When I Met You

By xDanasaurous_Rexx

6.3K 91 57

Marte Jetson has moved for the 15th time. but this time is different with her cousin being her next door neig... More

When I Met You
Dramatic Arts Class
Food Shower
Meeting Mums, and Making Deals
The Auditions
Phase Two
I hate Maths

Lunch Time Stares

358 7 2
By xDanasaurous_Rexx

I walked into the canteen and the whole place went silent. Not a sound was made. I walked quickly, my boots squeaking against the white tiles. I tried to ignore the silent stares of the students as I passed them but the clear embarrassment on my face proved I knew they were. I found Zayn sitting alone drawing in his sketch book in the same corner I saw him in before.

"why is everyone staring at me? Yesterday was my first day." Zayn looked up startled.

"well you did audition against necessity." he closed his notebook and pulled out a brown bag. He dumped the contents on the table, lunch.

"yeah like five minutes ago, can I have those carrots? I forgot to bring my lunch." he handed me the plastic bag that held 6 baby carrots.

"well in this school news travels fast. Plus it doesn't help that you did better than her."

I almost spat carrot chunks all over Zayn. "w-what?

"yeah." he gave me a weird look. "you were really good. By the way I thought you said you couldn't act."

"I can't. " I took another carrot shoving it in my mouth. "anyway we still on for hanging after school?"

He smiled. "yeah, and sorry for running off like that. You gave me an idea and I needed to go talk to someone."

"really? What was it?"

"well, Marcus is dating becca from the six. So he can help us."

I dropped my carrot. "did you tell him we pulled the prank on them this morning?!"

He nodded. "he wasn't mad, actually he laughed. Said she deserved it and was planning in breaking up with her but when I said we were going to get payback he said he'd help." he bit into his sandwich and offered the other half.

I took it and asked; "really? Did he tell you anything?"

Zayn nodded and sipped his soda. "but later, I don't want to be over heard." I nodded and bit into the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"so can I see your drawings?" I asked to change the subject.

He nodded after a little hesitation. And handed over the spiral bound book. I flipped it open and looked through it. Pictures of cartoons and random objects. I recognized his mum and his cousins. He pointed out his sisters, Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa, his father and a few others. I smiled at a few silly pictures of teachers, especially the one of Mrs. Peach. Finally the school bell rang and we got up. I locked arms with Zayn and pulled him to our next class.

“you need to teach me how to draw. I'm not kidding.” I said as we made our way to our seats joking giggling over silly things.

“yeah, maybe sometime.” he said shrugging off his jacket and taking the seat next to me.

I poked him on the shoulder. “I'm holding you to that.” I pressed my lips together in a thin line and scrunched my eyebrows together acting serious. “or else.”

before Zayn could answer with a good comeback, Necessity came up to us. Still covered in blue “your in my seat.” she said to Zayn.

Zayn looked around the room and saw her friends looking at her with dumb expressions on their faces. “you sit over there.” he said pointing to her group.

She glared at him before bending over and whispering something into his ear that made him go wided eyed and get up. With a smirk she plopped down in her seat and sat staring at me. I accessed her whilst she did the same with me. Behind the blue goo, she had a tight gray top on with a loose neck line, her leggings were black with small gray dots all over them she had a on a pair of black platform heels. Her make up was sloppily done and you could see the line of where he hair ended and her weave grew it out. She was one of those girls that looked gorgeous a few feet away but when you really looked at them up close she wasn't as great as you thought.

“so, I forgive you.” she said checking her nails. “but you have to take an different part. Juliet's mine.”

I blinked several times at her seeing her expression not change. “excuse me?”

“you heard me, you can't be Juliet.”

“I can, it's not like you get to pick who is the lead role.”

she laughed. “I know silly! That's why you need to pick a different role! You have till the end of the day to tell her.” she stood up ready to leave when I stood blocking her way.

“are you threatening me?” I said, she gave me a look to tell me she was. “look, I'll try and be nice, but I auditioned for that part. And if I get it, then I'll take it. You can't tell me what to do.” I stepped aside for her to walk away. With a 'humph!' and a stop of her heels she walked to her actual seat and sat down abruptly.

Zayn came back to his seat and looked at me. “what happened?” he asked just as the teacher walked in barking out orders for us to sit down and open our books. I sighed slipping further into my seat. This was going to be a long period.

“Marte! Marte!” Jessa yelled from down the hall. Zayn and I looked back at her as she clinked down the hall in her brown ankle boots. The only dark coloured anything she owned. “so.. I was just talking to Mrs. Peach and.. and what the hell are you still hanging out with that for?!” she squeaked as she reached us.

“uh Jessa, what did Mrs. Peach say?”

she rolled her eyes. “anyway she said that there are going to be scouts at the play! Actual scouts!”

I looked at Zayn and he shrugged. “sorry, what do you mean? Like boy scouts? With badges?”

“no!” she said slapping her hand on her forehead. “and everyone thinks your the smart one. I mean like Movie people! They are coming to the play to see if they can get any of the actors to be in their movie. Apparently this big movie is coming out next year and they want some British girl with the right 'look' for their movie! Think about it! I could be a movie star!” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Jessa, you have to be able to act, and you aren't even in the play.”

“so? I can just sit next to them and they'll see me and love me! It's perfect!” Zayn and I stared at her for a little longer before she stomped her heels and mumbled a whatever. “I'm leaving anyway ta ta!” she pushed past us flipping her hair as she strutted through the halls.

“your cousin's weird.” Zayn said as we walked through the double doors out of school. I nodded in agreement before walking down the street with Zayn by my side. We planned to go to his and work on homework, then when Marcus came over form plan 2.

when we reached his house a little girl was playing on the front porch. She had two dolls in her hand making them move like they were humans. She looked up and a giant beautiful smile graced her lips as she saw Zayn walk through the yard.

“Zayn!” she yelled running to him. I smiled at the two as he picked her up and squeezed her in his tight hug. “let me down! I can't breathe!” he chuckled setting her on the ground so she could pull him along and to the porch talking about her day. I walked slowly behind. Zayn turned back to me and grabbed my hand stopping his sister from going into the house.

“Safaa, this is my friend Marte. Marte this is my little sister Safaa.” I smiled at her bending down to her level.

“Hi, it's nice to meet you.” I said. She smiled brightly at me before launching herself into my arms.

“Hi! I didn't know Zayn had any friends! I thought he was a loser!” I laughed and shook my head.

“yeah Zayn a geek.” he frowned at me and I nudged him playfully. “but he's a cool geek.”

she nodded and grabbed both our hands pulling us into the house telling us about how school went. I leant over to Zayn and whispered. “I like her.”

And he whispered back. “what till you meet the rest of my family.”


several things I need to say sorry for;

this being short

this being boring

this taking so long to be updated

this being badly written I think I'm a better writer when I don't write all the time. 

thank you for anyone still interested in this story! love you all! xx

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