Game On!

By Agent-Hedgehog

133K 3.7K 3.5K

Ever since the first moment Husker and the bar materialised into the Happy Hotel Angel Dust found a new pasti... More

Part One: The Flirting Fancy
Part Two: A Ribbing From The Radio Demon
Part Three: Drinking In The Dark
Part Four: Dealing With Our Addictions
Part Five: One For One
Part Six: Traped In The Water Spout
Part Seven: Escape From The Studio
Part Eight: One Helluva Show
Part Nine: Getting To Know You
Part Ten: A Whole New Issue
Part Eleven: Finding Out What's Real
Part Twelve: Confusing Emotions
Part Thirteen: What Wouldn't 'Angel Dust' Do? (1)
Part Fourteen: What Wouldn't 'Angel Dust' Do? (2)
Part Fifteen: The Start Of Something
Part Sixteen: Uncomfortable Truths
Part Seventeen: Stating The Obvious
Part Eighteen: Here's The 411
Part Nineteen: Accepting Things As They Are
Part Twenty: The Morning After
Part Twenty-One: The Problem With TV People
Part Twenty-Two: Bringing Up Morale
Part Twenty-Three: Oh, What A Night
Part Twenty-Five: The Positive Effects Of Love
Epilouge: Betting on Belief
Bonus: Ticklish?
Bonus 2: The Arguement
Bonus 3: Teasing

Part Twenty-Four: Not Quite The Day Planned

3.7K 106 129
By Agent-Hedgehog

When Husk finally stirred from his sleep he groaned and held his heavy head, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard of the bed closing his eyes. His head was throbbing a little and his mouth was dry and he could feel a slight pang of anxiety building beneath the surface of his skin.

"Hey mi amore, ya finally awake.." Came Angel's soft voice and this made the demon cat grunt vaguely in response before looking around to see Angel back in his silk dressing gown at his dressing table cleaning off his eyeliner with a wet wipe. He had not taken it off the night before so it had been smeared all over his face during their passion filled night.

"Hrrm... What fucking time is it?" Husk mumbled somewhat incoherent, feeling rough.

"Heh, time for your morning coffee. I know ya don't function with out it.. Hold on." Angel got up from his dressing table and began to make a strong black coffee with the amenities his room and the Italian blend he bought due to not liking the brand the hotel kept. "Dammit, I was sure I had some hooch in this place.." The spider scowled unable to find some booze to 'Irish' up the coffee with, knowing that his boyfriend would need it before the shakes kicked in.

"Urh, there's a flask in my hat.." Husk drawled out in a slight wince feeling his headache get worse.

"There is?" Angel blinked before looking inside the large black top hat with red band that was resting on the side. He had never really looked inside his boyfriend's hat before but when he did he saw that it had black pockets around the circular head and sure enough, one of those pockets held a silver hip-flask. "Wow, you can fit more in this than I thought.." He commented as he poured a generous splash of the alcohol before closing the flask tightly and returning it to the hat. The pale pink spider demon then moved over to the bed, passed Husk the coffee before picking up his hydrating face cream. The two sat in silence for a little while as the cat demon drunk his coffee  and his more effeminate boyfriend put on his morning face cream.

"Ya feel better now babe?" Angel asked with a smile the moment he put his cream back on the bedside cabinet before turning towards this lover who set the now empty cup down.

"Much.. Thanks." Husk responded feeling the buzz he needed to stave off the shakes, his alcohol dependence sated for now. At his words and smile Angel cuddled himself up into the side of his boyfriend. "Hm, I like the fresh-faced look on you. You don't need all that crap on your face."

"Heh, did I overdo it on the booze in that coffee? That's gotta be the nicest thing you've ever said to me.." The lithe spider demon cooed back, his heart fluttering at the compliment as these were few and far between coming from this closed-off demon he adored.

"I'm not complaining if you did.." Husk murmured then started to let out a low throaty purr as he held his slim boyfriend close against him. Then without another word he pulled the pale pink furred spider demon into a kiss. It was gentle at first before quickly heating up with the long white claw-like fingers of one hand began to untie the dressing gown and slip beneath the deeper pink satin-like material. Angel couldn't help the slight moan that escaped his lips as he responded eagerly to his lover's affection.

"Oh!! Your both here.." The sound of a new voice made them both rip their lips apart from the hot and heavy make-out session and turn as one to find a rather embarrassed looking Radio Demon stood in the suite trying to avoid looking directly at the lovers he had accidentally encroached on. "That explains why things were so quiet last night.. I merely presumed that—No!! That mental image is not necessary, I merely came for this diminutive swine fellow.." He gestured towards Fat Nuggets who immediately squealed out and trotted keenly over to Alastor, recognising him instantly. With both gloved hands he scooped up the tiny piglet and flashed Fat Nuggets a grin with narrowed eyes then tucked him under his arm.

"Hey, wait. Your the one that's been feedin' him?" Angel looked somewhat confused still pressed firmly against the torso of Husk, he had been sure it was one of the women in the hotel that had done it. Not the guy with rumours of cannibalism under his belt who was still awkwardly stood there looking anywhere but directly at the two of them.

"Indeed. Since your attentions have elsewhere I took it upon myself to see that this charming little thing gets a balanced diet. Now, the pig and I shall take our leave and you two can get back to whatever this is without sullying his innocent little eyes." Alastor replied waving the finger of his free arm in a vague circle, gesturing to Husk and Angel who were both still entwined on the bed together. With that the Radio Demon looked relieved for the split second before he vanished from sight into shadows with Fat Nuggets in tow. He left both Husk and Angel staring at the now empty spot behind..

"He ain't gonna eat him, right?" The spider's pink eyes with odd sclera finally turned to his boyfriend with a look of concern, unsure if he should really be trusting the Radio Demon with his pet or not.

"Pretty sure if he was going to eat him he would've done it by now." The cat demon replied with a sight sigh knowing that the piglet was already at the optimum age for slaughter by the Radio Demon so there was little point in him waiting any longer, especially with the spider demon distracted by him.

"Is that supposed t'make me feel better?" Angel quirked an eyebrow before sighing as he felt Husk's long claw-like fingers resume the gentle caressing underneath his silk dressing gown once more, moving upwards then beginning to slip it off. His lips had only started to kiss his neck when sound of the spider's Hellphone text tone loudly interrupted the tender moment.

"Ah, shit. Hold on.." Angel muttered moving to scoop up the red phone, remove the charger and tap the screen before falling backwards into his boyfriend, making no effort to hide the screen. "It's just my bitch calling in her favour.." He exhaled softly reading the HarrassApp message from Cherri Bomb calling him to come help her stave off Sir Pentious who was finally back to try and reclaim the part of his turf she had taken.

"Then you should go." Husk responded sounding serious and this made the lithe spider with pale pink fur blink in surprise and turn to look up at his boyfriend.

"But we were supposed to spend the day together.." He uttered looking torn between going to help his friend and his desire to stay here.

"It can wait for another day off.." The cat demon shrugged unconcerned thinking he would just go for a shower then spend his day at the casino like he originally intended.

"We can still meet up for dinner, right? I doubt that this will take all day." Angel replied still refusing to pull himself out of his boyfriend's grip or respond to Cherri's text. Another one pinging in as she was clearly looking for a reply.

"Fine, what time?" Husk exhaled as Angel finally replied to the text and pulled himself up off the bed.

"Seven.. And don't be late mi amore." The lithe spider cooed tapping the small heart-shaped nose before kissing him sweetly on the lips. "Or I will come find ya.." He added before grabbing one of his white bath towels and heading for the shower.


It was a little after seven and Angel smiled pleased with himself despite still feeling a little battered and bruised from the turf war earlier which had seen Sir Pentious claw some back but not all of it. Angel had been in the hotel kitchen making his egg pasta from scratch and had just finished rolling it out into long strips.

"I didn't know you knew anything about cooking Angel." Came Alastor's voice as the red clad Radio Demon grinned watching the effeminate spider demon slit the pasta into long strips.

"Oh yeh, my mama taught me and my sister back when I was still alive. She always said the best way into a man's heart was through his stomach. Heh, n-never really got that before.." He exhaled a little feeling a slight pinch of remorse for not being a better person and ending up here away from the two family members he cared about most. The only silver lining so far was that he had met his boyfriend. "Are the broads still steamed about earlier?" He added pulling himself together as neither Charlie nor Vaggie had been happy to learn he had been involved in yet another turf.

"They'll get over it in due time, though personally I found the play-by-play on the news quite riveting myself." Alastor replied brightly. "So, is this a table for one then?" He added curiously and this made the spider frown.

"Husk ain't here, is he?" Angel give a deadpan frown. Of course his boyfriend would forget about their dinner plans.

"Would you like me to summon him?" The Radio Demon's bright red eyes narrowed wickedly, clearly up for witnessing whatever tirade the pale pink spider had in store for his old friend.

"Nah. Just send me to him.. That way I can chew him out then and there.." Angel frowned putting the long strips of homemade pasta into a tub then washing his hands and pulling his pink gloves back on.

"Fine, have it your way.." Alastor sighed heavily before pulling his microphone cane out of nowhere with a bored expression. He then hit it once off the ground causing the effeminate spider demon to vanish in a wave is static..


"Alright, time to read 'em and weep boys.." Husk's voice was the first thing Angel Dust heard along with the groans of disappointment as the static cleared and her appeared in a flashy casino bar that he vaguely recognised. He had appeared directly behind the cat demon but before he could even tap his shoulder and make his presence known the cat calling started.

"Hey baby! Here for a good time?"

"The entertainment is here.."

"Lookin' good for a slut.."

Usually the effeminate spider took comments like this in his stride but tonight he was in no mood. He might be dressed like Angel Dust but his persona was definitely not in the driving seat tonight.

