Cherry Bomb

By Paperbackwriter4life

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*This is the first story I ever wrote and worked on for a college assignment. I worked on one chapter and I w... More

Introduction to Cherry Bomb
C'est la Mort
Here for the Party
Knocking On Heaven's Door
Talk To Me
This Is It
I'm Coming Out
Bad Reputation
Through The Dark
Life Starts When Tomorrow Comes

To Die For

1 0 0
By Paperbackwriter4life

Prom Night, 2012

Andrew scoffed as his mother straightened his tie. He had his hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Andrew knew that Ryan would copy the same hairstyle. The problems of boys with long hair. Anna offered to take Andrew to a salon to cut his hair, but he only requested a trim and not the complete removal of his hair.

"You look so handsome," Anna said, "I think Ryan is going to love how you look." Andrew looked into the large mirror on the back of the master bedroom door. He saw the resemblance of his father, but he felt more like himself than he used to be. He wore his father's old suit which finally fit him after years of trying to put it on when he was younger and smaller. He wore the same combat boots underneath the suit, there was no argument there. But he wore a simple red tie to make sure that Ryan would notice him standing out among the crowd.

"Thank you for your help mom," Andrew said. Anna gave a soft smile and watched as her son headed out towards the living room where Ryan was sitting in his suit and tie. The suit and tie was a gift. He looked up and saw Andrew walking in with his bangs and ponytail. Ryan could feel his heart flutter for a second. He let out a soft whistle as Andrew blushed from embarrassment.

"You look to die for," Ryan said. Andrew smirked before the two boys exchanged kisses. They started dating at the end of summer. Ryan mustered up the courage before school started to break it off with Scott. But it didn't stop Scott from pestering the two as they began their journey together. It felt like the whole year was going by too fast, Ryan would graduate this year and so would Scott and Carlos, but Andrew didn't care about those two at the moment. For now, their thoughts were on themselves. Every chance they had at meeting up before classes at school they would exchange a kiss or two in the hallway. One time they both got detention because it was considered inappropriate for two men to kiss each other on the mouth.

"I'm sorry but last I checked this was my boyfriend I was kissing," Ryan said. He walked off and Andrew followed suit after one of the assistant principals pulled the two boys aside. They were sent to detention after the snarky comment. In detention, they held hands as they snacked on their lunches from home. It was a difficult year for Andrew. But he often got tutoring help from Ryan or his mother when she would come home from work after getting a phone call or two.

Ryan and Andrew were heading out of the house when Anna waved her cell phone in front of them.

"I have to get a picture of the two most handsome men," Anna teased. Andrew blushed and Ryan gave a soft chuckle. They posed outside the front door. Ryan had his hand on Andrew's hips and leaned into the crook of Andrew's shoulder. Anna snapped the picture. Both boys untangled themselves and they headed into Anna's car. She offered to drive them and let Ryan stay over at Andrew's house. Rita was okay with that, it gave her some time with her boyfriend for the night, a wonderful romantic dinner.

Ryan and Andrew snaked their way into the back of the Beetle interior. Anna sat in the driver's spot. Ryan and Andrew held hands in the back, softly touching the backsides of one another's hand. Ryan leaned in and gave a small peck on Andrew's face.

"You look handsome tonight," Ryan whispered in Andrew's ear. Andrew started turning pink and grinned a small grin. Anna often peered from the driver's mirror and gave a soft smile, but kept her eyes on the road. They were heading to the local distillery plant up the road on US-41. Their prom night was originally in a different area of town, but since the budget was cut for a more suitable area, the local distillery offered their event space for the night at a lower cost than the previous location in mind.

They passed the raceway, heading further up towards the fairgrounds, a couple of blocks away. Andrew and Ryan went to their first fair together recently. They even went to the strawberry festival in the city a few miles over. They kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel, shared a bag of boiled peanuts, ate some cotton candy, went to the local craft markets. It was a wonderful day with Ryan at the fair in all it's glory. When Anna came to pick up the boys, they were still inside. She called them furious and they eventually came out of the fair near six in the evening when the sun was going down.

Anna pulled into the parking lot for the distillery plant. Massive oak trees hid the busy Martin Luther King Road from sight. But the sounds of cars were omnipresent to what lay on the other side of the metal fence.

A fire burned in front of the entrance for the hospitality house. The feel of the heat was enough for a slightly chilly evening for the two boys and the rest of Crest Hill High School seniors. Ryan and Andrew dropped their hands when they went inside, fearing the retaliation or the denial of going to prom. It was the most magical night for many girls and boys.

"Name?" one of the assistant principals asked.

"Ryan Spencer, Andrew Rainey," Ryan answered for the both of them. The assistant principal handed them their stickers and went inside.

The small room was a deep shade of red: red walls, red curtains, red everything. A small archway contained white Christmas lights and fake white flowers. Couples were smiling and posing for pictures.

"Wanna take a picture?" Ryan asked. Andrew looked over at the setup and shook his head.

"We have plenty of good pictures of us," Andrew said, "Those are just cheap knockoffs." Ryan chuckled. They headed over to the punch bowl and appetizers.

