He's the Hero

By BrianaReed4

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Sequel to "She's the Man" Izuku and Izumi deal with the aftermath of the Sports Festival. As they continue t... More

Warm U.A. Welcome
Separation Anxiety
Doting Fathers
The symbol that binds us.
Rules and Regulations
Patrol and Paperwork
The Attack
You're no Hero
The Hero's Shadow
All for One
Business as Usual
Tainted Blood
Rash Decision
The Letter
The Ultimatum
The Z Factor
Pulling the Trigger
My Choice, My Fate

No Mercy

429 21 50
By BrianaReed4

Author’s Note:  I’ve included the Epilogue chapter. I was originally thinking of separating it into two but didn’t like the broken flow.… So Enjoy the conclusion to He’s the Hero! 

Her face was everywhere. The footage from the news cameras had caught the entire fight, and was the primary evidence in the case that she’d used her quirk to kill another person… mindful a monstrous villain… but a person nonetheless.

She wasn’t getting out of this with a slap on the wrist like she did in Hosu. Yet… somehow… Izumi didn’t care. She sat in the hospital room, separated from her brother and father as she was questioned by police, and lectured by the chief, as well as the head of the Heroics Committee. 

“I hope you understand how harsh of a crime you’ve committed, Miss Midoriya. Even if your father is All Might, I can’t just let you off with a warning.”  The Heroics committee head told her standing in front with his stark gray hair, and solid black eyes. 

“I understand… I’m more than ready to accept the consequences of my actions, sir.” She told him numbly, her hands clasped in her lap, her minor wounds bandaged and hair disheveled. 

“Right… the committee will deliberate and discuss your case. First things first you’ll need to address the press. You will give a formal apology… I’ll have the Chief of Police here write you up a speech.” 

“A speech?” She glanced up briefly. “What for?” 

“We don’t want you going up there and just saying whatever comes to mind. Formal speech is better and keeps the media from making any negative comments about heroes in general.” 

Image, Izumi thought with a sneer. It was starting already… she was being shoved down, pointed at, shunned from the light. Well that was just fine. 

“Fine.” She repeated aloud. “I’ll read the stupid speech… can I see my brother?” 

“No. Your brother is in intensive care with several broken bones and a bad concussion. It’s amazing he was even able to walk after the beating he received. It’s best you let him rest. Worry more about yourself and how you’ll approach the press conference tomorrow.” 

“You’re writing my speech for me, what else is there to prepare for?” She said irritably and clutched her locket" wishing she could see Izuku. The moment she’d snapped out of her haze the connection had vanished again. She couldn’t feel him and it made her chest ache to know there was a huge wall separating them now… that wall being society.

“The press will be asking questions as well. Your father will be there for support and to help you through anything, but you may want to think of responses while you are resting.” He told her and looked down at his watch. “Speaking of which I need to go make a few statements of my own. Chief…” he nodded his head to the others in the room and exited.

When Izumi thought she’d have a minute alone she walked to the cell phone use area in the hospital, and noticed the armed guards following her.

So… they were keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn’t self destruct again. 

“Figures… not 24 hours later and I’m already being treated like a criminal.” She sighed and sat on the couch pulling her legs to her chest. “Rightfully so.” 

She had to borrow a phone since she’d broken hers… and had to take a deep breath before dialing Todoroki’s phone number. She didn't know how her boyfriend would react to all this...but she needed to hear his voice. 

“Hello?”  His voice spoke a little irritably on the other end and very nearly made her smile. She could already feel the tears of relief spill from her eyes 


“Izumi!” Shoto jolted up from the couch and Bakugo fell off the other end and scrambled up snagging the phone away. 

“Half Pint! Where’s Deku!? What happened!?” 

“Damn it, Bakugo, give that back!” He snagged the phone shoving him away with one hand and freezing him a little. Bakugo squirmed and held his face cursing. “I’m sorry Izumi.” 

“It’s okay…” she let out a shaky laugh. “The comedy is appreciated.” 

“You sound awful… where are you? I’ll come-” 

“No!” She said hurriedly and let out a shaky breath. “No, I’m okay. I’m in the hospital, but I’m not too injured. I just have some scrapes and bruises. No big... but Izuku is in intensive care.” She hugged herself rocking on the couch. “They won’t let me see him… I barely got them to let me leave my room. I'm so worried about him.” 

