I Liked You As Soon As I Hate...

Bởi JedKed

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Choi Jisu or Lia is known for her cute and wholesome smile but not for the fact that she wanted nothing but f... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: beginning of the past
Chapter 16: Letters from the past
Chapter 17: Events in the past
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 20

2K 105 234
Bởi JedKed

Yeji wasn't able to tell Jisu all of those though, for she saw her phone light up, showing her the time. Making her instantly panic because she absolutely forgot that she still has class.

Jisu didn't have class, lucky her. Yeji still has one left before she's able to be free and roam around the campus or go straight home.

So, she sits quietly on her own, listening to her professor talking in class, though her mind is flying off somewhere.

Thinking of Jisu probably.

When she looks to her right though, she sees Beomgyu looking at her on his seat, before waving. Gesturing for her to sit beside him.

Yeji curiously tilts her head to the side. Did he need something? She frowns at him as he rolls his eyes at her. Now patting the empty seat beside him.

Yeji then understood what he meant, looking up front before taking her things, clutching her books close to her chest as she walks right over to Beomgyu who was comfortably sitting on the other side of the room.

No one really cared if you switched seats, no one will get mad so it doesn't matter if Yeji suddenly switched.

She sits down beside Beomgyu as Beomgyu lets out a quiet sigh. "So?"

Yeji frowns at him as she gently places her books on the table in front of her. "So?? What do you mean? Do I have to tell you something?"

Beomgyu blinks before sighing again, he momentarily forgot that Yeji is very clueless. "Have you talked to Jisu?"

"Oh.. Yes. I have."

"So?" Beomgyu shrugs before continuing, "How did it go?"

"It was.. It was just nothing really.."

"Your face doesn't show the expression that it's nothing, you came here in a hurry because you were late, you can't deny the fact that it's not really nothing. It's something."

Yeji lets out a quiet chuckle, not believing that Beomgyu could catch up to her actions that quickly. "Fine.. It's not nothing. You're right.. it's something as you said."

Beomgyu snapped his fingers, "I knew it. Did you confess??"

"Uh?" Yeji widens her eyes, not really expecting Beomgyu to say that. She can't really do that.. not at the moment. She's too scared to do that.

"No. I didn't."

"You must be kidding." 

"Unfortunately, I'm not." Beomgyu stares at her like she's a wild animal that escaped the zoo and is not running around town, scaring people.

He's looking at her in disbelief for short. "Well? Why didn't you??"

"Because?? I don't know if she likes me, Gyu. I'm not certain and I'm scared that she really doesn't like me. After all she literally slapped me and threatened me before, how can I not be afraid??"

Beomgyu lets out a sigh. Yeji is right. She has the right to be scared, to feel afraid of what the outcome may be.

Because she's been through a lot of things. Beomgyu is sure that Yeji doesn't want to make the same mistake again. Doesn't want to fuck this up and risk anything.

"I'm still scared. That when I confess something will go wrong and when I wake up she's gone again." Yeji mutters, fiddling with her pen under the table.

"I don't want to be hurt anymore, Gyu. You know that."

Beomgyu pats Yeji's back. "I know that, Ji. But.. I know my cousin more than you do. All I'm saying is, you don't have to be scared. She'll.. you.. I mean you'll both be alright."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm sure. Trust me, I'm really one hundred percent sure that you'll be alright. Don't you trust me?"

Yeji hesitates on answering that because even though she does trust Beomgyu, he still doesn't know what really goes on inside Jisu's head.

He might be telling Yeji that Jisu will reciprocate her feelings and then in the end Jisu really won't be able to do so.

The word "sure" lacks the reassurance that Yeji wants to feel. She isn't sure with Beomgyu's words and she needs reassurance.

And that was what was lacking at the moment. "I do trust you.. it's just that.. I'm afraid."

"I know you are. We've all been there and we're all afraid. Afraid to lose Jisu again, right?"

Yeji nods. That was what Yeji's afraid of the most and she can't help but always feel like she'll lose her again.

