Rwby: a dancer falls in love.

נכתב על ידי TraceZaraki03

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Weiss is a will know dancer. But she's missing something in her life. But that all change then she meets the... עוד

The dancer
The engineer
Happy anniversary
The kiss
The accident

Date night

218 9 0
נכתב על ידי TraceZaraki03

Ruby made some snacks for the movie. They cuddle up with each other. Weiss was thankful that Ruby didn't push her to have sex. Even with her being 21 she wasn't ready yet. Ruby was 19 so she was in no hurry. But she did know that Weiss was the one and only she wants to be with. Ruby had confessed to Weiss that she was the one. Weiss was a blushing mess.

Ruby thinks she cuter when she blushed. She try and get Weiss to blush at least once a day. It was easy at first. Ruby just give her a complement and Weiss is blushing. Sometime it take a kiss. As the two are cuddling Ruby looks over at Weiss. Who kissed her lips. Ruby pulled away from the kiss. "Weiss I love you." Ruby says looking in to her eyes. Weiss looked back and smiled.

"I love you too." Weiss says with a big kiss.
They go back to watching the movie.

Weiss asked Ruby to come sleep with her in her room. Ruby smiled at her. They going to get ready for bed. Weiss was already in bed waiting for Ruby. Ruby comes to bed with a big smile on her face. Weiss smiles back at her. Ruby gets in bed with her. They kissed for a little while. Then goes to sleep.  Ruby would come home on the weekend if possible.

But next week was Final exams so she stayed at school. It been almost 3 months sense the young lady's got together. Weiss was excited for Ruby graduation day. Because that means they can be together more. Weiss was going to start a new show soon so spending time with Ruby was going to be harder. But if Ruby home it will be easier. Weiss asked Ozpen for a day off so she can go to Ruby graduation. He did give her the day off. Weiss was happy and thankful.

Weiss and Ruby have a date plan for afterwards. Weiss was surprising Ruby with a Hotel room. She asked the hotel to make it romantic with flowers petals on the bed. It's the morning of graduation and the girls are packing up Ruby dorm room. They had everything almost packed. Weiss try's to move Ruby's tool box but it's to heavy for her. Ruby just smiled at her and moved it out of the way. It's a good thing Ruby didn't have a lot of stuff to move. Just enough to fill the trunk of the car.

At lunch time they had to get ready for the graduation ceremony. They all got there ticket ready. Handing the ticket in then take their sets. Ruby and Penny are setting with their class. Miss Goodwitch was the Master of ceremonies give a little thank you to all the students and their family for coming. Then calling each one to get they're diplomas. Ruby and Penny go last. Then everyone celebrated. They all go to dinner together. Even Penny and her Dad was joining them. Afterwards Ruby and Weiss says goodbye to the others.

Ruby was surprise at Weiss date plans. They got some Desert form room Service. Feeding each other. Weiss then puts some soft Music on and asked Ruby to dance with her. The slow dance was nice. Ruby was smiling at her date. Then Weiss kissed her lips passionately pulling Ruby Over to the bed. Weiss slowly undress Ruby kissing her body as she goes. How naked Ruby was laying in the bed looking up at her beautiful blue eyes. Weiss then slowly undress her self. Ruby kissed her body just like Weiss was doing to her. Weiss gives herself to Ruby and Ruby gives herself to Weiss. They make love for the first time. It's was a night of passion that neither of them are going to forget. They fall asleep in each other arms.

In the morning they meet up with Yang and Blake and drive home. It takes them 4 and a half hours to get back Weiss has dance practice so Ruby takes her. Giving Yang time with Blake.

When Ozpen see's Weiss and Ruby he was happy. "Oh thank goodness Ruby can you help us build a new sage? Ruby smiled at him. Getting to work both young women kissed then go to different parts of the concert hall to work.

Weiss was thankful to get some dancing in after setting for so long. Ruby help take down the old sage and make a new one. At the end of the day both are sore from working so hard. On the ride home Ruby suggest a hot bath together.

Weiss blushed at this but they take a bath together. Having dinner and watch some Netflix. Weiss goes to bed. Ruby followed her. "Ruby do you want to move all your things in to my room?" Weiss asked her. Ruby thinks it over then asked Yang if she was ok with this. Yang was so happy for them she even helps Ruby move in her things. Ruby cleaned out her old room.

Yang said maybe she can make it a work shop. But Ruby had a good work shop at the work place. So they just leave it empty for now. Ruby had some days of before she started work. So she spent most of her time with Weiss.

The couple did do other things by them self. So not to get sick of each other. Weiss has dance practice and Ruby has her job coming up soon.

Ruby was putting her clothes away in their now shared walk in closet. She accidentally knocked a shoebox of the shelf. It opened up as it hits the ground. But in stand of shoes they are love letters to her. Weiss had written her love letters in Secret. Not giving them to her. Ruby was reading them when Weiss comes in the room. Both looked at each other and Weiss looked a little upset. Ruby explains what happened. "I'm sorry snowflake I accidentally knocked this box off the shelf. It opened up and I found these letters to me. They are beautiful by the way." Ruby says getting up off the floor. Weiss just standing there not saying anything. Ruby goes to her and take her by the hands.