“Izuku is built like a tank, I'm sure he's fine. I'm worried about you though. How much trouble are you in?” Shoto’s eyes hardened and he clenched the phone. “They’re not arresting you are they?” 

“No, or at least I don’t think so. I have to make some stupid speech at a press conference tomorrow, and the heroics committee is gonna have a meeting to discuss my punishment.” She ran fingers through her hair. “I messed up, Shoto. This mistake isn’t going to go away. I need to pay for it.” 

“You were just protecting your brother. They can’t-” 

“They can… and I’ve accepted it. I’m prepared for the worst Shoto… in fact I'm fully expecting it.”  Even if they didn’t, she made preparations for her own kind of punishment. 

She stretched a hand out to admire it, and could see the blood again… deep and dark and spilling over her palms and wrists. Her eyes shut tightly. 

“Shoto… I don’t know how this is going to go down… but there’s something I need to get off my chest.” 

“What is it?” 

“I love you.” 

Shoto let out a little sound of surprise but then let the smile spread on his lips and he cradled the phone closer to his ear. 

“About time you said it too.” 

“I meant to tell you before, but we kept getting interrupted.” She smiled a little but it quickly faded. “As I said, I don’t know how this is going to go down. I don’t know what’s going to happen after that press conference… but I wanted you to know that.” 

“I love you too, Izumi… and I know I’ll see you soon. When I do, you can tell me again.” He told her. “I very much want to see your face when you tell me.” 

“Mmmm… okay.” She closed her eyes letting his voice soothe away the nerves and doubt. “It’s a promise then.” 

~Next Day: Press Conference~

All Might stood beside his daughter, dudded up and his trademark smile turned downward. Guilt and anger boiled in him from knowing his children went through such an ordeal, and when he saw the footage of Izumi's fight the fear joined the other overwhelming emotions inside him. Maybe Inko had been right all along. Perhaps he should have stayed away… protected his children from a distance… but it was too late now. He would protect Izumi no matter the charges and accusations on her. 

When it was time for the press conference to begin, he cleared his throat and stepped up to the mic.  

“Thank you all for coming. We called you all here so we can go over the events that occurred yesterday afternoon. My daughter has prepared a statement for you all.” He backed away and pat her shoulder.  “Go on, Izumi.” 

Izumi stared at the mic her breath shaky as she took it and stood front and center staring out at the crowd. She could feel herself shaking… could feel herself lose breath and tried to calm herself down.  She looked to the speech in her hand and winced at the first few lines. It was so formal, so proper… so unsympathetic.

“I, Izumi Midoriiya… would like to formally apologize to the public in regards to my behavior during the villain attack...” She saw her hands shaking and pulled back the mic to curse. She crunched the paper in her hands. “I can’t… I can’t read this… I’m sorry… but I'd rather speak for myself.” She explained with a sorrowful expression. She could already feel the glares from the professionals behind her.

“I apologize.... to the loved ones of the people that died in the attack… I apologize to the property owners who’ve lost time, money and hard work from all the destruction that was caused.” She felt the tears starting to burn and she grit her teeth. “I apologize… to my family and friends for hiding the truth about my quirk.  The truth is…” she took a shaky breath and clenched her free hand at her side sniffling back tears. Tell them Izumi… tell them all what’s going on.  “I… My quirk...”  Her voice cracked and she looked at the sea of people and cameras... Her hand slowly flexed in defeat. “I can't control my quirk anymore.” 

The half truth burned her tongue. Coward... You stupid coward! Tears spilled over her cheeks and she kept going, trying to get as much off her chest as she could to relieve her guilty conscience.

“My quirk is changing, and it’s frightening me. It's causing me to make irrational decisions, and lash out.” She brushed away tears. “I’ve tried so hard to just keep it together… to act normal and be myself, but the truth is I don’t know who I am anymore.”

The media was silent, taking in her every word and she was grateful for it.

“When the villains attacked, I was just having fun with my brother… we were enjoying the park, being normal for a change.” She sighed. “When they attacked… I was scared. Scared for myself, and scared for my brother. I knew those monsters were created by a man who hates my family. He's been trying to kill my father by any means necessary. Amongst his attempts was his attack on Hosu, I was interning there with Endeavor who was hunting the Hero Killer, and he unleashed those monsters in order to take me in the confusion."

She paused her speech looking back at her father who just gave her a nod. He was letting her get it all out, letting her speak truthfully. 

