Cube smp One shots

By PrincessNewtella

4.4K 60 25

Hi there, I wanted to do something Christmasy over the December period so I decided to do a little series of... More

Cube smp One shots
Devondosetomahawk Car park (Christmas special)
Tofuudiger How we meet
Heyimbee day at beach
GrapeJuice Party (Christmas special)
Kiani Christmas day (Christmas special)
Messy Christmas Eve Kiani (Christmas special)
Followingwong Inseparable (Christmas special)
Parker School first day back
Q&A Answer
i cant sleep Jordan
Questions part 1 Huahwi
Thank you
Question Part 2 Mark
HyperBae (Thehypercraft/Cobae;) After ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Video
Supergirl (Dul)
The Big Sorry

Thecampingdolphin New year party (New year special)

186 2 1
By PrincessNewtella

Set: Dolphin is throwing a new year eve party and invite all his friends for all around the world to his party. He as permission from parent used there house but has clean up after him. He a has secret crush on Brayden.

Ryan P.O.V

I got everything ready by 4pm. Now time for shower and get ready. I hope start sing my favourite song. I got out the shower and wrap my towel round my waist and walk into my room to get dressed. As I grab some clothes I hear giggling. I look around to Brayden on my bed.

"Why are you here? the party doesn't start for another 1 hour." I said.

"I know, I was want see if want any help setting up." He said.

"Oh thank but I set everything up already." I said.

"Not everything." He said.

"What have I missed." I worried.

"People." He said.

"Any else." I said.

"Your clothes." He said.

"Oh yeah I better get dressed." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"Out now." I said.

"Fine." He said leaving.

Brayden P.O.V

Why is Ryan so dam hot. I'm so lucky I have amazing best friend as him. I love him so much. Aww wish he knew how much I love him.

That second Ryan walk out of his room. He look so good I thought.

"Thank." He said.

"Did I say that out loud." I said.

"Yeah, you did look that bad yourself." He said

"Thank." I said blushing

Ryan P.O.V

Aww he so cute. He really never look bad.

We just hang out before every one start to arrive. The first peoples to arrive was Mitch and Graser. Minute after the room was fill with friend. Better put some music.

"I'm going to put some music, I be right back." I said to Jordan (Bayani), Will, Graser and H.

I walk through over to the music player I plug my iPod in a log on dj plug and put music on.

I walk back over to my friend to see Will and Jordan making out and H and Graser talk to each other. I guess I'm not need here. So walk over to get a drink. I grab a beer and sat down on a stall in the kitchen and start drink my beer.

I see anyone have funny together. I see Bee, Pecket, Mitchell and Sean talking in one corner, Joe, Poke, Jwong and Kevin in another corner, Graser, H, Jordan, Will in another one and Devon, Julio, Pat, Kermit and Dul. Then there Parker Tybzi dance together , Huahwi Mark dancing together, Brayden and Mitch dance together. Just sat there staring at Brayden, he so cute dance wish I was dancing with me not Mitch.

I be sat for a least 5 minute before someone walk in kitchen. I just ignore them. He keep looking this ways. Aww his smile I thought as I got disrupted by someone asking "Who you look at?"

I turn round to see Dul.

"No just think." I said turn to look at Brayden.

"No you definitely look at someone I see in your eyes." She said sitting next to me.

"I'm just think." I said.

"I find out." She said look in same direction as me.

Minutes last

"Your look at Brayden." Dul said.

"No I'm not." I said turn to face.

"You are, Your eye follow him around the room." Dul said.

"Okay maybe I am looking at him." I said blushing.

"Ryan go and talk to him." She said.

"No." I said.

"Why?" She said.

"I don't feel like partying." I said

"Come on please." She said.

"No." I said.

"If not him me please." She said.

"Okay." I said as grab my hand.

We got to the dances and start to dance together this funny I thought.

Brayden P.O.V

Me and Mitch are dance together I keep look round for Ryan but he no way to been see. Where could he be.

Next thing I know I see at corner of my I see Ryan and Dul. I wish was Dul right.

"Aww, look at Ryan and Dul dance together cute or what?" Mitch said.

"Yeah, I'm get some fresh air be back in a bit." I said walking to the door.

Sit outside for a while think about Ryan. safe to say that I'm jealous of Dul dance with him. He never gonna love me. I thought start to tries up. I put my head on my lap and start to cry. He doesn't love me, first all he not gay, second he does want a relationship at the moment. I know this because he told me. I just got move on. Start cry even hard just the through of that.

