:Captured: Bakugou x Reader

By Forgotten_Damsel

100K 3.5K 2.5K

Bakugou x Reader Tribal AU When you're suddenly taken away from your home village by force, you find yoursel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

5.8K 202 122
By Forgotten_Damsel


Word Count: 4575



Throughout the rest of the day, you felt whispers of that weird stare, and no matter where Bakugou dragged you, you couldn't pinpoint the culprit. The mysterious gaze followed after through most of your tour through the rest of the tribe grounds. You ignored the prickling sensation on your neck as best you could, you didn't want to attract more of Bakugou's attention of something being off like he had earlier at breakfast. It seemed that your stalker grew bored of you when you Bakugou began to introduced you to different elders or people of importance as you felt the cold eyes leave you.

Time passed by in a blink of an eye and you were exhausted from the whirlwind of introductions along with having to put up with Bakugou. You couldn't wait to sit down and enjoy your dinner. You welcomed the relaxing sensation of sitting, your knees popping as you settled down next to the blond. Again, you felt his signature move -- a thick steamy paw on your thigh.

Picking over your food, which he insisted on making for you again, you were grateful to see that he hadn't place that dreaded red paste on your plate again. It seemed that he was taking note of what you did and didn't like based on the earlier plates that he had prepared for you.

"Alright," shifting closer to you he began his lesson, "Is there anything on the plate that you do know?"

After making the embarrassing request of asking for more of the sweet red balls that he had gotten you for breakfast. Instead of teasing you over your lack of knowledge, Bakugou said nothing and left to fulfill your request. He returned with much more than just the red balls you had asked for. Setting the plethora of food in front of you, he sat next to you explaining all the different foods that were on it, starting with the red balls, which were called raspberries.

You had to say that Bakugou's teaching style was...different but extremely effective. Despite all his hollering and light slaps on your thigh when you got something wrong, he was incredibly patient with you and your struggle to memorize all of the various foods.

You started off strong. You were able to list off most of the things on the plate because you had recognized from your old tribe's cuisine. Now, you were at the hard part.

You were down to one pile of mixed vegetables all of its components were familiar from his lessons. In addition, there were two new items that you had no clue what they were. One pile was a white meat of some sort and the other a pile was a group of green stems where at the tips sprouting into bunches that resembled the tops of forests.

"Well," you pointed a finger to one of the mixed pile that was somewhat new to you, "that's corn, ah, and..those are carrots there and this is...zu-" the soft slap on your thigh made you freeze and rethink your answer, "squash."

"Good, you remember the ones from earlier," extending his arm he brushed against you to point at the unknown meat on your plate, "this is pork. It won't bleed or be as gamey like the bear you had for lunch today, so you should like it," he then went on to the last pile on your plate, "this is broccoli, got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." You glared at the green forests and pale meat, committing them to memory. Not bothering to move away from you, both of you started in on your meals. Your arms grazing against one another at times while your legs stayed touching.

Taking a bite of the meat you were pleased to find out that Bakugou had been right about it. It was tender and juicy and lacked the weird irony taste that the past unknown meats have had. It's crusted seasoning was bursting with flavor thanks to the robust spices and herbs they were rubbed on to it.

"Looks like they finally made it." He said as his crimson irises locked on something over your shoulder. You could now hear the sound feet running.

"(Y/N)!" Your waist was tackled by a small wet frame toppling the both of you into Bakugou's side. Bakugou's other arm coming to your aid to keep you supported upright rather than landing into his lap.

Smirking, you rubbed one of your hands through familiar dark locks. Looks like Kirishima was able to get him washed up after all, "Nice to see you too, Kota. How was your bath?"

"Terrible," the boy grumbled, "they don't even get in the water! They just take buckets of it and wash with that."

Both of your brows crinkled together at hearing such an odd way of bathing, if you were by the water why not just get in? Throwing the idea to the side, you saw Kirishima and Ashido approaching the table with three plates. Kirishima still had a large smile plastered to his face but he did look a little bit wore out.

Kota removed himself from you taking a proper seat next to you allowing you to sit up as well. Getting a proper view of one another, you didn't fail to notice how his dark orbs lingered on your damaged neck but he didn't bother making a fuss about it. He had seen those marks on others before and knew enough about them to know that it was a thing that couples did.