Ruby goes and locked the bedroom door then looked into Weiss eyes. Ruby started to blush and undress herself. Weiss does the same. They lay in bed naked. Their body close to each other. Ruby was making love to Weiss with all the passion she has. Weiss was so lost in the passion that she forgot about being a little mad at Ruby. Ruby did just read her private thoughts.

After a night of passion she forgave her. Weiss wake's up naked in Ruby's arms. She blushed at remember what happened last night. She wish to return the love she Felt last night. Weiss kissed Ruby waking her then kissed her body. Making love to Ruby. It was 9:30 am by the time they come out of their room. Yang smiled and teased them. Ruby was blushing softly. Weiss helps make food for them. They eat and Weiss has dance practice so she kissed Ruby good bye. Her and Yang are off. Blake talked to Ruby about the kids they are going to help soon. Ruby was excited to start work in two days.

Blake decided to take Ruby with her the next day and show her around. She even stopped by her new work shop. Blake was Busy with one of the kids, so Ruby started to work on an arm for a little bit then Blake comes back. They go home. Ruby made dinner for everyone. Weiss gives her a big kiss hello. Yang and Blake eat then go to their bedroom. Ruby and Weiss don't see them until the next morning.

Ruby tells Weiss about seeing your new work place. She was all excited. Weiss can tell how excited she was. "Ruby clam down or your not going to sleep tonight." Weiss says with concern in her voice. Ruby nodded softly at her. Taking some deep breath in and out.

Weiss kissed her lips softly. "Thank you." Weiss says Ruby kissing her back.

They go to bed and the next day Ruby and Blake go to work. Ruby was starting a day early. The clinic didn't seam to mind. Ruby made an right arm for a little girl and some legs for a little boy. She was on her 3rd project when she gets a call from Winter.

"Hi Miss Rose. I was hoping to talked to you about working with us." Winter says.

"Oh sorry but I told you I don't want to make weapons, And I have a job that I love to do." Ruby says as she still working on her next project.

"That's why I calling you, because I need you to fix an old arm for the General. I was told that you are the best for this job. I even asked your boss if you can come help us out and he said that You can have the afternoon off to came help the general." Winter explains to her.

"Ok then if it to make the general a new arm or fix his old one then fine. I see you tomorrow afternoon." Ruby answers.

"Thank you Miss Rose, just tell me where to pick you up?" Winter asked.

Ruby gave Winter the house address. "Ok meet me here at noon, please." Ruby says. Winter agrees to come get her.

When Ruby gets home and see's Weiss, "princess can you be home tomorrow at noon?" Ruby asked. Weiss looked at her schedule.

"If I go in early maybe I can be home for noon." Weiss answers.

Ruby smiled softly at her. "Please meet me here at noon then. I have a surprise for you." Ruby says. The next day Ruby and Weiss meet at 11:45. Weiss was early but so was Ruby.

Ruby made a quick lunch for them. They started to eat when the door bell rings. Ruby smiled at Weiss. "I think you should answer that." Weiss looked at her funny because she never answers the door. But Ruby asked her to, so Weiss goes to the door and opens it. Her face lights up and she jumped up and hugged the woman standing there. Ruby was standing close by.

"Winter I'm so happy to see you." Weiss says as she still hugging her sister. Winter was surprised but hugged her back. Weiss looked over at Ruby, who was smiling big at them. She had her tools ready.

"Weiss it's nice to see you again. But I'm here on Business. Are you ready Miss Rose?" Winter asked. Weiss looked sad and confused.

"Ruby why are you going with Winter?" Weiss asked.

Ruby looked at Weiss. "I'm going to help out the general with his arm. Winter come to get me. I was hoping you to could visit with each other on the way there." Ruby answers.

Winter looked at Ruby funny, then Weiss did the same. "Winter can Weiss come with us?" Ruby asked. Weiss looked at Winter and smiled softly. Ruby gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine but if anyone asked Weiss is your assistant." Winter says to the two of them. Ruby nodded yes softly. Weiss hugged Winter again. Ruby gets her tools and they all goes to the car. Weiss gets to visit with Winter as the car goes to the airship. They get to the airship that has a snowflake on its side. When on the airship. Winter asked Weiss. "So how do you know Miss Rose Weiss?"

Weiss looked at Ruby and smiled shyly. "Oh Miss Ruby Rose is my girlfriend." Weiss answers. Winter looked shocked at this. But she looked happy afterwards.

"Oh does that mean you live with her at that house we just left?" Winter asked in an happy voice.

"Yes, we live together with Yang and Blake. Yang my best friend and bodyguard also Ruby big sister." Weiss answers.

"Oh I remember you talking about Yang before. She finely got you to move out of father house. I'm so proud of you little sister. Oh and you falling in love to. That's great news." Winter says side hugging her. Weiss hugged her back.

