I Hate This Book (, Might Del...

_Ebeeie_ tarafından

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America One-shirts Ebeeie continue Old account @Ebeeie Might Delete later deapans if people want me to keep... Daha Fazla

Ok so hear me out
(Old) His little human
(Old) Cheering up
(Old)Jokes 2
💔~ Princess 2
Beautiful lie
"Eccedentesiast....?" 1
"Tell me why I am wating ?"
(Old)Masters little show
Model life
Bloodly Meri I
Bloodly Meri II
A mess
Just a pleasure toy
A lovely day
quarantine is boring
Request time closed~!
fuck work
Give love to Chibi_panda4723
mister boss
(Really bad)love is weird
🇷🇺Script 🇺🇸
☂️Lost without you 🌹
I Am Mood Apparently- Poem/short thing
Come back.. Please Brother

Teachers pet

7.7K 88 345
_Ebeeie_ tarafından

Request by isumi828
Male teacher Germany x Male student America

Smut, age gape,Angst,  really messed up shit, kinks ? Cringe crack bois
Hands up this is longgg

America watched as his teacher walked around the class looking at students doing their tests.

He was in honours German class. Why was he doing honours German ? Well it was either that or honours Russian and he really didn't wanna see that teacher. And also America had a gift for learning languages.
He finds it very easy to learn another language, probably because there are 430 languages spoken in his country.

America had already finished the test so he was just watching everyone else crack under the pressure.

It was sorta enjoyable for the American to watch. Everyone always called him and his people stupid while they invented so many things that are used daily.

Form bubble gum to the Internet. Google it..and they also made that. America could rant about that for ages about what his country and people have invented but they again nobody came to read that instead they rather read about him getting fucked into the wall once again.
People these days are weird but America (Author) couldn't say much their self's

Back to reality though. Germany was standing right behind America now.

Germany was the second strictest teacher in the school. First went to America's step father Britain aka Mister London aka Tea bitch even though his country came in third for tea lovers-

That meant no one mess with America all being to afraid of his (step) old man. And America did not blame them sometimes he gets scared by him as well at times.

"Heya teach" America said not looking over at him.
Call him cocky if you want but he see's no reason to be scared of the German teacher does he need to remained you of who he lived with ?

"Amerika I zee Dhad you finized you're desd" When he was mad his accent should very well.
(I see that you finished you're test")

"Ahun". America said clearly not scared or any bit frightened. America nearly had to see the strictest teacher every hour of the day. This was nothing apart at what happens at home.
And why was this guy always angry ? America hasn't do anything......yet anyway.

But for some reason Germany made it his goal to somehow get this kids to be a tiny bit scared of him.
And if you haven't noticed it isn't working at all.

The German male signed to himself. He sometimes love to be able to call out the student but he never could.

Germany didn't know why but something about the young student made his blood boil. Why though ?

America was practically the best student he could asked for.
His work was nearly always 100%, he didn't disturb while teaching unless he was asked a question.

Germany had other student who would throw paper balls at him. Yell across him while he taught.
Destroyed his classroom and much more.

But for some stupid reason this American made him more pissed off. Yeah he had a bit of habit of taking back but other students do so much worse than him and his nowhere as mad at them paired to America.

Made it was because of the way he dressed ?
America liked to wear clothes that brought out his female shaped figure just to mess with people.
Mainly because he knew fair well that no one would be able to touch him thanks to his step daddy.

Or maybe it was just his step father in general ? No he would be like this to Canada or Australia instead of his step son.

It made no sense at all it was frustrating!

"Would you say you passed ?" Germany lost his accent for calming down a bit.

"Hopefully". America mumbled clearly bored of this conversation.
Germany let out a small hm.

A idea popped into his head.
Germany liked that idea very much. Way to scared and mess with the young teen.
He felted proud and disappointed, proud that he thought of it disappointed that it took so long to think of it.

"Sir why are you smiling like that ?" America asked staring at him.

