're awake!" She gingerly pulled herself up and leaned against a couch. "Where are we?..Why are we tied up?..ohh..." she groaned in pain as it shot through her head. He shrugged, and a creepy laugh erupted from in front of them. When they looked up, they saw Hecuba standing there giggling. "I see you're awake...Oh, Tabitha, you look awful!" Tabitha tried to shift slightly, but even more, pain raged from head to toe. Timmy tried to comfort her.

Hecuba was getting annoyed, so she viciously pulled Tabitha up and into a chair saying "I am going to ask you one question, and for every time you lie I will hurt you!" She pulled a knife out of her pocket. Tabitha was confused at what she could know that would possibly help Hecuba but she nodded her head in agreement anyway. "I want to know what Kay and Miguel are looking for in the mines?" Hecuba asked clearly. Tabitha responded "I don't know...All I know is that they are down here looking for something..." Hecuba's face changed dramatically. Before she knew it, Hecuba had sliced the knife across her arm but it didn't phase her. Timmy ran to her screaming "PRINCESS!!" Hecuba turned and aimed the knife right at Timmy. He gasped and hid behind Tabitha. She said, "It's okay Tim Tim!" They both smiled, which angered Hecuba so much that she sliced Tabitha's other arm. Tabitha flinched. "I'll ask again, WHAT ARE KAY AND MIGUEL LOOKING FOR IN THE MINES??" Timmy tried to tell her that they didn't know, but she wouldn't take that. She did what she has been doing to Tabitha the whole time. Hecuba continued to get so angry, that she pulled Tabitha up out of the chair and yelled out "I AM TIRED OF ASKING YOU AGAIN." She plunged the knife into Tabitha's side.

She fell slowly to the ground, with Timmy behind her. "Princess, are you alright?" Timmy said as Tabitha pulled herself up and against the couch yet again. She responded "...I think so...." The mine started shaking and a bright light appeared. Without a reason, Hecuba vanished into the light, leaving Tabitha and Timmy sitting there confused. Timmy finally untied Tabby's hands and watched as one of her hands flew straight to her side. "...Thank you!.." The mine started to shake again when all the sudden rocks started falling towards the ground. One rock hit Tabitha on the head. She was out cold. Her body had slid to the ground in front of the couch. Timmy was able to cover her until the mine stopped shaking. "Princess! Come on, come back to Timmy! Please?" there was no response. Timmy didn't know what to do, so he called out for help, but knew nobody would hear him in here. He kissed Tabitha's forehead and ran out of the lair to find some help.

He wasn't even out of the entrance when he heard a moan from behind him. "PRINCESS! Can you hear me?" He asked, and she tried to sit up. "Are you okay?" She slowly opened her eyes, only to shoot up, looking around for Hecuba. She gripped her midsection and groaned in pain. "Relax! Hecuba's gone." She tried to slow her breathing. Timmy helped her move so that she could lean against a couch. "Timmy, are we trapped in here?" she asked. He shook his head and pointed to the big opening in the wall. She tried to pull herself up so she was standing, but couldn't do it without pain raging from her side. With her arm wrapped around her stomach, Timmy saw the slices across her arms. "Tabby, we need to get you some help!." She nodded and took Timmy's hand. Tabitha weakly spoke, "Tim yourself..." Her upper body once again slid to the ground and she was unconscious. Timmy quickly tried to wake her up, but nothing was working. Timmy yelled out for help as he ran out of the opening.

The end

To find out what happens, you'll just have to keep reading.

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