One simple mistake may cause her to leave again and Yeji doesn't want that. If being perfect meant making Jisu stay then she'd become perfect for her.

She doesn't have to reciprocate Yeji's feelings. She just wants Jisu to stay and be happy, wether it be with Yeji or with someone else.

It was all fine for Yeji.

"I'm afraid that she'll leave too, I'm her cousin of course."

Yeji leans back on her seat, feeling herself sink like the chair is about to devour her. "But.. Jisu's happy right now."

With what Beomgyu said, this caused Yeji to instantly snap her head towards him. It instantly caught Yeji's attention.

"She is?"

He nods and flashes Yeji a small yet reassuring smile and it does the trick. It reassured Yeji and it calmed her down.

"With whom?"


She lets out a low scoff, a bit unnoticeable if Beomgyu wasn't paying attention. "I told you.. I want to but I'm scared and it's far too early for me to do that."

"Wrong, you're so late in doing so."

Yeji cocks an eyebrow at him, questioning him without words. Her eyes slowly squinting, trying to understand what he meant with her being late about confessing.

"What do you mean?"

"If you confessed before... what would you think would happen? Did you not think back and thought, what would have happened if I confessed to her back then? What will Jisu's reaction be? You didn't thought of that?"

Yeji bit her lip as Beomgyu waits for her to respond. She did, in fact, did not think of that. Not when she was more focused on seeing her smile and be happy.

That was what she was focused on. To see Jisu's sweet and charming smile even if it wasn't directed towards her.

The smile that she does. That darn smile that Yeji can't get enough of. That was why Yeji could not hate her. It was because of her smile.

She couldn't hate her.

"I never.. did.."

"See? You were late, and it's not too early for you to confess. That's why I'm telling you to do so. Hey, Yeji, I support you both. So.. try and consider what I said."

With that Beomgyu leaned against his seat leaving Yeji to her thoughts. Now that Beomgyu has mentioned it.

What would have been the result if she did confess? Will they end up like her and Ryujin?

Falling in love and then breaking up? If so then Yeji would not risk confessing to her.

Because that break up may not be as hurtful as it seemed but Yeji knew it broke Ryujin apart.

But now she's happy and Yeji is satisfied with that. She doesn't want her and Jisu to end up breaking up if she did confess before.

So, she thinks.. that maybe.. being late is bad but it isn't as bad as she thought.

It may have caused her to lose Jisu before but now.. she doesn't want history to repeat itself.

She'll make it right this time.


As they got dismissed Yeji was confused as to why Beomgyu looked like he was in such a hurry.

Yeji wanted to ask what was wrong but she wasn't able to do so as Beomgyu practically ran out of there like he was being chased by someone or something.

Scratching her head, she just packed her things up before stepping out of the lecture hall and into the hallway. Taking her sweet time as she walks along the halls before finally being able to exit the building.

Yeji stands there for a second to put her books inside her bag, struggling for a bit before she was able to finally put it inside her bag.

That was when she heard someone running and as she looks up she was greeted by a very familiar face.

Choi Jisu.

Panting and out of breath as she was standing in front of Yeji, hunched over and trying her best to catch her breath as she looked like she ran from somewhere to here.

Looking like it was Yeji that she was expecting to see and it is indeed Yeji that she saw.

She stands up straight, fixing her coat as she did, running her fingers through her hair to try and fix it.

Though, to Yeji she looked fine even without fixing her hair. She always was fine even without fixing herself.

Yeji stares at her. With Jisu looking as captivating as ever and Yeji couldn't help but just stare and admire her.

So close to letting the words "You're pretty" slip out of her mouth.

Jisu then stares back at her. Directly at her eyes as Yeji drowns in the pool of brown eyes. In absolute awe at the way Jisu looked flawless.

"Yeji.." She mumbles before taking a step forward as Yeji gulps, nodding a bit, signalling for Jisu to continue as she was listening.

But before Jisu could even say anything else, someone calls out to them and it broke the silence that was slowly enveloping them both.

"Hey, you both!!"

