Chapter 3: yes or no?

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I stared wide eyed. One question was running in my mind "What the fuck is happening?" I was asked to join some kind of league of villains. Like okay. I am a villain myself but I don't know about this. I was cut short with a high pitch voice near my ear. "So what do you say?" Said the crazy psycho with her face too close too my face for my own liking. I tried to scoot away with the chair tied to me.

"Bitch have you heard of personal space?!" I barked at her. The guy with the full bodysuit started laughing. The blond stepped away. "So what is your answer?" Said the guy with the hand on his face. "How is it going to profit me handy man?" I said with my normal emotionless tone. In the corner of my eye I saw the guy with the burns smirk. "You will not have to live on the streets and you will be working with the strongest person in Japan our master."

I was so confused right now. Mister handy man thinks that he can fucking kidnap me and now he is making fun of me were I live. Oh no he did not just say that. And who the fuck is "master". While I was thinking I didn't notice some pair of aqua eyes on me.

Unknowns pov.

I was looking at her. Her face held no emotion but her eyes were focused on the floor right in front of Toga. The way she was focused on the answer was making me a little uncomfortable ? What is happening ? I never get uncomfortable like in a "I am scared" type of way. When I looked at Toga she was way too excited. It hurt my brain even looking at her. She had such a bright energy but in a creepy way? What was even more like her was that she was already holding a syringe in her right hand. That bitch is some other kind of psycho not to mention that she is a yandere. She makes my head hurt.

When I looked a Shigaraki I could already tell that he was getting impatient. Shigaraki was never patient and that pissed me off. "So what would is it going to be ?" He asked. I could clearly hear the annoyance in his voice. When I looked backed at (Y/n) I couldn't see her eyes because of the hair the was falling over her face. I could only see the bottom of her face. She had a smirk on her face and I didn't like it one bit.

(Y/n) pov.

"Oh god they are so stupid." I thought in my mind. I was looking at my feet only an evil grin plastered on my face. One moment I was tied to a chair and the other I was gone. Just like that I was at the other side of the room in the corner hiding in the shadows. It was so funny to look at them. It was like looking at a bunch of puppies that just lost something. "Were the fuck is she?! Said the man in the body suit. "You guys are so naive." When I said that all of them snapped their heads towards the corner I was standing in. But because of the shadow they couldn't see me. "How about we make a deal? You will get me somewhere proper to live and I will then gladly join." When i said that everyone except the mist guy and mister handy man looked shocked. "Deal." Said handy man. I was still a little pissed about the teenage psycho that was literally breathing on my face so I decided I would have a little fun.

I created a pocket knife in my hand but no one saw because I was still in the shadow. I quickly threw the knife at her. It cut of a little bit of her hair that was sticking out of her bun on her right side. I watched as their eyes went wide. I stepped out of the shadow. "Bitch if you touch me again or try to take my blood or get that close to my face again I will not miss. And trust me I DON'T miss." I told the psycho. "OMG. HAHAHAHA. TOGA YOU JUST GOT DESTROYED!!!!" Said the man in the bodysuit now rolling on the ground from laughter.

When I looked at the blonde teen she had wide eyes. She looked like she just saw a ghost. I internally laughed but ofcourse my face didn't show any emotion. "I ALREADY LIKE YOU!" Said the man in the bodysuit between his laughter. Then he stood up and walked up to me. "Twice nice to meet you." Said the man. So Twice huh? What a weird name but that is probably his villain name. "Shadow but just call me (Y/n)." My face didn't show emotion but when you know me you know that I express my emotion in my eyes. That's what my dad and mom used to tell me.

'I came home from school. When I walked in I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking something. " I am home." I greeted. When I walked into the kitchen my mom was leaning against the kitchen counter. She looked me into my eyes. "What happened honey ?" Asked my mom. I was so confused. I tried so hard to not show any emotions I could have sworn my face held no emotion even. Why you ask? Some people at school made fun of my quirk again. They always say that my quirk is fit for a villain. It really pisses me off. They ruined my day again and I really didn't what to bother my parents with it. But what it looks like my mom saw thru me but how ?

"Honey have I told you that your eyes are beautiful? Your eyes show your mood. I am you mom honey and that's why I know you so well. If I didn't know you so well I wouldn't be able to read you so well. I would have tought you were completely fine. And that's why I love your eyes. Because they show me how you really feel." "I want to be like her when I grow up." I told myself'

I internally smiled for myself. When I looked in front of me I didn't see Twice but rather a blond teen. "Hi! My name is Toga. Toga Himiko pleasure to meet you!" Said the teen way to happily for my liking. "(Y/n) (L/n)..." I wanted to tell her it is lovely to meet her which is not true. But I need good relationships with these guys if I am going to work with them but she cut me off. "Can I have your blood now ?" She said with a creepy smile. "Bitch what are you a vampire?!" I barked at her. My face still emotionless as ever. "I just met you so sorry but NO. And if you don't want to end up with a slit throat..." i created a pocket knife in my hand. "Then don"t ask again." My aura was so dark that I think I scared them a little. "WTF WAS THAT?!" screamed Twice in my ear. "Haha... sorry Toga I didn't what to lash out on you like that. Friends?" I asked in my usual monotone voice. She grabbed my hand with both of hers and shook it. "Friends!"

When my hand dropped next to my side mister handy man stood up and went in front of me. He lifted up his hands next to his sides while everyone went behind him. His hands stretched out when they were about in the height of his shoulders and then he said

"I am Shigaraki Tomura. The leader of league of villains that works for are master All for one. He is one of the most powerful villains in Japan. And now you are an official member here so Welcome to the league of villains"


Hello my little ghosts!

I am so sorry my little ghosts that it took me soo long to finish this chapter. But here it is. Hope you like it. I lost all my inspiration for this chapter I didn't know which way I wanted to end this chapter so I settled with this. Okay love you see you in the next chapter bay bay

Word count: 1418

<3 <3 <3

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