Rather Be On Top

By PNGonzalez

3.8K 146 121

Damian Wayne. He was known for many things. Most popular? Wayne. Rich boy. Perfect. Heir. Prince. Yes... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen

chapter eight

177 7 1
By PNGonzalez

A fun swear chapter, courtesy of the Bat Clan. (I don't like having these litte notes on both ends of the chapter so I'll say it now. Enjoy the chapter~)


Jason had decided not to return home the night of the broadcasting and settled on his and Roy's apartment and not the one in Gotham but in Star. Just to be safe.

It was the next morning, however, and he didn't want to get out of bed just yet. Roy would make him go back home to make things better. He just knew his boyfriend would make him do that. He could feel it because despite Roy's rebellious nature, he was such a goody-goody sometimes. Unlike Jason, an anti-hero-villain now, Roy was a proud hero known as Arsenal.

Roy finally opened his eyes and turned over to find Jason squeezing his own eyes shut. "Well good morning to you too." He paused for a bit, knowing Jason saw it coming. "Dick's probably worried you've been mentally poisoned or something. You should go home."


That led him to where he was two hours later. Jason dismounted his motorcyle he had parked near a Gotham zetatube. Then he made his way up the steps leading to the mansion's entrance. As soon as he unlocked the door and entered, Tim jumped on him with a glare. "You're alive! I can't believe you're a villain now! Is that even okay? Are you allowed to even live with us now-."

"Tim. Calm down. I'm sure Jason has a good and hopefully reasonable explanation." Dick approached with arms crossed making Jason roll his eyes and let go of Tim.

He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck when even Bruce and Alfred entered the room. "Yes, an explanation. I have one. And that is that I joined without consent. Renegade made me join. Some assassins kidnapped me and brought me to the team. Yeah, so that's my 'reason'." Alfred was first to question him out loud. "And you did not refuse, master Jason? Surely if you did refuse, you would have gotten injured in the process. Perhaps even be released. Perhaps killed."

Jason shook his head. He honestly still couldn't believe that after three years, he was the only one in the family that knew Damian was still alive. If this was how they all felt about him being a villain, he didn't want to know how they'd react to knowing Damian was alive and a villain. "Well, I never told you guys but Renegade and I are. . . friends. We're close. There, I said it. He dragged me in because he knew I wouldn't and couldn't refuse, okay! Come on, don't give me those looks. Seriously. I'm not having it." Tim pulled out a batarang and threw it.

To his surprise, Jason dodged the fast attack. "Tim! What the hell!"

"Friends! With that monster! How can you do that to Damian! How can you be on the same team that killed our brother? What is wrong with you-" Jason shoved him backward. "Shut the fuck up! You don't know me at all if you can say any of that! It's no wonder I keep my life such a fucking secret from you assholes! No wonder Damian wanted to die! You're all so selfish! I can't even-hey!"

Dick grabbed the front of Jason's shirt and pulled him close to deliver a deadly punch straight into Jason's face. The younger of the two groaned and sent his own punch. The first Dick dodged and the second was a knee to the gut. "Boys!" Bruce hurried to separate the two but only got a punch in the side by Jason and a kick in the back by Dick. Dick was growling at him like a rabid animal, feeling nothing but pure raw emotion for their youngest brother. The brother who didn't get to live a life as long as any of them.

"What do you mean Damian wanted to die! What reason did he have! Why did he only tell you something like that! You're such a piece of shit sometimes, Jason! Why you? I cared for him the most!"

"I don't fucking know, Dick, so don't go blaming it on me!"

Tim grabbed Dick's arms and pulled him back, struggling to do so. Bruce dragged Jason away and towards the door. Anywhere but from another person.

"You don't think I don't have my own problems to worry about? I'm still trying to figure out why the hell he did anything he ever did! I'm so confused! And right now, more than anything, I want to be the next one to die! I'll do it! Right here, right now!"

Bruce took that moment to strip Jason of all his guns and knives while the teen struggled to take them back. Alfred threw them across the room and hit one of Jason's nerves. He fell forward and into Bruce's arms with a gasp.

And suddenly, he was calm again.

And tired.

And he couldn't move his legs. "I feel betrayed, Alfred." The butler sighed deeply through his nose. "You were going to do something regretable. I felt the dire need to intervene."

Dick fell to his knees behind Jason and hugged him tightly. "Goldie. . . don't make this some mushy moment from one of your weird ass rom-coms."

"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt yourself. I've already been down that road. I can't let another brother die, please. Please. Don't go away too."

The back of Jason's neck was wet, he could feel it. Tears, there were tears. Damnit Dick. And he could hear Dick's lightning fast heart rate and hear his older brother's uneven breaths as he attempted to contain his tears but failed.

Jason slumped forward and into Bruce's arms too. Tim joined in briefly after and let himself cry with Dick.

"Damn. I promise then."



The familiar voice made him come to a stop and skid across the a gravel ground. When he turned, he found the one and only Harley Quinn. "Oh so you're the one who's been following me all night." Harley stopped in front of him.

