Bella Morris πŸ’“(Saved By the...

By QueenWriter17

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The life of Bella Morris begins as she goes through adventures with her brother Zack and friends. She'll have... More

A New Family
Rent-A Pop
Reunited with Paola
Jessie's Song
See You Again
Model Students
Hey Brother
The Famous Belding Boys
Horrific Dreams
Breaking Up is Hard to Undo
Secret Revealed
Season 4 Cast
The Last Dance
Operation Zack
Check Your Mate
The Real You
Fake IDs
Pipe Dreams

The Aftermath

187 6 0
By QueenWriter17

This very fun weekend made Zack feel much better. Hopefully, he'll stay that way at school today. Everyone at Bayside knows about him and Kelly's breakup so he'll have attention he don't want. Paola made it official with Jack and people are talking too. It's obvious people will have opinions about anything. Kelly left a few voicemails and texts on my phone. All about how much she's sorry and hopes we can fix our friendship. I don't think she understands that she just dumped a really good guy for a some dude who's gonna get bored of her next month. The good part out of all this is Lisa's birthday. We rolled out of bed and got dressed. I went on my phone to my Snapchat account. Lisa snapped a few pics about her sixteenth birthday. I smiled and replied in the comment section; 'can't wait cutie! Happy 16th!🤗❤️🎂' Zack walked out of his room. "What are you doing?" He asked. I looked up and smirked. "Lisa posted snaps about her birthday party." I told him. He chuckled. I smiled. "Ready? If it's too much, you can always fake sick to stay here." I said. He nodded his head no. "I'm fine! Let's go!" He said. We came downstairs and ate breakfast Mom cooked. She noticed Zack's glum look. "What's wrong hon?" She asked. He only played with his pancake. I sighed and dumped my plate in the sink. "Breakup." I whispered in her ear. Mom looked at him in awe. "I'm sorry honey." She said. Zack looked up and sighed. "Thanks mom. I'm fine." He said. I rubbed his shoulder. "Cmon, let's hope today won't be dramatic." I said. He nodded and grabbed his backpack. Mom kissed our cheeks. "Have a good day! I love you." She said. "Love you too." We told her. With our keys, we honked the cars and got inside. Zack backed away as I drove out of the driveway.

Coming to school is too awkward now. Everyone shown acts of sympathy after morning period toward Zack. A few girls did toward me because of my fight with Kelly at the dance. We walked downstairs with the gang. I wrapped my arm around William's. Two patted Zack's shoulder and back in sympathy before walking off. He came to his locker to open it. "Hey preppy, how's it going?" Slater asked. "Yeah, are you ok?" Lisa asked. I sighed. "He'll be fine. Just leave him alone." I said. Zack raised an eyebrow. "What's the big deal? Am I supposed to be upset about something?" He asked. "Yeah I mean after Kelly dumped you the other night I'm surprised you even got out of bed." Screech added. Ugh, he needs to shut up. William restrained me from attacking him. "Well maybe you'll meet somebody at my sweet sixteen birthday party. Now remember you guys, it's this Saturday. Only five shopping days left." Lisa said. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled. Zack smiled a little. "Sounds excellent." He muttered. "Here's your invitation." Lisa said, handing him an envelope. She continued passing them to me, William and Slater before Screech. "Well, don't I get one?" Screech said. Lisa sighed and handed him one. "Well ok. But if you have a previous engagement, I understand in fact I'll pay for it." She told him. William rolled his eyes. "Classic Lisa." He muttered. I nodded in agreement. She smiled. "See you guys later!" She said. I waved as she left to hand more invitations to people. Slater patted Zack's shoulder. "You know Zack? Like my uncle Charlie used to say, women are like vines. If you fall off one, you can swing with another." He joked. I scoffed. "Seriously?" I said, chuckling. Jessie smirked. "You know you are not just a pig, you are a gorilla pig." She sassed. William chuckled. I smiled and patted Zack's arm. "Bro, you'll be fine." I assured. He scoffed. "Hey! Kelly is just another chick and now she's out of my life." He said. William nodded in agreement. "Aye, that's right." He agreed. Zack opened his locker which revealed wallpapers of Kelly. Oh man. This is gonna be an awkward day. He looked at us with embarrassment. "But she's not out of your locker." Screech said. Zack closed the locker and I smiled sadly. Today's gonna be awkward for me because me and Kelly's friendship is put to the test.


