Rather Be On Top

By PNGonzalez

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Damian Wayne. He was known for many things. Most popular? Wayne. Rich boy. Perfect. Heir. Prince. Yes... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen

chapter seven

230 10 8
By PNGonzalez

Four people stood inside a conference room in the League of Assassin base on Infinity Island.

They waited for three other people.

Gathered around the table sat Damian, Shimmer, Terra, and Icicle. Rose was on her way along with Jade and the Cheshire. In that group was Jason, who was being kidnapped and dragged there as they spoke. Some assassins were sent out to kidnap Jason because he wouldn't willingly run straight into enemy lines, an assassin headquarters. Therefore Damian felt the need to have his adoptive brother kidnapped and brought to him for recruiting.

The double doors of the room slammed open and in came Jade, eldest daughter of Sportsmaster, more known to others as Cheshire and the 'sister who stayed' as a way to mock her younger sister still in the hero business. She removed her mask and claimed the next available seat which happened to be right next to Terra. While Damian sat at the head of the table furthest from the door, both Terra and Shimmer sat on both sides of him, opposite of each other. Across from Jade was Icicle, nearly asleep in boredom who also paid no mind to the new arrival or to anyone else in the room really. No doubt Rose would be next, probably to sit next to Jade.

There were more females in his crew.

That was an unexpected move. Well, it wasn't like he minded. More girls meant there was bound to be more drama and excitement. Besides, he trusted their powers. Terra was still learning how far she could control her abilities the same way Icicle was and he knew he could help train them to utilize their powers better despite not having powers of his own. Then there was Shimmer, physically enhanced like Slade and Rose were. Last on the team were the normal and complete humans, Damian, Jason, and Jade.

It was still quiet as they waited.

When they all heard the angry shouting, Damian sat up in his seat because they all knew who the next person to arrive would be.

Red Hood.

The doors opened and two assassins, both heavily built adults, entered with the anti-hero in hand. "Thank you for bringing him unharmed. Dismissed." They let go of Jason and turned then exited the room. Before the doors could even completely close, Rose slipped through them and came to a stop right behind Jason. "Oh, this is a pleasant surprise." She peeked over his shoulder. "I'm last. Unfortunate. Whatever, let's get this meeting started!"

Jason turned to face her. "Meeting? About what?" Rose pulled his mask off of his face with a smile as he nearly wrestled her for it back. Damian clapped his hands.

"Everyone, please take your seats. Here in this room, I expect everyone to get along. Each one of you will introduce yourselves, legal name and known title and occupation. Shimmer, you'll start. We shall go around."

"Hm, fine. Selinda Flinders. Shimmer. Villain. Look forward to having you all as teammates." She winked and the next person began. "I'm Jade. Crock. Daughter of Sportsmaster, yeah, I'm sure you've heard of me. Villainess." Shimmer wowed with a smile. "I should have said villainess too. Sounds so wicked and fierce. "

"You know it."

Rose was next. She gave a lazy salute to the group. "Rose Wilson, Deathstroke's daughter. Anti-hero. Name's Ravager. Good luck having me. Next person." Everyone's eyes landed on Jason next. He crossed his arms and scowled. "Fine. Jason Todd, the dude Joker killed with a crowbar. That's me, yep. I'm that one's-" He pointed at Damian who sat directly across from him at the table. "-older brother. Go by Red Hood, anti-hero. By the way, I'm here without consent."

Damian decided to ignore him and turned to the next person. "Real name is Cameron. Mahkent. My dad's the original Icicle. You all can call me Icicle or Junior, I don't care. Status? Villain. And Iook forward to being here." Next was Terra, who gave them all an awkward wave. "I'm Tara Markov. My power is controlling rocks basically. Ha. Yeah, just call me Terra, I don't have a villain name or anything. I kind of just wander. Yeah."

Everyone faced Damian last.

"Damian al Ghul, formerly Wayne. Prince of the darkness, future leader of the League of Assassins. Starting today, we are all a team working towards one goal. Taking over the world. With me, I guarantee it will happen. Any questions or misunderstandings?"