At the punch bowl, they grabbed a few glasses of drinks and talked nearby to the stage. Scott and Carlos walked up to them, unnoticed, and Scott gave out a soft smile. Ryan almost choked on his drink when he saw the two walking side by side. Carlos was wearing a bright purple tie, black shirt, black pants, and simple black shoes. Scott wore a simple suit.

"Hello," Scott curled from his lips. Ryan stared up at the boy who wore his suit and held his hair tied back in a low ponytail, adorned with a simple ribbon. Ryan went back to drinking from his cup and ignoring Scott.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Scott asked. He wedged himself between Ryan and Andrew. Ryan waved slightly and then pushed aside Scott to stand by Andrew. He gripped Andrew's hand tightly. Andrew got the message that he wasn't happy to see an old flame still pursuing him after breaking up.

"Ryan, there's a free table by the dance floor, I'll see about snagging it," Andrew said. He broke free of Ryan's grasp and headed over to the empty table, standing there by the dance floor, looking over his shoulder at Ryan and waiting for him to walk away.

"We're still going ahead with the plan?" Scott asked the three of them. They were all going to the same college, but Ryan hasn't told Scott that he changed his plan after breaking up with him and waiting for Andrew. They were going to go to the community college and then transfer to a college out in Miami. They would work jobs to pay for classes and books, rent an apartment nearby, and commute in a car or through the transportation system. Ryan wanted to get away from everything. Andrew didn't mind riding along for support.

"I don't want to go to the local university," Ryan said after he broke up with Scott a week ago, months before prom. Ryan sat there on his bed, crying his eyes out.

"We can always do something else," Andrew said. Ryan looked up at the boy; only two years separated them. Ryan was graduating. Andrew would have to finish in two years. Why did Ryan fall for him? Was it because he felt the boy was lost? Was it because he was looking for an escape from the life he had?

"I want to go to a college down in Miami," Ryan said, "It was my first choice. I wanted to go there because the tuition is cheap."

"What stopped you?"

"Scott, he said he wanted to run the local drugs at the university up here. There wouldn't be a need to change or go somewhere else."

"Don't you think you have done enough for him? Scott only took what you made or what you gave for granted. He doesn't deserve you." Ryan watched Andrew sit closer to him. He looked at the boy who sat beside him, curling his arms around Ryan, comforting him. Ryan watched as Andrew placed a kiss on his cheek. He let out sniffles now, the tears have stopped.

"Good, it worked," Andrew chided. Ryan gave a soft smile; they exchanged a small kiss or two.

"Thank you," Ryan said. Andrew rubbed Ryan's arm and squeezed his shoulder.

"You're welcome," Andrew said. They kissed once again, hands touching each other, fingers wrapping into an unbroken twist of promises yet to share.

"Ryan, you with me?" Scott snapped. Ryan looked between the two boys and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Carlos asked.

"I have a date," Ryan said, "He is more important right now." Ryan walked off. Scott let out a huff of anger crossing his arms in front of his chest. Carlos looked on dumbfounded.

Ryan headed to the table. He gave out a smile and pecked Andrew on the cheek.

"What was that about?" Andrew asked.

"The usual. But I didn't want to listen. I'm not part of that anymore," Ryan said. Andrew nodded and enjoyed the people on the dance floor.

"I wish the music sounded better," Andrew commented. Ryan gave a soft smirk.

Ryan looked onward at the crowd, the carefree environment. Girls and boys dancing to the music and grinding to the beat. It was like all those crime movies with clubs and local dive bars catering to drug dealers and mobsters. Ryan reached over at Andrew and patted him on the back.

"The music is good for this situation," Ryan said, "But how about we have our private dance at your house?" Andrew began to blush.

"Relax, I won't push you into anything you don't want to," Ryan said. Andrew nodded and watched the crowd dance and the heat creep higher and higher into the small room of wiggling teenagers.

The event ended with a dance that was performed by the Prom King and Queen. Ryan and Andrew hung outside by the fire pit, feeling the heat of the flames warm their cold exteriors. Andrew leaned in and gave Ryan a small kiss on the cheek, curling his head into the crook of Ryan's shoulder.

"I couldn't think that this was your last dance," Andrew said, "But it was nice to go with you." Ryan extended his arm and wrapped himself around Andrew.

"Yeah, me too," Ryan said. He heard the sound of gravel crunching underneath shoes and turned to see Scott and Carlos coming up to them. Ryan got up and walked his way to Scott. Carlos lounging against the tree that was six feet from the two boys. Andrew looked onward from the fire pit, the heat radiating from his back.

"Sorry to break up your moment, but we have some business to discuss," Scott said.

"I'm not in the business anymore," Ryan hissed, "Stay out of my life. I have nothing to do with you anymore." Scott rolled his eyes and clenched his hand into a fist. It was a punch Ryan didn't see coming.

"You may have broken up with me you little shit," Scott seethed from his teeth, "But you are nothing without me and your little drug chain won't work without me in the first place."