Me and William walked to class with Slater and Jessie. It wasn't long till I heard a familiar voice. "This will be a great chance for you guys to get to know Jeff." Kelly told Lisa. I fake coughed. "Eww, so eww." I whispered in William's ear. He playfully stuck his tongue out. "I think I'm gonna puke." He whispered. It sounded funny but I kept my giggles.
Lisa raised an eyebrow in shock. "Jeff?" She said. "It's ok if I bring him, isn't it?" Kelly asked. We continued walking till Jessie spoke. "She doesn't even care about what she did to Zack." She said. I huffed. "See! This is exactly what I meant!" I whispered/yelled. William squeezed my hand. "Yeah, now she expects us to hang out with that frat-boy babe stealer." Slater agreed. William smiled innocently. "More like a college idiot who will get bored of her in one month." He added. I nodded in agreement. Kelly walked up to us. She smiled. "Hey guys!" She said. Everyone fake smiled except me. "Hey Kelly! How's it going?" Jessie said. Kelly sighed sadly toward me. I rolled my eyes. "Bella, I forgot to say your costume was amazing." She told me. Jessie nudged my arm. I huffed and fake smiled. "Thanks Kelly." I said. She almost spoke till the bell rung. Phew! Thank god! I thankfully sat next to Lisa and William was behind me. Kelly sat with Screech behind her...including Zack in front of me. Ugh! You gotta be kidding me! I mentally face-palmed and groaned. This period better finish fast.
Zack walked pass me and sat in the middle. Kelly was on his right. Oh no. "Hey Zack." She simply said. He tried not to make eye contact. "Hey Kelly, nice jacket." He said, turning away. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Smooth." I whispered in his ear. Zack growled. "It's getting harder than it looks." He muttered in my ear. Our English teacher Ms. Jensen came with her briefcase. "Good morning class." She said. "Good morning, Ms. Jensen." We said in unison. She sighed. "I said good morning class. Didn't your parents teach you any manners?" She recalled. Oh yeah, forgot she has hearing problems. Screech raised his hand. "Ms. Jensen, I have a doctor's appointment today. May I leave class early?" He asked. She smiled sweetly. "Yes, your hair is curly." She responded. I exchanged confused glances with William. "Now let's get started. Today, we turn to the romantic poems of Mr. Baron Browning. So let's have Bayside's most loved couple recite the poem, Zack and Kelly if you please." She continued. Me and William's jaws dropped. I can't bare to watch because it'll start very badly. Jessie got up from her seat. "No no, I mean let me and Slater be in it instead." She said. I breathed a breath of relief. "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be better." I agreed. I shot my best glare toward Kelly. She sighed sadly. Ms. Jensen scoffed. "Oh Ms. Spano, don't be such a snag." She said. She handed them the papers and waited for their cue. I covered my face to not see the disaster in front of me. Zack began to read his part faster. "Mr. Morris, this is a love poem. This time recite it slower but with feeling." She said, smiling. Now the disaster begins. Zack sighed. "How do I love these, love you to the depth- he was cut off by Screech. "I'd want you to stop! I can't take it anymore!" He whined and ran out of the room. William smirked. "He must've had to go to the doctor bad." He joked. I chuckled and turned forward. Ms. Jensen shrugged. "Well it definitely moved Mr. Screech!" She added.

At the end of the day, school's finally over. I stuffed my books in my backpack and closed my locker. Someone pulled a strand of my hair gently. I turned to see Zack. He breathed a breath of relief. "I'm so glad that's over." He said. I nodded. "I know. I'm sorry this happened after so much attention today." I agreed. He chuckled. "You're so sweet." He said. I smiled innocently. "One of my best qualities beside music." I said. Zack shrugged. "Any plans?" He asked. My brain clicked. I fake smiled. "Nope! You?" I said. "Out with the guys to the movies." He told me. It's good to spend time with friends even after a breakup. Maybe he'll get over Kelly completely after. I smiled. "That's great! You should have fun and not be heartbroken right now." I said. Zack smiled warmly. "Thanks for being there, Bels." He said. I nodded. "It's what sisters do." I said. The bell rang and everyone scattered to leave the school. He took a deep breath. "Never thought I do this here." He said. I was confused till he hugged me. We'd never hug in school because you know, popular brother and his sister. I chuckled and hugged back. We parted. "See you at home!" I told him. He patted my shoulder before leaving. I left the building and got in my car. William waved at me while driving off. I returned the gesture and drove in the same direction.


