By Crazzi_MA4E

49.3K 1.9K 1K


chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
not a chapter
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Tweenty Two
Chapter Tweenty Three
Not a story update
Chapter Tweenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Tweenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

chapter Eleven

1.6K 70 52
By Crazzi_MA4E

"I HATE YOU!!" Blue huffed in anger before opening his eyes wide and slapping a hand over his mouth to prevent any more words coming out. Luckily Dream didnt care he just stared at the wall and he sat on his bed his fingers connected together his eyes squinted in slight anger. It felt as if flames were coming out of his eyes but he pushed back the pain. The sound of creaking would caught his attention. His focus on the wall breaking as he heared his door open. He stared at the door his body not moving from his position. "Dream I'm so sorry for saying that I-I didnt mean to it just slipped" "...do you remember the first day you joined the star sans'...?" The two stared at eachother before Dream scooted over and patted the bed indicating that Blue should sit. Blue sat down and nodded his head answering then the quetion "of course I do it was the best day of my life..." there was silence for a moment before the yellow god sighed "what do you think me and Ink were before we met you?" Blue pit a finger to his chin giving it light taps as he tired to think "I think you two were best friends!"

Dream let out a chuckle as he heared Blues words "no Blue... we HATED eachother?" Blue jumped at Dreams words 'why would they hate eachother!? They act like they love eachother' "before we met you we were at eachother throats, one day we both felt your AU getting destroyed by my brother when we arrived we saw you trying to fight him we did what we had to do and jumped in to help luckily they got bored and decided to leave, after they left you decided that we all made a great team and that we should make our own group called the star sans' you seemed so happy so me and Ink had to start getting along." Blues beeath hitched as he listened to Dreams words he didnt know what to say. The smaller just stared at the floor taking in every word Dream said. "Y-you and Ink hated eachother..." Blue asked slowly looking up from the floor and moving his eyes the rhe yellow figure besides him. "Ink tried his best to become friends I only accepted to make him feel better so he started thinking we were friends but my hate for him will never leave" Blue felt his anger rise once again 'Ink tried to solve your bad relationship but you cant just accept it!?' Blue swiftly pushed Dream off the bed the taller landing with thump as he turned to face the smaller "what the hell Blue!?"

Dream felt his soul drop as he looked to Blue the other eyes were no longer large blue stars but blood red circles "I cant believe you..." there was silence for a moment before Blue spoke again but with much more hate and venom "Ink tried to solve your relationship with becoming friends with you but your fucking selfish ass cant get over the past!" Dream was shocked, he had never heared Blue cuss before. "I knew you were hiding something your happy hes gone arent you!" Dream quickly stood up and towered over Blue "Blue enough!" Blue never stopped he only yelled louder Dreams anger burts as he swiftly slpped the smaller and red hand print stinging on Blues face. "You do NOT yell at me! You dont know why I hate so dont act like this us MY fault!!" "But it is your fault! All of this is YOUR fault!!" Blue poked Dreams chest as he yelled the two now death glaring at eachother. Dream snapped as he opened a portal and pushed Blue inside this time not even thinking about coming back and getting him. Blue stood and tried running back to the portal but he was to slow. Dream had closed the portal leaving the smaller in this random AU.

Blue clenched his fist in rage as he punched the closet think next to him. He opened his eyes to be met with a tree along with fresh blood. The smaller looked down at his knuckles to see small cracks and cuts on his fist, nothing to serious. Blue held his hand to his chest as he looked around, he was in an AU that looked dark and gloomy but you could tell it was day time. He began walking occasionally stopping to to take quick rests. He started getting worried as the sky slowly got darker. His steps began to get quicker as he tried harder to find anything he could use as shelter. He spotted a large house a distance away, quickly sprinting to it. Blue stops at the front entrance not taking a moment to glance at the large mansion as he took quick breaths. As soon as he caught his breath he looked up at the mansion to feel his soul drop. He stood infront of the all black house 'no no no no! Not here! Anywhere but here! The home of the bad sans' stood tall scaring away any one who would look at it. Blue sighed before expecting defeat and knocking on the two large doors.


Dust sat at the couch watching T.V in their large flat screen T.V that they had stolen from a store not to long ago. He was watching a random show not really paying attention. He was interrupted by knocking on the door. Dust sighed as he lazy got up and slouch walked his way to the door. He pulled open the two door which were surprisingly very light. He was met with a very small sans. "Blue? What are you doing here?" Dust noticed the red hand mark on Blue face. The hood wearing skeleton quickly pulled the smaller into the house and shut the doors. "What happened?" Dust asked as he knelt down and touched the red hand print on Blues cheek. The all blue wearing skeleton was hesitant to answer but he knew that he scould trust Dust "Dream happened" Dust seemed confused so Blue spoke with clearer words "me and Dream... got into a fight and slapped me" Blues voice was barly over a whisper. Dust stemmed very ticked off at this but didnt want to make Blue uncomfortable. Blue set his cracked and scrted hand on his cheek rubbing the red mark. Dust took notice to his and and spoke "did Drema do this to?" Dust pointed to Blues hand to make his question more clear.

Blue shook his head "no I just got angry and....um... punched a tree" Blue mumbled the three last words not wanting to make it seem like it was a big deal. Dust stared at Blue with guilt before shaking off the feelings.  "Ok.... answer my first question, what are you doing here?" Dust stood up as he took Blue over to the couch and made him sit. "W-well after me and Dream fought he kinda just shoved me threw a portal and ended up here" Dust nodded taking in the information. There was silence for a moment before Dust coughed catching Blues attention "well I-I guess you could stay here for a little bit, I'm sure if you told Nightmare what happened he would let you stay" Blue smiled before hugging Dust both of their cheeks tinted with blush. "Thank you Dust" The taller only let out random chuckles and gibberish only making Blue giggle. "You seem tired tomorrow well talk to Nightmare but for now you should rest" Blue nodded as he let out a yawn "where should i sleep?" Dust blushed as he answered the others question.
"You could sleep with me..."
ChAptEr YaY
Ok so this one was pretty short so sorry about that

Anyway have some DustBerry

Words: 1301
That all my hands hurt and I drank a dull monster today so yea I'm pretty frigen energized
Ok that enough
Cya next chapter

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