Germany eyes widen. Shit-
"No reason go back to wor-
Germany stopped talking when he realized that he said that to the only student in the classroom who had complete the test.

America was still looking at him with a smug small on his face while leaning on his hand. Germany blushed in embarrassment. He couldn't wait to wipe that smile off his stupid little face-

"Go on your phone America but don't annoy anyone".

America happily took his phone happy to know that we wouldn't need to waste the next twenty minutes staring at people...that sounded really wrong.

'I am read fanfic by a psycho cat....now what's the hell are a crop and flogger ?'

Germany left the teenager alone not knowing about anything the teen was up to doing.
He didn't get payed enough to care.

'WHY IT THAT THING!' America screamed in his head. He got of the app and decided to go play BitLife until it said his character wanted to go have sex.
America was ready to throw his phone at the wall at this point.
He need to get more 4+ games or a life.

Next day and by the way America found a new game it's call animal crossing-

America lay his head on his desk tired as hell. He had a rough night because ofa all nighter but minus the studying part.

Why ?
One- he get a addicted to animal crossing.

Two- his brother was filming a porno.

Three- his pet gold fish died so he was mourning his death by playing a game all night while crying his heart.

All together it was a bad night and he want to go home and sleep or drink his heart away on coffee which ever came first at that moment!

Germany walked in looking happy for once. Which was a rare thing to see

"Guten Tag class !" He practically sang it.

'Why he soo happy ?'
America questioned looking up for once.
'Did Brit tell him my goldfish died ? Probably that's why his so happy heartless man'

" I graded all of you're tests",

Yes Germany was one of those rare teachers who graded everyone test the minutes he got them.
He liked to see people fail alright, even though he taught one of the easiest languages.... according to google-

He walked around handed out all the tests with a smile on his face. A to big of a smile for America liking.

Germany came to America lasted. Germany smile widen. 'What is up with this guy ? He looks like his gonna kill me'
America questioned.

Germany slammed America test onto his desk. Keeping his hand on America test he leaned down and said loudly.

"You got the worst grade in the entire class"  America eyes widen a tiny bit  but not enough for Germany to notice.

What but he knew German of by heart and he doesn't forget a language.

"See me after class" and with that Germany walked away and started his lesson.

America sat there barely paying attention to the Germans words.

He got the worst grade in the class. He was in big trouble with his step father.

It would be different if it was any other test but this one actually matter.

This test was to see what class would you be put in for the new year.

Britain would kill him if he pasted ever test with falling colours/colors but fail the one that actually matter. And if he got worse grade in the class he would be put back to beginners German.

And America hated having class that wasted his time.
Well most people do if you think about. The Education System was really messed up.

America was in his last period of the day.
And just his luck it was English.
And will all should know who teaches English. (It really should be England)

Every time Britain wasn't looking America would glance over at the clock.
The class was nearly over but America still had to stay.

His (step) father was ranting about old English or something America wasn't really pay any attention to him well no ones.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" America nearly fall out off his chair.

Everyone turned their attention to their teacher.
"Good now that everyone listening you'll all be getting your final exams back tomorrow...unless you go to one of those classes we're teachers who already graded them"

America knew he was talking about Germany.
America bite his lip.
He knew, he knew everything.

All the students nodded their heads.

"Good. Now go home come back tomorrow and we'll watch a film because I don't get paid enough to babysit you guys" All the students cheered and walk out the door saying there thanks to Britain.

America stood up to leave as well but his father stopped him.

"Aaa no sit your arse back down young man"

America groaned but did what he was told watching everyone else leave. He could hear some of the other kids giggling at him. But he really didn't care anymore and yeah he was in that mood today.

When everyone left Britain stood up and walked over to him. He sat down on the chair beside him.

"Amey what's wrong with you today ?" He asked concerned.
America just looked at him for a solid second think of what to say back.
"A lot ...a lot is wrong with me and you that" He simply answered.
Why wasn't he yelling at him for failing ? Did Germany not tell him ?

