Bonded || SHW

By chimchimicorn

4.3K 413 236

Can he ever truly let go? >Inspired by The Black Dagger Brotherhood< More

Copyright Notice
1: Blessing
2: Alcohol
3: Responsibility
4: Rotation
5: Warm Water
7: Deal
8: Range Rover
9: New Bedroom
10: Big Mac
11: Plague

6: Eunuch

163 23 28
By chimchimicorn

Shownu was a nervous wreck as he and his mate waited for the doctor to arrive.

As a member of the brotherhood, he was entitled to the VIP treatment and as such were in a hospital room that looked more like a guest bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. If that guest bedroom had medical equipment in it, that is.

The walls were a pastel pink and the sheets on the oversized hospital bed where Dia sat were white with tiny pink roses.

It wasn't calming in the slightest.

"My love," Dia addressed him from the bed, "Take a deep breath or you're going to terrify the-"

The door opened and without thinking, Shownu was on his feet with a gun in his hand. The doctors eyes widened and the stench of fear wafted over from him, staining the air.

Shownu narrowed his eyes but a command to put the gun away from his mate had him holstering the weapon and muttering an apology.

"Ah, do not apologise Sire," The doctor bowed, still nervous, "You are a bonded warrior, I understand completely. With your permission I will examine her now?"

It was Dia's turn to narrow her eyes, "You mean my permission?"

"Yes, of course," The doctor was still looking at Shownu, who nodded, making Dia sigh.

The doctor quickly washed his hands and pulled on a pair of gloves before instructing Dia to lay back on the bed and reveal her stomach.

"Has she had any pains or bleeding?" He addressed Shownu, who frowned.

"I'm not the pregnant female in here, Doc, ask my mate and you'll get an answer,"

The doctor flushed, "Females during pregnancy do not have the-"

"I'd advise you to think very carefully about how you're going to finish that sentence," Shownu said dryly, sinking back into the seat, "That is, if you wish to keep your teeth,"

After a moment of shock, the doctor cleared his throat and finally looked at Dia, who was clearly irritated but answered his questions none the less.

Shownu shook his head with a sigh. Unfortunately, a lot of the males from the upper classes had this weird notion that females were below them in every way. They were supposed to look pretty and produce babies and that was it. Of course, those males were all stick-thin and weak and in arranged matings - it was rare to see a male of that class bonded.

As members of the brotherhood, Shownu and his Brothers were technically the top of the class pyramid, but they associated better with civilians and not the stuck-up high class fuckwits-

"Shownu?" He snapped his eyes up to meet the gaze of his mate, "He wants to do the scan now," Her eyes flashed and a huge fake smile grew on her perfect lips, "But he needs your permission? I'm just the incubator for this young, obviously, the young is all yours and has absolutely nothing to do with me so why would I have a say in what is going on?"

As her fingers curled into fists, Shownu knew that she was very close to decking the oblivious doctor. As much as he wanted to jump to his mates defence, Shownu squashed the bonded vampire side of him and turned to the doctor with a cold smile.

"You have permission to scan my incubator,"

The doctor actually took a step backwards, "P-Perhaps I shall ask a nurse to do the scan this time,"

"Perhaps you should," Shownu replied coldly, "After apologising to my mate for not showing her the respect she deserves as the mother of this young,"

The doctor hesitated a little and that was all it took for Shownu's patience to snap. He exploded out of the chair, gripping the pathetic excuse for a male by his throat and pinning him to the wall, squeezing enough to show that he was serious but not enough so he couldn't breathe. How would he apologise if he couldn't breathe?

"My deepest apologies!" The doctor stammered, his eyes wide, "I am sincerely apologetic and I will not make this mistake again,"

Shownu looked over at his mate, "Is that okay or do you want him to grovel at your feet? I can put him on the floor, just say the word,"

"That's fine," Dia said, obviously satisfied, "I accept his apology,"

With a grunt, the warrior released the reedy doctor, "Send the nurse immediately,"

Spluttering, the doctor quickly left the room and Dia sighed loudly, "What an ass,"

Shownu nodded, "I didn't want you to hit him. That could have stressed out the baby,"

"A quick punch in his stupid gob wouldn't have stressed the baby," Dia huffed.

He couldn't help but grin, "Gob?"

"Shut up,"


Shownu had carefully driven his mate home (and then not so carefully mounted her as soon as they got inside their living room, which made him very late) before going to the compound. He knew that they had voted for him to be off schedule for the night, but he couldn't help himself.

They were already waiting in the meeting room when he arrived, a huge smile on his face, a small piece of paper folded in his hand.

"What is it?" Hyungwon asked as he came in.

"Yeah, you look like you got laid," Jooheon smirked, "Dia feeling not-so-sick anymore?"

"Fuck you," Shownu snapped at Jooheon, "Don't talk about my mate like that or I'll rip your fucking balls off,"

"What balls?" Wonho piped up, "Isn't he a eunuch?"

"Nah, I heard they're like, hamster sized," Kihyun quipped.

"Seriously, fuck you guys," Jooheon huffed, "I got balls as big as-"

"Everyone shut the hell up," Shownu said loudly, "I got news,"

As the warriors turned to look at him, the smile on his face returned.

"It's a boy,"

The cheers were loud enough to shake the entire compound and Shownu was even more happy with his Brothers reactions.

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