The Second Princess (1)- ๐“ž๐“ท...

By danysdefender

159K 3.4K 429

(Completed) "Her brother Will, he seems a lot nicer than she is." Anna Heart, A.K.A Ella Scarlett. A.K.A The... More

Curse life and Real life
The Thing You Love Most
Milo !!
Snow Falls
The Still small voice
The Shepard
The Heart is a lonely hunter
Desperate Souls
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Skin Deep
What happened to Fredrick
Red Handed
Last words
Hat Trick
The Stable Boy
An apple as red as blood
A Land without Magic
We are both
Lady of the Lake
The Crocodile
The Doctor
Child of the Moon
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The cricket game.
The Outsider
In the name of the brother
The Queen is dead
The Millers Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless brave and true
The Evil Queen
Second star on the right
Straight on till morning
The heart of the truest believer
Lost Girl
Quite a common fairy
Nasty Habits
Good form
Think lovely thoughts
Save Henry
The New Neverland
Going Home
New York city serenade
Witch Hunt
The Tower
Quiet Minds
It's not easy being green
Bad Blood
Who's Alice
Nothing to fear
Dirty little secrets
Heart of the matter
To catch a thief
And they lived...
Authors thanks !!
Second book Is Up!!!!!

The price of Gold

3.1K 77 17
By danysdefender

The next morning Anna was sitting across the table from Henry at Regina's house.

"I know you think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday City Council meetings. Sometimes they are just unavoidable. Now, you know the rules." Regina said whilst applying some lipstick in the mirror.  

"Yes-" Henry said putting down his hulk comic, " On homework, no on Tv and stay inside."

"Good boy" Regina said with a smile

Anna turned to look at her phone that was beeping as Regina said, "Under no circumstances do you leave this house."

"You mean don't see my mom" Henry corrected. 

Anna looked up from her phone and said, "Her name's Emma Henry."

Regina looked at the brunette in shock at why she was taking her side, but quickly told Henry. "She's not your mother, she's just a woman passing through. Now do as I say or there will be consequences," She turned to walk away, "I'll be back at five sharp."

As soon as Regina left Henry stood up and Anna said, "No point stopping you huh?"

"Nope." Henry said with a cheeky smile.

"Go, but if Regina asked I had no idea deal?"

"Deal." Henry grabbed his bag and ran out of the door.

As Henry ran out of the door, Anna smiled.

"Someone has to let that kid have freedom" 

When she suddenly had a massive pain in her head and fell to the floor all the lights turning black.

. . . .

"I thought Anna was watching you today?" Emma asked as she and Henry walked down the street. Henry looked at Emma as he said "She let me go."

"Do you mind if we go back, I need to ask Anna something?"

"Yeah sure"

Emma turned and headed back to the mayors house.

. . . .

"Knaves!" The Red Queen yelled from her throne room, Ella and Will were sitting on a bench outside in the garden when Ella stood up,

"I am going to kill her!" She said bluntly whilst walking towards the palace, Will grabbed her arm and she span around. "You are not killing anyone on my watch."

Ella growled and said. "The look away" As soon as she said that it became obvious that they had taken too long to get to the Queen as Will disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

"Ah, Bloody hell." Ella said as she waved her hand above her head and poofed herself into the throne room where a very angry queen awaited.

. . . .

Emma walked into the house with Henry behind her for them both to find a very unconscious Anna Heart laying on the floor, with blood down her nose.

Emma immediately ran to check her pulse to find it beating not strongly but it was there. She sighed in relief as the brunette began to stir trying to sit up.

"Anna, don't sit up."

"Shut up." Anna said weakly as she positioned herself up against a cabinet.  "I'm calling for an ambulance." Emma said before Anna even had a chance to protest.

. . . .

It had been about twenty minutes since Dr Whale had taken Anna into the hospital on a stretcher, when he came out to see the pair who were sitting in the waiting room. "She'll be fine." Henry cut him off "Can we see her?"

Dr Whale nodded and opened the door for Henry to see Anna who was sitting cross legged one of the beds. "Hey kid" Anna said as Henry sat on the chair next to her bed. 

"I'm sorry I left." Henry said staring at the floor.

"Hey, hey it's not your fault I don't... Henry... could you go get Whale for me?" Anna said as another wave of pain hit her head. Henry nodded and ran out of the room, and Dr Whale ran in shortly after.

