Twerk or Dare


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A harmless game of "Twerk or Dare", gets Georgia Gibson, closet-drama-geek, stumbling into the path of Pearce... Viac

TD [1] Like Any Other Day
TD [2] Boy Meets Mama
TD [3] Sexual Tension
TD [4] Morning Shenanigans
TD [5] The Le Noir Effect
TD [6] Smells Like Teen Drama
TD [7] The Conways
TD [8] The F Word
TD [10] Rumour Has It
TD [11] A Brief Engagement
TD [12] Smut In The Library
TD [13] Peter Pan Sucks Anyway
TD [14] Tender Loving Pear
TD [15] Memes To The Rescue
TD [16] Matters Of The Heart
TD [17] Something Stupid
TD [18] Corners Are Comfy
TD [19] Free Or Fall
TD [20] Simple Words
TD [21] Crossing Abandoned Bridges
TD [22] University of Boyfriend Philosophy
TD [23] Shitty Isaac Gregory
TD [24] Home Alone
TD [25] Lesson In Adolescence
TD [26] The Conway Package
TD [27] Good Luck
TD [28] Bad Idea
TD [29] Repercussion
TD [30] Answer
TD [31] The Calm
TD [32] Unicorns & Stars
TD [33] Jealous
TD [34] His Forever
TD [35] Mission Improbable
TD [36] Spilling The Jelly
TD [37] Fifteen Minutes
TD [38] Misunderstood
TD [39] The Parents pt.1
TD [39] The Parents pt.2
TD [40] All According To Plan
TD [41] Birthday Bust
TD [42] Confessions Of A Lunatic
TD [43] Just One Night
TD [44] Party Pearce
TD [45] Can't Stay For Waffles
TD [46] Camp Out
TD [47] The Unspoken Spoken
TD [48] Breakfast Cheesecake
TD [49] For Now
TD [50] Adventures In Cat-sitting
TD [51] After Her
TD [52] Dream At Thirteen
TD [53] Not Alone
TD [54] Fallen
TD [55] The Truth
TD [FINAL] Departures
Bonus. The Nightmare Before Thanksgiving
Bonus. The Nightmare Before Thanksgiving

TD [9] How To Catch A Girl

143 26 94

Are you from Starbucks because I like you a latte.

Chapter Nine

It was 3.54 pm. School had officially ended this week as of eight minutes ago. Students were exiting classrooms, gathering their things, fleeing the halls all to leave the premise as soon as possible. Yet Pearce made his way to the football field where he located Jessie and Connor up on the bleachers.

They sent him a wave which he didn't return, ascending to them.

"Why exactly did I have to meet you here?" Pearce asked Jessie. "If it's anything to do with my compensation gift, then I already don't like it."

"Patience, Conway," said Jessie. "We'll get to that later. I've called you here for the three of us to deal with a matter of utmost importance."

Pearce quirked a brow. "Which is?"

"Uncovering the identity of your mystery coquette, of course."

Pearce wondered why he was even surprised. "Seriously?"

"I'm just here 'cause my evening's free." Connor shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay," was all Pearce could say on that notion.

"Take a seat and I'll run you through my idea," Jessie told him.

"If you wanna know so badly, I can just go to Mr. Ford to ask for her name," Pearce pointed out.

"Where's the fun in that?" Jessie countered.

Pearce rolled his eyes but nevertheless, settled down on a seat by the two boys to hear Jessie's solution.

"So I've asked around to find out all the girls in this school who uh..." He cleared his throat. "Are known to come around to guys and get pretty friendly. Their names and faces are all here through social media accounts so one of them should be a hit. Also, I've categorised the girls into two lists; the ones who are currently single and the ones with boyfriends but have been known to still fool around so..."

Jessie stopped once noticing the identical questioning looks Pearce and Connor were giving him. "What?"

"You're way too into this." Pearce shook his head.

"Yeah," Connor agreed. "You put together a list like that in the last hour and a half of school? How does someone even manage that?"

Jessie smirked. "I have my ways. Now, let's get started."

The three boys sat there as Jessie began showing Pearce and Connor multiple girls, different grades, names and faces which were eliminated one by one by a "no" or a head shake. The pattern persisted for twenty minutes to no avail.

"Okay, I'm done," Pearce announced.

"What? But there's still a couple more left to go through," said Jessie.