On the other hand, you could now see he was haunted by a deep set of bags under his eyes and didn't bother to fight his yawn next to you further confirming that all of what Yao-Momo had said was true.

"Then he put me in their clothes and they're so hot." He lazily murmured out pulling at the cloth and fur mixed shorts in a hopeless attempt to make more circulation.

It was understandable. Your people never wore heavy material or furs because you lived next to the sea. You didn't have to prepare for the cold like inland tribes had to. It also didn't help him that your people rarely wore anything remotely constricting like pants or shorts, opting for skirts.

"Well," you started, fixing his necklace so it was centered, "I think you look nice in them."

Little did you know that comment also made a certain male perk up at the table. Bakugou heard it more like an indirect compliment of their clothing. It was the first time you explicitly stated that you liked something about the tribe, even if it was a roundabout way of saying it.

You giggled watching a rosy tint filled the young boy's cheeks tinted at your words.

"That's what I said!" The cheerful voice of Ashido chimed in who was now sitting across from you pushed Kota's plate of food forward, "I would even go out and say that you look adorable in them!"

Further flustered by another compliment, Kota leaned his head into your shoulder, "I'm not adorable."

"Yeah Mina, I would say it makes him more manly than adorable!" Kirishima joined in, gesturing to himself with a chicken thigh in his hand, "One day, he might become manlier than me! If he works hard enough that is."

Ashido rolled her yellow eyes at her partner's statement before taking a bite of her food, "Anyways, Bakugou how was showing off your bride?"

"I was showing her the grounds, dumbass," licking his fingers of seasoning he reached for his next bit of meat, "showing her off was a bonus."

Kirishima's bright gems glimmered leaning into the table, "I heard you carried her around for a bit at the being of the day," a suave brow raised at you, "I hope it wasn't because what I think it was."

You had become numb to those kinds of statements as the day wore on. This tribe had no shame in asking about the suspected activity that went down last night. None of them were ever as invasive as Mineta though. Most of the comments were like Kirishima's-- teases and jabs aimed at Bakugou for finally getting the job done and rarely went into asking about details of the night. If they did decide to question more about it, Bakugou always stopped them in their tracks keeping everything at a surface level.

A clear vein pulsed on Bakugou's temple. His arm wheeling back, he chucked a clean bone at Kirishima, "There's a fucking kid at the table, shittyhair! Have some respect."

The redhead gave a hearty guffaw and apologized profusely for hinting at the scandalous night activity. Glancing to your side, you could tell that his comment had gone over Kota's head anyways as he continued to gobble up different foods on his plate.

"Kirishima, thank you for watching over him so far. I know that he is a lot for an eight-year-old." The compliment slipped through your lips with so much sincerity that it even surprised you. It felt like it had been years since the last time you had spoken in such a kind tone. Your face had even relaxed into a soft look that had been previously reserved just for Kota.

Despite being someone who was at the raid, Kirishima stood in a different light in your mind compared to the others. Not having the scaring memory of seeing him drenched in blood helped ease your mind over the idea of having Kirishima to be the one to watch over Kota rather than someone like Kaminari who was soaking in as much blood as Bakugou. The shark-toothed man had also proven to have a certain forbearance with the unyielding boy that even most of your old tribe lacked when it came to his antics.

You could tell that Kirishima was trying his best to win Kota over and have him see things in a new light, to embrace the new life he had to lead in this new tribe. With Kirishima's bright nature, which reminded you of Midoryia's at times, you knew that he had the best shot of getting through to Kota. If you played your cards right, along with Kirishima's guidance, you were sure that the two of you could get the boy to find his place in this tribe, and maybe one day, he might even come to enjoy his life here more than his life at Miadna.

Instantly, both of your hands were seized in his humongous paws, "T-Thank you, (Y/N)!" A smile so large developing on to his face and for a second you thought it kept getting bigger, his face would split in two.

You didn't fail to notice the increased pressure on your thigh from Bakugou. His crimson irises burning with jealously at your out of blue praise to who seemed to be one of his few friends. The blond ripped off a piece of bread with his teeth, chewing on it as he mulled over the fact that the first set of heartfelt words you uttered weren't directed at him.

