Falling For A Gangster: A Bub...

By Koyuki902

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A Bubbline Fanfic. I am huge fan of this pair and I ship them hardcore. Especially when easter eggs were give... More

Chapter 1: The Big Boss
Chapter 2: The New Student
Chapter 3: In search of the Mysterious Student
Chapter 4: The Boss Meets The Nerd
Chapter 5: Rivalry
Chapter 6: Lab Partners and a Wager
Chapter 7: Doubts
Chapter 8: Meeting
Chapter 9: Invitation
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11: Date and Competition

Chapter 12

333 4 4
By Koyuki902


We spent the rest of the day out after that incident at the game center at an amusement park; well, I know for sure we're getting a scolding from Professor Peppermint and like Marceline said: It's better to enjoy it to the fullest than going back and get a scolding while thinking 'I should've made the most out of it. Professor Peppermint did saw the four of us clearly although he may not have any solid evidence after Marceline had the CCTV footage for the day erased. I'll just face whatever punishment in store there would be for me. I had received a message earlier from Flame Princess how Professor Peppermint had been raving that he had lost a good student to "Abadeer's negative influence." 

PB, where in the glob are you right now? Professor Peppermint's been raving how you started getting into bad stuff with Marceline.

-Flame Princess

But what I'm scared right now is if my parents finds out that I ditched class to have fun with other kids. Mind you, I am not the outgoing type and my parents had raised me telling me to behave and act like a civilized, educated lady from our family. They had never once encountered a problem when it comes to me at school, I was never a problem child even my twin brother Gumball has never gone rule breaking.

"Earth to Princess Bubblegum! EARTH TO-" I covered Marceline's mouth with my hand, she's just so annoying that I don't know what to do with her.

"Can't you give me some space?" I told her in frustration. I am still mulling over the possible admonishment when this news reaches my parents.

"Are you worried about something?" She probes as she hands me an ice cream cone which I don't even remember when she got it.

"Nothing. I just need some space." I told her flatly but took the sweet treat she's been holding for quite some time now, taking my time savoring it as I thought of the consequences this decision will get me.

"Nothing? You've been like spacing out ever since you've checked your phone."

"Would it kill you to just stay quiet? Even just for a minute or two?" I told her again in utter frustration before glancing on my phone screen as I dawdle on what to reply to FP.

"Aish. You'll never get to have fun if you keep spacing out and worrying as to whoever's gonna message you." Marceline replies as she snatched the phone from my hand; she stares at it for a moment before she grabs me by my shoulder, "Say cheese~" she says as she snaps a photo of us together. "There, problem solved," she announced with a triumphant look before showing me the phone screen.

She sent the photo to FP.

I was left speechless as she pockets my phone.

"C'mon, Princess, let's enjoy the rest of our day! Let's worry about the consequences later. I've been telling you this over and over."

I sighed. What more can I do, right? It won't get that complicated later on, right?


This girl clearly doesn't know how to have fun. Earlier she was frowning while looking at her phone so I snatched it away from her and had been holding on to it. Now, she looks so bored. I managed to drag her to line up for a roller coaster ride. I must show this princess what she's been missing out all this time.

"Uhm... Marceline, are we going to ride this?" Bubblegum asks, a look of uncertainty dawning her face once she had noticed the line was leading to the roller coaster ride.

"Yep." Marceline replies nonchalantly, her hands shoved in her jean's pocket.

"Marce.... I know we're not that close yet but... I think you should know that I am not good with heights." 

"You need to face your fears, Bonnie." Marceline replied with a grin on her face before the miscreant held her hand, lacing their fingers together. "I'll be by your side all the way."

Soon enough the ride came to a halt in front of us, the passengers from before were disembarking; some looked satisfying thrilled, others had a triumphant look despite the nausea that came after the ride while others a look of horror painted on their face, and still others were hunching over with their friends who rode with them, looking grim and nauseous.

Bonnibel hesitated, she definitely don't want to ride something that looks so terrifying but a reassuring squeeze on their interlocked hands by Marceline and the soft smile painted on the latter's face as she glanced at her somehow washed her fears away. Thus, she climbed into the seat with Marceline beside her.

"Ain't this exciting?!" I yelled at the top of my voice for the other girl to hear as the others were already loud before the ride had even started.