Then heard the door open.

"Mitch leave me alone." I said.

And door close shut again.

Ryan P.O.V

Brayden disappear a thew minutes ago.

"I wonder where Brayden gone." I said.

"Don't know, you totally got thing for Brayden." She said.

"Do not." I said turning light pink colour on my cheeks at word Brayden.

"You do I can tell." She said

"Yes I do okay." I said.

"New it." She said.

"Is that obvious." I asked.

"Yeah it pretty obvious, your eyes follow him round the room." She said.

"Oh yeah." I said.

"Dul can Ryan can you excuse for a sec." Mitch said touch my shoulder.

"Yeah." She said.

Mitch pull me up stair.

"Mitch what do you want?" I asked.

"Your help." He said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Brayden." He said.

"What about him?" I asked.

"He cry outside on door step." He said.

"What? Why?" I said.

"I don't know that why want to ask you." He said.

"I don't know." I said.

"Come I show you." He said walking me down stair to the door.

Open the door Brayden sat in ball hide his face.

"Mitch I told you go away." He said through crying.

See him like this make heartbreak.

The door close behind me. I sat down next to him.

He turn face to face me and quickly look down. At that small glast that saw his. His eyes puffy and tries fall down his face.

"Brayden, What wrong?" I asked.

"Why you want to know?" He said.

"Because I'm lo...Your friend and don't like see you like." I said touching his back.

He start crying harder when I said that.

"Is me, If it is I'm sorry and whatever I did I'm sorry." I said nearly in tries.

"It not you it me." He stiffed.

"How?" I said.

"I fell someone love with someone i know doesn't like me." He said look up at me with tries stream down his. I look straight in to his eye to see so much love and passion. I wish he love me but obvious love Mitch because he did want near him.

"Have you ask them if them love you back." I asked.

"Not exactly." He said.

"See their may love still." I said.

"But I don't want..." He said as I finish end his sentence "Embarrass yourself if you do you still have me and Mitch." I said.

"Yeah I so." He said.

"Friends forever." I said pulling Brayden into a hug.

"Friends forever." He said putting a small smile on his face

"Do you want go back in?" I asked.

"Umm...I'm going stay out here a bit long you can go in if you want." He said.

"If your staying I'm staying just lets tell mitch your fine." I said walking to the door.

"Okay." He said look back at me.

Brayden P.O.V

Ryan just left. Friend forever I keep thinking. Friend forever....Friend forever. He want to be friend what make me sad. He definitely doesn't love me. I just got to push away my feel and try not ruin my relationship with him. We are just friends for now on. The door just open I turn round to see Ryan. I don't want to be friend, I have to tell him.

Ryan P.O.V

I told Mitch that Brayden was okay and walk outside again.

Brayden turn round to see who it was. His eyes watery like just about to cry. I hate see him like this.

"Brayden are you okay?" I said. What stupid question to ask he definitely doesn't look okay he look broken.

"Yeah." He said fake smile.

"Why are your eyes watery?" I asked sit next to him.

"Just thinking about what you said." He said.

"Oh." I said.

"Don't want to just friends." He said breaking down again.

"Go and tell them then." I said.

"I can't, I chicken out ever time." He said.

"Come practises on me." I said.

"I can't." He said.

"Why not?" I said.

"I just can't." He said stand up walking

"Come on Brayden tell me why?" I said stand up.

"Because I love you." He shouted.

I just froze.

Brayden P.O.V

I said it oh no I thought

He just sat there in shocked. He doesn't love me. I thought I start crying ran past him into the house and ran up stair in the bathroom and lock the door.

I heard foot set coming up the stair. A second later someone knot on the door. I guess it Ryan.

"Ryan go away I know you don't love." I shouted.

"Brayden Listen." Ryan said.


"Brayden don't you dare call yourself that." He said.

"It not like you care." I said crying

"I do care Brayden because I love you." He said.

"What?" I said.

"Brayden I love you." He said.

"Really or is this a joke." I said.

"It not a joke Brayden please come out." He said.

I open the door to Ryan right in front.

"Okay this awkward." I said.

"Oh sorry I froze back there." He said.

I just stood there.

"Brayden aren't you going to say anything." He said.

"I don't what to say." I said.

"Neither hugy." He said.

"Okay." I said being grab in a hug.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said back.

Sorry to me so long got stuck for how to go on and have to rewrite it 3 time because my tablet die and it didn't save.

Hope you enjoy this chapter

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