Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

Tabitha Falls off the Dock

28 1 0
By PassionsFan2000

Tabitha and Kay were walking along the pier, following Miguel and Charity on their date. Kay stopped and said something about how Miguel should be with her and not her wicked cousin. Tabitha suddenly got lightheaded and almost fell forward, but managed to lean against some barrels. She hadn't been feeling well lately, but couldn't let Kay go stalking alone at night. Kay could see that Tabitha wasn't feeling too well so she suggested that they head home. When they started, Tabitha began to feel even more faint, and inevitably fell unconscious. When she started going down, she flew off the dock and into the water, but Kay had her back turned away to check her phone. She heard a splash and turned to find Tabitha gone. She let out a scream when she realized that Tabitha had fallen into the harbor.

Miguel, Charity, and Hank came running over, and asked: "What's wrong?" She told them "I don't know! Tabitha fell in the water and hasn't come back up yet!" Miguel and Hank immediately dove in after her, but having a head start did not help Tabitha at all. Julian showed up with Sam, Ivy, and Grace. Ivy quickly called 911 and told them to send Eve to the marina. Grace stood next to charity. Julian and Sam asked Kay what was going on. She told them everything she knew. The boys came back up for air; asking each other if they found her, but both responded "no".

The scene changes to Tabitha hitting a rock, causing it to break off and fall onto her. When she hits the bottom, Miguel and Hank caught sight of the rock falling. When they went to investigate it they saw that it is indeed Tabitha. The two of them worked to get the rock off of Tabitha so that they could get her back up to the surface. Hank worked on lifting the rock, while Miguel checked on Tabitha. He noticed that her skin was pale, her lips were blue, and her head was cut. He signaled to Hank that she was freezing cold. Hank acknowledged and worked harder to move the dreaded rock. Miguel went back to helping, hoping it would budge. They managed to get the rock off, grab her around the waist, and started to swim toward the surface.

They popped up out of the water, causing everyone to rush to get Tabitha out of the water. Julian and Sam carefully lifted her out, and gently placed her on the dock. Sam checked if she was still breathing; while Julian started giving her CPR until Eve showed up with the paramedics. After a few minutes of CPR not working, Sam reluctantly told Julian that it was too late. He unwillingly got up and walked away. With their backs turned they suddenly heard coughing coming from behind him. When he turned around he saw Tabitha trying to lean to the side to get all the water out of her lungs. Julian bolted straight to her side and helped her sit up. she groaned in pain, so he loosened his grip right away. "Oh, Tabitha! I thought I lost you!" he whispered in her ear as she was still trying to breathe enough to speak. She finally asked, "...What happened?.." Everyone looked down trying to think of the best way to explain. Tabitha saw this as something bad had happened. "Tabitha...Kay told me that you weren't feeling well and that she turned away for a second, only to turn back around to find you were gone. She realized that you had fallen into the harbor, so Hank and Miguel jumped in to rescue you." She was shocked.

She tried to stand up, but a searing pain ripped through her side and her hand flew towards the pain. Her body fell back into Julian's embrace. Every one was so concerned. "Tabitha just relax! an ambulance is on the way. You are going to be just fine!" Julian tried to convince her. Kay pulled Tabitha into a hug and whispered "I'm glad you're okay." Tabitha smiled, and again tried to move, but pain surged. She kept trying to push herself up and walk, but Sam and Julian both kept her on the ground. She was reluctant to comply. "Tabitha! you need to take it easy and wait until the ambulance gets here, please?" Sam again pleaded with her, hoping that she would understand and listen to their advice. Ivy knelt down beside her and said "Hey Sam, why don't we give Julian sometime alone with Tabitha? Maybe he can convince her to take it easy." Sam sadly agreed and walked toward the main entrance to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

The scene goes back to Tabitha and Julian. He leaned her against the pillar. Him and Pilar were the only ones there. Pilar knelt down with Julian and told Tabitha "if you don't take it easy, it's going to be harder to recover." Tabitha reluctantly agreed and slumped against the pillar. Julian asked pilar if she could help Tabitha lean forward slightly, so he could put his jacket around her shoulders to try and warm her up a bit. Pilar nodded and tried to help her sit up, but she groaned in pain, and her hands flew back to her side. Pilar caught that and quickly leaned her back against the jacket. "Are you alright?" She asked. Tabitha relaxed a bit as the pain diminished slightly and replied "Yeah! side hurts like hell!"

Julian asked her to move her hand, so he could check on it for her. As soon as she moved her hand, he saw the blood. Pilar was talking to Tabitha so she wasn't paying attention. Julian quickly pressed his handkerchief down on her side wound. Tabitha flinched slightly but didn't notice what he did. "Tabitha, why were you and Kay walking on the pier this late at night?" Pilar asked her, while Julian continued to put pressure on her head and side. "Kay couldn't sleep...and she wanted to take a walk...I wasn't really feeling good...but I didn't want her to go alone...I didn't tell her I wasn't feeling well...Guess I should have..." Pilar stopped her quickly saying "No, this is not your fault. It was just a mere accident." Tabitha smiled and said, "thank you." Julian tried to lighten the mood by saying "Well, at least we caught you at the right time." She thanked Julian as well.

