Chapter 6

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Jisu woke up at 4 am snuggled up to a burning hot Yeji. Jisu blinks, as she sees Yeji slightly shivering when it isn't even that cold.

Jisu was sweating so much and the blanket wasn't helping with the heat. So it confused her when she saw Yeji shivering though she was burning.

She pulls away and sits up, checking Yeji's temperature and that's when she finds out that Yeji is sick. Closing her eyes tightly because she knows exactly why the older girl was sick.

Who wouldn't get sick when you jump into freezing cold water and not take a shower after?? No one would wake up feeling well of course and Yeji is no exception at all.

"Dumbass." She mutters as she pokes Yeji's shoulder.

Jisu takes off the blanket before getting out of the bed. Planning to go to the kitchen to get a wet cloth to put on Yeji's forehead.

Though, something caught her attention and she turned to look at Yeji's desk. Pencils, crumpled papers and erasers were scattered everywhere.

She slowly walks towards it and instantly recognizes the familiar lines on the papers scattered around. This was her part in their group project.

Now, noticing that it was quite crumpled and looked like it survived a massive typhoon, Jisu realized that this must've been when she was walking in rain.

Face palming, she realized how stupid she was back then. She didn't even think that her project would be drenched, let alone be taken by Yeji.

What confused her the most is.. from the looks of it, it seemed like Yeji was trying to continue it. To finish it and Jisu could only guess that she failed many times with how many crumpled and ripped papers were on the floor.

She turns towards Yeji's sleeping figure on the bed and her eyes soften. She doesn't know if this was a part of Yeji's plan to persuade Jisu or it's just an act of kindness.

Jisu doesn't want to admit it but she thinks it's an act of kindness. Just.. pure kindness. She bit her lip before lowering herself, gently patting Yeji's head as if to say 'thank you' without muttering a word.

She stood up straight and went out of the room to do what she was going to do before she got distracted.

She just wishes that Yeji is responsible enough to buy her own groceries every week or else Jisu would not be able to cook food for her.

Opening the fridge, she was met with a ton of snacks. She's not even exaggerating, there were a ton! And she can't even think of any words to describe how surprised she is.

"Hwang Yeji is an unhealthy child.." she mutters as if keeping it in mind to scold Yeji when she wakes up. Though, luckily Yeji is responsible enough to overload her damn fridge with a ton of stuff.

This probably explains how she could give Jisu a ton of snacks without fail.


Once Yeji woke up, she felt like someone took a brick and hit her head with it over and over. She regrets drinking now, it wasn't only because of the hangover.

She was also sick.

Yeji turns on the bed, groaning before pushing herself to sit up. Though, before she could even sit up properly, she felt a hand hold her head. Pushing her back down to the bed.


"Don't move."

She heard Jisu say with a stern voice, successfully making Yeji stop from squirming. "You're here."

"Of course, I am. Someone was whiney last night and didn't let me go." Jisu spat, even though Yeji didn't really force her to stay. She did that on her own but Yeji didn't let her go though.

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