"No I mean what's wrong with you today, I already know that you're a messed up person" Britain explained to his step son.

"Thanks that really made my day" America said sarcastically rolling his eyes a bit.

"Okay I'll admit that was mean...but it's the truth and truth hurts sweetie"

"Britain I need to go see a teacher like right now so could we hurry this up please"

"Oh yeah I know you need to see Germany...well behave yourself you hearing me"

America walked into Germany classroom thirteen minutes late.

Germany gave him a glare when he walked in.
"Why are you more than ten minutes late Washington ?" He snapped at the boy.
America wanted to glare back at him so badly but knew it was better not to.

"My step father wanted to talk to me for awhile sir". America explained.

"Yeah just sit down on the desk". Germany said pointing to the chair and desk in the middle of the front-row.

America obeyed and walked over to the desk. He was about to sit down on the chair when the German's voice stopped him.
"No on the desk"
America gave him confused glance but did it anyway.

America awkwardly sat on the desk. He kicked his legs every once in a while.

Germany just sat there at his desk looking through papers. America's was getting triggered off by the teacher.

He knew both of them didn't wanna stay in this miserable building called school for any longer they need to.
I mean it's school!

America faked cough trying to get the teachers attention.
Gosh he wanted to get off the desk so badly it was very uncomfortable.

Germany looked up for his papers.

"Soooo are we going to get to the Point ?" America said popping the p in point.

Germany stood up and walked over to America.

He stood beside the desk he was sitting on.

"You failed the test"
"How does that make you feel"
'Why is this guy trying to be my therapist ? I do think his qualified-'

"America you there ?"

"Disappointed ?" America wasn't sure if disappointed was the right word, he was more scared than that.

"Why do you think you fail the test"
'What the fuck kind of question is that ?'
"Don't know"

Germany calm experience changed to triggered experience instead.

"Sir-" America cutted himself off with a loud yelp.
America looked over at his German teacher.
He just spanked his left thigh! hard as well.

"What was that for!" America screeched at his teacher. Germany did it again but harder.
America left out a loud whine this time.
"S-stop it!" He yelled embarrassed.

"Stop misbehaving and I will" the German said in  a low voice. America gave him glare. "You're not allowed hurt students sir"
(Guys but seriously teachers aren't allowed do that. When I was young I had very unstable teacher who was awful to me for no reason. It's awful to be scared of a teacher because you think their going to hurt especially if they already have)

"You can handle it you're a big boy now". Germany mumbled.
"And you failed the test because you were cocky"

"What about the questions how many did I get wrong ?"

Germany raise a brow and answered.
"A lot, you got more than half of the test answers wrong" America bite his lip hearing that. It still confused him, How could he have failed ? He sweared that he nailed it, he was the best in the class. Keyword was.

"You did worse that's a beginner". America stay quiet looking at his teacher. Just like most people he never liked hearing he failed especially if he thought he had exceeded.
He also felt mad at himself for being so upset about test.
It was the most important test of the year and all but still he was the United States of America's he shouldn't care.....but yet he was terrified of what his step father would do.

He was terrified of his step father who's country had been beat in a independence war most of the fighters were fisherman as well...but America couldn't say much himself could he.

That didn't sound right at all right to him.

"But there's always a way to get a better grade".

If America had ears he knew they would have perked up hearing that.

America gave the older man a confused look. Why would Germany out all the teachers offer that to him. The guy was delighted to hear that he failed and now he was offering to him help him out ?

Something didn't add up here at all

"What..?" The student asked.

"You know you do something for me and I raise the grade" the German had a smug smile on his face.
America was still confused.
What would he want for him ?
Money maybe. America heard that certain students were paying their teachers to give them good grades...
....but would he really go that low ?

America bite his lip. He never wanna to pay to have good grades yeah it was the easy way but he would never let it go.

..but was the pain he'd have to gone through at home a better option ?
America didn't know his brain was bickering over what to do.