I smiled and waved to the camera. "Thanks for hearing my new song, Love Story. Bye!" I said and turned off the recording. I've made another video on my YouTube channel, Bella Morris. I started the channel when me and Zack were fourteen. It's filled with funny, adventurous vlogs of us and the gang. Now I'm also starting it as my music channel. I finished written my song Love Story and strummed the strings on my guitar. I closed my laptop and watched Insatiable. Who doesn't love Debby Ryan? Footsteps were heard and the slamming of a door. I'm guessing Zack must be home. I walked out of my room. "Zack, what's wrong?" Mom asked. "Nothing! Leave me alone!" He shouted from his room. She shrugged. "Bella?" She said. I smiled. "I'm on the case, mom." I told her. She chuckled and nodded. I knocked two times on his door. "Zack, open the door. It's me!" I said. He opened the door and growled. Ok, apparently something is wrong. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked. He led me inside and left the door open. Zack sighed sadly. "Kelly showed up to the movies with Jeff." He told me. I groaned. "Don't tell me she was making out with him near you." I said. He quickly nodded. I went under his bed and pulled out two wallpapers of Kelly. I handed him one. He stared in confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked. I said nothing but ripped the wallpaper repeatedly into pieces. "If you just let out your feelings, you'll feel really good." I advised. He looked at the wallpaper for a minute before tearing it into pieces. He stepped on them a few times and took a deep breath. I laughed. "That's what I'm talking about." I said. He chuckled and pulled out another wallpaper. He crumbled it up and stomped it a few times. I laughed. "Kelly should get a taste of her own medicine." I said. Zack smiled. "Thanks a lot sis." He said. This means I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow. Things will get more crazy.

Another school morning came and I rolled out of bed hesitatingly. Something dramatic is gonna happen, I can feel it. I did my morning routine and took a shower. My brain clicked when I went in my nightstand. A gift for Lisa's birthday. Hint; it's a pink-emblem necklace with the letter L. I smiled and closed the small box. I got dressed, walking out with my backpack. Zack wasn't in his room so he must be downstairs. I came downstairs and breakfast was on the table. Zack sighed. "Mom, can I please stay home today?" He asked. She raised an eyebrow. "And why you wanna stay home?" She asked. If he mentions Kelly, he's set to explode any minute. I cleared my throat. "Because...of...sorry, I got nothing." I said. He groaned and wrapped the backpack on himself. Well, it was worth the try. My phone buzzed. An incoming call from someone's ex-girlfriend and probably an ex-friend. I ignored, kissing Mom bye and going to my car. I looked at the voicemails she sent me. Maybe I should hear. Ugh, really? After breaking Zack's heart and straining my trust? Hell no. I dropped my phone and continued driving.