“Yesterday was the same case. The only reason they attacked Fairy Land was because my brother and I were there." She sighed heavily. "I'm ashamed to admit...that when everything started to go chaotic...all I could think about was getting out of there, getting my brother and I to safety back at the school… but not Izuku.” 

She wiped at her tears. 

“Izuku knew those villains were there because of us… and he didn’t hesitate. He knew he had to draw the villains away or more people would die.  He ran in the opposite direction, luring the monster away and risking his life to protect others. When he did... the first thing I should have done was call my father or another hero, or anybody else to try and get help… but-” She held her chest. “I was angry, and afraid… I didn’t want my dad to show up and get killed, I didn’t want another hero dying for something that was OUR fault. I didn’t think about protecting civilians, or property damage, all I cared about was myself and protecting my family.  So I went after Izuku, tried to help him keep the villain distracted til help arrived… but once Izuku started getting hurt, and tossed around like a rag doll… I just couldn’t play it safe anymore. I didn’t mean to kill-” her voice cracked and she struggled to go on. “I just… I just wanted to save my brother… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” She started sobbing, pictures shooting off left and right.

“Alright Izumi, you've said your piece…” All Might reached for the mic. “Let me finish the rest.”

“No... No! I’m not done!” She sniffed and bat away the tears heaving breaths into the mic. “I’m not done…” She took deep breaths to calm herself again. She pulled away stepping closer to the crowd again. “Ever since it happened… I’ve done a lot of thinking about how to handle it. My actions are my own…  and no one else should be reprimanded for what I’ve done. I will accept any and all punishment the police and heroics committee have planned… but I also know that whatever they’ve planned can’t make up for the mistakes I’ve made. So…” She pulled out an envelope from her jacket pocket and held it up for everyone to see.  “I’m withdrawing from U.A  Hero Academy.” 

“What!? Izumi!” All Might stepped forward, his face shocked and his hands grabbing her shoulders trying to pull her away. Cameras flashed, voices of reporters and witnesses shouted out questions and comments. Across the city watching from their TVs her brother and their classmates stared at the screen with a mix of shock, tears, and sorrow. 

“No way…” Kirishima dropped the spoon for his cereal and got to his feet.

“Is she nuts?!” Mineta grabbed his little TV shaking it in disbelief.

Ashido, Urataka, and the other girls cried in sympathy.

“Izumi…” Shoto clenched his fists as he and Bakugo watched on the dorm TV. Bakugo stood up and went to the TV his hands popping with explosions.

“Bull shit, bull shit, BULL SHIT!!!”

He looked ready to blow the TV to kingdom come...but Izumi started talking again and he stopped to listen.

“I took the name Grand Valor…” Izumi continued. “...because it symbolized the kind of hero I wanted to be. I have and have always had high standards in heroes. I wanted to meet those standards, and did my best to live by them.” She felt calmer, she realized, now that she got the worst of it off her chest. “When I think of what a hero is… no… what a hero SHOULD be…I think of the people who risk their lives for others. True heroes are not in it for the glory, the fame, and the wealth. They're not heroes for selfish whims like vengeance, and hatred. When I think of true heroes I think of the people who take the time to help the community… who clean up a beach in their free time, who help old ladies walk across the street… who help a lost child find their family.” She held her heart smiling softly. “Who simply help others… without having to think at all. They just do it because they can.” 

She looked out, standing taller and with pride now. She lifted the hand on her heart to touch her father's hand and felt him take it squeezing lightly.

“I think of people like my dad, who make sacrifices for the greater good. I think of people like my classmates who give their everything to achieve their dreams. I think of my brother,” her eyes soften… “who save people with just a smile and a few kind words.” 

She sighed and pulled out her withdraw papers again staring at the school symbol...and thought of all the friends she'd made there. She thought of Shoto, of Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Tetsutetsu, and even Bakugo. She thought of the experiences she had with them and the happy memories they'd made together.

“I love UA..." Her voice trembled from tears. "I love the people I've met, the friends I've made, the lessons I've been taught and I don't want to let it all go... But look at all these wonderful heroes around me and I know I don’t measure up. How can I be a hero... expect other heroes to meet my standards if I don’t meet them myself? I have to be the example, and accept what I’ve come to learn from my time at U.A. I have talent, I have strength, and I have brains… but that doesn't make me a hero.” 

You needed heart, Izumi thought... And she just didn't have it. She looked back out at the crowd, stared straight into the TV camera in front view.