"I don't care," Pearce snapped. "I'm not looking at another girl wearing a shirt too small to make her cleavage appear bigger and with the hashtag BadAss. God, we're basically just three guys stalking profiles." He groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "Show the rest to Connor. I'm tired."

Knowing Pearce was close to impossible to persuade when he was grumpy, Jessie left him be to lay down on his seat, staring up at the sky. It was roughly two minutes later when Connor let out a gasp. "This...!" He pointed at Jessie's phone screen.

Pearce immediately sat up, all ears.

"This one? It's her?" Jessie questioned.

"Nah, but this is the chick who took off her top at Brent Donwood's New Years party. Girl is a party animal."

Jessie glared at him, unamused by the misleading reaction while Pearce sighed.

"Alright, on to the next—"

"No. Enough," said Pearce. "Jessie I doubt she's on your stupid list."

"You haven't seen all of them, Pearce and my list isn't stupid."

"Hey, calm down guys," Connor intervened. "Let's not make any hasty claims but this is taking a while so can we figure out a way to speed this up? Like, narrow it down somehow."

"Tell me what she looks like and I'll cross out the ones who don't match it," Jessie said.

"Okay. The girl is uh, average height I guess?" Connor scratched his head, deeply thoughtful expression streaking his face. "Brown hair and slim, but not skinny. She wasn't pale but not like, dark-skinned so maybe her folks are European or she goes tanning a lot and uh... yeah, that's all I got."

Jessie blinked. "Right, thanks Connor. That really narrows it down."

"Jessie I'm one hundred percent certain she's not on there," Pearce assured him. "Can I just please go home already?"

"Well instead of whining why not give me something to go on then?"

Pearce clenched his jaw and sat up. "Fine. First of all, the lunatic apparently has been sat next to me for a whole month and I hadn't realised. Meaning she blends into the crowd— she isn't flashy. Her bangs hang low and she carries her hair down as if in an effort to conceal her face, the most cosmetics I've seen her wear is on her nails so I doubt she posts an excessive amount of selfies. Then there's her idea of a 'cute' pet name which has me guessing she'd choose something cheesy or mushy as her username and not curse words or 'slay queen'. Her skin is fair, naturally so and if it's anything to do with genes, it'd be of a South African descent— not European. She's five foot seven with chestnut brown eyes and a deep brunette that her hair could easily be mistaken as black from a distance."

The words left his mouth without a moment's hesitation, surprising not only Connor and Jessie but himself also. The boys stared at Pearce, speechless at first.

"Um... okay. Wow," Connor uttered after a while. "That was pretty descriptive."

"Not really," Pearce denied, keeping his eyes down and away from Jessie's calculative gaze.

Pearce didn't like how it felt like his friend was trying to figure out his thoughts which he was afraid Jessie was very capable of doing. Pearce didn't like that invasion of privacy.

"So Jess." Connor turned to him. "How much does that narrow it down to?"

Jessie eyed Pearce for a while longer before answering. "It's fine. I think we're done here."

"Huh?" Connor darted his gaze back and fro, confusion transparent.

"Good. I'm going then," said Pearce, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"You want a ride?" offered Jessie, even if he already knew the answer.

"No," Pearce declined, making fast paced steps down the bleachers not wanting to spend another second there.

"Sorry, did I miss something?" Connor questioned.

Jessie patted his shoulder. "I think we both did."


Pearce hopped onto the bus that day, his mind a muddle. He knew he wasn't annoyed about toiling around after school with Jessie playing detective. He didn't mind humouring the guy, neither did he despise the fact that Connor tagged along.

What annoyed Pearce was how he felt Jessie's list of 'candidates' were chosen based on a misconception. Pearce didn't like how his friend had lumped the strange girl with those other flirts- he felt that it was a completely wrong comparison. Which didn't make sense because Pearce didn't know anything about her.

So the question popped back up; why was he annoyed?

Soon, Pearce saw that he was only going in circles. He dismissed the puzzling matter and put on his earphones, opting to listen solely to his music— no thinking, no stressing.


Gigi laid sprawled out on the sofa, lazily flicking through channels. It was a bright Saturday morning. It was then interrupted by a figure suddenly standing in front of the screen. "Hey," her little brother started, "give me your phone."

"Why the hell would I do that?" Gigi questioned.

"Because I need to use it to call Clyde to remind him to bring his new Assassins creed when he comes over," Brooklyn explained.

"Why can't you use your own phone?" Gigi asked like she didn't already know the answer. "Oh wait, you can't because you don't have one." She laughed.