Morning period started nicely. William and I came down the staircase. He smiled, kissing my cheek. "You get beautiful everyday." He said. I madly blushed. "Aww, stop." I muttered. William sighed. "How are you? And I meant is how are you and you know who?" He asked. I huffed. "It's not good right now. We haven't called or texted each other...since I skipped all of that." I said. He sighed sadly. "Please talk to her sometime. She's been upset only because of your fight." He said. I fake smiled. "She should've thought about that before hurting Zack so it's not my fault." I said. William took a deep breath. "Alright. It's not up to me but you and you should respect your brother's wishes." He told me. I nodded in agreement. Jessie and Lisa was hanging out near Jessie's locker. William kissed my lips. "Bye." He said. I smiled and waved as he left. I walked up to them. Lisa smiled. "When I was four years old, my father promised me anything for my sweet sixteenth birthday party." She told her. I chuckled. "So?" I said. Lisa scoffed. "So he let me down." She said. "What did you want?" Jessie asked. "Usher." She quickly said. We laughed. "Lisa, aren't you overdoing it a bit?" Jessie asked. Lisa smirked. "Girl, I only turn sixteen once. It's gonna be the social evening of the season!" She said. On cue, Screech arrived hearing our conversation. "Oh, you want to jump out of the cake babe?" He flirted. I playfully rolled my eyes and giggled. "No, I'd like you to jump into the cake while it's baking." She sassed. Zack showed up and sighed. "Hey guys. Lisa, about your party I just can't make it." He said. I studied his look and knew ripping pictures didn't work. Lisa scoffed. "What are you talking about? Everybody's gonna be there." She said. He fake smiled. "Yeah, that's the problem. Kelly will be there too." He said. Lisa playfully rolled her eyes. "Of course, she's gonna be there with- she had a moment of realization. "Oh." She understood. "Oh." Jessie and Screech said in unison. I cleared my throat. "Not even sure if I could go while the perky cheerleader is there too." I sassed. "Yeah, oh. Sorry Lisa." Zack told her. "Zack, what happened? You were doing fine yesterday." Jessie asked. I scoffed. "Sure till he saw them right up at the movies." I said. She shrugged. "Well people go to the movies all the time." She said. "Yeah but most of them come up for air." Screech added, making a weird kissy face. The girls silently growled over what they just found out. Speaking of the devil, she came beside Zack. "Hi guys, hey Zack." She said softly. Zack glared toward her. "Bye guys." He said. Screech followed behind, glaring back. "What's up with him?" She asked. Jessie scoffed. "As if you don't know." She said. "Why are you ruining Zack's life?" Lisa asked. She looked confused. "What? What are you talking about?" She asked. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Zack was at the movies last night." I told her. "People go to the movies all the time." Kelly recalled. Lisa laid a hand on her hip. "Yeah but not all of them make out in front of their ex-boyfriends." She sassed. She sighed. "We were not making out. We were just cuddling!" She said. Jessie sighed sadly. "You know Kelly, I hoped you be a little more sensitive. At least you got somebody." She added. I scoffed. "If only you got a brain." I muttered. Kelly's look fulfilled hurt and offended toward me. "What am I supposed to do? Call ahead before I go any place to see if Zack's there?" She asked. "Yes!" They agreed. I rolled my eyes. Actually, apologize and know what you done hurt him. Kelly sighed. "You know you're the one who told me to be honest about Jeff. And now you're telling me to hide it?" She said. "Yes!" They shouted a bit. I groaned. "You know if you two are sharing a brain, why don't you get one that works?" Kelly growled and slammed her locker. I scoffed. "Why don't you stop being a two-timing whore?!" I growled. All their eyes widened. Kelly seemed more in shock and absolute hurt. "At least I don't get involve in other people's business! You're not the one who broken up with their ex and receiving no support whatsoever!" She growled. I fake laughed. "What support? For hurting someone you love to be with somebody who's gonna get tired of you in one month? Guess it's easy for the popular cheerleader to leave a great guy for the hunky college dude. God, I'm so sick of your bullshit! What kind of a friend are you?! You're the epitome of an actual whore! Zack truly deserves better!" I yelled. People began to notice our confrontation. Angry tears was beginning to escape our eyes. Jessie and Lisa watched as their two best friends have their biggest fight. "Is that how you feel about me? Truly?" She asked softly. I shrugged. "I don't know. I should ask someone who once was loyal." I said. We silently walked away, leaving Jessie and Lisa.


