Steven Universe AU by: Samuel...

By Samuel152

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This AU (Alternative Universe) is about Steven who is 100% Human, not 50%. He also is still with the Crystal... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Laser Light Cannon
Chapter 3: Study Buddies
Chapter 4: Spinning Rooms
Chapter 5: Lion
Chapter 6: Sugilite
Chapter 7: Water Fountain
Chapter 8: Reflective Friends
Chapter 9: Ocean Gem
Chapter 10: Warp Tour
Chapter 11: On the Run
Chapter 12: Foreign Mechs
Chapter 13: Encrypted Message
Chapter 14: Invasion
Chapter 15: Jail Break
Chapter 16: Fears
Chapter 17: False Fusion
Chapter 18: Friendship
Chapter 19: Answers
Chapter 20: The Drill
Chapter 21: Below the Surface
Chapter 23: Mystery
Chapter 24: Bismuth
Chapter 25: Secrets
Chapter 26: Space Prison
Chapter 27: Sacrifices
Chapter 28: Identity
Chapter 29: Homeworld Savior
Chapter 30: Spinel
Chapter 31: Volleyball
Chapter 32: Friends in Need
Chapter 33: New Enemies
Chapter 34: Rebellion
Chapter 35: The Fire Rises
Chapter 36: Deployment
Chapter 37: A Lost Boy
Chapter 38: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 39: To Be a Diamond
Chapter 40: Schemes
Chapter 41: Evil Intentions
Chapter 42: Acquired
Chapter 43: Entropy
Chapter 44: Happily Ever After (Finale)
1 Year Anniversary!

Chapter 22: In the Barn

345 15 10
By Samuel152

"Same Old World", "Barn Mates", & a little bit from "Hit the Diamond" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peridot was explaining everything that happened with the drill to the gems. Steven was watching over Lapis while she was still unconscious.

(Garnet) I see you're worried about your friend.

(Steven) What exactly happened on the island?

(Garnet) Lapis spent an unbearable amout of time fused with Jasper. The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion, I can't imagine. She's gonna need a lot of time to recover. Come on, I'm dying to hear about what happened underground.


Steven spent most of the day at the barn to wait for Lapis to wake up. He wanted to make sure if she was alright. He heard a noise in the barn, she was awake.

Steven opened the barn doors to see Lapis about to fly out of hole in the barn that was caused from Peridot about 4 days ago.

(Steven) Lapis?

(Lapis) Steven!

She was surprised.

(Steven) you're... leaving.

(Lapis) I have to, Steven. I don't belong on Earth, not with the Crystal Gems. I never have.

(Steven) It's okay. I understand.

(Lapis) I figured you would. After all, they don't really see you as one of them.

She took a few steps to fly but stopped before she took off.

(Lapis) Steven... thank you. Goodbye again.

(Steven) Goodbye.

She flew into the sky, back into space.

In the morning.

Steven and the gems were about to go back to the Temple. Peridot insisted on staying in the barn.

(Steven) Are you sure you don't want to live in the Temple?

(Peridot) No thanks. I've grown accustomed to this place and I should probably fix the hole that I made.

(Steven) Okay, have fun redecorating.

The gems were ready to go.

(Steven) You guys go ahead, I'll catch up later.

Steven was looking for Lion. He looked around for the pink feline. During his search, he found... Lapis?

She was up high on top of a pillar that is next to the barn. Steven climbed up the ladder. When he reached the top, he stood behind Lapis.

(Steven) I thought you left.

(Lapis) I was leaving. But then I realized I've got nowhere to go. Who knows what they'd do to me back home after what I did to Jasper. I can't go back to Homeworld, and I can't stay here.

(Steven) You can.

(Lapis) What?

(Steven) You can stay here. It doesn't specifically have to be here, in this area. You can live anywhere. I can show you around.

(Lapis) Really?

(Steven) Yes. We can find you a new place to live. I can show you the nearby locations.

(Lapis) Okay, let's go look.

She got behind him to wrap her arms around him so she has a grip on him.

(Lapis) You okay like this?

He nods. Her wings appeared and they took off in the sky. They were at a fast pace.

First place Steven told her about was the forest.

(Steven) You can live here. There's no nouse, no rules. It would just be you.

Lapis dive bombed into the trees but still not touching the ground. Lapis was observing the trees around her, leaves with different colors.

