Chapter 28

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It was exactly 4:47 pm when Jisu was pacing back and forth inside Yeji's condominium.

She didn't even notice that she's nervously biting onto her fingers as she walked back and forth.

She held her phone tightly on her other hand as she kept on blinking and looking around, she's trying to think of places where Yeji could have gone to.

Jisu didn't expect that it will turn out like this. With Yeji storming out of her condominium because she was so angry that she couldn't keep on arguing with Jisu.

She didn't mean for Yeji to get mad at her for voicing out her thoughts and concerns. Yeji thought of it in a different way.

"Unnie, stop moving and calm down. Yeji unnie's not missing and I'm sure she won't get herself in trouble."

Chaeryeong spoke from Yeji's couch, she looked so worried at the moment. Jisu let out a frustrated sigh, suddenly stopping as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"How can I calm down?? She's not picking up her phone and she looked so mad earlier, I haven't even seen her act that way!" Jisu responded, turning on her phone in one swift move.

Looking through her notification to see if Yeji responded or called her. There was none. Of course she wouldn't.

She's mad, she wouldn't respond right away. Jisu has to give her time to calm down but she was too worried.

Where could Yeji be? Jisu already called and texted anyone who Yeji knows, yet none of them had an idea where Yeji could run off to.

"Give her some time unnie, Yeji unnie just probably needs some time alone." Chaeryeong tried to assure her that Yeji would leave and not come back.

She'll come back eventually, Jisu's just so worried that the older girl would run off and then this would turn out to be the last time they'd meet.

Jisu thinks too much.

Chaeryeong was able to get Jisu to sit down on the couch, but she still looked worried. Looking like a frustrated college student looking for an important document that she needs to pass tomorrow.

But the document is a person and that person is an angry 20 year old named Hwang Yeji.

"I know that she's going to calm down later and come back but.. I just can't keep sitting here knowing that I unintentionally caused this fight." Jisu said all in one breath.

Chaeryeong turns to look beside her, shooting Jisu a questioning look. She doesn't actually know what Yeji and Jisu argued about.

She just came over and Yeji almost even bumped into her. Luckily she was standing far away from Yeji.

The older girl looked so pissed when Chaeryeong bumped into her earlier, Jisu wasn't able to catch up to her because she was too scared that they might argue again.

Jisu knew that Yeji wouldn't let this go so easily, especially when they argued about Jisu leaving to go to Canada.

"How did you two even argue? I actually haven't seen you fought in a while. You two have been acting all cute and disgusting and now you're fighting."

Jisu, despite worrying about Yeji running off to God knows where, manages to let out a laugh.

Though, she instantly stops laughing when she remembers that she just fought with Yeji.

"Well, I can explain." Jisu responds before shifting on her spot to look back at Chaeryeong.

She looks at Jisu expectantly. Waiting for her to tell her the full story of how they argued.

I Liked You As Soon As I Hated You (Yejisu)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें