Worth Waiting for

By Feels-goood

101 28 29

Vivian Darcy tries to leave her horrible past behind and start a new life.... Changing Vivian Darcy's opinion... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

16 6 6
By Feels-goood

Eagerly, Vivian reached in her bag. Westley couldn't help but appreciate her body,she had a glowing skin with a petite body giving her an appearance of fragile beauty.

"Here it is" Vivian handed him her résumé.

Their fingers met when he collected it and their eyes connected uncomfortably. Westley looked back down and unfolded the paper.

"This looks good" Westley nodded.

Vivian smiled.

"But the fact you don't have a work experience makes me reluctant." He added.

Her smile faltered."I know my experience is lacking but I can do this job. I'm eager and I did very well in my training. I want more than anything for your son to talk,children like West can be helped."

"What do you mean,children like West?" His expression slowly morphing to that of anger.

"I mean children with developmental problems. You know being unable to talk is not the end of the world. West can still be very happy." She said trying to justify her earlier statement.

"You think something is seriously wrong with my son,don't you?" Anger evident in every word.

"No, I...."

"Well,there's not!" He stood.
"You're no different from those so called experts who label him after asking a few puny questions. You don't know him as I do and he is as normal as I am!"

Vivian held her chest, shaking."But I only said that to comfort you."

"Well,that wasn't necessary. I knew you were wrong for this job. You come in here with your mind made up that my son is abnormal and you were just planning to sit around and get paid for nothing !"

"That's not true." Deeply offended. "I am not lazy and I enjoy working."

"Women like you ...."

"Women like me!" Completely livid.

"...only go to school to lure a man to take care of your pitiful self and when things get rocky,you go on to your next cash provider" he continued ignoring her outburst.

Deciding she won't wait around to be insulted,she snatched her résumé from his hand and stuffed it into her bag"you know what,you are a nut job and definitely need help. I thought I would have problem in relocating from Lagos to Abuja,it's clear now,you are the problem. "

Looking at her retreating figure,he watched her curvy self with an inkling of arousal.

Realizing she still had to wait for the next bus,Vivian debated getting a snack or finding a restaurant. Suddenly,the smell of coffee filled her nostrils and spotting the eatery,her mind was made up. Vivian pushed open the doors of Omy food and drinks.
Looking around, she immediately took a liking to the place. Scanning the room,Vivian just wished it didn't have the rest....Noisy men all over. Lately, she avoided crowds specially ones with opposite sex.

"I have a table,"an older waitress said with a smile on her face "And also perfect for a ravishing woman like you." She winked.

Vivian wanted to scream that she wasn't looking for any manly attention except to eat and cool her mind from the anger Westley made her feel. She cringed at all the men who began to notice her.

"Thanks," Vivian told the waitress.

"No problem,now what would you have?" She said as she took out a pad and a pen.

"Blueberry pancake and a small cup of coffee." She said fantasizing.

"Coming right up."

Vivian tried to focus on how to find a job instead of the lust filled gazes around her. Remembering Westley outburst, anger spiked through her for the umpteenth time. She tried reasoning from his point of view but couldn't place her hand on what she said wrong.

"The food here is really great," a male voice rudely interrupting her thoughts.

"I'll just have to try it first" she responded.

"Name's Francis." He said mistaking her response as a invitation to continue ."are you alright?" noticing her squirming.

"I have to go." Vivian made to stand up but a firm grip on her wrist stopped her. "Please don't go pretty lady,just want to know you tis all." He said smiling.

"Don't keep all that beauty to yourself." Said a guy in his early thirties accompanied by another guy.

Unknown to Vivian, Westley was already tracking her after realizing he was complete fool for letting her go like that. Fortunately, the search didn't take time as she was easy to spot in the midst of three men.

"I'd like to talk to my woman alone." He said sticking his chest out trying to be intimidating.

Vivian shot Westley an angry looked before dashing out of the restaurant. Noticing the clouds gathering, she continued down a steady path with long strides trying to ignore the fact that Westley was trailing after her.

"Wow,rude much....not even a thank you!" He exclaimed as he caught up with her.

"That's surprising coming from you,you and I both know you are the rude one." She said.

"Look I was kind of wrong."

"Kind of?" She scoffed.

The water started pouring heavily. Her blouse sticking to her bringing out her delicate curves. Making matters worse,there was no place for shelter except Westley's house...she groaned inwardly but dashed towards there nonetheless.

Dripping, they soon stood in the middle of his bedroom awkwardly though. Her blouse and crepe skirt were like second skin and Westley struggled to keep his head up.

"Here,try this on," he said offering her a huge T shirt.

"Thanks" Vivian mumbled trying not to notice the way his muscles moved as he cleaned his neck with a towel.

Westley headed out of the room. Finally alone,she studied everything around her. Looking at the bed she started fantasizing about sprawling on the bed and falling asleep. The thought dissipated as soon as it came remembering whose room it was.

Moments later,Vivian padded down the stairs into the living room,wearing the T shirt that reached her knee. Westley presumed she had calmed down and would take the job.

"As soon as my clothes are dry, am outta here" she informed him with her arms folded " for good this time."

Westley shook his head "Not for good,I don't take no for an answer."

"You don't have a say in that,I'm not working for you."

You're right, you'll be working with me." He smirked.

"No,I won't,you're as nutty as they come."

The way she said it sent him reeling in laughter. For Vivian, it was an amazing sight and almost as amazing as the child who flew into the room and a grinning elderly woman accompanying him.

As if he knew her,the boy strolled towards her,his tiny eyes observing her like she was a wonderful discovery.

"Vivian,this is my son." He said smiling ,proud he was the father of an adorable creature.

Vivian crouched down to his level"what's your name sweetheart?"

Soundlessly his lips parted.
"Is it Westley? West?"
His face lit up with a smile.

"Well sweetheart, my name is Vivian and I.....she locked eyes with Westley and he looked as vulnerable as his son. Vivian turned her attention to the boy ....am your friend."
Emotions swirled in her as West hugged her as if he needed her to breath. She couldn't help but say"and your teacher, am going to help you talk."
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