(Steven) If it rains or gets very hot, you would be sheltered by the leaves.

(Lapis) Leaves?

Steven grabbed a leaf.

(Steven) It's a thin piece of soft material that grows on the trees. They also change color during seasons.

(Lapis) Wow.

(Steven) What do you think?

(Lapis) Oh, I'm not sure.

(Steven) Thats okay, you can chose other areas as well.

A few hours later

Steven and Lapis have been checking all the local areas near Beach City. So far, Lapis hasn't made up her mind. It was getting dark.

As they were flying through the skies, Steven noticed the beauty in the sky.

(Steven) It's nice up here.

(Lapis) Eh, it's all right. I guess I can see why you like it. Hold on.

She quickly started zooming through the clouds. Then, she did a flip while letting go of Steven for a quick second before grabbing his wrists to keep him from falling. Steven noticed that they were over an ocean.

(Steven) I wonder how far we are.

Lapis saw a familiar location that gives her a bad memory.

(Steven) I can see that Galaxy Warp from here.

Her grip was loosening.

(Steven) Lapis?

He was about to fall but she quickly regained her grip on his wrists.

(Lapis) Oh, sorry! I'm sorry.

They land on the Galaxy Warp location. They walked a few feet before Lapis stopped.

(Lapis) This is where I was abandoned.

(Steven) What happened?

She sighed before she started to explain.

(Lapis) It was thousands of years ago. I was only meant to visit for a short time, but I got caught in the middle of a war. It was awful. I tried to run, but... my form got destroyed. I was picked up by a Homeworld soldier and confused as a Crystal Gem and used as a tool. They'd ask me, "Show us your base. Where is your leader?" I didn't know, and I couldn't say, "I'm not one of them.". It soom became clear that there was no hope in stopping the Rebellion. All of the Homeworld gems fled. In all the panic of escaping Earth, I was left behind. And there I stayed. Freedom in my sight, but out of reach for ages. Until I was found....

She sighed and fell on her knees.

(Steven) Are you okay?

(Lapis) I'll... be fine. Let me take you back.

(Steven) Are you sure you don't want to wait a minute?

(Lapis) It's fine. I just want to get out of here.

(Steven) Okay.

She got behind on to grab a hold of him and activated her wings to fly. On their way back, she spoke again.

(Lapis) For a moment, I really felt like things were different. But they're not. No matter where I go, I'm trapped.

(Steven) But you're not. You're not understand or in a mirror. You're free.

(Lapis) But I'm still on Earth.

(Steven) Nothing is still on Earth. Everything always chnages. Seasons, temperatures, the sky, technology, and much more. This isn't the same world that held you prisoner, not anymore, and I know it doesn't feel like home, but that could change, too.

They made it back to the barn.

(Steven) I know you can't go back to Homeworld, but if you stay here it'll be your choice to stay here.

(Lapis) It's funny. For all the time I spent on Earth, I barely saw any of it. I want to see it. I want to stay here.

(Steven) Here? In this area?

(Lapis) Yeah, here here.

(Steven) Here here.

(Peridot) Yes, hear hear, everybody. What are we talking about?

(Lapis) You?!

(Peridot) Lazuli, nice to see you up and about.

(Lapis) What are you doing here?!

(Peridot) This is my new home away from Homeworld.

(Lapis) No, it's not! It's mine! Right Steven?

(Steven) (Sighs) Here we go again.


(Lapis) This isn't going to work. I really thought I woild be living alone here.

(Steven) Yes, but we can work this out. You can divide the barn up to sides. Peridot has her own side and you have your own side. You both can have your own space and can do whatever you want on your side. What do you think?

After a moment of silence, Peridot spoke,

(Peridot) I like it.

(Lapis) No, no way.

(Peridot) What's the problem? You're the one getting all the good stuff. You've got the propeller and paint cans on yout side! You can do tons with those. Ooh, actually, I kind of want the paint cans. You want to trade something?

(Lapis) I don't care about the paint cans. That's not the problem.

(Steven) What is the problem?

(Lapis) It's her.

(Peridot) Huh?

(Lapis) She's the problem. I can't stand the thought of having to look at her every day. She's the one who dragged me back to Earth.

(Peridot) Hey, it wasn't my idea. I was headed to Earth, and I needed an informant. It should have been a simple misison. Things didn't exactly work out for either of us.

(Lapis) You used me like everyone else did!