Sam and Ivy came running back towards them. They had a worried look on their faces. Sam started "The ambulance got caught with a fire, on the other side of town." Ivy whispered to Sam "is that blood on Tabitha's hands?" Sam noticed it and asked if Ivy could take Julian's place while he talked to him. He agreed and showed Ivy what to do with Tabitha's side. Once he walked ten steps away from the girls Sam asked "where is the blood coming from?" Julian let out a sigh before saying "there is a piece of the dock lodged deep into her side. She is bleeding out." Julian continued to ask "what are we going to do? since an ambulance can't make it here." Sam started "I don't know, but if she is bleeding out we NEED to get her to the hospital NOW." Pillar walked over, and asked the men "what's going on?" Sam told her the same thing he just told Julian.

Tabitha saw the concern on all their faces. She started pulling herself up, despite the dreadful pain that followed. "Hey! Hey! Tabitha, you need to stay down and relax!" Ivy pleaded. Tabitha ignored her and finally stood all the way up. She started to walk toward everyone, but before she could take two steps Ivy was already helping her. "...Thanks Ivy..." She said stopping behind them. Ivy smiled and everyone noticed that they were behind them. "Tabitha! what are you doing up? You should be taking it easy!" Julian ran to Tabitha's side. She started "...I'm fine but what are you talking about?.." They all kept quiet, so Tabitha demanded "...Somebody...please tell me what the hell is going on...Oww!" She groaned in pain and fell into Julian and Ivy's awaiting arms. "Tabitha!" He helped her stay on her feet.

Sam told her that the ambulance wasn't coming and that it wasn't getting dark, but they needed to get her to the hospital. "Well, how are we going to get there?" Ivy asked. Tabitha volunteered to walk. "NO! we need to keep you as still as possible." Sam argued. "Why? I am fine...all with just a slight side pain and headache." She retorted. Sam turned his sight to Pilar, and back. "Tabitha, the reason you are in so much pain is because there is a piece of wood in your side and you're bleeding out." Julian finally told her. Tabitha glanced down to see all the blood. "...Oh!...I see why that would be...a complication..." She tried to shift, but the blood kept pouring. Sam noticed that she was going down and watched Julian and Ivy catch her. "Tabitha? Tabitha? She is not responding. We need to get her to the hospital now!" Julian told everyone.

Kay, Miguel, and Hank said they were going to meet them there after getting changed. Julian and Sam lifted Tabitha up in their arms, while Ivy and Pilar followed close behind. They walked for ten minutes to the hospital. Once they got there, Eve ran over to them with a gurney. The two of them laid her down. They saw she was so pale and fragile. "Is she going to be alright?" Julian asked. Eve told him that she would do everything in her power.

Everyone waited in the lobby, until Eve came out, and sent them shooting up out of their chairs faster than light. "Is she alright? What happened?" They all asked. She told them that they managed to stop the bleeding, remove the piece of wood, but there were other complications and that they had to put her on life support. She wasn't able to breathe on her own. "Julian you can go in, but let's keep it at one person at a time," Eve told everyone while leading Julian to the room.

Once he opened the door; all he saw was Tabitha laying in the bed with tubes attached to help her breath. He walked over to the chair that was placed next to her bed, took her pale hand, and kissed the top of it. "I am so sorry that this happened. I promise that I will never leave your side! I love you!" All of a sudden he saw Tabitha's eyes flutter open. She tried to breathe, but the tubes were in her way. The machines started beeping rapidly. Julian ran to the door and grabbed Eve as she was already running towards the room. "Tabitha I need you to take a deep breath, so I can remove the life support. Okay?" Eve asked trying to reassure her. Tabitha inhaled one breath, and Eve took out the life support. Tabitha coughed a little but then settled back into her pillow, half awake. "...What happened?.." She asked tiredly.

Julian explained how they got her here and Eve started in about how she is currently. "Tabitha, we managed to stabilize you, fix up your side and head wound, but we found one thing that didn't make any sense." Both Julian and Tabitha looked confused. "We found a baby!" Tabitha just chuckled and thought it was a joke, but Eve kept a serious face. 'I can't be pregnant... at my age. There is no way." Julian tried to comfort her. Eve left the room.

"Tabitha? please say something?" Julian asked. She tried to move up in the bed but groaned in pain so Julian helped. "Julian, how could this happen?..We were together only that one time..." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know how it happened, but it happened. Now we have to take action. I am going to be by your side the whole time." She placed a hand on her flat stomach, while Julian took her other hand. "You are going to be a great mother." He was so hoping that she would smile. She didn't, but she did say something "How am I going to take care of the baby when I can't even walk at the marina?" Julian took something out of his pocket and showed it to her. When he held it up, it was a picture of Timmy. "This is why you will be a great mother. You had so much love for Timmy that you will have for this new baby." He gave her the picture and placed his free hand over hers, and they both thought about the baby. Will they be able to take care of the baby, and will there be a new baby girl or baby boy? Eve never did an ultrasound, so we can't be sure. I guess we'll find out.

The End For Now.

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