Syndicate: Project Rye [Kenda...

By ezeywolf27

36.5K 1.6K 407

World Crime Investigating Agency (W . C . I . A.) Is an unknown group of investigators organized by trusted... More

Welcome Detective!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

2.5K 126 43
By ezeywolf27

Crowd of people crossing the road, ambling on the sidewalks and entering buildings, their attention solely on themselves, shoulders brushing against another inattentively while their heads hung low as their eyes focused on a device on their hands in the city. It's so scary how distracted they are on their phones that they're unaware what has been happening beyond what they usually see that not even their minds can comprehend. And all of it I have observed just by gazing at them through the window from a booth in an old busy diner a few miles away from the headquarters where I just had finished a meeting.

"Everything alright Detective?" Asked my partner, Detective Tora. Noticing her intense stare at my peripheral vision.

"How blind can they be?" Muttering a question lowly, I shift my eyes down to the steaming mug of coffee in front of me.

"The question is," Tora averted her gaze outside the window. "Are they even ready to know the truth?"

I remained silent, my fingertips sliding delicately around the rim of the cup. No, they wouldn't be, they will never be ready, seeing that majority would be willing to turn blind eye if the news ever broke. The media, it always has played a big part of how humans think, the lies that influenced their thinking and how people turn on each other like holding knives on each others necks. Media has its way of hiding the truth under a blanket and out of everybody's eye, that only who deeply cares about the world only see.

And that's the reason why they took an interest to who can influence more people.

“They will never be.” I mumbled a reply, watching her take a quick sip of her black coffee.

Tora set her half empty mug on the table and pulled her sleeve back to check her wristwatch. “A few more hours before the auction start, you still remember the plan right?”

“Of course I do,” I briefly frown at her statement and closely watch her relaxed and swift movement. “How long have you been working in the agency?”

She stared at me with her usual stoic expression. “What's with the question?”

“Is it bad to know my partner?” I shrugged.

She replies vaguely. “Not that long.”

“Can you be more specific?”

Tora arched a brow. “May I remind you that we're here to do our job.”

“An uptight one I see.” I observed.

“I'm not uptight,” Glaring at me, she lifts her mug again and hold it closer to her lower lip. “I just prefer to finish the job with precise actions.”

“Are you implying I won't get the job right?”

She held a piercing stare right at me, taking long silent sip of her warm coffee. “I have my doubts,” She replied truthfully just as she pull back her coffee. “You are a rookie after all.”

“This rookie could prove you wrong.” I challenged.

“Oh you don't want to do that, Detective Rye.” Tora pushed her empty mug forward on the table. “Goes to show how careless you'd be just before the mission start.”

I silently glared at her from under my furrowed brows, her eyes remained blank and still like quiet water. Breathing through my nostrils, I averted my attention away. I don't want to start in a bad situation with this uptight fucker, this is still my partner after all. Well not totally, we just have the same designated mission, after this auction we'd go to our separate ways and do our jobs accordingly.

Gazing out the window, the sky glowed with dark bluish light while at the horizon I see the deep orange glow of the sinking sun with strokes of purple hue. Soon as darkness hits, that’s when hidden war will begin.


“—make sure to get his signature before calling us out.” My partner over the phone reminded, to what it seems to be the hundredth time.

“I know, you've been telling me that since we left the diner.” I grumbled, pressing the fedora neatly on my head to secure it.

The auction had already started an hour ago, I can already hear the auctioneers rhythmic repetitive voice from the speakers behind the large double doors before me. They have already sold few  goods, and when I say goods they're not the legal shits that an auction house are supposed selling; Military or Police medals, Firearms with their serial numbers scratched off, Ivories, elephant skins and Rhino horns. It has always been the same illegal goods that were being sent off, but this time, they announced one good that they have never auctioned before, and it was a human they said. And by that many had swarmed the auction house, some even had to reserve slots due to the capacity limit that the auction house can only take.

And that goods is the one thing I'm here for, plus the signature that will help Tora in her mission.

Repeat what we just planned.”

I groan annoyingly but I did what was told. “Get the signature, the goods and the fuck out.”

Not exactly the explanation I had in mind but it'll do.” She replied while I hear clicking noises from where she is. “What the hell are you standing there for? Get your ass inside.

My head jerk back as I frown, looking around the place while twisting the knob then pushing the door open. “Where are you? you can see me?”

Of course I do, we've attached a tracker on you.” Tora snorts like I've said the most stupidest thing in the world. 

My eyes met the dim litted old architectural style theater. Dull cyan blue lights beaming down the ceiling that barely illuminated the floors, making it hard to see what you're walking on. At the center of the room, where the spotlight had been set on, is the neatly designed stage with an auction block in the middle of it. And for now they're trying to sell some random -but still illegal- object that I hardly see from the entrance. Walking deeper, I scanned the large room noticing huge amount of people occupying all the leather chairs, leaving no seats to anyone. Damn, is selling humans really this popular?

Be cautious, Rye. You don't wanna blow your cover already.” Tora's voice ring in my ears, that I almost forgot that I was still talking to her.