He was snapped back into the (awful) reality by the German snapping his fingers.

America opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He and wait a few seconds before his voice came back to him.

"What do you want for me ? Money ?" The young American asked.

Germany started to laugh hearing what the American had to say. America just watched as his teacher clutched his stomach while laughing a lot. He was like the Joker in a way or you're Grandad when you accidentally say a curse word in front of your highly catholic family.

America started blanks at his teacher.
He was very weird today perhaps high ?

That would actually explain a lot.

"Sir" America said trying to get his teacher to stop laughing. Gosh did he wanted to scream at him to shut the hell up.

Germany finally stopped laughing and looked over at his student.
"You really though I want money ?" (Yeah teacher aren't paid a lot well in the US anyway)

America just started him.
This was taking to long.
What the fuck did this guy want !?

"Oh you really did-
Germany stopped talking.

"Well um have you ever seen those weird movies were the teacher agree to help the student out for sexual stuff"

America blushed and shook his immediately telling him no.
"Well this is awkward-"

It was silence for a few second until the German spoke up.
"Well that's what were doing kid"

America jumped off the desk and ran to the door before he could open it Germany spoke.

"Fine go to You're step daddy with one of the worst grade I ever seen, most I remained you of who you're dad is ?" Germany words made America stop completely. The painful remainder was a kick in the face for America.

America looked over at him.

"If we do this..it'll stay in this room and we'll never do it again deal" America says nervously looking at  the older male.

Germany frowned but said.
"Agh it's better than nothing, now get your ass back on that desk" Germany said the last part in tone America's father would use when he was mad.

America obeyed scared to know what would happen if didn't listen to him.

America sat down back on the small desk. He blushed looking down at this legs.
His thighs looked very fat on the small desk, their were being squished to together.

Germany walked behind him. Eyeing him up and down. America body became very tense.
A lot of students called him  a slut but in realty America had never done anything like that.
He never thought about himself around anything sexual. He never liked the idea of him doing anything like that. He was uncomfortable about seeing people do anything like PDA as well.

His step father would say he was just a late bloomer or a baby still.

America jerked his shoulders up feeling cold hands trance around his back.
"Calm down a bit  America" The older male said. It didn't help at all. Saying calm down never worked instead it made him more nervous.

Germany lifted up America's top a bit and laughed ?
America looked behind his shoulder confused. Why was he laughing this time ?
Was he going to make fun of his body shape ? 'Please don't' he thought.
The only reason America wore clothes that brought out female like figure was because it people would give him nice complains. It gave him a tiny boost of confidence. He knew that sounded sad but he was a sad person so either way.

"Its cute how you have stripes on your waist"
Oh yeah that. He also had small little blue stars on his shoulders they looked like little cute freckles.

"Yeah, I have a really big star on my left thigh it looks like a tattoo"  America said for some reason. Germany left out a little hmm.
Germany trance his fingers around the two red stripes. America let out a small and fainted whine. He didn't like the feeling of the cold fingers on his skin.

Germany took of America's pale blue shirt. He throw it onto one of the other students desks.

America looked down at this red sneakers. He really wish he ran out of the classroom.
He could still run....
He turned his eyes to the door. The door to escape this awkward situation.
America jumped when he felted the cold hand on his shoulder. Digging his nails into his skin.

"Don't even think about it pet" Germany threatened. America felted the shivers go through his body. He really wish he had his sunglasses. Germany took this hand off the boys shoulder. Germany brought his hand down to America navy jeans. He put one finger under the waistband of the jeans.
America was ready to scream for help. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.
This was so wrong. Germany was his teacher a grow up and he was a student.
A Teenager.. a child. God he should have went for Russian instead of German.

Germany brought his hand over to America's zipper and pulled it down.
His jeans became more loose they were falling off him.

"Kick off your shoes"  That tone and sentence together reminded him off the time he went to Philippines house and KKK was their. America obeyed once again and kicked off his old red runners letting them fall to the ground along with his jeans.