Giving a nervous laugh and flutter of your eyes, you pulled your hands out of ridiculously huge paws that had made Bakugou's feel petite, "You're welcome."

Settling back in his seat, Kirishima scratched at his cheek as he moved his eyes off of you down to the boy next to you, "I will say though I'm not looking forward to tonight. I have a feeling that it will be a repeat of last night."

Taking a sip of water from your cup you thought it over. He certainly was right. Kota would keep going as long as his body would allow him. Once again, your eyes darted down to Kota who had now found a home resting his head on your other thigh fighting sleep.

Usually, he would still be a ball of energy when he would start these nightly runs to your tent getting tired on the third day of the escapade, not the first like he was currently, but with everything that has happened and having little rest, he must be exhausted.

Skillfully, you ran your hand through his hair cupping your hand over his ear for a moment blocking his hearing as his other ear was pressed against your thigh, "I'll help you with that." You migrated your hand off of his ear before Kota could notice that you were secretly plotting against him. You valued his health more than him getting angry at you for a few hours.

"The hell you are!" Bakugou snarled, "I'm not letting that brat stay with us!!!" His loud voice dropping several octaves to ensure that Kota didn't hear him.

"I know that." You snapped. Letting out a sigh, you turned your attention back to the hopeful redhead at the notion of getting some real sleep tonight. Scratching behind his ear, you impaired Kota's hearing while you spoke, "I know that this will work for tonight, it was one of the few things that we were able to use to trick him on nights like this."

The pinkette leaned her head onto her hand, "I sure hope it works. Tomorrow he'll be with the other kids of the tribe. We're hoping that will get him more adapted."

Kota moved under your touch, forcing himself to sit up again proving that he was still awake, "Tomorrow?"

Ashido smiled down at the sleepy boy, "Yeah! You'll be kids your age instead of hanging out with oldies like us! It's pretty fun too! You get to do all kinds of crafts and play around with pups if your lucky, I'm sure you'll make a friend or two by the end of the day."

"Do I have to go, (Y/N)?" Kota asked looking up at you, sulking. You could see the anxiety building in his dark orbs. Biting your lip you rubbed your thumb on his cheek. Kota never exactly got along with others his age.

After the accident with his parents, he started to fall behind in the pack. He hated everything about sailing, something that the rest of the kids grew up loving. While they were out at sea learning how to control the large contraptions, Kota stayed on the shore observing them.

When Midoriya, Shino, or yourself were rarely able to persuade him to go on a boat ride but, when you did, you had to stay dangerously close to the shore not daring to go out into the sea where the others were learning. And kids will do what kids will do when they see someone is different. They teased and made fun of Kota relentlessly, throwing jabs at him whenever the opportunity arose and further ostracized him from the group. Kota's abrasive personality didn't help the situation and actually fanned the fire for the kids to pick on him because they knew eventually they would get some sort of reaction out of him.

Midoriya and you hadn't seen the harsh bullying in action until a few months in because the kids knew better than to pick on him in front of adults. The kids didn't understand the trauma that sailing had done to Kota. They were too young to grasp the extent of it until the two of you sat them down and explained it clearly without Kota knowing. Learning the truth, the youngsters felt horrible and tried to befriend him but the damage had been done.

Kota wanted nothing to do with them. He was more than fine having just you and Midoryia with him on shore making sandcastles. He didn't need anyone else. He didn't want anyone else.

"Damn right you have to go, kid," Bakugou butted in his bad mood leaking out, letting it on Kota, "You have to learn to grow up, (Y/N) can't baby you forever."

You sent sharp daggers to the untamed blond. Once again, his sharp but truthful tongue had made an appearance, "Enough, Bakugou."

"You're just as bad," he huffed out sending out another lash, "how do you expect him to grow up if you keep letting him dictate everything you do? When was the last time you did something for yourself?"

Your nails bit into your palms listening to him, "I said that's enough."

One part of his lip jumped upward into a smirk displaying his sharp canine, while battling your glare with his own, "You've spoiled him rotten all his life, admit it."

"Stop talking to (Y/N) like that," Kota growled standing between the two of you like a wall causing Bakugou to cackle.

