Destined [unedited]

By 92aazz

582K 24.7K 264

Dr. Anya Sharma, owner of Fortis and well known neurologist... known all over the world due to her talent. Sm... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50
Chapter - 51
Chapter - 52
Chapter - 54
Chapter - 55
Chapter - 56
Chapter - 57
Chapter - 58
Chapter - 59
Chapter - 60
Chapter - 61
Chapter - 62
Chapter - 63
Chapter - 64
Chapter - 65
Chapter - 66

Chapter - 53

7.4K 323 4
By 92aazz

Anya's POV

It's been two months since I came back to London.

In these two months I missed them more.

I'm not in contact with anyone other than Ri and Aru.

Abhi did called so many times but I didn't received any of his call.

The last voice mail that he send was
"I'm sorry Anya for everything but please pick my call. Don't ignore me. Just talk to me. Shout at me. Even slap me. I know you won't take my call. but please hear me out. yes I promised Rakesh uncle to bring his daughter's smile back... But the main reason behind it was that I love you. I love you a lot. My feelings, emotions hugs, kisses, date.. Everything was real. I didn't did all that for pity. I did that because I love you. I love you to the moon and back. Please speak to me once sweetheart."

After this message he never called.

I don't know whether to believe it or not.

My heart believes it but my mind is contradicting with it.

I have forgiven everyone... Abhi, my family because I want to free myself from all this.

The problem is that I couldn't forget it.

I just want to go hug him and tell him how much I love him.

but now it's been two months since I last saw him or talked to him.

I came out of my thoughts with ringing of my phone.

"Where are you?" Aru asked.

"Starbucks "

Before I could ask anything else she hanged the phone.

What's with her?

It's a beautiful evening so here I am in Starbucks with my favourite hot chocolate.

Someone came and sat on my table.

I looked up to see the intruder who were none other than my best friends.

They grinned "You guys here? How? "

I was interrupted when I saw someone coming towards our table with there orders.

He hasn't changed except he's looking more handsome if possible.

I withdraw my eyes from him.

Ri and Aru have caught me staring at him.

He came and sat beside me shocking me with his actions.

"Hi sweetheart" saying so he kissed my cheeks.

Ri and Aru tried to control there smile. I glared them shutting them up.

I ignored him for the meanwhile.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Surprise" they said.

"Come let's go to apartment. I'm sure Maria will be happy to see you both"

Ri and Aru nodded there head looking excited.

We went in my car. We entered the lift to reach top floor.

"So this is where you live" Abhi asked.

"Yes dumbo. Wait till you see her apartment " Ri smirked.

What's cooking between them?

I opened the door of my apartment.

"Wow... " I heard Abhi.

"Maria see what I got for you" I said as we moved in.

Maria came out of the kitchen. "Oh my god" she shouted.

Ri and Aru rushed towards her and hugged her "Maria"

Maria was surprised to see them and I was surprised to see everyone already present here..... Vivek uncle, Vijay uncle, Maya aunty, Swati aunty, Raj uncle, Nandini aunty, Riya, Ruhi, Samar, Nishant, my family... Every one is here.

I rushed towards them and hugged them. "You guys here?"

"We thought to surprise you" they said.

They and Maria were already done with the introduction before we came.

As Maria noticed Abhi. She came towards him "Who's this young man? "

"Hi Maria. I'm Abhimanyu but you can call me Abhi. I'm Ri and Aru's friend and Anya's boyfriend " he said making me shocked.

" "

"He's not my boyfriend "

Maria and I said together. But she ignored me.

I glared at Abhi who was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"hello honey " Maria welcomed him.

"Guys go and get freshen up. Ri, Aru you guys know your room. Maria show everyone there rooms" I said.

They all went to there rooms. Till the time I set the table and helped Maria.

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