It was when she was in one place without moving Jason realized there was a girl behind her. "Since you're an official villain now, any villain can come up and talk to ya. My reason's with this girly here. This is my daughter. Mine and J's. Well, you see, I want Cataclysm to take care of her. J just burned down my sister's home so now sis is dead. I can't take her or J will totally kill her so please take her for me!" Lucy offered a smile and wave as her symbol of peace. "Does she even know how to fight? Wa-wait! Harley, you can't just-"

"Thank you so much!"

She kissed Lucy's forehead then ran off into the night.

Both Lucy and Jason awkwardly glanced at each other. "So, how old, kid? And on a scale of Lex Luthor to your dad, how insane are you."

"I'm fourteen, turned last week. Um, I think I lean more towards mom and dad. Apparently I inherited some insanity because that's a thing according to my dead aunt. But like, I'm totally cool most of the time."

Jason took her hand. "Good, let's go. I have to tell the rest of the guys now. Can you fight? Any special skills?"

"I mean, I can swing a mallet and a bat. I can blow things up. I'm smart I guess, but also psychotic. So psychotically intelligent. Yeah. I learn fast too so I'll pick up whatever you want me to." 

"My god, you're totally going to be turned into the group's bitch or something."

"If you want to call me that, sure, why not."

Jason was suddenly thankful Slade had a ton a of helicopters and private jets in all major cities and many smaller ones spread out around the country.

If it weren't for that then he'd have to drive all the way down from Gotham to Infinity Island just to get to everyone and tell them the news in person.

Speaking of news, he pulled out his phone.

Red Hood
Hey. Hey you.

Most Tolerable Brat
Todd. Please do not spam me in the middle of an important meeting I am supposed to be observing. Did I not tell you my schedule before the week started.

Yes I know yep
You drilled your damn schedule in my head and gave me an entire physical schedule
You're such a weirdo

Thank you.
Now, what do you want.

So Harley gave me her daughter!!
Her names Lucy
And Harley wants Cataclysm to take care of her and even the kid doesn't mind either


Thats it? Just okay?!

What would you like me to say?
You know what, if we must make her a member, analyze her yourself.
I must go now.

Jason stared at his phone. "You brat." Lucy turned to him at the name. "Sorry, not you. My idiot brother. Wants me to 'analyze you'. Okay, since I'm technically an advisor, I'm making you an understudy. An intern. Learn from everyone on our team. We're a group of talented and crazy people so I'm sure you'll pick up on a ton." Lucy nodded with a determined look. "Yes, sir!"

He only sighed in response and leaned back while scrolling through his phone.

After a slow hour, they finally landed on the rooftop of the assassin hq. "Follow after me. Don't wander unless you wanna die." She nodded and skipped after him happily.

And he'd never felt more awkward with all the odd looks he was getting from every passing assassin. There were hundred of them in this one base alone and at least dozens of them in each hallway they wandered through. Eventually they found the sleeping quarters and entered Cataclysm's block. Cameron was just leaving his room for lunch and grinned when he saw Jason. His expression morphed quickly when he saw the tiny girl behind him. "We taking up orphans now?"

"Shut it, Junior. Where's Shimmer? Can I just leave Lucy with her. Shimmer's good with kids. I've seen her babysit."

Shimmer poked her head out of her bedroom. "You called?" Her eyes landed on Lucy. "It's a child!" She ran out and hugged her. "Cute! I'm adopting her! Come, come, come!"

Jason brushed off his shoulder. "Perfect. See, problem solved. Anyway, what have you been up to?" He eyed Icicle's body because how could anyone not. The villain's body was covered in sparkles. And glitter. And smelled like roses and flowers. And nature. Period. "I've been helping Terra 'beautify' her room. Not only hers but Shimmer's too. Scratch that, I've helped all the girls today with their bedrooms. I'm finally getting lunch." Jason glanced his watch. "Dude, you might as well be having dinner, it's almost seven."

"No wonder I'm starving."

They entered the cafeteria and lined up with trays in their hands. Lucky them, food was actually free. Perks of being close to the League's little prince. The many assassins here had to pay for their meals and while it wasn't exactly expensive, they still had to. Many of the people here had their own day jobs anyway so it was easy living for them.

In fact, that was exactly why Damian pulled his little trick in recruiting civilians because that was so like the al Ghuls to do. Jason was starting to get that when he really watched the actions of these assassins and the infinite amount of reasons behind them.

They finally sat at a table.

With the most straightforward expression and tone of voice, Cameron stared straight into Jason's eyes and whispered a quiet, "Kiss me." This left Jason speechless. "What? Dude, why. Did Rose set you up on this?"

"No but Shimmer bet me fifty bucks."


"Seeing if I can get you to kiss me by Saturday. It's already been two days. Come on, I have like thirty-something hours left. I can't lose fifty, that's like all I have."

Jason couldn't help but snicker. "Who else is in on this?"