This left America in underwear and socks while Germany was fulling dressed.
Seriously he still had his black tie on.

"Can you at less take something off Sir-"
"Wow aren't you pushing" Germany said leaning his head on America's shoulders.
America could feel his breath on his shoulder, It brought shivers down his back. He want to punch him in the face so badly.

"N-no it's just I am nearly fully striped of clothes while your'e fulling dressed" The longer the sentence when on the quieter it got. Germany didn't answer instead he slowly but surely took off America's boxers. America blushed heavily when the boxers got pulled off him.
America started to remember those lessons in middle school were they told you to never let anyone take advantage of you especially grow ups. They made it seem so easy.

America yelped feeling Germany bite into his Shoulder.
America let out a shaky breathe. He never felt this before. And he wasn't sure if he liked it or not well he didn't like the person doing it for sure.
Germany brought his teeth away for the boys shoulder only to bring it back down again and harder.
America bit his lip to keep quiet. It hurt like hell, He should have just wait home and dealt with Britain strict, unfair and harsh punishment's.
Germany moved away for the boys shoulder, letting blood drip down his shoulder.
Germany smiled seeing the blood fall form the boy's shoulder. Watching it drop onto the small table,

He smiled even more way he saw how shockin up America was. That's why he was taking it so slow.
Not only to enjoy it bit by bit to scare America, Doing it slower made it more scarier by      realizing/realising that it was nowhere near over. But Germany will admit it was getting boring.

Germany moved away for the shacking boy, Oh he couldn't wait to see how he was at the end of this. To see the usually cocky and good lucking country so scared. It was a pleasuring sight that you don't see ever day.

Germany brought his hand down to his fly and zipped it down his trousers fall off him he then did the same to his boxers.
It was a tiny bit of a struggle but he walked back to the desk were America was on. The poor boy had calm down a bit. Not fulling but a bit still.

Germany harshly grabbed his shoulders and turned him around so America was now facing him.
Germany was surprised to see that Teenager wasn't crying. But Germany knew he would be in tears very soon. 
America looked down at Germany private area. He didn't like the size at all. He then looked up at the teacher again. He hated the look in his eyes. He also hated the smile on his face.
Actually he hated everything about the teachers. He hated the teachers to hell and back,
He hated the teacher more than the Russian one. He hated him. he didn't care if it was a strong word, It wasn't a strong enough word to describe about how much he despised this man,

Germany rubbed his hand up and down America's left thigh. He examined the thicc thigh it had red stripes it looked pretty with his snow white skin. Germany remembered what America said earlier about a blue star on his thigh. Germany grabbed his left thigh. America yelped in surprised. He wasn't expecting that, He actually enjoyed the feeling of his thigh being rubbed softly. It was calming in some way. He wanted his teacher to do it again but he'll never say.

Germany squeezed the boy thigh looking at the big blue star. Germany never seen something like that. His skin was just completely yellow it didn't have detail on it.
But America he was covered in detail. Blue stairs in all different shapes in sizes and not to forget the beautiful red stripes that brought out his pale skin. It made him wonder about what other country skins would look like. But back to the American in front.

'(My child is watching me type this he keeps trying to press the keys his a baby trying to mess/delete my work)

Germany eyed the boys body up and down. America open his mouth to speak but was cut off by Germany smashing their lips together. America scream was cutted off by the kiss.
Germany wasn't sure if he liked this. Kissing a minor wasn't really the best feeling in the world and didn't help that it was at a school and he was his teacher. And now he realized how bad this was- Yeah if anyone found out he would be going to jail.

Germany broke the kiss and look America straight in the eye, The teenager had a big blush on his face he was panting loudly. Germany needed to make things go quicker here if he didn't want to get caught. "I hate you" America grumbled, Germany took no heeded of him though it wasn't like that was a surprised to him or anything.
"Open your legs out wide" Germany said blankly. America eyes widen. How could someone be so bold to say that.People say America a cocky.
America opened his mouth to protested but was meet with no words.
He blushed deeply and did as he was told. He didn't like being so obeying especially not him.
Germany smiled he really like this obeyed America. Germany held Americas thighs up.
America bite his lip.He didn't like he didn't like this at all. He bit his lip trying to calm down his breathing. He was so very scared. He'd never thought this would happen especially at school of all places!