They both snapped their heads to the side at the exact same time. Seeing Hyunjin who was dragging an obviously annoyed Beomgyu.

"I fucking told you, Hyun. I can't today!" He hissed as Hyunjin pulls him closer to where Yeji and Jisu were currently standing.

As if on instinct, Jisu steps closer to Yeji, as if hiding behind her. Jisu reaches for Yeji's hand and they hold hands so smoothly that it both looked like puzzle pieces falling together.

Hyunjin sees this and instantly smiles widely at them. Finding it adorable with how Yeji looked so protective over Jisu, now he's questioning himself why he hadn't noticed this before.

"Well, you aren't going anywhere, Gyu. You're coming with us." Hyunjin mutters as he lets go of Beomgyu's shirt as he grumbles, fixing his clothes and adjusting his bag strap.

"What's up?" Yeji asks, looking like she's sensing how suspicious these two were acting at the moment.

Hyunjin smiles widely at her as Beomgyu crosses his arms together. "We're going to the arcade, wanna come with?"

Jisu instantly notices the way Yeji's face lit up at the mention of the arcade.

Yeji turns to meet Jisu's gaze, eyes soft as she asks. "You don't need to come with if you don't want to."

Jisu shook her head. Though she isn't really comfortable with Hyunjin around, considering the fact that he isn't really fond of her.

"No, it's alright. It's actually been a while since I went to an arcade." Yeji nods as she looks back at Beomgyu and Hyunjin.

"We're coming with."

Beomgyu only nodded at their direction while Hyunjin gave them a thumbs up before pulling Beomgyu towards his car. Yeji slightly chuckles at this before she went to her own, pulling Jisu with her.

As they got in, they watched as Hyunjin and Beomgyu shout at each other like siblings, fighting over something that both Yeji and Jisu don't know about.

Jisu watches as Hyunjin got in the car and started it almost immediately as he starts to drive, almost leaving Beomgyu behind who hasn't even got in yet.

Jisu laughs and she was so focused in watching the two do stupid shit that she didn't even notice Yeji silently staring at her.

Like she was the most beautiful human being that she has ever laid her eyes on.

Jisu diverts her gaze and meets Yeji's eyes. Warm and gentle as she lets herself feel like she's melting under Yeji's gaze.

There was something about Yeji's gaze that made Jisu feel so many things at the exact same time.

It was all too much that she can't even name all of the emotions that she's feeling.

"You were about to tell me something earlier, weren't you?"

Jisu slowly nods her head, she did have something to say though Hyunjin cut her off earlier.

"You can tell me later." Yeji flashes her a sweet smile though Jisu was a bit disappointed.

She thought she'd be able to say it now but she guesses.. maybe she'll just prepare for now.


As they arrive in front of the arcade, they see Hyunjin and his friends already playing inside. Yeji guesses that maybe Chan was the one pulling out the money from his pocket as they were all complete.

Jisu was amused though, the place was lively and considering the fact that it's been so long since she stepped foot in an arcade, it was overwhelming.

With the lights and all the machines. It was great to feel for she liked the liveliness of the place.

Though in the corner, she sees Beomgyu and .. Taehyun? Jisu was confused. She thought they weren't friends anymore.

She remembered when Beomgyu told her about what happened between the two of them and it wasn't .. really good.

So, seeing them together is a bit alarming for she knows Beomgyu was so hurt about what Taehyun told him.

Feeling the urge to walk over and talk to them, she takes a step forward but Yeji noticed this and pulls her by the wrist. Jisu turns her head towards Yeji.

"I say just let them be. Talk to them when they're done talking so you won't be able to interrupt in any way."

Knowing that Yeji was right, she nods and turns away from their direction. Just wanting to enjoy this moment.

"You know, I'm very good at games. I can beat you in all of these." Yeji challenges as Jisu raises an eyebrow at her, looking offended.

"Oh, I bet you can't."

Yeji huffs playfully before chuckling, "Oh, I bet you can't beat me either. Here let me show you how good I am."

Jisu lets out a playful scoff before Yeji leads her to a game that she isn't familiar with. "Have you played this game before?"