“So… to Principle Nezu who allowed me this wonderful opportunity, to my father who trained me, to Mr. Aizawa, Endeavor and all the members of the U.A staff who’ve helped guide me, and most of all to my wonderful classmates who’ve been there sharing a dream and who welcomed me in… thank you for all you've done.”  She bowed low. “...and I’m sorry.” 

~A few days later: dorm room~ 

Community Service… if that was the best the committee could come up with for someone who actively murdered another person on live TV, Izumi worried about the justice system.

Still it was the kind of punishment she could get behind. She helped rebuild the damaged city by volunteering her time at various locations that needed the extra man power. In addition, she offered to pay for some of the construction herself. The sum in her allowance account could afford it and still give her enough for day to day needs.

She needed to find a new high school… a general one where she could go to class, study, and be normal. That's what Izumi craved the most. She’d gotten into the spirit of hero life because Izuku had always been there gunning for it and she wanted to be a part of the journey.  Things were different now...it was time to face the fact that her and Izuku were headed down separate paths.  Without her brother… she just wanted normalcy. 

Several days after she announced her withdrawal from U.A. Izumi finally finished packing up her belongings, and did a last minute check of the room to make sure she didn't forget anything.

Shoto stood in her doorway watching her pack, his frown deep and eyes narrowed.

“I'm not gonna lie this is more than a little depressing. I moved in so I could spend more time with you, but now you're not even coming to school anymore.” She glanced over her shoulder and he gave her a wounded look. “How come you didn't tell me you were withdrawing on the phone?”

“I'm sorry…” she was doing a lot of apologizing lately, she noticed. She folded another pair of pants smoothing it down into her suitcase. “I didn't want to give you the chance to try and talk me out of it.”

“That’s exactly what I would have done too.” Shoto told her. “I normally don’t like to interefere in other people’s choices or lives… but I can’t help but feel like you’re making a mistake.” 

“Yeah, well I’m used to making mistakes.” She stood up straight and finally turned to him. “Shoto…” 

“Izumi…” he returned in the same sympathetic tone. He walked to her and cradled her face in his hands. He pressed his forehead to hers trying to stay calm, to not lash out. “Don’t go.”

“It was my choice…” she touched his hands. She closed her eyes sighing. “This is for the best. I’m not a hero Shoto…”

“Forgive me for stepping down to Bakugo’s level but… that’s Bull Shit.” 

“It’s not…  Shoto listen.” She pulled back so he would look her in the eye. “I chose to do this for a lot of different reasons. For one, I can’t control my quirk anymore. I could and possibly would have hurt you or one of our classmates trying to reel it in. For two, this whole backlash on the misuse of my quirk is not gonna go away. Once upon a time I wouldn’t have given a shit, but things have changed. Whatever they say about me reflects badly on Izuku, and my dad.. And if the media found out about our relationship-” 

“Don’t!” He covered her mouth his eyes going hot and angry. “Don’t you dare say that you did it to spare me from something as stupid as bad press. You may not think you’re strong enough to  handle it but I KNOW I am. I could have protected you-” 

“That’s number three…” she shoved his hand away and pointed at him. “This… all of this that’s been going on it’s making me vulnerable. I don’t feel like myself, I don’t feel strong, or capable, and I hate it! Do you remember how I broke down in the hospital? How I lost it after that fight? I can’t find my footing anymore, Shoto. The more I pretend that there’s nothing wrong, the worse it hits me!” 

Shoto clenched his fists at his side and lowered his head. 

“So you’re just giving up? That’s not like you.” 

“I’m not giving up, Shoto.” She hugged him nuzzling under his chin. “I’m reevaluating. That’s number four… and it’s the biggest reason I have.” She lifted her head staring in his eyes again. “I’ve been compared to others most of my life… My brother, my parents, Bakugo, Stain… I’ve never really had an identity of my own. I want some time to figure out who I am, what I want, what path to take. Can you understand that?” 

He could, which just made him irritable. Still he held onto her laying his cheek on her hair and breathing her in. 

“Could be you were on the right path to start with… and just lost sight of it.” 

“Could be…” she smiled. “I do know of something I want right now.” 

“What’s that?” he pulled back ready to listen. When she only pulled him in by the tie of his uniform and kissed him, he got the feeling whatever it was, was something he wanted to. He guided her backwards just enough to close and lock the door to the room. He then walked her back to the bed and gave them both exactly what they wanted.

~Meanwhile at the hospital~

“Will you quit yer cryin!” Bakugo scolded Izuku as he peeled an apple. “I came to visit didn’t I?” 