"And what are you going to do about it kid? Last time I checked, she's been the one saving your ass left and right and if I had to take a guess, she's been doing that for years. Ya know, you're selfish for making her do that." His mocking smirk shifting into a grin, his voice growing more and more caustic, "I bet you couldn't even protect her from a bug if you tried."

"S-Shut up!" Kota cried and before you knew it, he had thrown a punch directly onto Bakugou's nose knocking the blond's head pop backward. The hand on your thigh moved swiftly backhanding the child on the cheek, a loud smack of contact ringing in the air making Kota topple into the table from the hit.

"K-Kota!" Getting ready to attack the blond bastard yourself, Ashido dove over the table stopping you. A knowing look in her eye over what was about to happen.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima shouted, his voice filled with shame, "He's a kid!"

Rubbing under his noise, Bakugou rolled his nose assessing what little damage Kota's weak punch had done to him, "He's learning a lesson, Kirishima."

Stumbling up, Kota charged forward at Bakugou. Holding his hand up, Bakugou stopped Kota's advancement when his forehead hit the stone-like palm, "What are you going to do when you can't live in her shadow anymore? How are you going to protect her?"

Throwing wild fists in the air Kota let out a guttural cry, "I-I will! Watch me!!!"

"From what I'm seeing you're doing a pretty shit job."

Another frustrated shout erupted from Kota's throat as he continued to battle in a match he was severely outclassed in. A minute or two later, Bakugou, decided that he had enough fun. Catching both of Kota's tiny paws in one hand he held him still, while his other hand traveled from his forehead to his jaw holding it still forcing Kota to look at him.

"Listen, kid, you'll never grow up strong enough to protect anyone if you keep going the way you are. Some people aren't born strong and have to work for it. Being glued to (Y/N)'s side you'll never learn from your mistakes. You'll be ignorant of your own weaknesses," he no longer held a demeaning tone, it still one of ridicule, but now it was mellower and thoughtful, "Recognizing your faults is the only way you can grow because they show you where you can improve. One day, you'll understand."

Letting Kota go, Bakugou collected his stuff and left. Your wide eyes locked on his shrinking form. Your boiling anger fading away with him. His form of tough love settling in the air everyone at the table remained silent for their own unique reasons.

"K-Kota, go with Mina and take care of the dishes." Kirishima slowly spoke as if he had just learned to speak again, testing each of the words to see if he was pronouncing them right.

Ashido rushed stacking all the plates and cups into separate piles, "Come on Kota." Shoving the plates into the stunned boy's arms, she pushed him forward making him walk away from the table.

By now, Bakugou was long gone, disappearing somewhere in the opposite direction of his hut.

"He won't be back till late tonight," Kirishima piped up, choosing his words carefully like he was taking steps on this rugged ground without shoes, "maybe not even till tomorrow...it's best to let him blow off steam right now."

You digested his words, "Alright.." ripping your head away from the path Bakugou had gone down your hands rubbed your face, changing your focus on one of the few things you had control of, "Alright, uhh..Kota. So just wait outside of the hut and I'll bring him out to you when he's asleep. O-Oh and make sure he doesn't see you following us."

"We can do that."

Pulling yourself up from the ground was like ripping the roots of a century-old tree out of the ground. Kirishima followed after you to meet Ashido and Kota halfway. Scooping him up, his tiny body was notably stiff, "Come on let's go to bed." You whispered to him hastily leaving the common grounds. Kota's small paws digging into you so much that it stung as you made your way to your hut.

Pushing your way through the heavy cloth, you placed Kota on the bed grabbing a pillow before heading to your bag. Going through it, you pulled out your kalimba placing it to the side while you worked on the pillow in secret. Finishing your project, you left the pillow hidden behind your bag. Picking up your kalimba again, you made your way back to Kota pulling him into your lap.

Moving around till he found a comfortable spot he snuggled into you basking in your comforting warmth and scent that he had been deprived of. Once in an ideal position, he saw the instrument in your hands, "What are you going to play?" His voice monotoned.

Rubbing his smooth leg you gave him your best smile, "What do you want? It's your lullaby tonight."

"Life in the Reefs." He replied with no hesitation.

Kissing his forehead you knew that would have been his choice. It was his favorite song, "Alright, Life in the Reefs it is."