"What's happening Anna?" He said jogging over to her side.

"It's happening again." Anna said holding her head.

"Oh, yeah Oh!, that's bad, Emma get Henry out of here!" Anna yelled at Emma who quickly obeyed and got Henry out of the hospital.

"Okay Anna are you seeing things?" The Doctor asked clearly seeing that she was looking around like a mad person.

"Flashes." Anna said as another wave of pain hit her head, like the mother of all migraines.

" Oh god! ok yep that one was bad."

Then it went black.

. . . .

Mary Margaret rushed into the hospital, worry painted all over her face, as she ran to the receptionist, "Anna Heart."

The woman pointed over to her left and said "Room 871."

Mary Margaret immediately rushed off she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw the unconscious Anna. She turned around as she heard someone in, she looked over to see Mr Gold.

She looked surprised as she said, "What are you doing here?"

"I heard our resident bar owner was in the hospital and I wanted to see if she was okay, I tolerate Anna more than most."  Mr Gold said as he looked at the girl in her early twenties, who he knew was actually a lot older than that, even though the girl didn't know that herself. Not yet anyway.

"Anyway I hope she gets better, let her know I came by when she wakes up." He said as Mary Margaret simply nodded and he quickly vacated the room.

. . . .

"Ella Scarlett, the knave of Hearts has been sentenced to be-heading for helping the bandit known as Alice." As the Queen said Alice a chorus of boo's echoed across the courtyard.

"Any last words?" Ella looked up to where the Queen was standing, Will was next to her, tears in his eyes.

"None for you" Ella said as she looked up at Will

"Off with her head!" The Queen said pointing down at Ella, she felt the axe almost touch her head and it wasn't the type  of sword that would let you have your head off but you'd still survive and your head could be reattached. No this was real. But before the axe could touch her head it stopped in Mid- air by green magic.

"Come on love, this is no time to die." The person who saved her, held out his hand she took it but before to turn to see Will running out of the castle with the Hatter. Ella smiled and ran with the boy that saved her life.

. . . .

"Henry! she's awake." Regina yelled from downstairs the next day.

Henry bolted down the stairs to his mom, " Can we go see her please."

Regina nodded and before she could say anything else , Henry grabbed his bag and ran out of the door. As Regina followed Henry down the road she saw Mr Gold across the road giving her a look that said, You know what's happening get ready. Regina nodded and quickly hurried after Henry.

. . . .

Memories flooded Anna's brain

I'm Ella Scarlett who the bloody hell are you

Come on your majesty we both know magic can't hold me.

I'm trying my best to be polite but if you move that knife a centimetre closer to me I will tear you apart

Are you insane? Do you really want me to answer that

You're not as evil as people say you are No I'm much worse

She was dressed in sweatpants but instead of just sweatpants  but now there was a debate in her head as to what to call them, and a red vest top.

Emma was standing with Mary Margaret in the corner as Anna was being assessed by Dr Whale, they both looked up as Henry walked into the room.

He waved at Anna, who didn't notice him and didn't say anything to him. Henry thought that she was mad at him for leaving her so he ran out the door he previously came in.

"Okay, I know you and I know that you wouldn't want to stay here so you can go as soon as you're ready."

Anna nodded clearly still dazed as she hadn't said much and normally she couldn't stop talking.

Anna who had just zoned back in said "Where's Henry?"

Emma stood up from the wall and said, "I saw him walk in, but I didn't see him leave."

. . . .

As Ella got pulled through a portal , she landed on the floor in front of two people with a bump.

One was her brother Will who had a really sad look on his face almost broken, and the other was Cora also known as the Bloody Red Queen.

She stood up and said " If you wanted me back you could've asked nicer and not use my brothers watch to get me back" she almost growled at her.

Ella and Will both had magic watched when they were thrown on the floor the could open a portal to any realm except Neverland which was a bit inconvenient.  Just like the Hatter had a hat they had watches.

"You shouldn't have left anyway Knave." The Red Queen said staring at her with her death stare.

"Well I am very sorry if I was about to have my head chopped off would you rather I told the person who rescued me to not bloody bother!"

As soon as she said that the red cuffs that tethered her and Will to whoever is the red queen at the time appeared on her wrists.

"How the hell did you do that" Ella asked confused normally they have to say something for that to happen

"She's gotten better El a lot better" Will said looking at the ground.

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