Despite all of Brooklyn's classmates having phones and tablets, their parents decided that they wouldn't buy one until he turned eleven when they felt he was old enough to handle the responsibility. His sister never failed to mock him about it.

Brooklyn scowled. "Just give me your damn phone."

"Hey attitude, mister. When you ask for things you say please."

Brooklyn held back an eye roll. "Can I use your phone please?"

"No. I'm busy."

"Wha?! But you're not even using it! It's just lying there!" Brooklyn pointed at the device perched on the coffee table.

"I'm expecting a call," Gigi stated.

"From who? The president? All you'll be doing is whining to your friends about how you have nothing to do all day," Brooklyn shot back, earning a glare from his sister.

"For your information, we're actually making plans to go out to the movies," Gigi replied, sticking out her tongue.

"So, you're sitting staring at a screen and waiting to go out to a place where you'll be sitting and staring at an even bigger screen?" Brooklyn gave a gasp in mockery. "Wow, how exciting."

"Shut up."

Brooklyn did not. "I seriously don't get how you're friends with people who are actually cool when you're so boring."

"So what's it like having to wait another two years to catch up with the rest of civilization?" Gigi questioned.

It worked instantly— Brooklyn's scowl deepening. "Quit being a bitch and just give me your phone."

Gigi shot up from her slouched position. "What did you just call me?"

"You heard me."

She narrowed her eyes, setting aside the remote. "Alright then."

At first, Brooklyn thought she was getting up to hand him her phone as he so rightly deserved, only to see Gigi dip her finger in her mouth and eye him with a malicious smile on her lips. Horror filled Brooklyn's eyes and he sped off, screaming for his dad as his sister pursued him. When Gigi had her brother pinned down on the floor and was about to give him a wet willy as an act of "discipline", she heard the sound of her ringtone.

She let the petrified boy go to run and hide in his room while she attended to the call. She assumed it'd be Renée or Sierra but the name flashing on her screen turned out to be Daniel. She answered and placed the phone by her ear. "Hey what's up?"

"The sky, Gigi, and it's really boring. Blue has got to be the most boring colour out there."

"Right, duly noted. So what am I being called for?"

"I'm lonely. Come play with me."

Gigi smiled, knowing he was pouting. "Aww, I'm sorry but I've actually got plans with Sierra and Renée."

"Screw them. I'm much better company."

"Mm, I'm sure you'd like to think so but I'm not passing up a trip to the theatres where someone else has promised to pay for drinks and my popcorn."

"What movie are you guys seeing?"

"It's that new action movie directed by Stephen Lege."

"Isn't that the guy who directed that film you and I went to see last spring?"

"Yeah, they say this one's even better."

"Cool. Can I come along then?"

"Sure. Let me just tell the girls."


Daniel hung up and Gigi went forth to send a text to notify her friends of his inclusion. It didn't take long for the two to reply to the message.

Renée- K. But let Daniel know he's paying 4 his own ticket and food, I don't care how hot he is. I'm not going broke

Sierra- Uh, why didn't u invite him earlier???!! Now I have to run to the salon for a quick fix to make my frizzy monstrosity presentable >_<

Gigi rolled her eyes at Sierra's reaction as if they'd be dinning with royalty. Granted, by the majority of the girls at their school's perspective, Daniel Le Noir qualified as such a ranking.

When Gigi arrived at the cinema entrance, her two friends were already present. Sierra in particular was very eye catching with her slick wavy hair and voguish attire.

"Damn Sierra," Gigi examined her from head to toe. "You know we're watching a movie, not starring in it?"

Sierra smirked. "I'll take that as a recognition of a job well done. Then again, half the credit goes to my hairstylist Yvonne."

"I can't believe you dressed up this much just for Daniel. Are you trying to hook up with him?" Gigi questioned.

"This isn't about trying to get him interested, Gigi," Sierra stated. "It's about principles. There's certain individuals one does not neglect their appearance before due to their title rather than merely attraction."

"He's just a guy, Sierra. Not the president."

Sierra sighed, muttering to herself in Spanish. "Forget it, you'll understand when you're older."

Gigi decided to drop the matter and regarded Renée who'd been standing there without uttering a word, typing on her phone with a goofy smile. "What's with her?" Gigi asked.

"She's texting Evan," Sierra explained. "Girl nearly fell into a manhole because she won't even bother looking up from the screen."

"That's concerning," Gigi muttered.