"I don't want to do drugs anymore. I'm going clean."

"Bullshit. We agreed to make ourselves the exclusive supplier. You can't just back out now! We are going to college, and your little pet boyfriend will have to survive two more years of high school without you."

"I'm not going with you guys! The deal is off." Ryan walked away holding his nose to stop it from bleeding. Scott began to run for Ryan and reached below his belt line to flip Ryan over his shoulder and onto his back on the ground. Ryan let out a coughing fit and tried to get up. But Scott began to kick and punch Ryan in the ribs and stomach. Andrew jumped onto Scott and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck, trying to choke him unconscious.

"Stop it! Stop can't you see he's had enough?!" Andrew yelled into Scott's ear. Carlos walked from the tree, gut-punched Scott pulled Andrew off, pulled Ryan from the ground.

"Go home, take care of him," Carlos said to Andrew. Andrew grabbed Ryan and put his arm around, leading him towards the parking lot with Anna Rainey waiting for them. Carlos turned around and punched Scott again.

"Cabron, you better not push my buttons. If that pinche gringo doesn't want to join us, don't make it your vendetta to ensure that he stays with us. I told you I found a guy who is willing to step up and help us out," Carlos said. Scott stopped his heaving and coughing.

"Who is it?" Scott asked, leaning over spitting onto the ground.

"A boy named Thomas on my street. He knows the college scene better than any frat boy who had a one night stand." Scott looked at Carlos and nodded his head.

"I have heard of Thomas, let's see if he is up to the challenge," Scott huffed out of his throat. Carlos grabbed him by the arm and the two walked towards the street.

Anna Rainey rushed to the aide of Ryan and Andrew.

"I'm not hurt, Ryan is," Andrew said. Anna helped Ryan into the car. Andrew was sitting in the back, Ryan sitting passenger side of the Beetle. Anna turned on the car and drove home in a panic.

"Your mother is going to kill me," Anna hissed. Ryan gave out a small laugh, "This isn't funny."

"Mom, relax, Ryan is staying at our place anyway," Andrew said.

"I don't care. It isn't right what those boys did to him."

"I know that, mom. But Ryan wasn't the one who started the fight. His ex did."

"Andrew," Ryan pleaded. Andrew touched Ryan's shoulder. Anna Rainey scrambled to get to the front door with an injured Ryan. Andrew took care of the front door: open, close, lock. Anna led Ryan into Andrew's room.

"Don't do anything stupid, I'm getting the first aid kit," Anna looked at both boys. They held their hands up in surrender.

Ryan and Andrew looked at each other with a soft smirk on both their faces. Ryan was slowly trying to take off his jacket when he winced in pain from the rib kicking.

"Let me help you before mom loses it," Andrew said. He helped Ryan out of the jacket, the tie, and the button-down shirt. The bruises were slowly forming, a few dark spots in the middle with yellow marbling on the outside.

"Does it hurt?" Andrew asked. Ryan nodded, he leaned over and kissed Andrew slowly, softly. Andrew took the time to move into the kiss, slowly moving his tongue inside Ryan's mouth. Anna came back with the first aid kit and let out a small cough. The boys went pink and stared back at each other.

"If this is how it is going to be tonight, Ryan may have to sleep on the couch," Anna protested.

"Sorry, mom."

"I'm just teasing." Andrew rolled his eyes.  She headed out of the bedroom and closed the door for the night. Ryan and Andrew looked at each other. They gave a soft laugh and Andrew got up to change out of his clothes. He placed the suit jacket over his desk chair when Ryan got up from the bed. He walked over and pulled down on the tie that Andrew was adjusting. He kissed Andrew, hard and full, Andrew was taken aback.

"What was that for?" Andrew asked.

"Being with me," Ryan said. Andrew smiled and dropped his hands to wrap around Ryan, slowly, so that there weren't any more injuries done to his body. Ryan and Andrew kissed again, stirring the fire inside those boys. Andrew helped Ryan undress as Ryan pushed Andrew to be on top of the bed. They went harder and faster for kisses, Ryan kissing down the neck and chest. Andrew let out gasping breaths, feeling the hum of his body. Ryan came back to Andrew's lips, Andrew bowed and grabbed the sheets.

"Did I hurt you?" Ryan asked.

"No. Don't stop," Andrew said. They tossed and turned around on the bed all night, around early in the morning the boys fell asleep. Andrew had his hand on Ryan's chest, Ryan was pulled into Andrew.

"How does it feel to not be a cherry anymore?" Ryan asked. Andrew curled closer.

"It feels...nice," Andrew said. They let out small yawns and fell asleep under the covers, the clock went off for the 5:30 morning alarm and Ryan slammed his hand on the silence button. But the alarm clock fell off.

"Just get it in the morning," Andrew said. They fell asleep until the sunlight began to brighten the room. The clothes askew, the bedsheets askew, the whole mess of sweaty and fist time sex permeated the room. But what they weren't expecting was his sister to walk in and let out a scream. That is what woke up the two boys. They sure had a lot of explaining to do. 

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