Bonnibel just shakes head whilst keeping her eyes closed, one hand gripping the safety bar while her other had still been interlocked with mine (not that I mind, by the way).

I chuckled at the sight, earlier this girl was freaking out for ditching class and somehow getting caught by our professor but now she's more freaked out about riding a roller coaster for the first time ever in her existence.

As the ride starts to move, terrified and thrilled shouts from other passengers could be heard, Bonnibel out of instinct had join the noise, shouting incoherent words into the air. I joined the noise as I found it exhilarating when the ride starts to pick up it's pace, the feeling of the wind blowing through my locks felt makes me feel like everything's in my control.

I had rode the same ride with Bongo, Guy and Keila before and it was really fun but riding this with Bonnibel proved her wrong. The expression and reactions the latter is showing her right now is very different from how the girl had been acting before.

"Why the fuck did I even rode this?!" Bonnibel shouts at the top of her voice.

So, she can actually curse.Cute.

"Let me off this ride!" The Bonnibel shouts yet again when the ride slowed down as they ascend for the first drop point.

"If you're going to get off at this point, you'll die on the spot, Bonnie." I tried coaxing her, "Try opening your eyes, you're gonna miss the fun!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Bonnibel exclaims as the ride descends at full speed. Out of fear she turned to me as she tries to hide on the crook of my neck, my breath hitched at the sudden action of Bonnie. Just then she lets go of the safety bar then and grabbed me by the collar of my leather jacket.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! My jacket!!" I shout in protest of the act, I had never expected for her to cling onto me, though I admit that I had hoped something like this would happen, but this was not how I pictured it in my head.

Bonnibel grits her teeth through the ride, occasionally letting out a string of curses and threats as she clung onto my jacket for her dear life. I would've felt great with the skin ship and all but in the middle of the ride, I swear I heard my leather jacket tear at how Bonnibel had been pulling on it, her hand that was interlocked with the mine might've been broken (it felt like that as Bonnibel had been squeezing to hard on it). I had been trying my best to calm down and asking nicely (more like threaten) Bonnibel to let my jacket go to no avail.


The ride slowed down as they enter the platform where they should be getting off, Bonnibel couldn't help but giggle as Marceline had been scowling at her, hurling curses every now and then that her jacket might've been ruined. Marceline loosing her cool was definitely a sight. Upon hearing the other girl giggle Marceline couldn't help but get annoyed.

So, my suffering is amusing to you? I cannot believe this girl!

"That was somehow.... fun." Bonnibel teases Marceline with a giggle once they were on steady ground, her legs were still shaking but seeing Marceline's annoyed face made her day.

Marceline scowled as she took off her jacket to inspect it. The seam on the  left shoulder was ripped to the point that it barely was holding on with the few stitches left intact. She couldn't believe that the fragile looking nerd actually had the strength to ruin her jacket, more so the said girl is now giggling seeing how pissed she is at what happened. She could only sigh in defeat as she slung the tattered jacket over her shoulder.

She scooped the girl up once she saw the said girl's knees gave up.

"I'm sorry about the jacket." Bonnibel tells her with an apologetic smile as they exit the ride.

A staff of the ride then handed them a photo of them together, they were shots from every drop point. Marceline could only scowl as she hoped to look cool on the shots as she cradle Bonnibel but her scowling face was prominent in all shots. She was about to toss it on the nearby waste bin but before she could even do the deed, Bonnibel had grabbed the photo from her.

"Can I have these?"

"Aish. It doesn't even look good." Marceline mumbles out a reply.

"That's the whole point to it." Bonnibel chuckles as she slips the photo in her pocket.

Marceline was about to protest when Bonnibel beat her to it.

"I'm famished! Feed me."

"Aren't you nauseous from the ride?"

"It's quite a shock, but nope. I'm not. Now, feed me you lowly being."

 "Now, you're acting all princess and what not." Marceline comments.

"Hey, you were the one who started calling me Princess." Bonnibel reminds her to which she could only grunt in response.


We found a small cafe in the amusement park, it looked like a gingerbread house in my opinion from the pastel pink colored walls to the mint green colored booths down to the chocolaty color of the floor and ceiling. Heck, even the menu was too sweet for my liking but seeing Bonnibel carefree like this is such a sight. She was the one who spotted this cafe, and had been bugging me to come here.