She shook her head, not really knowing what it is or what to do in the game. Yeji just smiles, a bit too brightly. "Want me to teach you?"

"Yeah, sure. Teach me before I beat you."

Yeji smiles smugly before chuckling. Loving how Jisu is acting towards her in a .. friendly manner. It was new.

She was new to this. This Jisu was the Jisu she never met before. And she liked it, liked seeing this playful side of Jisu. Because she's very, very familiar and close to the unfriendly Jisu.

"You just push the buttons here." Yeji puts a coin in as the game makes a loud sound effect, indicating that it's already starting.

Jisu watches as Yeji plays the game, so focused that Jisu finds it adorable that she's taking this game seriously. It isn't that hard to play is it?

Then Yeji suddenly stops, Jisu sees her slightly pouting as the game makes another sound, indicating that Yeji failed to complete the game.

Jisu lets out a giggle as she slightly pushes Yeji to the side, "You're so bad at this game."

"What?? I'm not! It's just really, really hard!" Yeji defends herself, though it's true. The game is a bit hard to play.

"Let me try, but guide me." Jisu puts a coin in as the game starts, Yeji stands closer to her. Jisu's hands hovered over the buttons as Yeji tells her what to do.

"Push that button, yeah, No- No! WRONG! THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT—" Jisu snickers, finding Yeji's reaction hilarious as starts to intentionally push the wrong buttons.

Leading to her almost failing and dying in the game. Yeji scratches her head, groaning before moving behind the smaller girl, letting her hands hover on top of Jisu's

Controlling her hands to not let her fail and die in the game. Jisu was a bit startled, only staring at the game as Yeji's hands guide hers.

Like a scene from some drama that she's watched before. With Yeji's head close to her ears, smelling the faint scent of Yeji's perfume.

She swears she's starting to panic when Yeji notices that Jisu has stopped moving and it was just her that was playing the game, just guiding Jisu's hand.

Jisu turns her head to the side and Yeji adjusts. Making their faces closer, yet no one dared to pull away or put more space in between them.

On the other side of the arcade, Hyunjin stops playing as both Yeji and Jisu caught his attention. Stopping what he was doing as he stares.

Seungmin notices that he stopped playing and looked at him curiously. Not even caring if he died in the game as he was confused as to why Hyunjin stopped.

"What's up?" He mutters as Hyunjin blinks, turning his head back to meet Seungmin's eyes.

"My cousin and Beomgyu's cousin." Hyunjin points at the two girls who are currently having a moment, luckily no one really cares about people around the arcade. They just do their own thing.

"Oh, Choi Jisu? Isn't that the girl that Yeji likes?"

"Exactly. That's why I'm looking at them." Hyunjin chuckles.

"Don't you need to help her with that girl?"


Seungmin tilts his head to the side, cocking an eyebrow. "Doesn't look like they need help to me."

"Exactly!" Hyunjin slaps his hands against the machine. "They already look like a couple but they're just two little gay kids, having a hard time conveying their feelings for one another."

Seungmin laughs at what Hyunjin said. He absolutely sounds like he's done with his cousin. But Seungmin can't blame her.

Confessing is indeed hard to do especially when you're not sure if the person you like, likes you back. But whenever someone confesses, they're always never certain.

They just shoot their shot. But in Yeji's situation, their feelings are literally all over the place and Seungmin can't believe that Yeji can't figure it out on her own.

They literally look like they've been dating for years with the way they act around one another, though, they don't look as sweet as real couples do.

He hums. "That's tough, because they are obviously both so oblivious about each other's feelings, seeing them like this already stresses me out."

Hyunjin lets out a frustrated groan. "Ugh, it's because they're playing push and pull, whenever the other makes a one the other one doesn't acknowledge it and just shrugs it off! I'm so close to being done with them."

"Hey, you can't give up on them now, you're only starting to help them. You can't just back out." Seungmin chuckles as he pats Hyunjin's back.

"Stupid, I'm not backing out. Not when my cousin is being all sad and bullshit all her life just because of this girl."

