It isn't Love ~ A Reylo ~

By artalicous

459 29 3

Reylo Modern AU - The two Ren Brother -Ben and Hux- lost their parents and uncle. They maintain an affectiona... More

Chapter 1 - Ren Brothers
Chapter 2 - Crait
Chapter 3 - N-A-K-E-D disaster
Chapter 4 - Third-Drink Rey
Chapter 5 - Horror of Crait
Chapter 6 - Bleary Night
Chapter 7 - Reunion
Chapter 9 - Beating Heart
Chapter 10 - Admitting
Chapter 11 - The End

Chapter 8 - Facing Poe

30 3 0
By artalicous

The chalky paint fell in fragments leaving the splintered door a bare tarp. It whined on its amber hinges as the palm pressed gingelly against its moist frame. Ivy gnarled its way through windows. Windows, which surrounded the old building. The undefinable source of darkness draped over the walls like a tapestry over the rotting oak floors. In the middle sat Poe on his bike, waiting for the rest to show up. Behind him sat Rey.

He drove by her apartment and picked her up today. Since she was the one who talked with Pryde, she should be there and narrate the others. But that wasn't the only reason. Poe wanted to have his sister with him. He wanted slowly to earn her trust again. And Rey would be included in his plans. After all, Poe always thought that the best way to protect the one you care about is to help them become strong and stand on their own. After meeting with Rey, he no longer could see that strength in her, although she sounded perfectly fine. He could tell she wasn't.

"I told you to leave the festivals of Resistance to us." suddenly said D'Acy as his team showed up on their cars and drove inside. Since Poe asked them to show up even on short notice, everyone arrived in the resistance's old hideout

"We will destroy anyone to protect women. That's all. Who are we fighting this time?" Lando announced parking his white motorcycle in the south. Of course, there were more serious reasons the leader of the Y-TIES was supporting Resistance. Yet, he never admitted it. Even now he was only talking about protecting the women.

Garan jumped off the track and stepped inside "Poey, the reason we are gathered here I hope it's serious!" the leader of Oya high complained noticing the girl that was sitting next to Poe.

"What other reason would he have?" C-3PO added as he had arrived with his gang.

"That's true! A new threat is surrounding Resistance again!" Klaud finally spoke. Quinn as always was next to him supporting him. Poe had already discussed the outline of the problem with them.

"What about the USB?" asked Quinn.

"We already managed to open some of the files with some help!" clarified Hux. He and Ben had just driven from the East parts. And now everyone protecting Resistance had arrived.

Ben gazed around until he spotted Rey next to Poe. An hour ago the Leader of Ajan Kloss picked her up, living behind a very angry and confused Ben. That Idiotic roommate what of connection could she have to seat next to Poe. A day ago, she had nothing to do with Ajan Kloss.

"Ren Brothers, what did you find inside the USB?" Poe asked, interrupting Ben's confusing thoughts.

Hux was the one who answered "There were old designs from the Casino Project. And new ones. Like someone was still working on them. We didn't manage to open the new files yet!"

"Eh?" D'Acy wandered "Didn't we stopped the Casino to be built?" He crossed one leg against the metallic surface of the car he was sitting in.

"We did... But it seemed that the project was put on a hold. It was never canceled." Finn informed them.

C-3PO took a step forward and spoke: "Are we dealing with the First Order again?"

"Maybe!" Klaud said, "We were told the Galactic Empire. The company building the Casino never lost interest in Resistance. Meaning we might have new attacks."

"Didn't First Order own that company? I thought it would get out of business." Lando puzzled serious.

"It should. However, the company is owned by the Mafia. And they still want to build it. As for First Order, we cannot trust them." Poe outlined seriously as he gazed at everyone.

"That's why we gathered you here today. You should be careful! We don't know when they will attack or how?" Klaud added.

"Who told gave you such information!" D'Acy quizzed.

"First Order!" answered Finn.

"Wait, our source is First Order. Can we trust them?" C-3PO was the next one to place a question.

"It was Pryde who informed Rey!" Poe said and pointed at her. Suddenly every member was gazing at the girl that was sitting behind him with many questions. "No, we cannot fully trust them. But It's not a lie. The files on the USB are one proof."

"We are looking into it. For now, be careful. Until we find out what's going on!" Klaud verified

"This time, it's serious. We don't know what ways the mafia are using." Finn was the next one who spoke.

Ben looked at the corner of his eyes at Klaud. He had fought more than once with their leader. And it was a fight he would gladly repeat. But he didn't say anything about it.

"Then we are done here!?" questioned Hux.

"For now! I need you all to know about the new threat and be extra careful." Poe seriously warned them.