Jason rose a hand. "Um, me, because I didn't sign up for this!" Damian folded his hands together and looked his brother.

"Superman has found out I am alive. Green Arrow told him. I need your help, Jason. Help me. As a favour from a brother. I need the ultimate team to assure that my plans do not go down the drain. I would like for the two closest people in my life to assisst me."

To others, it sounded as if he were talking for a business plan, a treaty and deal to make between two parties. But clear as day, to Jason, what he was seeing was a family member desperately asking for help because he was scared.

He just couldn't figure out why.

If working with Damian meant he could spend time with his little brother again and hopefully get to the bottom of his mentallity. Jason had so many questions for Damian. And Damian has answered them in the past, just not witg the full truth.

Damian remained a mystery.

Renegade remained mysterious.

Speaking of which. Jason deadpanned, face dull and unique for his facial structure. "I've been wondering this whole time. But why are your nails painted?" Shimmer and Terra snickered and leaned over the table to high five each other. Terra turned to Jason next. "We could totally do yours. Actually, we might just do everyone's on the team. Oh yeah! We should name our team!" Jade stood abruptly at the rand9m suggestion.

"I have the perfect name for your goal, young prince." All eyes fell on her because the way she said it was purely serious. "Cataclysm. That can be our team name. Nobody else has a name like that either so we're completely original! Now all we have to do is make ourselves known."

Rose also stood and pumped her fist in the air. "Hell yeah! Team Cataclysm! Oh, and we should have roles too. Like Damian is the obvious leader, duh. Umm. . ." Damian took his turn to stand. "I have roles already planned based on careful observation of your personalities. Jade shall be what civilain's call our Devil's Advocate because she is the most level-headed and open to opinions and options. When strategizing, I believe she would be most helpful in selecting the best choices. I shall give you all a list later on. There, everyone is assessed and categorized in multiple areas based on your combat style. This meeting is over and derved as a sample. Our first official meeting is this Saturday. Midnight. This exact room. Dismissed."

Exactly an hour later, each member of Cataclysm found themselves in a bedroom. To be more specific, a bedroom near Damian's because according to Talia, 'the best and most effective teams are the ones that live together and annoy each other every second of the day' which both Damian and Jason could attest to, unfortunately. She called it bonding with each other.

Every member minus Damian stared at the unrolled large piece of paper. It was a full on diagram that put each of them in multiple boxes.

Members: Red Hood, Ravager

(These are the two managers in my absence.)

Leader: Red Hood
Members: Red Hood, Ravager, Icicle

Resources and Materials:
Leader: Terra
Members: Terra, Red Hood, Ravager

(Resources and Networking teams work closely together.)

Close Range Combat:
Leader: Ravager
Members: All

Long Range Combat:
Leader: Icicle
Members: All

(These will change as our plans do but you are all very capable of combat in many forms so I trust everyone will choose whatever is most comfortable for them.)

Members: Cheshire, Ravager, Terra

Leader: Cheshire
Members: Cheshire, Ravager, Red Hood, Shimmer

Leader: Shimmer
Members: Shimmer, Cheshire,

(Stealth, strategy, and diversion are groups that will closely work together to formulate the best plans.)

Red Hood

Offensive Back:
Ravager, Shimmer

Defense: Terra, Icicle, Cheshire

(Offense and defense roles change for different plans but this is a main layout of how most battles should proceed. In the situation we do not defend anything, defense members move to offensive back while members of the back will shift to main offense.)

Jade whistled at the well crafted diagram. "It's kinda scary how much he knows about all of us." In the room beside her was Shimmer, who kept looking the thing up and down. "Surprise, surprise, I'm a leader of something. I get a fun one too! My new favourite team for sure. Oh, I'm hungry, I'll go get Terra."

Terra sat on her own bed while she looked over the map. Each and every one of them were placed in several areas and they all got to be the leader of one of them. She was handling resources and materials. She knew many people and where to get even the most illegal of things so it was no wonder. But be a leader of a division? Wow. Damian clearly expected a lot from them all. She quietly sighed but stood with a smile when she heard the rapid knocks on her door.