Plucking a few testing notes you were pleasantly surprised that it had stayed in tune through your rough journey and Bakugou hard bashes on it. Pleased, you started hitting the correct metal bars making a gentle tune to fill the air. Taking a breath, you breathed life to the song,

"High on the shore, the sand washed away,
And the sea would play with her ghosts,
The ones she had lost and the ones who stayed
And the ones who had loved her the most,

The ones who'd been gone for so very long
They couldn't remember their names
She spun them around through all of the reefs
Spun away all their sorrow and pain

And they never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

They danced through the days
And into the nights, through the waves that she swept to the shore
From the water to the land and water again,
The waves brought them home once more

And they never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave..."

Your voice carried the last note of the song while you plucked away a few more notes on the slim silver bars. Coming to the end your teetered to a stop bringing an end to the somber song.

"Do you think Shin-Shin is with mommy and daddy again? Do you...think she made it to the sea without our help?" Kota whispered to you nuzzle into your chest his eyes losing their battle to stay open.

Putting your kalimba down you leaned back onto mattress keeping him on your chest letting him hear your steady and comforting heartbeat, "Shino was strong. I'm sure she was able to make it to the shore. I bet she is even telling your mom and dad all about you and how you've grown up while they're dancing."

"Y-Yeah...and I'll get strong too...strong to protect you from everything."

Tightening your embrace, you placed a kiss on his forehead fighting the tears in your eyes at hearing his resolve, "I-I know...I know you'll be my hero one day Kota, just like how Mido was yours."

You could feel him go lax in your arm proving that sleep finally won him over. Stay there for a few minutes you didn't want to risk moving him and jostling him awake again. Hearing a certain snore, you knew that you had been granted permission to move. Gradually, you stood up with the boy exiting the hut with a certain tool you had hidden out of sight.

"Woah, he's actually asleep," Kirishima whispered amazed at seeing the limp body in your arms.

Wordlessly, you gave him the dear tool that would keep him asleep for the night. It was a pillow wrapped in last of your skirts ensuring that your scent would be reeking off of the soft cushioning, "Put it on your chest."

Following your orders, Kirishima held the cushion to his chest and the two of you made the trade-off. Kota stirring in Kirishima's strong arms making both of you go tense until he found the pillow. With your scent and feeling a softer version of Kirishima's strong chest, the sleeping child had no idea that it wasn't you that he was snuggling into.

A wave of relief came over you. He really was out for the night.

"It's odd seeing him like this, all peaceful and stuff..." Ashido came to her partner's side looking down at the child, "after that lullaby I think anyone would be knocked out though."

So they had heard you through the hut. You shook your head, smiling, "The lullaby helps, but really it's that pillow."

"If you hide the pillow before he wakes up it will trick him until he finds it or the scent leaves it. Next time it's time to go to bed and the lights are out, switch his pillow with that one and he shouldn't run out for a while," Kissing your hand you pressed it to his forehead before caressing his puffy cheeks, "he runs when he feels alone that's all."

With that, they bid you goodnight and you returned into your hut crawling into the empty bed.

Turning on your side you looked at the spot that was usually occupied by Bakugou. Sighing you flipped yourself over feeling an odd sense of loneliness come over you. His sweet burnt sugary scent was overflowing your senses demanding your attention as much as its owner. Suffocating in the fragrance you could now detect a subtle musky in it.

Some people aren't born strong and have to work for it.

You'll be ignorant of your own weaknesses.

One day, you'll understand.

His words blared through your mind and when you closed your eyes those bloody red orbs haunted you, boring into you like they were at Kota. These eyes ruled over you differently than his harsh glare. Unlike Kirishima and Ashido who didn't have a direct view of those predatorial eyes, you were staring at them head-on and you knew the truth.

He wasn't going to blow off steam.

He was going off to hide.

When he was looking at Kota, those fiery eyes that are brimming with confidence had became glazed over and dull, lacking their spark of life. They were the eyes of a man who had learned an unknown hard truth and was sharing it for the first time.


Song: Based on Jenny of Oldstones by Florence and the Machine.

*A Kalimba cover of the song: https://youtu.be/gZAgfjsqFUk

*I added this as an external link as well, I hope it works :.). Also, it only goes up to the Never want to leave part of the song.

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