Everyone was slowly getting ready to leave. But Garan wasn't done talking. "Poe, you never introduced us to your girl?" he directed in a silly tone catching the attention of Resistance. "Are you dating?"

Poe rolled his eyes and looked at Rey above his shoulder "Rey! She is my sister!" he uttered. Again the sound was absent. None talked or even moved and gazed at the siblings.

Garan smiled. "Heh! You should have told me earlier! Now I am dating."

Poe shook his head hiding a smile "I would never allow you to date her!" Then he paused and glared at everyone around him. "That goes for everyone. Rey is off-limits"

Rey rolled her eyes as it has been years she heard that line. As kids Poe used to fight or threat anyone that would dare even to look at her.

"I am not sure it's the right time now, Poe," she mumbled.

Soon everyone was talking, rattled by the news. Few were trying to tease Poe to let them date Rey. Some others were asking Rey's questions. Like if she was dating and if they would have a chance to date her.

Across them, Ben was speechless. It was like a large rock had landed on his head. How many times didn't he curse her rich family? He was sure she was hailing from some upper-class family. But here she was Poe's sister. Hux was laughing at the outcome. He never thought that Rey would be part of Resistance. But he liked the idea.

That's how the gathering of Resistance ended in a very threatening and funny way. For now, things would slowly evolve. The enemy would start to show its face. The downfall of Resistance was close.

Kef Bir* had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. It looked messy, like it had not been cleaned. Mostly everyone was tipsy, with a few people sitting around drinking or just talking. After the Resistance meeting, Ajan Klossand gathered around Kef Bir to drink.

Even the Ren Brothers were dragged along, as Klaud insisted they should have a drink. Rey was also invited. Poe wouldn't let his sibling return home just yet.

"Hey! I want a girlfriend!" BB-8 complained to his friend as they were sitting in the corner of the bar.

Chewie nodded and agreed with BB-8 "I do too." Before going back at his drink, Chewie thought. "BB-8. Aren't you dating Nika?" Chewie was puzzled.

BB-8 tilted his head in confusion, saying, "I ain't sure. We have been like on two dates. But I can't tell you!"

"BB-8. Set up then a date for Chewie, me, and Poe." he suggested, "Do it right."

"But if Poe comes, wouldn't all of the girls go-to him?" BB-8 realized.

Chewie agreed with him, "That's right. Poe is banned. Let's make us the center of attention."

Though BB-8 wouldn't still agree, "That's concerning. Since I wouldn't be going. Why should I set the date?"

"Finn!" Chewie asked Finn "Did we drink too much?"

Finn smirked and looked at Poe that was sitting next to him "I think we are fine. Since Poe isn't asking about 'Winny Rocky'' just yet." he mocked Poe making everyone laugh and Poe to slam his hand against the counter.

"It's been a while since we haven't seen Poe so drunk!" Chewie noticed as he tried to remember when was the last time; he rubbed his head, confused.

"Will you keep this act longer going on!" Poe uttered, pissed as he tried to hide his smile.

Finn tapped him against the shoulder "He would have a good reason to drink a bit more today!" he acknowledged pointing at Rey.

She was now drinking her second beer, and two-drink Rey was kicking in. She looked more relaxed and talked active. "Don't tell me he is still sharing his Rocky love with everyone?" she giggled and looked at Poe.

"Not with everyone. The ones who answer right!" Poe responded and cracked a smile.

Kloud was sitting across the bar, sharing the same table with the Ren Brothers. "Poe turns a bit odd if he has too much to drink!" he simply informed the Ren.

"Why isn't that surprising me!" Ben noted as he remembered what kind of a drunk Poe's sister was.

"They are siblings, after all!" Lando added, earning some attention and Poe's confused look.

Beaumont was the next one who informed them, "We have seen Rey drunk!"

"Hush! Don't rat on me!" she gestured with her finger against her lips. "Don't listen to them, Brother. I make a great drunk!"

Poe shook his head. "That's exactly why I was worried about it. What kind of drunk, you would be!?" he scoffed.

"Right, Poe would be worried about his sister. And if he reached home safe!" Chewie disclosed, nodding, and sipping his drink.

"There is nothing to worry about there. We wouldn't let a drunk woman return to her own home." Beaumont filled them in "Lando informed one of her roommates to pick her up."

Finn's eyes opened widely, and turned to gaze at the Y-TIES. He was about to interrupt him. As he added: "Right, Ren came and picked her up that night!"

Silence. Nothing moved or talked for a second.

Finn's hand palmed his face. His next move was to turn and grab Poe. Rey and Finn wanted to inform Poe about her staying with the Ren brother. But it should be done differently. They didn't want to meet Poe's fury.

