A Beautiful Mess

By MilahBelle

85 0 0

Her figure looked lifeless in my arms. My heart raced, pounding against my chest, does that some one know who... More

pictorial representation of characters
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
chapter eleven

Chapter six

9 0 0
By MilahBelle

Jeana's POV

Opening my eyes it was just twelve by my time. What the ... I kept looking at the door for a while before I got up. I remember during the tour there was a library down the hall far away from the quarters where I stayed but a book is worth the journey.  So I put the lights on and got my sleeping robe on. I didn't really bring much clothing but it would do. I stepped out of my room and started the journey.

Finally getting to the library I put on my torch then located the lamp on the desk somewhere in the library then I put it on, it wasn't a really big one compare to his study. That smell of books gives me the best feeling. I finally located a book I wanted, it was just a little bit above my head  so I thought the ladder won't be needed. I dragged the book but another book to the left fell down making a big loud bang making me wince. Maybe I should be a little bit careful so I tried to take it out carefully and I thought I successfully did but to my surprise other books didn't like the idea and they fell on my head and on the floor making a louder bang. I hope I didn't wake someone up. And Aidan's bedroom wasn't really far from here.
"What are you doing?". I heard that cold voice that still creeps me out.
I turned to look at him. Woah he was huge and totally beautiful, he must have been going to the gym regularly. His muscles were beautiful, I shouldn't be looking there but my eyes has a mind of its own. The thing was outlined on the trouser. Oh God he was a really beautiful man. My stomach churned. The conversation was short but thank God he had left, it was becoming really hard to breathe. Is this what I'm going to deal with for wait how long? I didn't read that part of the contract. Shit.
I arranged the books and took the book I wanted to read, Blood doctor a book by the ever lovely Ruth Rendell, but on this book she goes by Barbara Vine. Her books are really intriguing. I stepped out of the library gently close the door and returned to my room.
Jeana's POV
I could hear knocking from my sleep, it be came louder and louder. I jumped up from my sleep and checked the time it was " Quarter past six " I screamed and ran to open the door.
"House Manager really?" Diana said and snorted.
Carla chuckled then said " it's your first day you shouldn't delay us you know?no es agradable at all"  I noticed they where all in uniform black gowns
"I'm so sorry . thanks for coming here, so let us make this meeting quick"
"I'll be free by ten o'clock" Sarah said
We found out we had no suitable time to meet till the evening.
"So four pm it is" I said finally.
" I have to leave now" Sarah said as the others joined her.
I quickly went to freshen up and now I had to wear that silly uniform given to me last night. The gown was black and white and it was tightly fitted with a V - cut by the sides of the gown and it had a lace up at the bust area and it had really long sleeves. It was too tight to my body. I don't normally wear such. It's a little excessive for a house manager's job. Checking the time it was " seven o'clock! Oh no".
I rushed down the hall to the kitchen and inquired if Mr Smith had had Hus Coffee and the answer was in the negative.  So I made the Espresso with milk and rush down the hall to his room. I knocked on the door and I heard that cold voice again
"Come in, Miss Jones you're late. I won't be needing coffee anymore someone generous enough made it for me" he was in bed his hair was honey blonde and it was a big mess right now but he still looked extremely beautiful
" Can you stop staring and get to work" he said pointing at the bed as he stood up and stroll into the bathroom.
I clean up the room and as I looked under the bed if there was any thing that needed my attention there. I found a box so I took it out and to my not really surprise, I don't even know if that's a word. It was a pack of condom. A big pack of condom. Of course he's a beautiful and an extremely rich man,there would be a lot of women.
"What is that?" He asked coming out of the bathroom
"Oh where did you find that?. Just put it in the drawer." He said then stepped into the bathroom again

"OK.." I said to no one in particular.  As I was about leaving he stepped out of the bathroom with his towel to his lower,lower abdomen I could see the V line close to his... Oh is shouldn't be staring.
"I hope you like the view" oh no I swallowed hard, looking io at his face he had that cocky grin that made me feel so embarrassed.
I stepped out quickly .

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