Chapter 2: meeting

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(Y/n) pov

4 years later

I was walking through a dark alleyway when somebody grabbed my shoulder. "Hi pretty lady" said a drunk old man. "Get your filthy hands off of me or" i tried to warn him but he stopped me mid sentence "or what? Your gonna get mad at me princess?" Oh how he was pushing on my nerves now. "No I am going to do this..." right as I said that I kicked the man in the balls. He bend down to ease the pain. The I grabbed his head and kneed him strait in the face. "And that was what I was going to do." I started walking out of the alleyway to the crowded square in this beautiful city that I called home.

I was walking through the city until I spotted a small shop with cleaning essentials and clothes. I walked in with my black backpack that was a little torn from how long I already lived in the streets. I walked around the shop sometimes taking and hiding some cloughts and a tooth brush or a small toothpaste. My stealing abilities were really good . "Steal to survive" that was my moto. As I was walking out of the shop I was looking for a food shop or a super market.

~small time skip~

When I got the food. I started walking to an old abandoned building that i called my "home". As I was walking to an alleyway that lead to my "home" I heard voices so I stopped walking and hid behind the corner."When is she going to come?!!!"  whined a voice that sounded like a teenage girl."Shut up crazy and stop whining" said a more manly and low voice. "I want to see how she fights?!" whined the girlish voice once more. I peaked out a little but to my luck the man was looking my way and saw me.

I heard someone walking and then someone was about to grab my shoulder but because of my reflexes I teleported to the other side of the corner , behind the person and kicked them in the back so they tripped and fell. The person I kicked was a teenage girl. She looked about 16. She had blond hair that she styled into to messy buns. She wore  what seemed to be a classic Japanese school uniform which was dark blue with a cream coloured cardigan and brown school shoes with grey knee high socks. One thing that was not normal for a teenage girl was that she had a small pocket knife.

I kicked the knife out of her hand and then sat on her back so she couldn't move and pinned her hands above her head. I heard the second person move behind us and then with the corner of my eye saw him lift up his hand. I already knew he must have had some quirk that could throw me somewhere far away or even damage me badly but i already dealt with people like these. "Don't even try" I told the person behind me. I still didn't know what the person behind me looked like or their gender. "Why not?" spoke a low smooth voice. "Why are you here?" I asked calmly not even the slightest bit of my voice showed fear. "For you!!!" Said the teenager underneath me. "And why for me ?" I said trying to distract the person behind me . "Stop it dollface. I know what you are doing." Said the person. "And that would be?" I calmly said. Soon I heard the person behind me move again. I let go of the teenagers hands. Now holding them with one hand only. With my free hand i used my quirk to create a shadow pocket knife. "I said something didn't I. Don't move." I told the person. Then the footsteps stopped and again with the corner of my eye I could see the person behind be lifting his hand up to his face . His hand stopped when his palm was about the height of his chest. 

Then the person looked into their palm and then a small blue flame lit up in their hand. The flame spread light thru the alleyway just so there wasn't any shadows I could teleport to. It was like he knew my quirk used shadows. "We know a lot about you dollface." Said the person still holding the blue flame. My eyes widen for a second but came back to their emotionless form right after. "How?" I said calmly. "From Shigaraki silly" said the teenager." Who is that ?" I asked. "You ask a lot but have very little knowledge for a famous villain Shadow." Said the person behind me. My mind was filling with questions. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realise that the person behind me started walking towards me. They grabbed my shoulder and pinned me against the floor next to the teenager. She slowly stood up and watched me struggle under neath the person.

I looked into the persons eyes finally snapping out of my thoughts. The person had black spiky hair. The person was a male with pail skin that had burnt purple marks under his eyes and on the hole bottom of his face which were pinned to his face with staples. His eyes were the most lovely aqua blue. "You are coming with us if you like it or not. Okay ? So don't make it hard for me." Said the man. "And why not?" I said with an emotionless expression. At this point I could see anger in his aqua eyes. "So we are doing it the hard way dollface. Okay than. Toga please knock her out." He said and losing his grip on my hands. At this point I had a plan. I'm going to teleport to the other side of the alleyway and then beat the shit out of them. When the girl was starting to get closer to my hand with a syringe the boys hand on my left arm loosen completely so the girl could inject the liquid into my arm.  

I looked at the boy with a smirk but my eyes stayed cold. I teleported on the other side of the alleyway and created a pocket knife i started rushing to the tall man but... "Kurogiri now" was the only thing i heard before I fell?

Unknowns pov.

I watched as the young woman fell thru the portal that Kurogiri made "She's cute isn't she Dabi ?" Said the crazy psycho right next to me as we started walking to the dark purple portal. We jumped thru the portal and into the old abandon bar were Shigaraki and Kurogiri were standing. Twice was tying up the girl to a chair in the middle of the room. "How did you manage to knock her out ?" I asked in an emotionless tone. "I hit her with a pan." Said Twice in a way to enthusiastic tone. "Why did I even try to ask..." i mumbled to myself.

For the rest of the day we were sitting in the bar waiting for the girl to wake up. Toga was playing darts with her knives. We had to drag Toga away from the girl so she didn't accidentally die from blood loss. Toga tried to take her blood multiple times now. Why? Because... "She would look even more cute with a little blood on her face" the little psycho doesen't know were to stop sometimes. It pisses me off. Shigaraki was near the bar talking to Kurogiri who was cleaning the bar. Twice and I were playing cards at a little table near the corner of the room. We were ending the game when we hear the girl grunt from pain. That singled Toga to run to the chair. This time we didn't stop her we just looked at her and the girl.

(Y/n) pov.

It was really bright when I opened my eyes. First thing what a saw was the crazy bitch from earlier. She was looking at me with a knife... "Okay girl I know you like knives but can you put the sharp ass Swiss pocket knife away?" I said in my monotone voice which I used most of the time that I lived in the streets. It has grown on me. I barely ever smile or laugh. After what happened to my parents I had nothing to smile for. When I looked up at the girl her eyes were wide open. "What?" I asked. "How do you know this knife?" Asked the blond girl. "I know my knives. I live on the street and I have to know stuff that makes me survive. It is common logic." I said to the psycho with no emotion in my eyes. I looked around and saw four other people in the room. The room looked like an old abandon bar. The four other people were looking at me. Only one of them I remembered and that was the man with black spiky hair. The other three i paid no attention. "What do we have here?" Asked a man who had a hand over his face and light blue hair that reached above his shoulders. He had some papers in his hand. Not even a minute has past and he started reading. "(Y/n) (L/n). Age 18. Quirk shadow. Wow that's impressive. You killed 10 people out of them two were heroes-" i cut him of. "They were fake anyway. Assholes." I mumbled the last part so they didn't hear the frustration in my voice. "We know about your quirk and everything about you. You are a very interesting pearson to watch. Your fighting stile is one of a kind and we didn't manage to crack it  over the year. I have one question for you." I was looking at the blue haired man. It was really impressing that they were stalking me without me noticing but disturbing that they know so much about me. I was deep in thought but i snapped out of it when words came out of the man's mouth. The words shocked me.

"Will you join the league of villains?"

Hi my little ghosts

So what are your thoughts? Sorry I posted this a little bit late but I have a good reason. Okay not really I just had a really hard time thinking about how to end this chapter so I ended it with a cliffhanger. I know I'm so evil. HAHA okay I'll stop hope you liked it see you next time my little cute ghost bye bye
Word count: 1784


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