“Oh shut up, I'm not doing anything wrong.” I hissed at her.

Not yet atleast,” She added. “Just filter that mouth and you'll be fine.”


I paused abruptly on my tracks while my body freezes, hearing a sharp yell behind me. Turning my tensed body around, I see a tall man wearing the same uniform as me with a gun resting on its holsters from the side of his hip while his large hands firmly gripped the top part of it.

I breathed in, controlling my gunning heartbeat. “Sup?” I hear a snort from phone but I ignored it.

The man pointed his finger on the device I'm holding on my ear, squinting his eyes at me suspiciously. “No phones or calls can be made inside the auction house.” He warned, approaching closer. “Every guards knows that rule.” He said while scanning my attire, his face turning skeptical.


“I—uh, it's just that my grandmother's having toilet issues and it's an emergency.” I told him.

You imbacile, did you think he's stupid to fall for that?

Narrowing his eyes at me. “Did you think I'm stupid enough to believe that?” He tightened his grip around his gun.

My heart is literally trying to run away from my chest right now at how fast it drums. I straighten up, face turning serious and handed out the phone towards him. “Check it yourself.” I offered.

I watch him grab the phone, silently praying that Tora's coming up with an excuse, he stared back with the phone already on his ear, listening indignantly. Just for a few seconds he hands the phone back with a disgust expression.

“Just make it quick and head to the side of the stage, the next item would be needing someone to deliver it to the VIP room.”

“Wait,” I called, stopping him from walking away. “Deliver the item? but doesn't it have to be sold first?”

“The items rigged, it's already been sold even before its auctioned.” He informs. “The house just needed some publicity, so that many people would come.”

Nodding in understanding, I watch him walk away, his large frame disappearing in my view. Shifting my attention on the phone to check if the caller is still there, fortunately Tora's still on.

Placing it back on my ears. “I guess he's stupid after all.” Tora stated right off the bat. “But you owe me.”

I grin at her, impressed, even though she can't see it. “How did y-”

Don't ask,” She interrupts. “I better hung up before you could be seen again, just stick to the plan.

Hearing the phone ding, I slipped it back to my pockets and proceeded to the the side of the stage where the guy has directed me to. I shouldn't follow his orders, but doing that would raise a suspicion and he could send someone to search for me.

Here we have is Kendall Jenner, your infamous American Model.”

The auctioneers voice echoes in my ears, my brain just catching on to what he was saying; just realising it was a name, a humans name. My head shot up the stage and see that the red wool curtains that was closed before were now drawn to the side and on the center of the stage under the bright spotlight is a medium sized caged with a woman inside. Walking closer to the stage to get a clearer view, my mouth slowly parted as a quiet sigh escape my lips. I stared at her closely, hair disheveled, her dust covered white shirt were loosely tucked in her blue faded jeans, and her mascara formed a dark line down her face while tears still stream down her eyes.


I felt my body being shoved forward by two large hands that were pushing me from the back. “Hey you fucke—” Spinning my head around to glare at the person, I see a familiar man behind me, his glowering eyes staring at me making me close my mouth shut.

“What are you standing there for? Get the item and deliver it to Mr. Warlfic at the VIP room and get the payment,” The man demanded furiously. “Move.”

Her, goddammit.” I grumble lowly, climbing up the stage. “She's human you asshole.”

“What did you just say?!”

Asshole! now shut up I'm working.” I yelled back placing my hands on the cage, that was about a shoulder length of height, then hurriedly pushed it at the other side of the stage and through the double doors that was pointed to be by another guard beside it.

The hall was eerily quiet, only the sound I can hear is the squeaking noise of the old wheels from below the cage and the muffled cries and whimpers of the woman inside it. Pushing it along the hallway, I tried to distract myself by studying my slihhtly dark surroundings, there were no floutecents hanging above, the only source of light that could lit up the hall was the small bulb that every door we passed by, and they were pointing towards the door illuminating the name written on a silver plaque attached on the top, so it barely light up the hall.

Even though there were more interesting things to look at around me, like doors that were crack open, the womans incessant sniffles still take away my attention.

Gulping down. “Don't worry.” I whispered, cringing at myself of how unbelievable it sounds. She's inside a cage why wouldn't she be worried?

A few turns to every corner and stops to check the doors if its the VIP room, I almost thought that I was lost until I see a golden painted door at the end of the hall. Rolling the wheels towards it, I read the plaque on the door and sighed in relief to finally finding the VIP room. Firmly rolling my fist, I land a strong knock on the door and in an instant it swings open.

Two tall baldmen with ripped muscles appeared by the doorway, blocking it. I saw a short glimpse of an man, maybe an old one, sitting on a couch behind them, his face clearly says that he was already expecting the delivery. Shifting my attention to the two.

"Alright B1 and B2, do me a favor and get the hell out of the way."

Bald 1 face contorts and snarles at me. “That tongue will get you to bad places if you don't control it.”

I raised a brow tauntingly. “What's this shit hole called then?”


