The Nerd Next Door

By NeireeWrites

202K 5.7K 3.6K

Anntoinette Topaz is 17 years old, She just moved to Riverdale because her dad got a better job offer. Chery... More



4.3K 130 79
By NeireeWrites

3 months later

"Baby, Just please ask!" Cheryl begged.

She wanted Toni to sleepover at her house, but Toni thinks her parents aren't going to accept it because she and Cheryl are dating.

"Okay, Okay, Cher. I'll ask." Toni said, hugging the girl to clam her down.

Cheryl recently watched a scary movie with Jason and now she can't sleep at night, that's why she needs Toni's presence. Toni always made her feel better.

Toni and Cheryl walked into Toni's house.

"Hey mom, Hey dad." Toni smiled.

"Hey, Babes. Hello Cheryl." They greeted.

"Dad. Can I stay over at Cheryl's for the weekend?" Toni asked, squeezing an anxious Cheryl's hand to calm her down.

"Ask Your mother." He shrugged.

"Mom, can I?" Toni asked.

"Sure. I don't see why not. Be back Sunday." She said.

"Yay! Thanks, mom." She smiled, kissing the tanned woman's cheek before tugging Cheryl upstairs to her room.

"She's so in love." Kate said, going back to her Tv show.


"Just place your bag on the floor there." Cheryl said, plumping on her bed.

It was actually the first time they had a sleepover. Cheryl was super nervous.

"Okay, so what do you want to do?" Toni asked as she took off her shoes.

"I have something in mind." Cheryl smirked, grabbing the two PS4 controllers that sat on her bedside table.

"Hell yeah!" Toni giggled, pushing her glasses up before grabbing the controller.

"I hope you know I'm the boss at 2K." Cheryl said. (A/N: I can't relate. I suck at that game)

"Whatever." Toni smirked, putting on her game face.

30 minutes later

"See! Told you!" Cheryl smirked, doing a victory dance because her team won.

"But-but you cheated." Toni said, pretending to be very sad.

Cheryl frowned, believing that she made Toni upset.

"Aww, babygirl. No, don't be sad. I'm sorry." Cheryl said, kneeling down in front of her.

Toni shook her head, looking down.

Cheryl frowned, making her stand up before picking her up and holding her.

"I'm sorry." Cheryl whispered, kissing below Toni's ear.

Toni's heart melts at how soft and sweet Cheryl was being towards her.

Toni pulled away, looking into Cheryl's eyes.

"I was just kidding, babe." Toni giggled.

"Good, because I don't want to ever make you upset." Cheryl said.

Toni giggled, her heart full.

"I love you..." Toni allowed herself to let it slip out for the first time.

Cheryl smiled, kissing Toni, "God, I love you more." Cheryl said in between kissing as she held Toni by her thighs.


"Then we had to do this weird exercise." Cheryl giggled as she and Toni sat on her bed eating snacks.

It was 12 AM everyone in the house was in a deep slumber, except for the girlfriends.

"Yuck! I would totally throw up after." Toni smirked, keeping her eyes on high school musical as it played on the Tv attached to the wall.

Cheryl giggled, laying her head on Toni's shoulder.

Toni smiled, kissing the girl's temple, "Tired?" Toni asked.

Cheryl nodded with a yawn. Toni shifted so they'd be in a laying position. "Go to sleep." Toni said, cuddling her redhead girlfriend.

"W-what about slender man?" Cheryl whimpered, hiding her face into the brunette's neck.

Toni frowned. Cheryl was genuinely scared about this.

"Hey, I won't let nobody get to you, Okay? They'd have to go through me first." Toni whispered, taking Cheryl's upper lip between her lips.

Cheryl whimpered into the kiss, keeping her eyes closed.

The redhead swallowed hard before speaking, "Promise?" She asked.

"I promise." Toni giggled quietly.

Cheryl nodded, feeling safe in Toni's arms.

"Okay, goodnight." Cheryl yawned.

"Night. Love you." Toni whispered making Cheryl blush.

"I love you too." Cheryl kissed Toni's chin before laying her head back on Toni's chest.

Cheryl used Toni's heartbeat as a lullaby as it sang her to sleep.

So cute, Toni's such a good girlfriend🥺❤️

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