"So what about you Winter are you seeing anyone?" Weiss asked

"No, the general keeps me busy so no time to date." Winter says. Weiss looked sad.

15 minute later they landed at a army bass. Winter takes the girls to the infirmary were the general was Ruby looks over his arm and started to fix it. It takes her an hour to fix it. Weiss and Winter are talking with each other as Ruby works. Once she was done Winter thanks her and pays her for her time.

Winter takes the young lady's home. Weiss thanks Ruby for letting her come along. Ruby says no problem. They have dinner then spend the night with each other cuddle.

Ruby goes back to work at the clinic. Ruby gets the clinic to open it doors to people off all ages. The word gets around that Ruby Rose will build anybody's a new arm or leg. As long as they paid for the parts. Weiss, Yang and Blake are Proud of her.  Blake helped out to with physiotherapy. The clinic was so busy now.

Ruby even worked on the weekend if Weiss was busy. Sometime goes by and Weiss new show opens soon. Ruby was excited to see her love one dance again. She booked time off to go to opening night.

Weiss was not only Dancing but she was going to sing to. She has been practising with Ozpen in Secret. Weiss new show was her turning in to a black Swan.

Weiss wants to surprise everyone with her singing. Only Ozpen new of this talent and that was by accident. Weiss was singing to herself one night after practice was over with. Weiss was waiting for Yang to get the car closer to the back door. She was on stage and started to sing. ( see video now ignore the ending with the audience and her father thank you ) Ozpen see's Weiss and started to clap. Weiss jumped to this, she thinking she was alone. So Ozpen asked her if she liked to do a show with her also singing.

Weiss had to think about it. But the next day Ozpen showed her a play with singing in it. Weiss like it so she said yes. Ozpen was nice Enough make a soundproof room for practising in Secret. The next the show is coming up fast. Weiss gets Ruby the best sets in the house for opening night.

Ruby dressed up for opening night waring a nice red and black dress.

Weiss for got how sexy Ruby can be. She was a lost for words. When Ruby posed for her. Weiss walked over to Ruby and kissed her lips gently. "You look good sweetie." Weiss says.

Ruby smiled and thanked her. The girls go to the concert hall to see the show. Now it was Ruby's turn to be lost for words when Weiss came's out on sage Ruby's heart stopped. Well that's how it feels anyway. Ruby was blushing at her girlfriend. Then Weiss starts to sing. Ruby feels like her heart was going to blow up.

Ruby can't take her eyes off Weiss. When the show was finished everything was so excited. Ruby still can't believe what she saw and heard. She didn't say anything. But when she got Weiss alone she pulls her in and kissed her lips very passionately. Weiss lost her breath for a moment.

After this kiss Weiss feels weak in the knee. Ruby just smiled softly at her. "Just returning the favour." Ruby whispers softly. Weiss looked at Ruby.

"You just wait until we get home I will get you back." Weiss says.

Ruby takes Weiss to the sound Proof room and locked the door. "Why wait." Ruby says taking off her clothes. Weiss just watched her with wide eyes. Weiss give in and they make love to each other. Yang was looking for them. But when she comes across a locked door she ignored it at first. But then Weiss comes out of the room all a mess and so does Ruby. But Ruby was smiling. Yang helps Weiss fix herself up before the other see her.

"Thank you Yang." Weiss says
and they go back to the rest of the crew.

~~time skip ~~

It's months later and the young couple have been together for a year now. They planned a small party with friends and family. Weiss was not working right now, even with all the offers she got. Weiss was the one who asked If they can have a party in the first place. Ruby said yes to her. But with work she couldn't help out as much as she liked to.

Weiss told Ruby that fine, she can do the guessed list. So Ruby invited her Mom and Dad, Penny and Jaune. Weiss asked for Winter and the dance crew. Which is Ozpen, Pyrrha, Nora, Coco, Velvet. The back sage crew was Sun and Neptune. So that's 12 people so far. Ruby didn't think about it tell after she missed her friend from the restaurant we're they had their first date. Ruby call's him up to see if he can come. "Yes hello Ren it's Ruby. I was hoping your free to come to my 1 year anniversary party."

"Oh I would love to come. How many people are you having maybe I can help with the catering?" Ren asked her.

Ruby smiled softly, "oh that's a great idea! I was just going to make finger food." Ruby says all excited.

"Well that's something I can help you with. Just tell me the morning of the party and I will help you cook." Ren says

"Will if you want to meet me at the farmers market on Saturday, I hope that's enough notice for you seeing that it Tuesday afternoon." Ruby asked.

"Oh yes Ruby I don't work Friday or Saturday. So I will meet you at the flower shop on Saturday morning around 8 am if that's ok." Ren tells her. Ruby agreed then told Weiss about the catering. Weiss was thankful to her.

Weiss and Yang are organizing the living room for all their guests. Weiss had gotten some more couches for people to set. Everything was almost perfect. Now they just have to wait until Saturday.


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