Eclipse Of The Heart (ON HOLD)

By satiricalgrey

214 9 2

He was fire and she was rain. He was the sun and she was the moon. He was right for her, but she was oh so wr... More

Chapter 2 - "If looks could kill, I would be six feet under"
Chapter 3 - "I'm not the only f*cked up psycho here"
Chapter 4 - "Let the games begin"
Chapter 5 - "Wrapped around your finger"
Chapter 6 - "He was burning into my soul"
Chapter 7 - "The tables have turned"

Chapter 1 - "The Fantastic Foursome"

28 1 0
By satiricalgrey


Love. The most beautifully horrific thing on the planet. Where it has the power to bring one person so much joy, it fills another with nothing but pain. You see, when you read about love, you only hear about the good things, but all this does is give us false hope, therefore setting us up for disappointment. Making us think that one day a handsome prince is going to come and sweep us off of our feet - it's all lies. See, the truth is, we aren't gonna find our handsome prince, we aren't gonna be swept off of our feet and ride off into the sunset. Truth be told, real life isn't like that. God I wish it was, but it's just one thing that can never be.

Me, a sixteen year old, I'm one of the main victims. Girls like me always have ideas thrown at us about the perfect guy, so obviously, we expect it. But we expect too much, I've learned, and I hate it. When will someone tell the truth about love?

I put down my pen and read over what I had just written. Gosh, it did sound stupid coming from me, but I meant every single word of it. Closing my notebook and shoving it into my bag, Lily broke me out of my reverie.

"It's not fair that they get to be so attractive. I mean, look at them, they must have been made in a lab or something." I rolled my eyes at my best friend.

"Lily, stop drawling, it doesn't look good on you." I said in my usual sarcastic tone.

"But just look at them." She was referring to a group of four boys, all of which were incredibly popular, and all of which I despised. I must admit, they were gorgeous, but they were all (excuse my language) dickheads.

"I am looking and all I am seeing is four idiotic boys who I would like to punch in the face."

Your probably wondering why I hate them so much, so before I continue, let me tell you a little about these four...things.

First is Mitch, the leader of their pathetic group. Bleached hair, bright green eyes that make most girls go weak at the knees, and just an overall attractive face for someone his age, which most guys envie. He's dated far more girls than I care to mention and is the most uptight, self-centered guy I have ever come across!

Next is Johnny and Jake - the twins. Both with dark hair, both with eyes an intense blue like the London sky, and cheekbones like razor blades. Literally, if I were to slap them (which believe me, I dream about often) I would end up slicing my hand. Where can I possibly start with these two? All I can say is that they think they are Gods gift to girls. When in reality, they are to most boring little shits you could ever imagine.

And lastly, Blaine, who is in my opinion the worst out of the lot. There's never a time when there isn't a rumor going around school about him. It's always "Did you hear about that fight Blaine had the other day?" "Did you see what Blaine said about so and so online?" It's always Blaine this, and Blaine that. I swear his ego must be bloody huge, with him being the talk of the school 24/7. But much to my dismay, he happens to be the hottest out of them all. I have let myself become accustomed to his 'charm', but as for the rest of the girls at our school, well, let's just say I don't think they will ever get used to it. He is attractive, don't get me wrong, but really what does he have that other guys don't? Caramel brown hair, I haven't let myself look long enough at him to notice his eye colour, oh, and did I mention he's 6"4 at 17?

I think that's all for my little round up on the fantastic foursome. That's what we call them by the way, since they are in reality the polar opposite of fantastic.

"Oh yeah I mean don't get me wrong, I would love to do that too, but it would be a shame to ruin their beautiful faces." Lily carried on.

"Lil,stop it, they are gonna notice you staring if you don't-"

"Shit! Eye contact! Eye contact!" She interrupted, turning around to face me immediately, so she had her back to them. "Damn it!"

"Which one?"


I couldn't help but laugh then. Call me a horrible best friend, but believe me, anyone would have done the same in this moment. "You know one day, despite the lack of brain cells they possess, they are gonna notice the redhead that is forever ogling in their direction. God forbid they ever actually come over, I'd have to resist the urge to kick them where it hurts."

"And I'd die! I don't care how much we dislike them, I can't talk to people who look like that! I'll turn into a stuttering mess!" She still looked mortified that they'd seen her. Her eyes were like a deer's who'd been caught in head lights.

"Yeah yeah I know, I'd have to do all the talking." I rolled my eyes which caused both of us to laugh. It was silly how awkward Lily was, we both knew it, but she would never change.

"Luna!" I heard Sadie calling for me from the other side of our group. "Are you coming? We have to pick up our art assignments."

Oh damn I'd forgotten about that, and break was nearly over. "Uh, yeah, I'm coming" I called back to her. "I'll see you next period. When I return I think we ought to start working on your people skills." Lily stifled a laugh and I quickly caught up with Sadie.


"Oi, Blaine, your coming this weekend, right?"

"Obviously man, who am I to miss one of your legendary parties? Just don't try to hook me up with anyone this time." Mitch laughed, but I was serious. He's always trying to get me with one of his many 'old acquaintances'. "I mean it Mitch, I think you've scarred me for life with some of those girls!" This made him laugh even more, but within moments he stopped and was focused on something behind me.

"What does she think she's looking at?" I followed his gaze to a group of girls standing the other side of the corridor.

"Who?" There were at least a dozen of them, none of them seemed to be looking this way.

"The red head, I don't know her name, Milly or something isn't it?"

"Lily." I said immediately, which caused him and the twins to turn in unison and face me.

"How do you know her name? I don't think I've even seen her before." Johnny was staring intently at the group of girls now.

Jake turned to his brother, "Hey, John, that's the one I was telling you about! You know, the one that's always staring at us."

The guys all raised their eyebrows and glared from Jake to the group of girls. I've started to notice them quite a lot now, whether its just passing in the corridor or walking to and from school. Out of the larger group, there's two girls that constantly catch my eye, they always just seem to be there. Lily is one of them, the one who was apparently staring at Mitch. I honestly don't know much about her, we've never shared classes since she's in the year below us, so I've never had the opportunity to really speak to her. It was undeniable that she was pretty, but she, like her friend, was just different. She had dyed red hair, not the ginger type of red, the lairy ostentatious kind of red. How the school has allowed her to get away with that I'll never know. I would say more about Lily, but as I stated previously, there's not much that I know. As for the other girl though, well thats different.

Luna, she's the one I constantly catch sight of. She's quite tall compared to Lily, who reaches just above her shoulder. I seem to remember she used to have short, dark brown hair when I first started noticing her, but now it was blonde at the ends and much longer. Like Lily, she was pretty in a different kind of way, heck, I thought she was beautiful. From what I have seen, she has many piercings, even, wait no, a nose ring? How was I just seeing this now? It must be new? Anyway, she's always wearing these Doctor Martens boots to school, again, I think their standards must be slipping since they allow her to wear them. She has this kind of carelessness look, as if she isn't bothered by what others think of her, and I must admit, I admire that. I could go on, but I think that's enough about Luna for now. Gosh, even her name is different.

"I'm gonna go over lads, see what her problem is. That other girl has just gone." Mitch begun walking the short distance to the girls group, aiming straight for Lily. We all followed suit, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this. But I continued none the less, I had a reputation to maintain after all. Before I knew it, we were all standing infront of her. Lily looked up since we were all atleast a head taller than her.

"Hey, little red" Mitch smirked.

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