In a little while, the so-called highly esteemed individual the girls were expecting arrived. He wore a simple sleeveless hoodie, faded jeans and his hair looking moderately groomed. Yet he still had heads turning as he walked up to the trio, greeting them each with a hug.

"Sierra might I say you're looking exceptionally fine," Daniel complimented.

"Oh really? I just threw on the first thing in sight." Sierra claimed, flipping her voluminous locks.

The four proceeded onwards inside and bought their tickets at the booth, then hurried to the concession stand for snacks before the film started. The line was thankfully short but Daniel's shoulder momentarily tensed as he spotted a familiar face in the queue.

"Oh crap."

"What?" Gigi asked.

"Nothing, it's just—"


Daniel frowned at the sound of the voice he knew was directed at him. A girl with ash brown hair approached him with a wide smile, her friends following closely behind.

"Hey, Jordan," he greeted and Gigi watched as Daniel put on his best stage smile.

Gigi recognised the girl as one of the seniors from school— Jordan Kingsley. She was dating the school's star quarterback, at certain intervals which she'd occasionally drag Daniel into, stirring up all sorts drama. Daniel hated it but he had a hard time saying no to Jordan or any pretty girl for that matter.

"What are you doing here?" Jordan asked.

"To see a movie." Daniel replied.

"Obviously." Sierra piped in a blunt tone.

Jordan dismissed it though. Her primary focus on Gigi who Daniel had his arm over her shoulder.

"You didn't tell me you started seeing someone." Jordan wore a tight-lipped smile.

Daniel held Gigi closer. "We're friends. I'm not seeing anyone."

Jordan looked at him skeptically but decided she'd happily accept his claim. "Oh, well that makes two of us."

"Oh, you broke up with Carson?" Daniel raised his brows. "Again?"

"Yeah but I'm definitely through with him this time."

"You tend to say that a lot," Sierra chimed in.

Jordan didn't falter and retained her smile. "I guess I do, but I draw the line at cheating. The idiot thought I wouldn't find out he was screwing some other girl— in my car."

Sierra said nothing back at that. Even Renée glanced up from her screen in alarm to Jordan's statement.

"Oh. Sorry," Daniel apologised, genuinely feeling bad for the girl. Gigi included.

"It's fine. I'm totally over it," Jordan assured him. "So what movie are you guys coming to see?"

"Gunned Down," Daniel supplied.

Jordan's eyes lit up. "Oh, cool. So are we." She held up her identical ticket. "Why don't we all sit together then?"

"Uh..." Daniel spared a glance to Sierra and Renée who were shaking their heads. Then to Gigi who simply shrugged. "Okay then."

Gigi regretted that choice. Somehow, she found herself entering the theatre carrying Jordan and her friends' tubs of popcorn while trying to locate her own friends. She trudged through the rows, careful not to drop the load and apologised each time to strangers for blocking the view. Gigi scanned the dim lit room and let out a sigh of relief when she found them. She approached, handing everyone their snacks but then only to realise something. She had no seat.

"There's some empty ones over there." Jordan pointed to the far back.

"Uh, right." Gigi sighed, seeing no other option but to be separated and occupy a spot in one of the most unfavourable seating areas.

"Wait, hang on." Daniel stopped her. He handed his drink and snack to Jordan then coiled his arm around Gigi, situating her on his lap. "There, problem solved." He smiled. "You comfortable, babe?"

"U-Uh, yeah."

Gigi wasn't bothered by the idea of using Daniel's lap as a cushion— it wouldn't be the first time. She was mostly concerned about the intense glare Jordan was sending her way.

Every so often, Gigi would ask Daniel if he was uncomfortable or if she was blocking him so she'd use it as an opening to relocate to the back seats. However, Daniel would insist that he was fine. Gigi figured he knew what she trying to do so she stopped and decided to simply ignore Jordan's staring. It wasn't too difficult since it scared her less than Sapphire's.

Gigi was glad she chose to do so and began to enjoy herself. She relaxed, laying back and concentrating on the film. That was when Renée suddenly gasped, "Oh my gosh."

"What? What's wrong?" Sierra asked.

"I was just telling Evan we're watching Gunned Down and he said he watched it the other day with his friends. Apparently the detective gets shot and has amnesia at the end!" Renée then paused. "... Oh, oops."

Curses were heard from everyone seated in earshot from Renée and all glares are directed at the girl realising a little too late what she'd done.

A/N: Thank you for reading and a special big thank you to ObssiveFangirl99 for all the great feedback so far.

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