Transformers: Robots in Disgu...

By StarNight2018

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Book #2 The story continues.. with a legendary seeker, but now turns out normal in the beginning of her new l... More

Log Entry 006
Chapter 1: Pilot (Part 1)
Chapter 2: Pilot (Part 2)
Chapter 3: Trust Exercises
Chapter 4: More Than Meets The Eye
Chapter 5: W.W.O.D.?
Chapter 6: As the Kospego commands!
Chapter 7: Collect 'em all
Chapter 8: True Colors
Chapter 9: Rumble in the Jungle
Chapter 10: Can you dig it?
Bumblebee's List
Chapter 11: Adventures of Bumblebee-Sitting
Chapter 13: Out of Focus
Chapter 14: Sideways
Chapter 15: Even Robots have nightmares
Log Entry 012
Chapter 16: Some Body, Any Body

Chapter 12: Hunting Season

350 5 0
By StarNight2018

(Well since bee went back to normal, everything was alright— for now. Varian is now 16 years old teenager. Nightmare taught him how to fight since he was now old enough. She now knew from jazz that her face is now shown on Cybertron, along with bee.)

Denny shows off his disguises and Grimlock was impressed. Starburst watches near the corner of a shelf. Star looked at Grim, like he was a childish bot. Grim requested another disguise, but when Denny puts on another, Starburst decided to come over. "Oh Starburst. Want to watch Denny's disguises with me?",he asked.

"No thanks— because I'm not a child"

"What? This isn't childish, Starburst.",Denny looked at him.

Grimlock agreed with him. "Oh come on, Grimlock. You're a Autobot, a childish, immature- is that a cat?!",he said and Grim jumps up scared.

"What?! Where??!"

"You're scared of a small furry creature. That's dramatic.",he teases, showing no emotion on his face.

When Russell was about to jump in, he didn't slightly notice what was going on until he saw Starburst teasing Grimlock. He was about to say something, until his dad breaks the news to him about not coming on missions anymore. Russell was disappointed. The alarm goes off and all the bots were called to the command center. Two ships were tracked near by a hunting lodge. Bee tells Grim to stay put in the scrapyard, and also Starburst and Varian had to stay as well.

The team head to the lodge, but it was deserted, no one was around. "It's quiet. But someone's coming",Night said.

"Denny, take cover",Bee looked at him and goes for cover.

Fracture appears out of the woods, looking at Bee and Night like prizes. He was followed by another bot, Drift. Nightmare recognized his face from Cybertron. They both launched their minicons at them, until they start to fight each other. The team was a bit confused, when hearing that Fracture wanted to collect the bounties. "Did he say bounties ?",Strongarm was concerned. They needed to give Drift an assist, so they reinforce him, but the con retreats with his minicons. Like again, Night read about every Decepticon that was on the ship, including Fracture. Once the fight was done, Drift reveals that the council put bounties on Bee and Night's head. Nightmare looked at him a bit worried, "My head too?",she asked him.

"I assume you must be Nightmare. The bounty has been placed on you for hacking in the space bridge between Cybertron and Earth. They know that work-tech anywhere.",he said, the bots were surprised.

"I learned from myself. I had and don't need no teacher.",she glared at him. But now that Drift owes Bee a life debt and will protect him from Fracture. Denny comes out of hiding and Drift mistakes him for a pet. "Humans aren't pets, Drift",Night said. Bee agreed with her and orders everyone to head back to the scrapyard.

Nightmare was shocked inside that the council put a bounty on her. But good thing that they don't know who she truly was, the daughter of Primus and a Diamond, conjunx endura of Starscream, and mother of four children.

At the scrapyard, Drift points out their lack of security and inexperienced of the team. "Your inexperienced law officer, juvenile delinquent, oafish Dinobot, a weird outraced female seeker, a unknown four-armed creature, a second teenaged delinquent, damaged minicon, and human pets are no match for an enemy as devious as Fracture."

"Hey!",they all said. Starburst started growl at him for being rude about Nightmare, and his new nephew, Varian.

"He's rude, mom",Varian said, holding his mom's arm.

While the Bots organize things, Varian, Fixit, and Russell show Jetstorm and Slipstream around the command center. "That bot your sensei?",Russell asked the minicons.

They say that he's a wonderful teacher, but wish to be more part of a team. "He called us names, including my mom.",Varian looked at them.

"What is— a mom?",Jetstorm asked him.

"Mom is another word for carrier."

"But she kinda doesn't look much like you",Slipstream said, looking at Varian curiously.

"She's— not actually my mom.. she told me the truth. I'm happy to have her as my mom. She taught me a lot, even taught me how to fight. I hope I can go on my first mission soon."