Across the room, Ben cast a deadly gaze at the Y-TIES. He knew Rey didn't come clean with Poe about where she was staying. There was no way Poe would be okay with it. Hux was shaking his head in disbelief, looking at the pair who brought the new disaster.

Only two-drink Rey seemed fine with it. As she was now aiming to start her third beer and didn't even pay attention to that everyone was gazing at her and the Ren brothers.

"Rey is all surprises then!" BB-8 suddenly added from the west part of the bar counter.

D'Acy gave Poe a half-smile as he was sitting next to him. "You have an interesting sibling!" he stated towards motionless Poe. Poe was still processing the new information and was frozen.

Silence. One more second of stillness filled the room.

Poe grabbed his glass and drank his drink at once. Then he faced Rey. "Rey! Is that true?" he questioned seriously this time.

"Here we go!" sighed Finn cursing about the bad timing to reveal the news.

Rey faced Poe with red cheeks and a funny look on her face. "About what..." she quizzed. "Aw! Living with Ren Brothers. It's true!" she simply verified and went on enjoying her drink.

"Benny, I leave the rest to you!" Hux suddenly announced it to Ben and left him alone to deal with the mess that would follow.

The youngest of the Ren watched his brother run away, and he rolled his eyes. "Hux!" he shouted at him, but Hux was gone.

Silence again.

Ben's loud voice earned the full attention of the room and Poe's glare. Poe stood up and pushed Finn off him strolling over where Ben was now standing. He could feel plenty of pairs of eyes sizing him. He gathered his fist, watching Poe getting closer and waiting for Chaos to unleash.

Poe had finally reached Ben, his hands grasped against his shoulder violently, and Poe leaned closer against him. "Rocky or Rambo?" he asked Ben in a funny voice.

"Huh!?" reacted Ben and took a step back, looking at Poe. Only he found a very different Poe gazing at him. It seemed that Poe had already too much to drink. And for the time being, Ben would meet more Hino siblings in his drunk state.

"Rocky or Rambo? Which one?" Poe asked again seriously; his grip tightens around Ben's shoulder.

Confusing silence now. None was speaking, just watching.

Ben found himself baffled in front of drunk Poe. "Am I supposed to answer that?" he buzzed, looking at Kloud in disbelief. He was waiting to meet Poe's wrath. And now he was facing what?

Kloud nodded and looked away, trying not to laugh. However, the rest of the gang were already giggling and laughing all around, waiting to see what would happen next.

Poe gazed at puzzled Ben, who was still standing in front of him, and started asking him, "Where is the fight?" He punched his fist at his chest. "In here, right?!" Poe insisting again, "Rocky or Rambo?"

The deadly leader of Ajan Klossh had nothing to do with the childish drunk Poe, Ben noted. He looked at Poe and then at Rey, underlining that both siblings make the worst drunks ever. True be told, he was happy to face a childish and drunk Poe tonight than an angry one. "Rocky!" Ben finally said loudly.

"Accepted," Poe shouted and hugged Ben. "I will share my love for Rocky with you," he murmured proudly that someone got it right.

Ben wasn't fast enough to answer as Rey suddenly interrupted them. She walked between Ben and Poe, casually wrapping her arms around Ben. "Poe, this one is Mine! Go find yourself another one to share your Rocky love!" she blurted out.

He was taken by surprise as her arms went around him. It happened so fast that without thinking, his own arm wrapped around her waist and held her steady. " Idiot! What are you talking about!" Ben shouted at her. Again he could feel the room looking at them.

Poe was also looking at Rey and Ben, and he was not killing them yet. At least not tonight, as he was drunk and happy. Yet, tomorrow none of them would be safe.

Finn had enough of the freak show. He stood up and pulled Poe away from the hugging couple. He glared at Ben, and the only reason he was trying to keep it together was that he knew if he attacked him there and then, Poe's outburst would be worse tomorrow. And that would not benefit anyone. "Take her and leave now! I'll handle the rest!" Finn almost ordered.

Ben pinned his gaze against Finn. He was fired up and could easily start a fight, especially since it was Finn. But his logic kicked in, and he simply tightened his arm around Rey and stepped back. He left without any fight. But he knew his luck would run off tomorrow. He cursed under his breath about his brother and the idiotic roommate.

Rey followed him outside; she was still holding close to him. She only pulled away when they reached his motorcycle. The pink seat was still there, reminding Hux's bad joke. Then she breathed deeply and exhaled. "Thankfully!" she mumbled, trying to calm down.

