Worth Waiting for

By Feels-goood

101 28 29

Vivian Darcy tries to leave her horrible past behind and start a new life.... Changing Vivian Darcy's opinion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

10 3 3
By Feels-goood

Vivian Darcy flung her handbag on the wooden table beside her with a resounding smack. Not much of an outlet for her frustration, but the satisfying sound it made, made her feel marginally better.

Her grip on the box she was holding loosened in one of the few vacant spot in the two room apartment. Vivian sighed with relief.
Moving was finally over and she was exhausted. Grateful for the feeling too. Fatigue was the perfect excuse for not attending the dinner Westley invited her to. She had decided to keep her distance from Westley as his tirade on the day of the interview was still fresh in her mind.

Looking around, she suddenly felt lonely. The house was in a secluded place and even after finding out about the increase in the crime rate of the area,she still paid the rent. Her money could only afford this house.

"Westley has lots of rooms," she thought.

A tiny part of her believed it wasn't a bad idea but the remaining part thought it was a horrible idea.
Besides he was not the person she wanted to see every morning and every night. Not only would she be a punching bag for his verbal assault but she would also be on the receiving end anytime he got angry.

"I'll stay where I am," she said firmly. "Not for dinner though."
Westley opened the door after the second ring.

"How are you, Vivian" said Westley while trying to be keep his head clean of any naughty thought. Vivian was putting on a floral sundress which brought out her arresting curves and her hair......he glanced up and gulped ...was in a mess,rephrase: a hot mess.

"May I come in?" Suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the intensity with which Westley stared at her.
Dinner was the best she thought, she was surprised how good Westley cooked. There was another surprise about him too.
Westley was funny.
It almost seemed as if her laughter made him more outrageous with his humour.

"So,how has living in Abuja been so far" Westley inquired between sips of wine.

"Decent,but I'm more thrilled about helping your little boy."

"West is happy too," gently putting his glass down.
"He's been muttering lots of new sounds. I think it's because I've been talking to him about his new therapist. He really likes you."

"I'm glad." Vivian glowed from the compliment. "I will do everything possible to get his speech back on track. I am going to be attending weekend lectures about new breakthroughs in speech therapy. And other times,I would like to take West out on an educational trip to see what interests him."

"That'll be wonderful." Nodding Westley gaze remained unwavering in hers. Vivian returned the look and concentrated on the glass of wine in her hand.

"Vivian, I'm glad you're devoted,but I think you should also leave room for other things going on in your life. Abuja have a great social atmosphere. There are lots of things to do : concerts ,comedy shows,cultural display, everything."
"And I hope you'll be doing them."

"I'll get out." She took a deep breath. She didn't need a stranger prying into her personal life.

"And that includes dating," Westley suggested.

Vivian's head snapped up. The red flag went up. Westley didn't have the right to talk to her about her love life,the only thing they had to discuss was about West. She decided to keep the answers light and not give him a reason to continue.

"So,did you leave some heartbroken guy behind?" Westley inquired. His full lips curled devilishly.

Vivian saw nothing funny."I left a lot of things behind." She said between clenched teeth.

"That's how it usually is,"he went on."but one thing I know is that long relationship doesn't usually last." He looked up at her. "How long have you and the guy been seeing each other?"

Anger rolled Vivian's eye at him. Fingers of heat prickled over her skin, making Vivian unexpectedly pop out of her seat. "May I use the rest room please ?" Her tone brusque, her face glowering.

"Sure," Westley answered, his smile vanished. "There's a rest room... there's one at the end of the hall upstairs. There's also one in each errr ...each bedroom."

Great going Westley, you managed to get her angry in seconds. You are the boss. You know,you deserve an award. His inner voice mocked.

Rushing up the stairs ,Vivian opened her mouth and roared a voiceless scream. In the same way she resented Westley's prying,she resented his robbing her peace of mind. For those fleeting moments at the table,she had enjoyed being around a man,who is not her dad or brother. Such luxuries she hadn't experienced in months. Why had he spoiled everything,the laughter,aggravating her so she was now drenched in sweat?

Once on the first floor, Westley's bedroom was the first refuge in sight. She hadn't planned on using the bathroom anyway. Merely craving to get away quick, she was grateful to plop on the side of the bed..
But the heat intensified, summoning her moist fingers to zip down her dress down to her waist. Soon exposed was a black silk camisole trimmed in red lace.
Feeling better now ,Vivian admired herself in the mirror. Actually, she was obsessed with her image in the past few days. She guessed it had to do with starting afresh in a place where she was not known and distancing herself from the painful memories. A short time ago, she was passive about how she looked,but now nobody was stopping her from looking good. Vivian liked her rich complexion. She felt attractive seeing the way the black silk and red lace accentuated her chocolatey complexion.

The door opened slowly, quietly. Long,shimmering black braids captured his eye,the bare skin against the black silk held them. Westley wasn't expecting her to be in his room,barely naked. He was concerned she was taking too long.
Most of all,he was desperate to apologize.
Watching her alone, touching herself, he was reluctant in becoming visible. It was entrancing how her finger glided provocatively along her skin. It was obvious that Vivian knew she was beautiful. He swallowed the sudden rush in his throat.

Finally, seeing him in the mirror, Vivian swung around. Neither saying a word ,their eyes seemed to hold a conversation. Vivian raised her dress. Zipping it carefully, she asked, "How long were you there?"

"Not long."

"I didn't hear you."

"I'm sorry,should've knocked."

"It's ok ,her tone light. I shouldn't have been in your room half naked. I was just hot."

Westley gulped, that was definitely a definition of what she was: HOT!.

"I came up because you took too long,thought you lost your way."

"Am fine." She said .

"Good. I also want to apologize."


"Asking too many questions and..." He paused ,preparing to sound hip. "I had no right in get in your kool-aide without knowing the flavor."

Vivian chuckled. "Forget it and thank you. I'll be down soon."


Outside the bedroom, he was motionless and listening to an unspoken warning

You are on a mission Westley, get yourself together. Don't blow the one chance of your freedom and West's future. Don't let anything stop you,not even a dangerously attractive lady.

Sooooo how is it?
Fact about this chapter: I don't remember how many times I rewrote this chapter! Inspiration deserted me like a bitch but after stacks of heartwarming pancakes. I was brought back to life(winks)

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