The girls except Kelly blew up my phone asking if I'm ok. I'm sure what happened in school tells everything. I immediately ran upstairs to bedroom and slammed the door. Tears were stained on my face. I wiped my eyes and flunked myself on the bed. I went on my phone and swiped through pictures of me and Kelly. Jessie was right. She's so insensitive for hurting Zack and basically rubbing her new relationship in his face. The worse part she doesn't even realize it. My phone buzzed. I groaned. This better be anyone but the hypocrite. Before I could answer, the door opened revealing the gang with Zack. I huffed. "You gotta be kidding me." I muttered. Jessie smiled. "We came to cheer you up." She said. Zack groaned. "Listen guys, I have to work this out on my own." He said. "And I need to take a breather now." I added. Lisa smiled, holding a piece of paper. "Zack, you're Bayside's most eligible bachelor! I got a list mile long of girls who wanna go out with you." She said. He huffed. "Look, maybe I just don't wanna go out with anybody." He said. Slater grabbed a spot next to me. I smiled softly. He returned the gesture. "Look preppy, you can't just spend the rest of your life hiding in your room." He said. Screech shrugged and looked around. "Well I don't know Slater. It's a pretty nice room." He added. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Not my room, dummy." I said. Jessie sighed. "Look Zack, you don't see Kelly sitting around being depressed. Do you?" She said. I scoffed. "Why would she with her squeaky happy ass?" I snarled. Zack fake smiled. "Oh cheer me up." He said sarcastically. She shrugged. "Face it, it's over." She said. I nodded in agreement. He looked down in deep thought. "Maybe you're right. If Kelly doesn't care, why should I?" Zack agreed. I smiled proudly and got off the bed. "That's the attitude I like to hear." I said. He smiled. "Yeah, bring on the babes!" He said. The gang explained Lisa's list of dates for him. Hopefully, he'll find somebody decent and cool.

The next day, we headed to the Max for lunch and one perky waiter is why I objected a million times. Ugh, if I'm gonna face the blue I mentally prepared myself. We sat on our original booth and waited for the waiter to take our orders. Me and Kelly made eye contact from a far. I turned away to roll my eyes as Lisa growled at Screech who sat next to her. Silence rocked the circle while Kelly comes with the menus. "Hey guys. How you doing?" She asked softly. "Ok, I'll have a cheeseburger." Slater said. "Cheeseburger." Jessie quickly said. "Double cheeseburger." Lisa added. "Do you have any specials?" Screech asked. Lisa smacked his shoulder. Everyone turned, waiting for my answer. I sighed. "Coke and a cheeseburger." I told her. A tear almost left Kelly's eye. I almost felt incredibly awful. Am I being too harsh or just defending my brother? "How's Zack doing?" She asked. Screech scoffed. "See, you're wrong! She does remember his name!" He said. I kicked his leg under the table. He yelped and held it dearly. Zack came with his new date, Screech's cousin. She was blonde and actually beautiful. "This is my friends. This is Slater, this is Jessie, this is Lisa and of course you know Screech." He introduced. I smiled sweetly. "I'm his sister Bella." I said. We kindly shook hands. What's funny is Zack didn't introduce Kelly to her. Uh oh, this is gonna be fun. She raised an eyebrow. "Hi Zack." She said. He fake gasped. "Hi, oh I'm glad you're here. Could you get us a table? Something really romantic." He said, smiling at Kimberly. She returned the gesture. My eyes widened. Payback's finally avenging. "Yeah sure, right this way." She muttered. She lead them to a table from ours. Lisa smiled. "Wow, look at him! He's really happy." She said. I smirked. "What goes around, comes around if you know what I mean." I joked. Jessie chuckled. "Yup!" She agreed. Slater studied Screech and Kimberly's features. "How can you be related to her?" He asked. Screech looked back at Kimberly then us. "Well she's adopted." He told him. We chatted in agreement. That's gotta be true. I watched Kelly get upset and embarrassed. Why is she angry? It's her fault for cheating and she's mad he moved on? Two words; actual whore. Zack got up and turned on a song I remembered. Little Things by One Direction. This is him and Kelly's song in secret. It is a little mean of him but Kelly pulled the strings first. Everything she done to hurt Zack tells it all so I freaking don't feel bad for her. We watched as he danced with Kimberly. The gang's eyes widened. "That's Zack and Kelly's song. Little Things by 1D!" Screech said. Lisa's jaw dropped. "Why would he do that? That's so cruel." She said. Jessie sighed. "To get even with her." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Guys, Kelly hurt him a lot! Why are you victimizing her? First she cheats on him, he moves on and all of a sudden it's his fault? She did nothing but act like somebody else I wouldn't like. It's ok for her to rub her new relationship all in his face and now Zack's the bad guy?" I growled. Lisa sighed sadly. "Bella, all we're saying is Kelly didn't deserve that." She said softly. "And she didn't deserve to get bashed by us either." Jessie agreed. Are you kidding me?! Kelly's the scandalous one here! I huffed. "He did what he had to do. She cheated on him with an actual creep yet you all acting like he killed a puppy. Can't believe you guys." I growled angrily. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the restaurant. I honked my car, getting inside and driving home. If they know what's right, they wouldn't be defending a scandalous whore.