Ben only then nodded that she didn't seem drunk like the last time. She surely was a bit tipsy, but not acting like a fool. "Hey!" he shouted at her and grabbed her arm. "You faked it!?"

Rey nodded and shared with him a smile. It was on the rare occasions that her smile was honest and soft. "Yes! You wouldn't want Poe after you. Even a drunk one! Let's go!" she answered him and climbed on his bike.

Ben agreed with her and leaped on his bike. Rey wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his back. He turned on the engine and drove off. The ride until reaching home was short. Yet it calmed both of them. Ben's heart was again at ease. It was not asking stupid questions any longer. As for Rey, she had missed the feeling of leaning against Ben.

They had finally reached home, and Rey climbed off the bike first. She paused and looked at the male in front of her. Two-drink Rey was relaxed and more in control of her inner wishes. Normal Rey was about to list all the reasons she shouldn't do it. But two-drink Rey cut her off. "Screw it!" she said and leaned over towards Ben, stealing him a kiss.

Ben was caught off guard and almost fell from his bike. After gaining his balance again, Rey was already reaching the entrance and running upstairs inside her room. She left behind a perplexed Ben. He also a few moments later reached his own room without saying a word.


The dark sky vanished between the milky clouds that were dancing to the sounds of the morning breeze. The sun rays were brighter, revealing that the day had started. Rey was running around the living room and inside her room and again out in search of her underwear. She was sure she had washed them, and she needed to be dressed and ready for work.

Hux was sitting down and drinking a cup of coffee, gazing at the girl that was rushing like crazy all around. "Rey, what are you looking for?" he asked her, sipping relaxed his coffee and waiting for her to answer.

She paused against her bedroom door and faced Hux. "Something personal, I'm sure it was in yesterday's laundry, but I cannot find it," she responded and went on looking for her items.

Hux smirked and pointed at Ben's room. "Some of your underwear was again mixed with Ben's laundry!" he told her loudly and waited for her reaction. Lately, Hux would nudge not only Ben but Rey too. Making fun of both of them actually made the days happier.

Rey jumped from the room inside the living room with her eyes wide open. "Wait! My underwear is in Ben's room?" she puzzled. "Why?"

"Ben got bored telling you to stop adding your dirty clothes in his laundry basket. Now he simply washes them with his clothes." Hux filled her in, smirking. "But today, he left early, and he didn't put your pile of clothes in your room."

"Unbelievable!" she cried out and rushed inside his room. She suddenly opened the door and found herself in the middle of his room. She paused, astonished, noting how small his room actually was. On the left was Ben's bed. Indeed on top lay piles of washed clothes. There she found her own underwear. Her cheeks blushed as she picked it up.

Across was located a single wooden dresser and on the right side of the room was an old armchair and a window. The room was at least 3 times smaller than the one she was staying in. She cast a last glance and stepped outside. A sudden sadness filled her soul. Rey could not recognize the reason why she suddenly felt deep grief.

"I found them!" she mumbled and rushed back to her room to change and go to work.

"Stop mixing up the laundry!" Hux shouted at her as he passed through the living room. "It's disgusting!"

She nodded and closed the door behind her. Her heart was beating so fast, and she was panting. She felt like she took a look in Ben's private place. And his room was nothing like she imagined it. It was clean, organized, and small. She has seen Hux's room and Luke's. Both were large bedrooms. She would imagine Ben having the largest one with his angry attitude. But surprisingly, he didn't.

Ben's acts troubled her now. Why didn't he get angry at her as always? Why would he wash her clothes and not be bothered by that? And soon, more questions were rising as she noticed, he didn't react to the kiss either. Rey kissed him last night. But he never showed up to quarrel with her or get even with her?

"Strange?" she mumbled to herself, baffled.

"I ain't sure! I would say she would date Hux! He seems more friendly and funny!" Chewie acknowledged, "I'm betting she will fall for him!"

BB-8 shook his head. "No way! Ben is younger and much cooler! Girls like that! I would say, Ben!"

"But Hux is the strongest of the Ren Brothers!" Chewie added in a louder tone, "She would want to be with the strongest!"

"Fool, she will not want to fight with him but date him. So girls don't care about the strongest when it comes to love!" BB-8 informed them.

The two friends BB-8, Chewie, we're sitting in the corner of Falcon Diner and placing bet after bet about who of the Ren Brothers Rey would choose to date. Since they found out that she was living with them, the trio was making ridiculous bets.

Poe rolled his eyes as he was sitting next to the counter, and he was slowly losing his patience. He was already in a bad mood since he found out that his young sister was actually sharing a flat with the Ren Brothers. And it didn't help that last night Ben, and she left without giving him any explanation.