Seungmin blinks. That was unusual. How can Yeji still like someone when that person is the cause of her downfall and sadness?

"What's up with that?"

Hyunjin turns his head towards the two girls, shrugging as he sighs. "Yeji is stupid, she likes the girl who made her life a living hell. Jisu made her mopy for so damn long and Jisu also made her so happy."

He trails off, watching them again before adding more. "I can't let Yeji lose this girl, I just can't. Even though I'm not quite fond of her."

"Then why push yourself to help Yeji get together with a person you can't stand??"

"Because she's the source of Yeji's happiness. As soon as Jisu made her appearance, Yeji seemed to have her mood lifted. Like the burden and sadness she's been carrying for so long are now taken off of her shoulders.. And I was so happy to see her act like her old self again."

Seungmin watches Hyunjin's eyes as he looks at his cousin. Seungmin hums, now understanding what he meant. Hyunjin is an only child and so is Yeji, and because of that, they treat each other like real siblings.

And to Hyunjin, seeing Yeji running around with a smile and being goofy brings joy to him as well. Much like when Yeji sees Jisu being all happy and stuff.

It brings joy to the both of them.

Hyunjin really is a good cousin and Seungmin can clearly see that.

As Yeji and Jisu make eye contact, they had forgotten about the game in front of them, not knowing that they were about to die.

When Yeji flicks her eye towards the screen, he eyes widened. "Ah! We failed!"

Jisu snaps her head in front, hearing the disappointing sound that the game made as the words "Game Over" shows up on the screen.

Sighing, Yeji pulls away, detaching herself from Jisu as she runs her fingers through her hair. "Wanna play another?" Jisu asks.

Yeji instantly smiles, "Sure."

"Let's put a twist in it." Yeji tilts her head at what Jisu said. Curious on what it is.

"What kind of twist are you talking about?"

"The person who gets many wins will get ice cream, the person who loses has to buy it."

Yeji squints her eyes at Jisu, knowing that she won't back down on this, she nods. "Oh, you're on."

They left that spot to go around the arcade, playing in different games as they try to one up one another. Trying to win as many games as they could to get free ice cream.

At first Yeji was taking the lead as she was used to all of the games in the arcade, while Jisu struggled with a lot of the games.

That is until Yeji lost once and the Jisu started to win over and over. Not even Yeji was able to stop her as she literally bodied every single one of the games that were left for them to play.

Yeji huffs as she stands up straight. Not believing that Jisu won against her. She looked over at the girl, who was jumping up and down like a child, celebrating her win as Yeji feels her lips curl up into a small smile.

She approaches her and puts both her hands on Jisu's shoulders to stop her from bouncing around. Jisu does stop and turns to flash Yeji the sweetest smile she could ever do.

And if Jisu was the sun, Yeji was sure that she'd have gone blind by how bright Jisu looked at the moment. "I won! You're buying me ice cream miss Hwang."

Yeji chuckles, "Of course, a deal's a deal, miss Choi." She pushes Jisu forward to get her to walk.

Yeji calls out to Hyunjin, telling him that they're heading out for ice cream. If Hyunjin wasn't helping Yeji with Jisu, he would've went with them to get ice cream too.

But he figured that the two could use some alone time, maybe they can set each other up without Hyunjin's help.


Finally getting Jisu's desired flavor of ice cream they sit outside the arcade, the same exact spot that Yeji and Hyunjin sat on when it was her birthday.

Remembering it like it was just yesterday as the memory was still fresh in her mind.

Mostly because she received a kiss from Jisu that night. It might not be a kiss on the lips but it was a sweet kiss on the forehead and no one can resist such a thing.

It was cute and it made Yeji feel so warm as Jisu suddenly did it out of nowhere, catching her off guard.

Jisu eats her ice cream happily and quietly beside Yeji as the taller girl rests her chin on her knees, looking up at the sky that is slowly turning darker as the time pases by.

Watching it intently as she waits for the stars to show up. "Aren't you cold?" She randomly asks Jisu who looked so small while eating her ice cream.