"Go fuck yourselves, or better yet have your wives do it! They might like the attention.." Angel scowled in annoyance with one set of arms folded and the other on his hips. It was only at the sound of the cat calling did Husk turn to see what they were all looking at and looked momentarily speechless at the fact he was there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The cat demon blinked then frowned at the much younger-looking spider demon.

"Can I talk to ya a sec.. Like over here." Angel gestured him away from the table so they would be further away from earshot of the other demons.

"Fine. But I'm still in play."

"Hey Husk, your not getting with a dirty whore now are you?" Came a jeering voice from the poker table of sinners along with snickers he had stood up to move. The cat demon growled but before he could respond Angel had ducked under his arm bristling in fury.

"Takes one to know one ya limp dick packin' pervert with the fucked up face not even ya mama could love—"

"Alright, enough! Ya won.." Husk pulled the glaring lithe spider demon back then unfurled one wing to stop Angel from targeting the demon that had spoke. The spider blinked his odd sclera eyes in some shock to see the wing span unfurled for the first time, only now able to take in the true beauty of his red and black wing pattern. Around them there was a few stunned gasps and soft murmuring began buzzing.

"Heh, sorry babe. That guy just got t'me.." Angel replied with a soft apologetic look.

"I get it, it's fine. What did you want.." Husk kept the one wing out not only to keep the barrier but also to keep their conversation private.

"It's after seven.. We had plans, remember?" The pale pink spider in long striped blazer and black hot pants replied looking as if this was the most obvious answer.

"Ah, shit! Is it?" The cat demon blinked and then turned to find the nearest clock that only confirmed this was the case.

"Hey, I'm amenable. I'm happy to watch you ruin these guys first, especially after those comments.." Angel grabbed the red bow-tie around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, pulling back only to purr in a sultry voice, "Let's take these guys for all they got. Whatta ya say.." He flashed a wicked grin that made his gold tooth glint eerily in the artificial light of the casino. Husk grinned before pulling back and folding in his wing. The group of demons that had been staring only gulped nervously as both the demon cat and spider sat down together at the table and the dealer started a new deal..


It was late when Husk and Angel returned to the Hazbin Hotel the tall cat demon was perched at the edge of the the long stainless steel counter as Angel stirred through the tomato sauce with small chunks of vegetables.

"Did you really come chasing after me without cooking anything first?" Husk kinked a brow in some confusion.

"Eh, it only takes ten minutes and it's better done fresh. Don't worry about it.. Besides, your not complainin' are ya? I let ya wipe the floor with those guys, didn't I?" The pale pink spider in the white and pink striped blazer smirked at his boyfriend flashing a grin.

"No. Of course not. Just can't believe you still want to cook at this time of night." The cat demon drawled before taking a swig of the booze bottle he had with him. It was well after nine now but his partner had been insistent they were doing this regardless.

"Well I'm willin' t'bet ya ain't eaten enough today and ya promised me a date. So we're doin' this alright." Angel replied draining his pasta then plating it then pouring out the sauce on top. He then grated a small amount of hard cheese on it and smiled.

"I'm fine. I don't need you worrying about me." Husk rolled his eyes. Great, it sounded like they were married already.

"I know but I care aboutcha. Here. Try this.." The lithe spider pushed the white rim bowl of pasta in front of the demon cat then turned to wash up the pots so that the Radio Demon wouldn't be annoyed about him leaving a mess. It didn't take him very long to wash and dry everything then return it to their homes. He then perched himself beside Husk and smiled leaning his head in his hands watching him eat.

"Holy fuck..." His response of shock made Angel narrow his eyes in quiet delight. Enjoying the sight o his man enjoying his creation finally really understanding what it was his mother had always told him.

"Good, right?"

"It's the best I've had." Husk admitted then looked confused. "Why did you give up?"

"When I was kicked out by my papi he cut me off completely too. I had nothing and nobody to help me. Whorin' myself and drugs just took over I guess and everythin' else just kinda got forgotten." Angel sighed heavily then shook his head wanting to forget about all that. Now was his opportunity to get back in touch with those parts of him he had lost. "But I had fun with ya at the casino tonight. I haven't felt this free in a long time.."

"Your welcome.." The demon cat replied before twisting another forkful and offering to feed Angel which the spider accepted, eating the pasta keenly. "I understand if you still have to 'work'. Don't feel you have to hide that from me.."

Angel swallowed his mouthful of food and blinked surprised.

"Y-you would be ok with that?" He blinked in some shock, not expecting this statement at all.

"You said it means nothing, right? And you do owe Valentino, trust me nobody understands that kind of debt more than me." Husk said plainly.

"Huh.. I never thought you would actually be cool with it but that's good to know. I uh, haven't been seein' any clients since I spoke to Big Val, I think he may have taken me of the books for now.." Angel rubbed one arm looking somewhat uneasy by what this could mean in the future for him.

"So I have you to myself then?" Husk smirked as he twisted another mouthful of pasta and continued feeding Angel the bowl they were now sharing. The spider demon nodded chewing his mouthful unable to speak. "Good. I'm not ready to share you just yet.."

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