"Stop it!" Finn yelled at them, gesturing at Poe. But they simply ignored him for now. Next, the door opened, and a male figure walked inside. But everyone was drawn into the bets and didn't pay much attention.

"This is your fault!" Poe voiced disappointment. "You knew it and didn't tell me anything!"

"I think I will agree with BB-8! It makes more sense for Rey to date Ben. Don't forget he even added a pink seat on his bike!" Chewie told them as he was still deciding if he was making the right bet.

"But he could place the extra seat for another reason!" he claimed, "No, I am still betting on Hux..."

"What other reason could that be? It's clear! The pink seat was installed there for Rey!" Chewie insisted strongly.

Suddenly, the two stopped talking as they noticed the man who had entered earlier leaning above Chewie and whispering at him in a dark and low tone. "The pink seat was Hux's bad joke. And I wasn't able to remove it yet!" he revealed and patted Chewie's shoulder.

Finn and Poe, after listening to the man talking they turned and faced him, astonished. Ben strolled towards them at a fast and steady pace. After all, today, he reached the Ajan Kloss Region to talk with Poe. He gestured a greeting and sat next to Poe.

"It's been a while," Finn said, bobbing his head. "What did you come to do here?" Finn made it clear last night that Ben should keep away from Poe until he would calm down. Yet the youngest of the Solo neglected his words. He should await such rational and fearless behavior from the Ren.

He ignored Finn and didn't respond to him at all. "Grab a soda!" he asked Rose, gesturing at her to bring him something to drink. He knew he would need it. It didn't matter how strong he was; he still had to deal with Poe, which already seemed like a difficult task.

"Ren, why are you here?" Poe arced his body and faced Ben. His hands tightened into fists, and the only reason he was not attacking Ben yet was that he was giving him a chance to explain.

Ben's stare secure landed on Poe, and he didn't even twist. "Your younger sister lives with us." Ben spat without overthinking it. He never told Poe all the details. That actually, Hux agreed with that, and finally, his idiotic sister accepted. This was a serious talk, and Ben knew what he needed to say. "She rents Luke room," he added, resting his arm against the counter. "What I want to say is, we would never harm a girl. You should know she is safe with us!"

That his sister would be more than safe living with the Ren, Poe already could foretell that. Who would cross paths with the Ren Brothers and win? "I'm not worried about that!" he uttered loudly, pinning his gaze against him. "Ben," he addressed him more personally, leaning closer threatening enough, "My sister is off-limits. Did I make myself clear!?"

Ben tilted his head for a second as he remembered how many times Rey and even he broke that limit. Yet he understood Poe. "I'm giving you my word. I would never hurt her!" Ben answered. His reply dumbfounded him.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Poe voiced up as he could read through Ben's reply.

Ben nodded and stood up to take his leave. Today he reached Ajan Kloss Rengokai to face Poe and ensure him not to worry. And he could be many things. But he would keep his word. Because he off, the people could understand what it meant to worry about a family member.

Finn gazed at him as he was walking outside and shutting the door behind him. He crossed his arms, observing the youngest of the Ren Brothers. Honestly, he never thought that he would actually show up and clear things up. He always thought Ben was a troublemaker and would not give a damn to explain his actions. He was wrong.

"Isn't he scared of Hux? He could be a thread to Rey also?" Chewie suddenly asked. Since everyone had listened to their private talk, it was confusing them.

He opened his mouth to talk and paused, thinking about what he had to say once more. "Then the answer lies in the pink seat after all!"

BB-8 glared at him. "Fool! Shash! Now is not the time!" he said and grabbed Chewie and Chewie and walked outside with them.

"You have noticed it too!" Finn suddenly told him while tapping his back.

Poe turned and looked at him seriously and nodded. "Last night! I did!"

True be told, it was easy to read Ben. He was a deadly fighter; speed and force were his abilities in boxing. He was always a troublemaker. He had a ruthless and cool personality. Though under the coldness, he hid more than the eye could see. Of all Ren Brothers, Ben was the most thoughtful. Yet, even if he hid his soft side. His actions would speak loudly about what kind of a person he really was.

Today he needed to face Poe and explain to him that he could trust them. His sister was not in any danger. She was safe with them. As a brother, he could understand how worried Poe would be. Indeed the idiotic roommate was annoying him, and he might one day end up killing her.

His thoughts were cut off as BB-8 and Chewie by-passed him. They were looking at the pink seat and gossiping. Ben rolled his eyes and turned on the engine. A few seconds later, he was ready to leave when BB-8 suddenly returned running back. He tilted his head and watched him opening the diner's door and yelling.

"Ajan Kloss is being attacked!"

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