In your eyes (dabixreader) (D...

By SpookyHanji

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I never was a hero type of fan . Why? Because my parents were killed in a accident when they were saving peop... More

Chapter 1: memories
Chapter 2: meeting
Chapter 3: yes or no?
Chapter 4: preparations
Chapter 5: innocent conversations
Chapter 6: the attack
Chapter 7: the fight of the bosses
Chapter 8: let the game begin

Chapter 9: breaking rules

437 13 1
By SpookyHanji

3rd pov.

"Now let the game begin"

Said (Y/n) listening carefully to her surroundings. She knew this fight wasn't going to be easy. There was a very high chance that Dabi is going to use his flames and that she could get burned. On the other hand Toga was very good at hand to hand combat because of her quirk so if they attacked at the same time she could be in trouble.

Togas pov.

"Do you think something interesting will happen ?" Asked Twice as we hid in some bushes with a clear view. " We will have to see." I said ceeping concentrating on (Y/n) as she stood there waiting for someone to attack her. "Do you think Dabi will go all out and use his quirk ?" asking Twice while trying to keep my voice quiet so nobody can hear us. "He seemed pretty happy fighing her with that sadistic smile plastered on his face so there is a high posibility that yes. I am worried about (Y/n) tho. Her quirk is amazing and she can use it very well but there is nothing that can help her against Dabis flames." I listened carefully. All of a sudden I can hear rustling behind some bushes. Seems that (Y/n) heard it too beacuse I could see her creat some trowing knifes in her hands. It was very interesting how she moved and took all of the things srounding her into posibility. Standing in the middle she was just listening with her eyes closed. All of a sudden I could see blue flames darting towards her. All of it happened so quieckly. She somehow managet to get out of the way of the flames and now whas somewhere out of my sight. "Did you see where she went?"  I questioned. "No I actualy dont have a clue." It was super interesting to see Twice this quiet and concentrated. By now his split personality would be showing but it seemed that he was so interested in this fight that he was completly calm. 

After a little bit I caught something from the corner of my eye. It was Dabi standing still behind a tree probably waiting for (Y/n) to make a move. I could see that he was starting to get impatient by the look on his face. All tho he seemed as a calm and collected person to some people he was very impatient and hated to wait from others and things being extremly slow to do. It wasnt suprising when we saw his walk from behind the tree with flames in his palms. "hmmm how longer do you wanna play this waiting game? If you were as strong as you say you are, why arent I on the floor already and begging you to spare me ? Or are you just a scared little mouse hiding away  waiting until the cat  goes away hmm ? I was soooo excited for this fight guess my expectations were too hig-" he was cut off my a smoke bomb. "you talk to much." was all I could hear before I saw her jump into the smoke towards were Dabi was. "You think this will stop me ?" asked Dabi all of a sudden I saw flames . Large ones.

(Y/n) pov. 

I knew Dabi wasnt going to listen to my rules thats why I waited. It was way easier to come up with a plan when I could see him and how he moved in fights or before them. When I saw the disspleased look on his face I was able to read him like a book . "So he is the type to finish everything quieckly." mumbling under my nose I created a smoke bomb in my hand . It was going to be my opening to get closer to him. His flames could work close range and long range but I had the upper hand in close range because of my wepons and using my teleportation as an escape plan. Dabi on the other hand could use his flames on long range really well which could be a very big problem for me. "or are you just a scared little muese hiding away waiting until the cat goes away hmmm ? I was sooo excited for this fight guess my expectations were too hig-" opening the smoke bob and trowing in under him I waited a little before jumping down. "You talk too much.." making my way behind him so I didnt get burned by his flames. "You think that will stop me?" as I predicted he let out huge blue flames. "You shloud be more aware of your suroudings I whisper near his ear and I knock him down on the ground while putiing my foot on his back. Crouching down I create a small trowing knife in my hand and putting it close to his neck . "You are so fcking loud. Do you know how loud your footsteps are ? How can they be so loud we are literally in grass?!" his stupid smirk shows up on his face again. "hm guess you arent so weak after all maybe next time all use all my powers." pure shook took over my face. This motherfuck didnt take me seriously. He used his flames even tho I told him not to because the heros could see them if he set something on fire and now he tells me he didnt go full out . Out of pure rage I push my foot down on his back making sure it hurts. Lwering myself down so I am close to his face. "You are worse then scum that tried to steal from me when I was on the street."

Walking away and not looking back. This bitch underestemated me. I hate when people do that. Just because I m not a man and I dont look scary doesnt mean I am not tough. 

Twices pov

As me and Toga watched (Y/n) walk away drom the "battle field" we came out of our hiding spot and made our way towards Dabi who was brushing off the dirt from his coat. "I am sorry to inforyou mate but you just got you ass handed to you by a WOMAN." seeing Toga smirk next to me. "And what ? You try and fight her. She may not look like a strong person but she is. It was  crap idea to underestamate her." I heard him mumble the last part under his nose. "Whatever I will win next time. I am going back." he said while walking in the direction back to the old building where the rest on LOV was. "and dont you DARE tell anyone about this fight." turning his head and glaring at us both from the side of his shoulder. It was actualy a little scary but whatever its not even worth metnioning the fight to the others they all are already scared of (Y/n). She was a nice person and everyone liked her except Shigaraki. He was still neutral but I am not suprised he never tried to talk to her . She is a very down do earth person and she went trough a lot of trauma in her life. All I can say about the LOV at the moment  is that its a nice place at the moment with her. 



I am back! I am sorry for making you all wait for so long ._. dont hate me please. I had a lot of personal stuff to handle. I am not that happy with this chapter because I am not that good at writing fight sceens but THANK YOU FOR 10K READS. You guy are literally so amazing and I missed you guy so much. Hopefully I will be able to go back to posting a chapter every week. School is ending in 5 weeks and finals are coming :-: pls pray from me mates. I hope you all are having a lovely day night or afternoon. DONT FORGET TO EAT AND DRINK WATER.  I am very proud of you all for staying and living .

I love you all.

<3 <3 <3

word count: 1373 words in total 

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