Staying at home all day without calling friends is a whole different me. The girls rang my phone three times but I didn't answer. William called and I told him everything. He agreed that Zack's the real victim yet the cheerleader gets the free run. In the living room, I watched Avengers while snacking on pizza. It's what I rather do than watch everyone victimize Kelly when she's done the damage. My phone buzzed. I looked and she sent another voicemail. Don't wanna hear it. Though William tells me to hear her out, I've heard enough. The front door opened which shown Zack coming in. His cheek seem a little red and he flunked himself beside me on the couch. We huffed frustratingly.
"I hate this." I muttered. He nodded in agreement. "Back at ya." He said. Zack grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite. "You never would've guessed what happened." He told me. I raised an eyebrow. "If it don't involve Kelly getting run over by a biker, I'm not interested." I sassed. He scoffed. "No. She slapped me over dancing with Kimberly to our song." He told me. My jaw dropped. I laughed. "She slapped you?" I said. Zack smiled. "Can you believe that?" He asked. I scoffed and drank my cup. "If you ask me, somebody should slap her for being a creep whore." I joked. He chuckled. "Wow Bella." He said. I shrugged and continued watching the movie. Ugh, bathroom break. "Bathroom. Gotta go." I told him. He nodded. "I'll finish this pizza for you." He joked. I raised an eyebrow and glared. Zack laughed. "I'm kidding!" He said. I went upstairs to the bathroom till my phone buzzed again. I pulled it out to see another voicemail from Kelly. If I want this to stop, I oughta hear one of them. I pressed the recording.

'Hi Bella, it's me. I know you probably don't wanna talk to me ever but please listen to me. I'm so so freaking sorry. Your friendship means a lot to me and it really hurts not speaking to you since the dance. You're right, I'm a whore because I didn't see how much I hurt you and Zack. I'm more than a whore, I'm a terrible friend. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sorry, bye.'

She sounded like she was crying. Out of nowhere, I felt extreme guilt and heartbreak. I've been too awful to her lately. It wasn't to make her feel worse, I was only telling the truth. Zack is the one who got hurt by her and she should know it's her fault. It's not good for the gang to victimize Kelly when he's the real victim here. Overall, my heart thought differently. I still miss her so much. I miss the sleepovers, laughing and talking about our favorite shows. What could I do? Zack is one-hundred percent innocent and I miss talking to Kelly. I laid back against the door, sliding down to my knees in thought. I picked up my phone and hesitated before texting Kelly.

Belele💋🤟🏼: can we talk at school?

It took a minute till she answered back.

Kells💗👯: K.

I sighed and got off the floor. I used the bathroom and came out. I walked downstairs to see Zack pretending to shoot blasts out of his hands like Iron Man. I hid a chuckle. He saw me and smiled. "Cmon, widow!" He said. I laughed and used pillows to pretend I was fighting off bad guys. He must've turned the movie to Captain America: Civil War. I sighed sadly as I played the civil war fight. I'm really hopeful he won't be mad once me and Kelly talk tomorrow.

Next Day...