"What would you like to order, miss?" the cashier asked in a sultry voice.

Guess I still that effect on women, eh?

I turned to look at Bonnibel to ask what she would want and she had a scowl painted on her face.

What could've spoiled her mood?

"What do you like?" I asked her.

"Strawberry smoothie and strawberry shortcake, Mar-Mar."

Hearing her call me Mar-Mar was spine-chilling in my opinion, her icy gaze at the cashier never leaving.

I gulped my nervousness and repeated her order to the cashier, "One strawberry smoothie and a slice of strawberry shortcake and one iced mocha latte."

The cashier nodded and gave us a sweet smile, totally oblivious of the icy stare Bonnibel was giving her. Out of the blue, Bonnibel linked arms with me and somehow it felt like she was dragging off to a booth by the corner of the cafe.

Once seated, she glaring dagger at me, I shrugged trying to brush off the awkward situation we are in but she just sat there staring at me intensely.

"What?" I asked her frustrated.

"Are you enjoying this?" Bonnibel inquired out of the blue with a cold tone.

I was about to reply when the food was served by the waiter but when I looked up, it was the same woman who was the cashier earlier.

"One strawberry smoothie, a slice of strawberry shortcake, one iced mocha latte... and this one is on the house." she said with a wink as she slip a slice of chocolate mousse cake in front of me. I swear, I could hear Bonnibel growl at the action.

Could she be jealous of some sort?

I glanced at her to which she raised an eyebrow at me, arms crossed; she definitely looks pissed now. I shrugged my shoulders as I am not sure what else to do to make her feel better. But then again I was taken aback when she tries to spoon feed me with strawberry shortcake, the spoon hovering in front of me, a sweet yet dangerous smile painted on her face. I hesitantly open my mouth and she fed.

"Is it good?" Bonnibel asks with an expectant look.

I took a sip of my Mocha latte before I replied, "Yes, I didn't expect it to be actually good. I am not that much for sweets."

Bonnibel looks flabbergasted at my reply. "That's totally unexpected of you."

"Well, tell me..." Bonnibel glances at me as she eats her cake, "are you jealous with that cashier by chance?"

That seemed to get to her as I see her eyes widen by surprise by my sudden inquiry.

"What made you think so?" she replies, her voice cold as ice.

I shrugged my shoulders as i picked up the spoon and took a bit out of the chocolate mousse cake, I saw her eyes turn into slits from my peripheral vision.

Aha! I knew it.

"Nah. Just wondering." I simply told her.

And that's when she switched the two cakes.

"I think that chocolate mousse cake is a tad too sweet for you."

I could only smile at her words, though what she said is true, I know very well that she just being jealous.

After we ate, the cashier came around for our tab, she snatched the tab and paid for our food. The girl could only pout at Bonnibel's action. Though Bonnibel looked triumphant at what she just did and proceeded to drag me out of the cafe.

Talk about a possessive girlfriend.

I could only snicker at her antics to which she tilts her head in puzzlement.

We rode a few more rides, this time I let Bonnibel choose which ride she'd prefer, although I'd much prefer riding thrill rides, I am just scared that by the end of the day, I'd go home with a tattered shirt as she already ruined my leather jacket.

It was around 6pm when we decided to call it a day, but knowing how much of a straight A student Bonnibel is, I had to bring her home on time. Thus, I drove her home though she asked me to drop her off a block before their house as she doesn't want her parents getting alarmed with her stepping out of my car. I could only sigh and let her be.

"Hey, you take care there, Bon-Bon." I told her.

"My house is just a block away, it's you who needs to take care, Mar-Mar."

"Geez. Okay. Message me when you're safe at home already, okay?"

"Sure," she replies as she steps out.

I was about to drive off when a knock on my window came, thus, I brought it down and there stood Bonnibel, a brilliant smile on her face.

"Before you go off, thanks for today." she tells me before she leaned in and plants a kiss on my cheek. After that, she stood for a few seconds as I try to get the gears in my head turning, her face was flushed and then, she ran off. It was then that I was able process the events that had just transpired.

I watched her disappear from my vision before driving off home. My mood was much better than ever. I can feel my heart fluttering in happiness. It was kinda odd as this is the first time I ever felt this way.

Bonnibel, what have you done to me?

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