(Peridot) But it's not like that anymore. It's different now. I'm different.

(Steven) It's true. Peridot has changed.

(Peridot) I sabotaged my own mission! I helped saved the Earth! I even yelled at Yellow Diamond! She's probably sending a whole fleet to find me and shatter me right now! I'm kind of a big deal. A big, anti-Homeworld deal!

(Lapis) Steven, I don't think this is gonna work.

She walked off and flew to where Steven found her yesterday.

(Steven) I had forgotten that you and her didn't have a nice last encounter.

(Peridot) That was in the past. It's not like that now!

(Steven) I know.

(Peridot) But, obviously, she doesn't. She's the one that needs to know. I want her to understand.

(Steven) You need to show her that you've changed. Otherwise, she won't believe you.

2 hours later

Peridot spent this entire time trying to show Lapis that she has changed. So far, nothing has worked. Anything she tried always ended not satisfying Lapis or ended up offending her.

Peridot has came up with the final idea. Her tape recorder. Peridot figured if giving Lapis her most prised possession would make Lapis think positive of her.

(Peridot) Ta da!

She presented Lapis a small present with a blue ribbon.

(Peridot) See, the ribbon is even blue. I got your number.

Lapis still hasn't given her a response.

(Peridot) Uh, here. I'll unwrap it for you. When I was stuck here about a week ago, Steven gave me this tape recorder as a gift, and I didn't really get it at first, but it made me feel better. Just to talk about all the weird stuff that was happening. It'll help you, too.

She gave it to Lapis. She was holding it the wrong way.

(Peridot) You, uh, press the button to record, an-and th-then you talk into it.

Lapis pressed the button.

(Lapis) I don't want your garbage.

She crushed it sith her hand. She dropped it. Steven picked up the tape that dropped out of it so he can save Peridot's progress she made on it.

(Peridot) Guh! What? Were you trapped in a tape recorder, too?! Look, I get it, you know. You're confused. You can never go back to Homeworld. This place doesn't exactly feel like home yet! You're alone! No one could possibly know what that feels like! Oh, wait. I do! And maybe Steven. We're the same! Except you don't have to be alone. So, tell me, then, what you want from me. And whatever that is, I'll do it.

(Lapis) I want you to leave!

(Peridot) ...Okay....

She walked off, out of their sight.

(Steven) She's really trying.

(Lapis) Why do you trust her, Steven?

(Steven) Because I know her. You're not even giving her a chance. You should at least know her before you decide your judgement. Now, she's gone and we might never see her again.

[Distant] AAAAAAH!

It was Peridot and she was running towards them.

(Steven) There she is.

(Peridot) They're here!

She jumped and latched herself onto Steven for protection. She was lucky that she was made of light, because if she wasn't then she would've knocked Steven over. Some giant red orb with a window that looks like an eye was incoming.

(Peridot) Run!

They ran away from it and retreated towards the barn. Once they got inside, Steven pryed Peridot off of him and dropped her.

(Steven) What is that thing?

(Peridot) It's a roaming eye, a Homeworld tracking vessel. I told you, I'm public enemy number one!

The roaming eye caught them inside the barn from the hole Peridot made a few days ago with her limb enhancers. They ran back outside but the roaming eye caught up to them.

(Peridot) This is it, Steven! They're going to wipe my grin off this planet!

(Steven) Get behind me!

The ship landed. A door opened up and a giant version of Ruby stepped out of it but it has five ruby gemstones in various places on her form, this means it's a fusion of five rubies.

(Mega Ruby) Are you the peridot assigned to the failed Earth mission?

(Peridot) Not sure if "failed" would be the right word to--

(Mega Ruby) Where is Jasper?

(Peridot) You're looking for Jasper?

(Mega Ruby) Correct!

(Peridot) Wait, but I'm the one who betrayed the mission, who called Yellow Diamond a clod!

(Mega Ruby) Tell us where Jasper is now!

(Peridot) Jasper... um...

She doesn't know where she is..

(Mega Ruby) Well?!

Peridot was about to say "I don't know" but Steven spoke before her.

(Steven) Neptune. She's on the planet Neptune.

At first, the fusion didn't believe him but after seeing his calm facial expression, she assumed he was telling the truth.

(Mega Ruby) Well, why didn't you say so? Thanks!

The fusion got into the roaming eye and left.

(Peridot) Wow, Rubies are dumb.

End of Chapter 22

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