"Rose, she's on my side. Please."

"Sure, why not. Later though. I'll let you take a pic for proof."

"Yes! Thanks Jay!"

What has my life come to?

Rose sneezed.

Jade glared at her for the umpteenth time. "I'm telling you! Someone's been talking about me! I bet you it's Jason! That punk saying something about me, I just know it." Jade returned to painting her nails. "Say what you want, love. Heard we have a new member?"

Rose nodded as she finished polishing her fourth sword. The two were in Rose's bedroom so all her weapons were out and scattered around, clean and shiny and perfect, she was almost done too. "Shimmer has her right now, I think. Said something about making her a villain costume. It might be something close to her mom's." Jade paused. "Her mom? Also a villain?"

"Yep. According to Damian, Jason said her name's Lucy. Quinzell. Daughter of Harley and the Joker. I think she's in a rough situation and that's why she's with us now. Hope she doesn't die to soon though."

"That poor soul."

Terra paced her bedroom, back and forth she went with her phone in her hand. "I just don't know how to feel to having to see Slade more and more. I swear, it's like I'm being haunted. You know what, I fully accept that this is karma. That's what this is. Rose's dad is Slade so he always drops in but still, I can't help but freak when I see him sometimes." Beast Boy smiled and tutted. "It'll be alright, Terra, don't worry. Sure he totally turned you against us, but we're all cool now, right? You two are cool. We're cool. You and all the Titans are more or less cool. Yeah, I think it's just Raven who hates you." Terra could only groan in response.

"I know she hates me."

Beast Boy stood from the table in the kitchen and began to wander throughout the Titans Tower. "I think Raven's talking with someone on the phone actually. She calls the same person every three nights. Think it might be a boyfriend or something."

Now that Terra thought about it. . .

She hadn't lived around Damian for long but that sounded strangely similar to what Damian did.

"I think I know who she's calling."

Every member of Cataclysm stood by idly in hopes of some random meeting to just pop up or a mission to be ran by the League of Assassins. They all craved action and adventure at the moment and wanted nothing more than to defeat their enemies. All of them felt the same way. Damian lay on his bed with a screen over him, the other person in the same position. "I saw that little stunt you pulled a few days ago, Damian. And I think that was a dangerous move. I trust you and I know what you're capable of, but you have to be more careful." 

Damian's door opened and Terra pointed at the phone. "So we were right! You already have a girlfriend! Why do I have to be your fake girlfriend then?" Raven on the other end glared when she saw Terra through the screen. Beast boy stood in Raven's room. "Oh, so you've also been in contact with a villain. Wow."

"Beast Boy! Out!"

"Okay, I'm going!"

Damian was thankful he still had his mask on. If Beast Boy saw his face, who knows who he could have told.

Terra left quickly after too. She and Beast Boy held victorious looks. "Raven's totally dating Renegade!"

He agreed with an equally mischievious grin. "Looks like we're not the only hero-villain couple now." Terra hummed. "Well, one of my teammates is dating Arsenal. We're all so terrible to be dating our enemies, seriously."


Inside Icicle's bedroom, both boys awkwardly sat across from each other. Jason leaned forward while Cameron held up a camera on selfie mode. "God, this is so weird. Don't take this the wrong way, Junior. I already have a boyfriend. . ."

Cameron bit his lip as Jason neared. They both froze when they were face to face. "Should I kiss you now or will you kiss me?" Cameron couldn't suppress his quiet giggling at the question. "You're such a bottom, aren't you?" He brought his left hand to rest on the back of Jason's neck and pulled him closer to press their lips together. Jason's eyes flew open when he felt the small biting on his lips and groaned into the kiss. A grinning Junior took some snaps then finally released Jason, pulling back first to admire Jason's flushed face.

He didn't even need to say anything when Jason turned away embarrassed. "Yeah, you probably bottom in your relationship with your boyfriend." He cackled then stood, sending a picture to Cataclysm's group chat, specifically tagging Shimmer and Rose to get them to see his evidence.

Icy Boy
Looks like I win 50

Hold up.
I don't like my name
Who named me Flower??

Sparkle Girl
Looks like I owe you both 50.

Oh my god
You look like you were enjoying the kiss too
I'm sending this to Roy

Murderous Teen
Rose! Don't send that to him!
I'm coming to your room
I'll kill you

Icy Boy
I can confirm
The kiss was great
He wouldn't be the only one who enjoyed~

Can't believe you guys actually did it
Next bet.
Cameron, I'll give you and Jason 200 if you manage to have sex

Is this a normal?
If so, I wanna bet toooo

Icy Boy
Challenge accepted!

Sparkle Girl
I'm going to go broke

Demon Overlord
I shall use this image as blackmail.
Fear me, Todd.

Rose let out a shriek that could be heard by everyone in their own separate bedrooms. The clash of two blades made Damian roll out of bed and end his call with Raven to observe the fight.

When he was outside, he looked at Lucy.

"Yes, this is normal."

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