Icicle paced his bedroom. It was a foreign place to him. He'd crossed paths with most of the people here at least once and out of all the people here, he was most aquainted with Red Hood, who willingly spoke to him first in Star City once. He would go as far as to call the anti-hero a friend. But the other people seemed crazy. They were either terrifyingly perky or deadly scary and there was no inbetween. But it was night and he knew he hadn't had the chance to eat in a while so he stood and quickly left the room to navigate the general assassins' cafeteria in the oversized base.

Jason stood still and glared at the giant paper. So many rules and roles. He didn't know if he was pissed or proud. Damian had made him a leader and advisor, giving him more work than he would have liked. The brat had planned all of this ahead too. Jason seethed. Dragged here against his will and even getting work. What did he get out of this again? He sighed when he remembered his reason then calmed himself amd pulled out his phone to call his boyfriend. He needed someone to vent to. Besides, it wasn't like Roy was going to tell any heroes or even villains or other anti-heroes. Roy kept his word, that was a promise. And so, Jason called his lover to be cheered up.

Rose rolled her paper back up again then stood and left her bedroom that set right next to Damian's.

She stood at his door and stared at it. He was talking. That could be faintly heard from the door beside.

She entered the room on time to see Jason dressed in his uniform, Red Hood mask very much on.

That's when she noticed the open computer and camera.

Inside the Hall of Justice was a gathering of both old and newer members of the League. Batman at the large computer with the most anger.

Only fifteen seconds ago, a live broadcast started and aired across the entire country. Every televisiom channel and virtual billboard showed one face.

Not a face exactly but a person.


In a hurry, all heroes were quick to get to the nearest zetatube which led them to where they were now.

Every citizen of every city was watching the same thing the heroes were.

"I'm sure you all know who I am. In case you didn't, my name is Renegade. My first years with the name was solely for experience points. Starting today, I've assembled a team of well-trained and talented villains. We will be known as Cataclysm." And, as if it were scripted, Jason entered the room and while you couldn't see him on camera, the teen was gawking because Damian was actually making a broadcast. He was on call with Roy for two minutes before the red head nearly screamed at him to look at the news. A smirking Renegade motioned for him and when a masked Red Hood entered the camera, Bruce lost it.

"Here is one of the members. Red Hood."

Five seconds later, Rose entered with her mask on too. "And this everyone, is Ravager."

Quickly, the other members of the team came rushing in with their masks and uniforms on because they'd all finally seen the news.

After Damian introduced them all, he smirked.

"This message was not intended to scare you, citizens, no, but I simply wanted to make my team known. So here is a warning. Wandering the streets at night guarantees that you're joining my cause. Members are always welcome. I promise you good money in the future. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be around the country starting Saturday. We'll be expecting you." He cut the main broadcasting system after.

Jason took his shoulders. "You idiot! That was a bold choice! What happened to calculated plans and strategy? Was that even safe? What if the heroes track us all down? Also, why. I wasn't a villain or a hero and now I'm a villain for life! If you didn't know, I still live under Bruce. I'm still on his radar. He'll be pissed at me when I get home!" Jade coughed and pointed to the screen to reveal a large group of adult heroes standing in silence as they watched the exchange.

Shimmer hummed with an understanding look. "Oh, so it was for two separate audiences. You gave a message to the country but now we're having one of those hero-villain talk things with them in person. Okay, gotcha. Cool." Bruce stood at the front and glared hard. Jason facepalmed and removed the mask. "Okay! Whatever, I'm on my way home. I'm grounded, whatever. Scold me later." He turned and found the door.

"I'll see you all Saturday."

And then he left for Wayne Manor.

Terra sat herself on Damian's lap and leaned toward the screen a bit. "I have never seen so many heroes together. Kind of scary.

Batman rest his fists on the control panel while gazing up at the screen with a look of pure rage and fury. Green Arrow and Superman side-glanced each other from where they stood only feet apart. Neither expected such a risky move from Damian, but they were well aware of a possible alliance between himself and other villains, a team of his own to command.