I prayed today will be different. Hopefully. We fell asleep on the couch and felt somebody shake me gently. I looked up to see Zack smiling. "Wake up, sis! We can't be late." He said. I scoffed. "Why you're in a happy mood?" I asked. Zack smiled. "Because I'm over Kelly completely and ready to start dating again." He told me. I playfully rolled my eyes and rolled off the couch. I ran upstairs to do my morning routine, take a shower and grabbed fruits to eat. I loved apples with bananas. Zack ate an apple. I didn't mention anything about me and Kelly's talk. I knew he'll think I'm taking her side. We talked about Lisa's birthday party and left the house. I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned on the engine and drove off. Morning classes ended and everything seemed ok. I felt the girls's stare toward me in English class. Zack was stupidly in a happy mood with the guys. I came down the staircase with William's hand in mine. My eyes diverted to Kelly near her locker. He smiled. "You got this?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. His hand broke from mine as we walked to our lockers. She looked at me and I finally smiled a bit. Kelly returned the gesture. Jessie and Lisa came to her side. "Kelly, I'm really sorry about the way I treated you." Lisa apologized. "Me too. I been neurominded, judgmental and pig-headed." Jessie added. Kelly shrugged. "You're just being yourself." She said. I laughed quietly. They smirked, noticing my chuckles. "I deserve that, I did." Jessie agreed. Lisa sighed. "Kelly, can you ever forgive us?" She asked. I cleared my throat and closed my locker. The girls watched as we stared at each other. Me and Kelly took a deep breath. "I'm sorry!" We said in unison. We stopped and smiled happily. Kelly sighed sadly. "Bella, I'm so so sorry for hurting you. You're my best friend and like my sister. I hated not talking to you since the dance and our friendship mean more than guys. You're right about everything. I been acting like a true whore, not caring about your feelings or Zack's. I really miss you and often blamed myself for ruining your trust in me. Please I'm sorry." She said. Tears were threatening to escape her eyes. I sighed. "I'm sorry for all the things I said to you. I'm sorry for not listening to your voicemails or calls to get a chance to hear you out. Finally I did. You're not a terrible person to have it in your soul to intentionally hurt me or Zack. I miss you so much, Kellbelle." I said. She huffed. "But I have been terrible to you both. You don't deserve any of it. Can you forgive me?" She said. I smiled happily. "How about forgive us?" I asked. Kelly smirked. "Just don't make a habit. Now give me a hug!" She said. We laughed and shared a group hug. It's true, they're all sisters to me. Going one week without talking to one hurts twice as much. We parted. I laughed. "I missed my Kelly." I joked. She giggled. "I miss my Bels." She said. Once Zack's presence came, Kelly had more than one intent to leave. "I'll see you guys later." She said, padding my shoulder. He sighed happily. "Alright, is Kelly gone?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Zack, cut the crap." I quickly said. "After what she did to me, I can't believe you're still talking to her." He growled.
I scoffed. "She messed up, we know. You messed up a bit too." I said. Jessie nodded in agreement. "Zack, that's not fair. Don't make us choose between you and Kelly." She said. "Yeah, you're way out of line." Slater agreed. Zack scoffed. "Was she way out of line when she smacked me?" He said. Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Honey, if I were Kelly you'd be still pulling a hairbrush out your ear, now don't get me started." She sassed. My eyes widened. I mentally gave Lisa a high five. "It was your own fault for bringing your date there, man." Slater added. Zack sighed. "Hey, you're the ones who convinced me to start dating again." He said. We followed him behind to his locker. "True! But it was already bad enough before you brought a date." I told him. "Like Bella said, you had reasons to rub it in her face but you really hurt her Zack. That really stinks." Jessie agreed. "Yeah, I hope you'll be a little more mature at my party." Lisa snarled. Zack nodded his head no. "No no, the only way I'll come to your party Lisa is if you disinvite Kelly." He told her. I fake laughed. "Oh, that's funny." I said. Lisa returned the gesture. "Oh, that's it. Look Zack, Kelly is my friend too and she's gonna be at my party. If you can't accept that, then don't come." She growled. William listened to our argument and caught up to me as I separated from them. "We're still going right? I mean to say since- I cut him off. "Babe, we are. Kelly and I are good now but Zack needs a little more time." I told him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm proud of you." He whispered. My cheeks burned red.


Tonight was Lisa's Sweet Sixteenth. I rigged my closet to find the best outfit. Her house will be packed so might as well get dolled up. It's her Sweet Sixteenth, it'll be memorable.