"I have my coat, I'm not that cold."

"But you are, aren't you?"

Jisu turns silent before slowly nodding her head. "I don't even know why we agreed on getting ice cream, it's cold tonight, yet we bought ice cream." Yeji chuckles to herself as she takes off her coat.

Standing up and carefully wrapping Jisu with it, almost giving the girl a back hug.

Jisu felt her heart flutter because of the contact, loving the sudden warmth that Yeji brought with her along with the addition of her thick coat.

"Thanks." The smaller girl mutters as she looked more smaller this time. Yeji pulls away as she sits back down beside Jisu.

Resting her cheek against her palm as she silently stares at Jisu the same way she did back in her car.

Not really thinking much of it, she reaches out and playfully pokes Jisu's cheeks which caught the smaller girl off guard.

"Hey! I'm eating!" She whines as Yeji smiles widely.

Jisu shoots her a glare, warning her not to do it again as Yeji pulls her hand back.

"I sometimes question if we're really the same age or not."

"And why is that??" Jisu asks, genuinely curious as to what Yeji would say.

"Because you look adorable and small." She mutters, not really thinking much of what effect it may bring to Jisu.

The smaller girl turns away to hide the blush that's creeping up her cheeks. Yeji absolutely doesn't know what kind of effect she has on Jisu.

Jisu almost even choked on her ice cream. Luckily she didn't, and was able to turn away from Yeji.

"You know, I'm actually curious.. You had something to say earlier. I wanna know what it is."

Jisu was finally able to finish her ice cream as she gently places the cup beside her feet.

Mentally preparing herself for what she's about to say. She and Chaeryeong have talked about this, when she came home to their shared apartment.

The younger girl encouraged her to tell Yeji what she's been feeling for a while and the only thing Jisu is against was the part where Chaeryeong goes "Also just ask her if you could kiss her so that you can finally figure out if you really like her or not."

It was the embodiment of the sentence "Brilliant but that sounds fucking dumb"

Though Jisu debated on asking her that question. Because what if they do kiss but then Jisu actually doesn't really like Yeji?

That will be just weird to say, "Oh no I'm sorry I don't really like you it was just a weird feeling, thanks though."

It was dumb.

Everything about this was dumb and Jisu doesn't know what to do as Yeji waits for her to respond.

"I... Actually.." She meets Yeji's curious eyes, suddenly she felt every bit of confidence that was left inside her body, if there were any, suddenly disappear and now she's about to freak out.

But she managed to keep herself calm. Slowly breathing in and out and also, the way Yeji was staring at her was acting like some damage control for her.

Keeping her from being afraid.

"I just... I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go home together.."

A pretty lame lie but Jisu can't come up with a better one, no one can blame her.

Yeji blinks before flashing Jisu a smile. "Oh, that was what you were going to say? Sorry if I wasn't able to do that."

She scratches her head, because she knew if Hyunjin weren't there, they could have had walked home together.

It was like those types of scenarios when you were in high school where someone asks you to go home with them in a very not so romantic way.

But Yeji found it cute.

While Jisu.. Jisu is ashamed that she wasn't able to tell Yeji the truth. Was tol scared to tell Yeji what she really wanted to tell her.

To the point that she thought of the lamest lie ever and Yeji bought it.

Seconds later, Hyunjin comes out of the arcade and instantly pulls Yeji up, "We're leaving, pack your shit."

Yeji slaps Hyunjin's hand away as Hyunjin lets out a chuckle, sounding a bit awkward as Yeji takes her bag off of the ground.

"You in a hurry or something??"

"Pfft, no? Someone just sent me a text, give me your keys, I'm driving us home."

Yeji wasn't even able to decline as Hyunjin already got Yeji's keys in hand, running off to start the car's engine. "But what about your car????" Yeji shouts for him.

"Beomgyu will drive it!!" He shouts back as Beomgyu exits the arcade like it was on cue. Jisu turns her head towards her cousin and squints her eyes at him.