“Yeah, but… you’re still mad.” Izuku sniffed.

“Of course I’m fucking mad! How stupid are you jumping into danger like that?” He pointed the knife at him and Izuku had to flinch back a little to avoid being poked by the end. “You’re blaming yourself for Izumi leaving U.A. as well you should because if it hadn’t been for your stupid actions she probably would have stayed.” 

Izuku’s tears got worse and Bakugo let out an aggravating sigh. He cut a piece of apple and shoved it in Izuku’s mouth. 

“That doesn’t mean you should cry about it. Your sister has high expectations for you, so you better start living up to them and quit acting like a pussy.” 

Izuku hung his head wiping his tears with his one good hand. The sight of it had Bakugo sighing heavily and holding out another piece of apple. 

“Look… Your sister made this decision on her own. It’s her choice. You can’t let it affect you. I mean you wanted to be a hero long before this, and you’re gonna want it long after.” 

“You’re right…” Izuku admitted but couldn with her. Now she’s leaving the dorm, gonna go to a different school, and she was making noises about moving to Tokyo or studying abroad. It’s gonna be the internship all over again.” 

“You survived that just fine didn’t you?” Bakugo set the stuff down and pulled out his phone when it started to buzz. He grunted at the reading. “I need to go, my old lady is bugging me.” 

“Okay… they’re releasing me tomorrow so I’ll be back in class the next day.” He rubbed his injured hand. “Guess I’ll see you then.” 

Bakugo tugged his jacket in place, glanced around to make sure no one was watching then leaned over the bed rail to plant a firm kiss to his lips. He let it linger for a moment, tasting the salty tears from Izuku’s crying fit. In a spontaneous move he tilted the kiss to trail his tongue up Izuku’s cheek and kiss away the remaining tears. 

“I told you… stop crying. You’ll be fine.” 

“Mmm…” Izuku smiled warmly the tears all gone. You always know how to make me feel better, Izuku thought staring affectionately at Bakugo. Even if it means being a little mean.

 “I love you, Kacchan.” 

“Right back at yah,” Bakugo smirked at him over his shoulder. “You damn nerd.”

~Epilogue: 2 weeks later~ 

A new school, a new teacher, a new group of faces… and Izumi hated them all. 

From the moment she walked in, wearing the solid blue uniform with a black bow tie, she was gawked at, sneered at, and whispered about.

Despite being smart and answering every question the teachers gave her, she felt as though the majority of them were trying to make her look stupid… and failing miserably at it.

The school itself was a decent campus, but there were so many students crammed in it felt suffocating. She missed the big wide open campus at U.A… she missed the various places she could just sit and be alone. Seemed like no matter where she turned in this school there was always somebody lingering around, giving her those judgemental looks. 

Home didn't give her any salvation. Once the school day was over, her grandfather was always around to keep eyes on her. He’d done nothing but lecture, scold and frown at her since she came home. She tried to soften him, bring him his favored Taiyaki, tell him about her accomplishments in class and treat him like a king… but she couldn’t help but sense his disappointment.

Why couldn’t anyone understand? Why did they have to be so judgemental and sour over her decision. It was her life, damn it!

The school bell rang and she lingered a moment at her desk so she could check her phone. She gave a soft smile when she saw a bulk of messages from her brother, Shoto, and the other students of class 1A. They were all getting ready for finals next month, and every member of her former class was making sure she didn't miss any details on their preparation.

Izuku begged and pleaded for her to bring bentos and provisions for his study time.

Uraraka sent pictures of her and Iida training. While Uraraka smiled big and gave a peace sign, Iida was in the background, his face wild and full of expression as he avoided falling rocks. 

Kirishima gave the usual, hey how are you, and we all miss you bit. The guy was sweet and thoughtful, which paired with his manly persona to make a handsome package. From the pictures she’d seen him post online he and Bakugo were becoming fast friends, and Bakugo was even tutoring the guy. 

Yaoyorozu surprised her by sending questions about where she could go for self defense classes, and asking questions about practical elements. Izumi didn’t understand why the girl couldn’t see her own potential and talent… and hoped someone would boost that confidence of hers somehow. 

Mavis and Eva sent her pictures of their latest babies and gave her updates about the various products she helped tested.

She even got a message from Tetsutetsu, apologizing for his behavior and asking how she was.  She was the one who should have apologized, and regretted not doing so before leaving. Thinking about it, the guy really was too good for her… and she hoped he would find a more suitable match.