I applied makeup and put on earrings. I slipped on my black-inch heels and put Lisa's wrapped gift in my purse. Me and Zack hadn't spoke after school. William sent me a text, letting me know he's outside. I carried my purse and said goodbye to Mom. Zack sat on his bed in deep thought. I wish he'd come but he's so mad at everyone, including me. I quickly came downstairs without him seeing me. I kissed William's cheek before getting in the passenger seat. He pulled from the driveway and started on the road. I sighed sadly. "Don't worry. He'll come around." He told me. I smiled warmly. We pulled up to Lisa's house and man, the driveway's packed with cars. We got out and knocked on the door. It revealed Lisa dressed in her birthday outfit. A tiara placed on her head with a pink diamond in the middle. She smiled widely. "Hey guys!" She said. I laughed. "Hey, happy birthday Lisa!" I said. I pulled out the box from my purse. She quickly opened and her eyes widened.
William stared at it in shock. "Whoa, where did you get the money?" He joked. I playfully punched his arm. She smiled. "Thanks so much Bels! It's really pretty!" She said and hugged me. I hugged back.
We parted, greeting Jessie and Slater. Jessie smiled sadly. She knew Zack may not be coming because of Kelly. I breathed a breath of relief. "I'm just glad I'm not fighting with anybody. It's hard not talking to one of you for a week." I said. She chuckled. "We're sorry we didn't listen to you too." She apologized. I smiled and hugged her. "Apology accepted." I whispered in her ear. She hugged back. We parted and saw Kelly arriving with Jeff. "Brace yourselves." William whispered between us. "Yup." Slater agreed. I laughed and slapped his arm. "Stop." I giggled. The two met face to face with four of us. Kelly smiled. "Hey guys! You all know Jeff?" She said. Jessie motioned Slater to introduce himself. Jeff nodded. "Nice to meet you guys! Uh Slater, Kelly told me you wrestle." He mentioned. "Yeah." Slater said. "I used to wrestle in high school." Jeff told him. Slater raised an eyebrow. "Were you any good?" He asked. He shrugged. "Might've won a few times." He said. William smiled. "Really? Hey, we should talk." He said. Jeff nodded. Me and Jessie walked in front of them. "You know Jeff when we first found out about you and Kelly, we really didn't wanna give you a chance." She added. We smiled sweetly. "But if you're good enough for her, you're good enough for us." I told him. He returned the gesture and shook my hand. "Hey, thank you." He said. We hugged Kelly while the boys handshake with Jeff. We parted as Screech patted his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "Oh boy." I muttered. Jessie hid a chuckle. Screech looked at him sharply. "Even though I'm supposed to hate you because you stole my best friend's woman, I guess you're not a sleaze-ball after all." He said. Jeff smiled awkwardly. "Thanks Screech. I'm gonna go get some punch." He told him. Jessie whispered in Slater's ear and he nodded. That's the cue to bring the birthday cake! I mentally cheered because desserts are my first love. Of course, William is... Kelly sighed sadly. "Lisa, where's Zack?" She asked. I patted her shoulder. "He's not coming." I told her. "You know I never meant to hurt him." She said in a serious tone. Slater wrapped his arm around her for comfort. "Oh we know Kelly. He'll get over it." He said. "I hope so." She muttered. All the lights flickered off and Jessie came with Lisa's birthday cake. I smiled, cheering. William chuckled. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lisa! Happy birthday to you!" We sung. Everybody clapped as she blew off her candles. The lights flickered on and one person decided to come. Zack. The full house became silent as his presence was shown. "One more time!" Slater shouted. Nobody bothered to sing the song because this will get tense or not. "Sorry, I'm late Lisa. Happy birthday." Zack said, kissing her cheek softly. Lisa smiled a bit. "Thanks Zack. I wasn't even expecting you." She told him. "Yeah well a good friend convinced me I was being an idiot." He said, referring to Screech. He smiled and patted his back. Zack turned his attention to Kelly. "Excuse me, I have to go settle something." He told her. William groaned softly. "Are we gonna watch this or eat cake?" He whispered. I chuckled. "Cake can wait. This will be awesome." I whispered. Before I could see, he handed me a plate of cake. I budged and began eating the slice. I looked up to see Kelly hugging Zack. He sighed, wrapping his hand on her back. They parted as Jeff came up to Zack. He smiled. "Hey congratulations Jeff, you got a great girl. Treat her right." He said. Jeff nodded. "You got it man." He said. They shook hands respectively. I smiled and enjoyed the slice with Will. "Things are wrapping up nicely." He added. I nodded in agreement. Zack looked down in thought. I walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "You ok?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "I think I am. You know, first breakups are hard. I don't know how I'll get over Kelly." He said. I frowned till a red-haired bimbo touched his shoulders seductively. She smirked. "Hey, do you believe in love at first sight?" She flirted. His sad look quickly moved to happy. Zack smiled. "I'm over her now!" He said. I laughed as he rubbed my hair and followed behind. I'm happy that everything's all good.

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