Noah Mitchell and The Theory...

De thegreatergrief

13.9K 1K 768

'He wanted me to be a memory, but I want something more.' "Maybe in another universe, we'll stay like this fo... Mais



424 43 26
De thegreatergrief

"Can I take your order?" A girl suddenly interrupted our banter. I looked at her from her toes to her head, she shifted uncomfortably in my gaze.

She's only wearing light make up, her blonde hair is in a ponytail, she's wearing jeans and a t-shirt beneath the apron.

She's actually pretty cute. Normally, I would find a way to flirt with her, but I'm just really hungry right now. 

"I would like a cheeseburger, a medium size onion rings and a large vanilla milkshake. Thank you." I said, folding the menu again. I wanted to order more but I'm not that shameless. 

I looked across the table to ask Elliot what he likes but I saw him eyeing the waitress too, his eyes that seconds ago where looking at me is now trained on her.

I felt a slight pang in my heart but I ignored it. I looked at the girl, and she's looking at him too.

Suddenly I felt like I'm third-wheeling and so I cleared my throat. Elliot's eyes shot up to me immediately, I only gave him a raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I would like the same. Thanks." he mumbled, he folded his menu and gave it to the waitress. The girl smiled at him and blatantly ignored me. I crossed my arms together. Why am I even here? 

"I'll be back with your order." The girl said seductively, (at least attempting to be seductive) then she brush her hands in his shoulders slowly. When she was out of ear shot I scoffed. Whatever, she was not that cute anyway.

"Wow, I didn't know you've got game." I stated, sarcasm dripping in my voice.

I squinted my eyes at him, I didn't even attempt to flirt with that girl because I thought it would be rude to do it in front of him, but here he was blatantly flirting with her. 

"What do you mean." he said, the smirk in his lips slowly forming. I squinted my eyes at him further until I'm sure that my eyes were only two slits. I pursed my lips. 

"Really? flirting right in front of my salad?!" I quoted, my hands moving exaggeratedly. He laughs at this and shook his head. 

"I don't get it." he said, a smile upon his lips. Seriously this guy doesn't know anything. I was about to ask him if he's Jon Snow but I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know who Jon Snow is and plus he interrupted me.

"I'm not flirting with her." he  suddenly became very serious. My eyes trained on him, his deep blue eyes staring at me again. 

I half laugh and half cough to cut the tension. "Dude, it's okay. I mean she's cute, you should go for it." I gestured to the girl in the counter who's still looking at Elliot like he is a piece of meat. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. 

"I know she's cute, but she's not my type." he shrugged his shoulders. I scoffed at him and his eyes was trained on me once again.

"You were literally eyeing her earlier." I said, keeping my voice on neutral. What the fuck am I feeling?

He suddenly moved closer to me, he's gesturing for me to come forward, I was hesitant at first but I still complied.

I moved closer to him, the table digging into my stomach. His mouth went dangerously close to my ear. I can feel myself heating up.

The feeling of his breath hitting my ear is travelling all over my body, I shivered internally. 

"It's because she had a dirt in her face, I just couldn't say anything." he whispered.

I didn't really understand anything that he was saying, all I could focus on right now is the way that the hairs in my body stood straight when he whispered. 

I closed my eyes for a second. He wasn't saying anything anymore but neither of us move from our position.

From an outsider's point of view we look like we were whispering to each other, but in reality, we were both just hovering.

His lips in my ear, my ear in his lips. only just a centimetre apart, I could feel every breath that he takes. And then that damn girl interrupted us again. 

"2 cheeseburgers, 2 medium onion rings and 2 Large vanilla milkshakes." She was putting down the orders as she speaks. 

I saw Elliot trying to gain my attention and so I raised my eyebrows at him. He gave a pointed look towards the girl. I sighed then look at her.

I nearly choke on my own saliva when I saw that she have some booger on her cheek. I cleared my throat, trying so hard not to laugh. I looked at Elliot and I can see that she was trying to hold back his own laughter. 

The girl is oblivious to all of this and is still trying to catch Elliot's attention. When she wasn't successful, she frowned deeply. I cleared my throat again, this time catching her attention. 

"Miss, I think you need to powder your nose or something. You might want to check that out." I said, pointing at her face.

She was confused and looked from me to Elliot, who was trying not to look at her. I just nodded my head at her. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

Wow. Okay. Rude much? I was just trying to help. 

I followed her with my eyes and she disappeared into the kitchen and then after some time a sudden shriek was heard from the inside. The two of us made eye contact and we both lost it. 

"Oh my God! did you see her face? She was so confused. She thought you liked her. HAH." I said, stuffing my mouth with onion rings. He was just watching me. 

"You thought I liked her." Elliot pointed at me. I stopped my mouth from eating and swallowed the food before answering.

"Well, yeah. I thought you were like flirting with her or whatever." 

"Were you jealous?" He suddenly asked making me choke on my burger. Jealous? Why would I be jealous? Because the girl liked him and not me? I could get plenty of girls. Who does this guy thinks he is. Just because he's very handsome, and he looks very good in his stupid leather jacket, and his eyes are mesmerizing doesn't mean that he's got more game than I do. 

"Jealous? Who's jealous? Not me." I scoffed. Angrily taking a bite at my burger again. He nodded his head, taking a bite off his burger as well. 

"Yep, You're definitely not jealous." the sarcasm dripping in his voice. I just scowled at him. 

"You shouldn't be. I wouldn't flirt with anyone." his voice dropping an octave, I gave him a weird look.

 "Why not?" I asked.

He broke into a wide smile. "Duh, 'cause I'm in a date with you remember?" he said flicking his onion rings at me. 

The words he said hitting me differently. My heart started fluttering again. What The Fuck is this shit? 


Noah's random ig:

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