"I am going to go in dry since I have no lube" America eyes widen hearing that, Apparently it hurt like hell without lube. This couldn't get any worse.

Germany lined his cock up at America's entrance.  He felt bad about not having lube so he decided to do it slow. He pushed the tip of his member in. America bite his lip keeping in a whine. He didn't like it.

When Germany heard no sound for the American he thought he was okay so he pushed more inside of him not knowing the pain the teenager was in. America held back a scream. It hurted so much he wanted to cry and scream like a baby so bad. How do people do this as a job ?
He understood that they needed the money but to go thought that pain everyday ? He rather not. America nearly choked out a cry of pain but kept it in. He didn't want Germany to hear him cry just yet.

Germany pushed himself in more, he was nearly completely in when he heard America cry out loud in pain. Germany stopped and looked down at America who now had tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls. His lip was also bleeding. His eyes were shut close as he cried.
Germany felt pity seeing the kid in this sad like state. He thought he would love to the boy in this pain but instead he felted quilting. No matter how much he disliked America.... but he had to remember that he was still a child who didn't need or deserve this.

"No keep going we've gone this fair put it all in" The boy somehow manged to say without stumbling over his words.  "Kid listen we don-

"NO JUST KEEPING GOING! GET IT OVER WITH!" America screamed. Germany was taking back,He had never heard America yell or scream before, He'd also never seen him cry as well.
He had really broken down those walls America had built around himself.

"America no really we don-

"No stop it your'e trying to mess with me, Get it over with..please" America would never let him finish. He didn't believe that Germany would take pity on him, He didn't trust him.
Germany bite his lip this time. He'd didn't know why he was doing this. To scare him ? He guessed but he had already scared him to death. He made cry, yell and scream. What else would he want ? Germany signed but moved in more. America trembled on the desk. He gasped when the full size was in him. It felt so weird.. it hurt as well.  But something was different it hurt like hell but it somewhat felt pleasuring ? It confused the teen.

Germany moved his hips gently. The boy was incredibly tight. He want to pounded into so badly but he refused to. He didn't want to push the American to much. America moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He never thought that something would bring him pleasure and pain at the same time. There were the complete opposite of each other,
Germany moved his hips again sending a bust of pleasure up America's body.
America  moaned out loudly. He refused to say his name though. No matter how good it felt he'd never say that mans name. His pride would never let him. Germany grabbed onto America hips pushing him closer to him. Both Germany and America moaned loudly.

Germany stopped complete. America caught onto this and looked over at his teacher. Germany let out a shaky breathe. He was looking at the classrooms doors. America eyes widen when he heard the footsteps coming closer. They both stay death quiet while starting at the door scared to move any loud movement. It was silent for a few seconds until the silence was broke by a knock on the door. America was ready to jump off the desk and Germany was ready to scream at the door to tell them to buzz off.

"Hello ?" America eyes widen more when he heard the voice. It was a British accent. Germany also caught on that it was Britain outside the door. It would be bad if a teacher walk in on them but if Britain walked in it would be even worse. "Sorry Britain were busy!" Germany made sure not to stutter. "That,s fine I am just wanna to you Germany you have to lock up today and America I'll see you at home" Britain said clearly not knowing about what the two younger males were up to.

"Okay Britain Bye" Germany smiled feeling a weight co,e off his shoulders hearing that they were the only one left in the building. "Bye Brit see ya later!" America called out. 