The minis were impressed, and looked at Night speaking to Drift and Bee. "So what do you do when you're not learning from your master?",Russell asked, the minis looked at each other confused; not understanding.

"Seriously",Varian said.

Russell decides to show off his video to them.

When the Autobots construct a barricade across the main entrance, Fixit detects a cybertronian life form inside. Night and Starburst looked around, but couldn't find anything. "Something is wrong here, I sense it",Night said, as she continued to speak, the power goes off instantly. Denny and Sideswipe go get the backup generator started.

A while later for waiting, Drift spears a micro drone and Fixit reports that the signal has disappeared. Starburst walks with Strongarm and Grimlock for backup. Grim works over to a moving bush. Then suddenly, Strongarm spots a cybertronian d-pad on the ground, "Wait! Don't pick that—!!",Starburst was about to speak and Strongarm turns to him, he puts his servo on her shoulder. They both get electrocuted from the datapad and go unconscious a bit. Grim goes into the other trap.

Denny struggles with the generator until Fracture appeared stepping out of the ground bridge portal. Sideswipe tried to attack him, but he gets electrocuted from him and kidnap Denny. Russell arrives when the portal closes.

Russell goes back to the others to tell them what happened. Nightmare was shocked that Fracture got Starburst as well. Bee tries to come up with a plan until Drift said that he shouldn't go anywhere without his protection. Night thought that he was being ridiculous of protecting only Bumblebee.

"Honor isn't just a set of rules, Drift. It's about loyalty— never turning back on your friends."

"And forget that life-debt!",Night exclaims.

A ground portal suddenly opens in front of the group. Night started to growl in anger when Fracture came through. "Leave now, Fracture",Drift said. He didn't come for him— he came for Bee and Night.

"What have you done with the team, Fracture???",Night growled.

"I'm a businessman, nurse. I just want the bounties. Let me turn you both in and your friends will walk away unharmed."

Nightmare looked at Bee and shook her head in gesturing that Fracture was lying. He wouldn't let anyone go. They both refused, and Bee charges at him, only to blind him with lights.

"Bee!!",Night shouted.

Drift and Fracture fight again, and orders his minicons to protect Bee. Night was getting annoyed by that. She couldn't stand this fighting and it reminded her back in her fighting days with Megatron. During the fight, Russell and Fixit returned to the command center, until Airazor came. Varian comes out and hits Airazor with his foot, "Nobody hurts my friends."

"Thanks, Varian.",Russell said relief.

Night just stood there in a bit of fright. Varian was concerned why she was just stand there, so he called out her name. "Mom! Mom! Snap out of it!",his voice sounded a bit distorted in her head. Varian pulled her arm to move her away from the fight. Jetstorm comes, "Are you injured commander Russell?",he asked. Russell becomes confused, until it gave me an idea.

When the fight started to turn, Fracture plants an explosive on Drift's back and goes down. While Fracture wasn't looking Nightmare, Varian and the minicons go through the portal.

While Drift was down, Russell distracts Fracture with his video game and thinking is was real back-up. Unfortunately, it was game over and the Fracture's minicons catch Fixit and Russell. When Fracture was about to finish Drift, appeared in the air was his ship and Nightmare in her Predacon form; shrieking loudly. Her chest was starting to glow, getting ready to fire at him. The other Autobots were free.

Fracture threatens to blow up his own ship with Drift's minicons unless they let him go. Suddenly Bee punched him in the face, but he blinds everyone with flashes and escapes. Jetstorm and Slipstream crash the ship into the scrapyard. Nightmare was relieved that everyone was okay including her son.

Drift announces that the debt has been repaid, and sees how honorable Bee was, including Nightmare. So, he doesn't collect the bounties and Bee was thankful. Nightmare was thankful as well, and Varian hugs her. She smiles and happy he was okay.

Starburst walks up to her and Varian. "Are you okay?",she asked him. He nods.

Drift looks at the three, "I see- your nurse is a carrier."

"Actually she adopted Varian on Cybertron. And Starburst is a friend of hers. Glad you won't collect the bounty on her as well.",Bee said. Drift nods.

Russell manages to get Drift to complement his minicons, until they leave, but Jetstorm and Slipstream had much to learn.

"Those are adorable minicons.",Night smiles. She kept think about how she froze. It reminded of her fighting days.

Fixit reports the ship won't fly, but the ground-bridge was still functional. Now, Night was also thinking that Varian was ready to go on missions with her. "Really???",Varian said shocked and excited at the same time. Nightmare nods with a smile on her face. Varian was really excited.

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