Don't Leave Me Here - Starker

By superrspideyy

140K 3.7K 1K

Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but on... More



2.8K 82 17
By superrspideyy

Later in the week, Peter was practically bouncing off the walls trying to convince Tony to go out with him. And of course, he agreed.

Tony was excited for them to spend sometime outside of the house together. Also, he wouldn't be so worried about Peter being alone.

"We're going out as superheroes! Oh shit! And I'm dating Iron Man!" Tony laughed, as though the younger had just put two and two together.

"Alright Pete, a few more tests and I'll be good to go. Get ready." Tony said, working with Friday on final calculations.

Peter was suited up in a matter of minutes.

• Peter •

I'll admit, I'm feeling pretty bad ass today. Tony is going with me, which he typically doesn't do. Of course since I asked...

He hasn't saved the world in a while, so I'm sure this will be good for him.

"What the- Bear!" Tony laughed.

I look over, wishing I had my camera with me. Tony is holding Bear, who has gotten much bigger, in his arms with his suit on. I smile at the sight, happy to see Tony enjoying himself already.

I would do anything to keep that smile on his face a moment longer. I love times like these, when Tony can just be himself.

Of course, he isn't always Mr. Serious, but most of the time, he's always thinking one step ahead. Preparing for the next thing. Which living this life, forces us to do so. It's nice for him to get a break from that for a moment.

Even if we are going patrolling right now....

I look back at the two to see Bear chasing Tony around the lab, as Tony just casually floats away from him.

"Tony! Don't tease him!"

Bear makes a dash for me, knocking me to the floor. He sits on my stomach, not letting me up, and pawing at my mask.

I laugh at Bear, trying to push him off me, but failing. "Bear! Get off you chunk!"

Tony flies by, scooping Bear up in his arms, and letting him go outside once more before we leave. He comes back to me, offering his hand.

"My hero." I put my hand on my heart dramatically.

"Very funny. But I'll take it." He smiles, then kisses me softly.

"I love you Tony." I whisper after pulling away.

"I love you too bug."

I kiss his cheek once more, before walking towards the back door.

"C'mon Bear, go lay down."

He races inside and jumps onto the couch. I kiss his head softly, before heading back towards the launch pad where Tony is waiting.

Nerves spike through me as I see him standing there. I huff, shaking my limbs to rid my body of them. I hadn't been nervous about this before.

But now I was worried for him. If Tony gets hurt, I have no idea what I'll do. It would be a repeat situation, just like with May. And that meant I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't thinking-

"Pete, honey? Are you okay?" Tony interrupts my thoughts.

I glance at him, thankful he can't see my face.

"Oh- uh yeah, yeah. Just waiting for you."

"Peter, your heart rate has elevated significantly higher than normal. Try taking a few deep breaths." Karen says suddenly.

"Yeah- uh thanks, Karen." I mumble, breathing deeply.

"Whenever you're ready Pete!" Tony shouts.

I smile and nod. And with that, I inhale and leap off of the edge. I turn around, seeing Tony racing into the dark sky. Something I still find incredible.

I caught myself, swinging through downtown. "How are you today Peter? Feeling better than the last time we spoke?"

"Oh- hey Karen! Yeah! I'm feeling much better!" I yell over the rushing wind. "Anything for tonight?"

"No reports yet, but I will alert you if one is made."

"Alright, thanks Karen!"

I reach an older, run down building, perching myself on top of the ledge. Looking into the sky, I see Tony flying around, diving into traffic, weaving through the cars, and racing back up through the buildings.

A loud 'WOOHOO' rings through my ears, making me laugh.

"Having fun their Tones?" I ask.

"Pete this is great! I have missed this!" He says.

I smile, watching him float through the sky. There is something so calming, knowing that he is enjoying this. His happiness alone, is enough to make me happy too.

A bit later, Tony heads towards the roof I'm on, landing beside me.

I pull off my mask, smiling at him. His mask flips up, revealing the brightest smile from Tony.

"It doesn't matter how many times I do it, that will never get old!" He giggles.

"I take it you're having fun, Iron Man?"

"Oh Pete, I mean..." He pauses, looking back over the city. "This is amazing. Thank you, for convincing me to get out here." He wraps me tightly in his arms, catching my lips.

"You're welcome." I peck his lips, again. "Now go have some fun! They will alert us if we're needed."

I push him towards the edge. He hovers for a moment, before he shouts an "I love you!" And takes off into the sky again.

Every nerve inside me, flys away with him. I watch the city peacefully, hearing the loud horns of traffic below.

I think we both needed this. Time to be ourselves, and just for these few moments, not have to worry about the world.

Of course until a call comes in, but I will always take what I can get.

"Peter, not to cause any distress, but Friday has alerted me of a concern with Mr. Stark." Karen speaks.

I feel my stomach drop. "What's going on? Why didn't she say anything?"

"Mr. Stark made the decision, as he said it was no concern." She explains.

"That means Friday broke protocol? Karen patch me through to them please!"

"Right away."

"Friday what's happening?"

"Peter, I explained that he has low blood pressure, and signs of internal bleeding. Boss told me to run the scans again, and it reported the same thing. He said not to worry."

"Oh shit." I breathe out. "Tony! Tony can you hear me?" I shout.

"Pete? Something's wrong..." He gasps. "It h-hurts."

"I know baby. You need to come back to me now! I think the shrapnel in your chest moved, you're bleeding internally."

"Not sure, if I can make it that far..."

Tears well up in my eyes, but I force myself to not panic, taking a few deep breaths.

"Karen, call Bruce Banner. Have him get to the tower right now."

I see Tony in the distance, but he isn't flying fast enough.

"I can't breathe." He huffs, struggling to take deep breaths.
"I'm s-sorry."

"Tony, your blood pressure is too low. I need you to go faster, or any second you're going to-"

And I watch, as his Arc Reactor blinks a few times, his thrusters turn off one by one, and he plummets straight towards the ground.

I'm sorry XD! So I've probably already said this before, but yes I know at this point Tony doesn't have the reactor anymore lol, but just gonna act like does! This is just another filler chapter kinda sorta, if ya know what I mean! But anyways, thank ya for reading!

Edited: 12•8•21

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