"Bye Amey" And with that Britain turned on his heel and walked off. Germany and America waited a while before continue on...sining .  "That was close" America mumbled. Germany nodded in arrangement. Hey he agreed with the teen for once. What a beautiful start to a amazing relationship. Hahah nah remember who the author was-

Germany looked at America. His eyes were red and puffy for Crying so much,
He didn't know if he wanted to continued on away more. Yes it felt amazing but America was still underage barely but still. America looked up at his teacher his glasses were titled in a way.His usual straight tie was messing and loose.  America giggled to himself. It was funny to see his usual stuck up teacher in such a state. He felt much more calmer now.
Germany decide to continue on. He might as well if they have the hole place to their self's.

Germany brought his grip back to America's hips. America left out a small gasp.
Germany went back to trusting into America. America moans got louder when Germany's trusts got faster.

America screamed in pure pleasure when Germany started to slam him down on the the desk, It was surprising that they haven't broke yet really. Poor Indo how had to sit there. First it was his closet and now it was his desk. That boy had the worsted luck with America relationships.
(If anyone understands this I love and you been here for a while)

Germany kept a strong grip on America thighs. There were red marks on America thighs form how strong he was holding onto him. Germany moaned while he pounded into the teenagers he was nearly pushing him off the desk at this state. America was gripped onto the desk edge. He didn't wanna move his fingers or he'd would the old chew up gum stuck under the tables.
America gagged by just saying that.

Germany started slow down at bit. He was close to cumming. America on the other hand was trying to hold back his loaded. "G-Germany he mumbled out trying to get his teacher attention.

Germany looked over at him. America had a big red blush on his face along with Germany.
"I n-need to c-cum" America stutter out trying not to moan in the sentence.
Germany nodded his head. He didn't really care if America needed to or not if he needed to cum he needed to cum end of story he wouldn't hold that against it's how the human body worked.

Germany started to get faster and faster again. He moved his hands away for America hips and thighs. America lay on (Indonesia's) desk out breathe. He was panting, he could barely hold himself up.  Germany picked up America right leg, He started to leave little kiss on his thigh and leg. America softly moaned. He liked the feeling of the small little kisses on his skin. It tickle a bit.

It didn't take long for America to cum on the old wear out desk. Germany stopped kissing America's leg. He stood up and said. "Well kid that's how you be slut"

America looked up at him. He ruined the nice little movement.
"Please don't be one your'e too good for that" America smiled hearing that. He never planned on doing anything like this for a while,
"I don't having any plans on being one" America said with a small giggle at the end.
Germany smiled at him. "Come help me clean up and I'll drive you home"

Germany drive through America neighbourhood. They we're nearly at his home. Neither of them spoke but it wasn't complete silence the radio was on not to loud though. America looked outside the window looking at all the house painted in bight colours/colors, While Germany kept his eyes on the rood.

The car stopped outside of America's house. America looked over Germany.
"Thank you for the ride" He said politely.
"No problem and here" Germany said handing him a white piece of paper.
America took it and saw A big red A+ with the message best in the class.
America bite his lip knowing he didn't do the best. He mumbled out a thanks as we got out of the car.

Germany watched as America walked up the payment to his house before laughing.

"Little does he know that his actually test" Germany said laughing at the end,

America eye widen while looking at the paper. It had his handwritten it even had the little doodle of the pineapple wearing sunglasses saying "Its raining men hallelujah"

How didn't he notice before that the other test didn't have his handwritten over his stupid pineapple doodle.


He turned around to see the German car gone. "That fucking bitch-


America was ready to scream he really was

Welp that's it, I an going camping as well so it'll take me even longer to updated

okay bye

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17.9K 1.1K 41
A school AU. I know, totally original. Give me a chance, though, maybe you'll like what I have to offer. And if not, check out some of my other books...
1.5K 140 17
A somewhat complete collection of Why Don't We one-shots (boyxboy). I do not actually ship any of them, this was just for fun. No requests. ~ ~ ~ D...
262K 6.5K 200
These were all taken from my old account, @violaeades. Do not request here!
12.9K 339 78
@shawnmendes liked your post @shawnmendes commented on your post @shawnmendes followed you