"Well, well, well, I'll be the one to take you home." Beomgyu playfully says as Hyunjin throws his keys at him.

Almost not even catching it on time as he wasn't ready for the key to get thrown at him. Jisu playfully rolls her eyes at her, "Alright, dork. Lead the way."

Beomgyu looks at her, a bit amused before walking off towards where Hyunjin's car is currently parked.

"So.. I'll see you tomorrow." Jisu spoke, snapping Yeji from her mini trance as she watches Hyunjin wait for her inside her car.

Yeji slightly smiles. "Sure.. maybe sometime."


"Maybe I'll be able to walk home with you some other time."

With that Yeji gently pinches Jisu's cheek, smiling sweetly at the smaller girl.

"See you, Jisu." voice so gentle and so sweet that Jisu almost melted, hell, she'll pay for Yeji to talk to her non-stop.

It was soothing and heavenly to Jisu's ears as she watches Hyunjin's gang push each other inside Yeji's car as she hears a "CAN SOMEONE FUCKING LEAVE THIS CAR?? THERE IS NO FUCKING SPACE LEFT HAVE MERCY ON MY DAMN CAR" from a very annoyed and frustrated Yeji.

Well, Jisu's laugh was enough for Beomgyu to know that she now liked having Yeji around.


Yeji sat on her couch as Hyunjin's friends line up to leave Yeji's condominium. "Alright, see you guys tomorrow" He says goodbye before slamming the door shut.

Letting out a sigh of relief. He finally turns to Yeji who looks so close to dozing off when Hyunjin suddenly plopped down beside her.

Startling her to wake up. "You're literally so hopeless." He mutters and Yeji was instantly offended with what he said.

"The fuck do you mean??"

"I was listening to the both of you earlier and you are so damn hopeless just staring at her like that. You didn't even make your move!"

"Well, I'm sorry, you didn't inform me that we were already doing the plan that you were talking about!" Yeji snaps, groaning, frustrated at Hyunjin

And Hyunjin is frustrated at her as well. They honestly just share one burnt brain cell.

"You should've—" Hyunjin was cut off when knocking was heard. Someone was knocking on their door and they both share a look.

A curious one and also anxious one as they didn't know who might it be. Could it be one of Hyunjin's friends coming back because they forgot something or just a random stranger knocking on the wrong door.

Both Yeji and Hyunjin stand up to walk to the entrance, letting out a breath as Hyunjin slowly opened the door, causing for it to make a creaking sound.

When the door was finally opened, they were both greeted by Soobin and Yeonjun's faces. They were just there, looking a bit flustered and both Hyunjin and Yeji didn't know what to do.

They share a look and so did Yeonjun and Soobin. "Why are you here?" Yeji mustered up all the confidence she has left and answered them with a lot of intimidation.

"Look.. I don't want to fight.. I'm here to give up."

Everyone then went silent, what did Soobin mean by that? Give up? Give up in what, did Yeji miss something??

"Give up on what?"

Soobin let out a sigh, "On Jisu.. I'm here to help you with her too."

Yeonjun looked at Yeji and at Hyunjin, seeing how confused they are at the moment, he decides to step in as Soobin wasn't able to think and talk properly.

"He's not courting her anymore."

Soobin nods and this surprised both Hyunjin and Yeji. Though, they were a bit happy about it too.

"If I can't have Jisu... then maybe you can."


A/N: When Soobin turns nice >>>
Also! It's MY BIRTHDAY! 🥳 Anyway Yeji and Ryujin's vlive got me so happy!

This is literally Yeji in my fic

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She fell for a woman for the first time. And never looked back. 🥇-#yejisu 🥈-#yejisu 🥇-#lia
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[completed] She fell in love with her bestfriend. Ryujin can't say her life is falling apart, but it certainly feels like it is. She has her fair sel...
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Part 2 of Icy Like Diamonds A lot has changed since Ryujin and Yeji agreed to becoming friends. Will their relationship also suffer changes?
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Hwang Yeji, a new student with an element of dancing. She spits fire with her eyes and captivates people with her moves. Not only that, she is an int...