I squint my eyes intensely at the two, not backing down at the glare their shooting even if the commanding voice of their boss pierced the overpowering tension. The stare off had cut short when one of them takes a step to the side, allowing me to push the cage inside to enter the room. I hauled the cage in front of the man, that now I had a clear view of what be looked like. My assuming was right, he is really old. How old? You won't be surprised to find him dead by age tomorrow.

The second bald man moves over to the cage and unlocks it, yanking the woman out and throwing it on the love seat next to the old man who was already leering at her body. I studied the woman's unsettled expression, tired brows eyes from all the crying, flushed cheeks and pinkish nose and baby hairs sticking from sweat at the side of her face, but all in all she still looked...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I notice a movement at the edge of my eyes. The old man's hand glide across the small space that the woman had set between them, going for her thighs. Without even thinking, my arm blitz and I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. My eyes widen in surprise, not expecting what I did and I'm pretty sure his guards behind me was shook as well hearing a quick movement behind me.

“Can't let you do that yet can we, Mr. Warlfic?” I shadowed my trembling voice with a hiss. “Payment, the Consignor wanted cheque.”

Warlfic seized his hand from my grasp and pointed to an open case full of cash on a table from the side of the room. “He said he wanted cash.”

“There's a change of plans.” I came up, remembering the plan Tora said when I meet him. “Banks usually mark money's when there's large amount withdrawn.”

Warlfic laughed deeply. “Your boss seems to be getting paranoid.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

He took out a check from the inside pocket of his blazer and written down the amount agreed from the rigged bidding. He handed it to me when done, which I quickly took and turn around to leave. I headed towards the door and past the bald goons to leave, but I remembered something that made me stop on my tracks, my excitement of getting the signature almost cost me to forget that I have to get the woman too. I shut my eyes in frustration, turning back around.

“What are you still doing here bitch.” Bald 1 says.

Already getting irritated. “To do this.” I stated before swinging my rolled hands straight to his jaw. He tumbles to the floor on his back with a painful grunt, holding on to his jaw then turning over to his stomach and struggling to push himself back to his feet.

Watching him amusingly caught me off guard that I forgot that there was another one, I only remembered bald 2 when he already had wrapped his muscular arms around me squeezing me tight that I could already feel the air in my lungs restraining, making me gasp for air. My face snapped to the side from a hard force that had connect to my jaw, I shift my eyes back up to see bald 1 in the process of another punch. Using their heights to my advantage, I shifted my weight to my lower limbs and swiftly buckle both of my knees, making the one who was holding me bend down at how heavy I got and catch the strong hook his companion had thrown.

Feeling arms around me going limp and me falling to the floor on one of my knees, I grabbed the first bald guys ankle and tug both of it back causing him to lose balance and fall on his back again. Blad 2 still hazy at the strong punch he recieved, I yank his wrist and grapple his arm, pulling it against my back shoulder then angle my torso downwards with him following along and throw him over my shoulders then landing ontop of Bald 1.

Seeing that they weren't going to be moving anytime sooner, I look towards the couch where I last saw the woman, only to find her gone. Eyes rolling to the side, I see the door wide open making me groan, the damn woman escaped. My attention was caught by a faint clicking noise, I turn my head noticing Warlfic dialing the phone in panic.


Warlfic's head swivel towards me and opened his mouth, I didn't give him any chance to speak when I finally swing my foot at the side of his face, making him unconscious. Looking out the door, I sighed heavily. I'm already tired from the fight and this woman's making me look for her?

“Stupid girl.”


My hand squeezes her firm arm that was wrapped under in fingers, I jerk her forward, making her stumble beside me to catch up my hurried pace as we walk deeper into the headquarters. We had just arrived in the building, a police vehicle had just dropped us off after swarming the auction house and arresting anyone involved, most of them because a lot had already escaped before the cops arrived. I already expect it though, cops do really take long to respond.

The girl let out a irritated groan, directing a hard glare at the side of my face. “Could you just be more gentle?”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Get used to it.”

Arriving at our destination, I already noticed a crowd of people circling the table, I see familiar faces of other detective that I assume had just came from their missions. This time they have brought someone along with them, the same as I brought this annoying girl.

“Kylie?!” The girl beside me screeched, making me let go of her while she rushed towards a short girl with long wavy hair.

“My god, Kendall!” The girl replies back and each of them wrapped their arms around each other .

I rolled my eyes at their interaction, throwing myself at an empty seat nearby and relaxed my strained body.

“Looking good, detective Rye.” Tora stated, coming out of the corner and stands beside me.

“Shut up.” I replied tiredly, leaning back while still watching the two girls. “I got the signature.”

“Good, send it to the tech team and they'll know what to do.”

I reached inside my blazer to retrieve the cheque. “Why don't you give it.”

Hearing her sigh. “Because I have to meet the General to discuss something.

You sound like you don't like what's going to happen.” Furrowing your brows at her, you guess.

“Oh believe me,” She looks at you with a small grin, almost as if she already knows what was happening. “You won't like it either.”


What do you lovelies think about this

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