Renegade and Batman glared daggers. Bruce began and stood straight. "Renegade, you're blatantly recruiting civilians for whatever your scheme is. Do you think people will just show up? For a bunch of teenage villains too?" So it was a taunting game. Damian could play along with his father. "I don't know, I mean, I think they trust me more than you guys. Wasn't it I who revealed the Wayne and Kent secrets? And look at that, I even have Jason Todd on my side. I have one of your sons. Well, two of them if you think about it. I killed one."

Superman set a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "You should go. The media needs someone to calm them down. They'll listen to you." Bruce sighed. "Because I'm Bruce Wayne or because I'm Batman?" Clark just smiled. "I'll come with." Bruce sent a silent signal to the next people.

Get more information. That was the goal.

Oliver and Barry stepped forward next. Barry pointed at the screen accusingly. "You're such a brat! What kind of person are you to do that to a single man? What did he ever do to you? You killed his only biological son and made one of them a villain! You're straight up evil!" Oliver listened to the rant.

Why couldn't he just leave like the other two did. God, he hated even looking at Damian through the screen and couldn't stand it. Especially with the way Renegade's neutral and unmoving face just bore into his soul.

Green Arrow put aside his feelings and turned to one of the villains on screen. "Junior, you're out of Belle Reve. You should scram while you can. You'll just end up dead with Renegade as your leader." Damian's narrowed his eyes but smiled anyway. He held Terra's sides and lifted her body off of him while he stood and ushered everyone out.

He kissed Terra on the lips before letting her walk out, giving Rose a subtly aggressive pointed look to explain.

Returning to his desk, he sat down and crossed his arms with a victorious look. "Let's get down to business then, shall we?"

Outside the room, Icicle wiggled a brow. "Didn't think you and our fearless leader were an item." Terra flushed and turned to Rose because she definetely caught onto Damian's little look toward her. Rose held her hands up. "Okay, so I was supposed to tell you this a little earlier but as you know, I came to the meeting later than expected. He needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend."

"Okay and why exactly?"

Rose rest a hand on her hip while looking up at the ceiling. She cracked her neck then looked back down at a pouting villain. "It's both personal and for the grand plan. See, personal because he wants to show the heroes that he's moved on from his boyfriend three years ago and because Ra's and Talia are scolding him for not having a girlfriend for a future heir." She gaped and flailed her arms around while Jade and Shimmer laughed.

Terra covered her face. "You're telling me he plans to court me so he can have an heir when we're older? No way!" Jade pat her head sympathetically but still smiled. "You naive little girl. Don't worry, he's just doing it to get his family off his back. Guarantee you he's still head over heels for his old boyfriend and current nemesis, Superboy." Junior clutched his stomach and calmed his own laughter. "This is gold. Does this mean hands off on the ladies for now since Damian's technically dating her now?" All girls nodded once in approval making him shrug. "Well, I tried. Hey, you guys think I can seduce Jason then?"

Shimmer beamed up at him. "Fifty dollars says you can't make him kiss you by Saturday. That gives you four whole days, Junior!" They shook hands with mischievious grins. "You're so on, red." Rose hummed. "Let me join. I think Cameron can. I mean, Jason is bi. Also, he's a softie once you get to know him." Jade stared at the ground. "Weird that both our ex boyfriends are currently dating each other."

"Hell yeah it is."

Jade turned to them all. "Well, I'm eating out tonight. Anyone wanna join? Dinner's on me." Rose grinned. "You bet. Let me call my dad real quick then. I also have to run an errand so text me the address."

"Will do. Now shoo. Everyone else, off we go!"

They all found themselves at a small Asian restaurant just near the coast of the mainland.

All thanks to Jade who actually had a great daytime job.


I stan this team.

Also, I'll throw this out here and thank CloeTheTealSnake for giving me some villain people for this team!

And, as it's the first day of November, I gift this chapter to all of you!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter~

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