Arknights: Resolution [On Pau...

By Yokai-San1

8.5K 207 57

The Conflict between Rhodes Island and The Reunion raged on for years, but things begin to settle down a bit... More

Chapter 1: After Work
Chapter 2: Lupo Mischief
Chapter 3: Strange encounter.
Chapter 4: In Treatment
Chapter 5: Arrival
Chapter 7: Rescue
Chapter 8: Changes
Chapter 9: Info on Silencers
Chapter 10: Unknown Ally
Chapter 11: Repair for Kal'tsit
Chapter 12: Kal'tsit's Apology
Chapter 14: Personality Change
Chapter 15: Tragic Escape
Chapter 16: Long...painful journey
Chapter 17: Another patient
Chapter 18: Tracked
Chapter 19: Should she stay? or go?
Chapter 20: Others on the run

Chapter 6: New Management

362 10 1
By Yokai-San1


We walked down the city central. It was still late at night. People walked the streets. super cars rolled down the roads. the lights from the street lamps illuminated the streets. A gentle warm breeze kicked up. I looked around. Drones zipped by overhead. The number of drones have increased since I left. Swire and I walked together. Hoshiguma decided to stay back on Rhodes Island. the main Council was not to far from here.

"Ch'en, we should have picked up your car along the way." Said Swire. She didn't like walking long distances.

"Oh, stop your whining, we are almost there." I said.

We came across a very large roundish building. Wei's HQ It had the Lungmen flag and everything. Swire and I proceeded to the enterance. We walked inside. It was quiet inside. the front desk was empty, which was odd, usually there was someone watching who came in the doors.

"Hello?" I called. The only reply was my own Echo.

"That's weird... this place is a ghost town." Said Swire.

"I know, I don't like it."

We proceeded down the main hallway that was lined with decorative pillars, and portraits of Wei and the past leaders. Hm... my picture may be the next among the many pictures hanging from these walls.

The main room was circular room lined with chairs and pillars. No one was here. I began to wonder where everyone was. There should be somebody here. Who the hell was running the place?

"Ch'en...I don't like this..." Said Swire, who was beginning to get a little antsy.

"Hello? anyone here? or what?" I called out again. a short silence....then I heard the sounds of Dress shoes on marble floor. Men in suites emerged from behind the pillars. The suits they were wearing looked painfully expensive.


"Well well... The jewel of Lungmen has returned." Said a man in a striped suit. he had black spiky hair and a facial tattoo. I didn't recognize him at all. A lot of strange people lived In Lungmen, but these people looked like they were from Outside of Lungmen.

He walked towards me.

 "Ya know... my men and I...have been waiting anxiously. We've began to think perhaps you died out on your little adventure out there."

"Okay.. who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" I demanded. He clicked his tongue.

'Very glad you asked...We are the new management..."

"Like hell you are. where is everyone?''

" Oh, you know...they have been fired....literally. I've been hoping I would get the chance to meet you...But it's such a shame we won't know each other for very long."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Swire asked. the man took off his glasses, revealing pitch black eyes. This man was a living corpse. An undead being.

"Who are you with?"

"Our...Oyabun from Victoria has sent us to take over the place. There is a lot of money to be made here...especially in a luxurious city like Lungmen, Right boys?"

All the other men agreed with what I assume was the boss.

"Well you better walk your happy asses back to Victoria. There is nothing here for you while I have a say in it--"


A loud gunshot echoed off the walls from behind me. I saw a spray of blood coming from my abdomen. along with a wave of pain. I cried out and instantly fell to the ground.



"What about--"


Swire turned tail and darted out of the room. The other Yakuza pulled out their guns to shoot her, but they were all terrible shots, she Escaped safely.

"Tsk! woulda been nice if you boneheads would get yer aim right, but what the hell. that you're out of the fight, we will be taking Lungmen. and you, my dear, will tell me everything you know about your friends."

"F...fuck you-" 


I ended up taking a boot to my face. it knocked me on my back. A massive headache came over me like a freight train.

"Well....boys, drag her off to the basement....maybe that little shock chair we set up may change her mind a bit. We will get the information out of her."

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