She'd found her match in Shoto. She never thought she'd fall in love… but he made it too easy.

She recalled their last time together, and blushed. She didn't regret giving that part of herself to Shoto especially after how sweet and nurturing he'd been. They both fumbled some, but hey they were teenage virgins. There was plenty of time to get it right.

She missed them all… Izumi realized as she put her stuff away and started the walk home. Maybe she could run by the dorm, see how Izuku was holding up and help him study. There was no law about her visiting right?

 Storm clouds rumbled overhead and she cursed herself for not bringing an umbrella.

“So much for visiting the campus...guess I'll just go home.” she sighed. Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out. She frowned at the number not recognizing it. 

“Mineta better not be sending me dirty pictures again or I'll-”

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw pictures of Nomus. She scrolled down frantically her heart pounding at how many there were...and when she read the message on the bottom it stopped completely.

“Only a month left, my girl, the choice is yours.” 

She gasped for air leaning on the nearby wall as her legs started to buckle. Nearby students and spectators eyed her curiously and kept their distance as the panic bubbled up and showed all over her face.

Damn him...damn him, damn him, DAMN HIM!

She punched a nearby wall, brick crumbling around her hand. The nearby pedestrians walking by stopped to gasp and gawk. She cursed and ran down the street as fast as she could. Rain began to pour down but she just didn't care anymore. 

She was an idiot thinking she could just be normal. This was the same man who sought to destroy her father's happiness and now his sights were locked on her. He wouldn't rest until everything she loved was destroyed.

She stopped running suddenly... her eyes going wild as a sudden fearful thought hit her.

Everything that she loved…


No… no, no, no, NO! She wouldn't let home hurt Shoto! She wouldn't let him hurt any of the people she cared about! 

Her brain worked a million miles a minute as she went over the options. She could give into his demands... Temporarily... But any hope she had of catching him off guard would go up in smoke. He already had eyes on her, and once under his wing she doubted she could make any move to betray him.

No... She wouldn't give in. It was time she came clean. She needed to tell her father, and grandfather what was going on.

... but then there was the Nomu to worry about. The one she and Izuku faced had been so strong and if it hadn't been for her new quirk it woulc have killed Izuku. She needed to find out where All for One was hiding so the heroes could take him out first. 

Shigaraki Tomura… he was, in essence, All for One's representative. If she could find him she could find his puppet master. The question was how to track him down. Who would know his location?

Only a villain would know where another villain was hiding... And the best people to question villains were the police.

Changing direction she jogged to the nearby police station. Tsukauchi was a familiar face and a friend of her dad's. Certainly he could help her out.

Once inside the people there all gave her curious glances, to no small wonder as she was soaking wet and panting from the run.

“Excuse me..." She stepped up to the main desk. "I'm sorry but I need to speak with Detective Tsukauchi.” 

“I'm afraid he's out on a case right now. You're welcome to wait for him here.” The secretary's eyes narrowed some and then lit with realization. “Hey aren't you All Mights kid?”

“Huh? Oh…” shit, she thought, and held up her hands. “Don't mind me I just-”

“Hey, Kadokawa, look its Izumi Midoriya.” She called across the station and Izumi cursed again as people crowded around her. 

"Hey tough break on U.A. kid. I had money down that you and your bro would become top tier heroes."

"Yes, well..."

"Where are you gong to school how? What are your plans for your future? Thinking about becoming a cop? I can Skye you the ropes."

"No thank you, I just-"

"Hey mind if I get your autograph? Hero or not you're still All Might's daughter."

Damn it, this was getting her nowhere. She didn't have time to play celebrity. Embarrassed and frustrated she averted the direct gazes... And something caught her attention. A file lay on the front desk and a familiar face stared back. She recalled the internship, the piles of villain files, and thr name Jacko mentioned…

“That's it!” She screamed and rushed out of the station. She knew exactly who she could go to for some answers... but first she'd need a disguise. Pulling out her cellphone she dialed the one person she knew who could help.


“Eva...its Izumi.” Lightning crashed and thunder rumbled overhead. “I need a favor.” Her lips slowly curved and the initial panic and fear faded into excitement. Normal? Did she really believe she'd be satisfied with a normal life? 

“Sure whatcha need.” the chipper girl spoke up on other end.

“Help me disappear.”

~ 1 month later (During UA finals)~ 

Izumi wiped the metal switchblade clean as she sat on the counter of Kurogiri's bar. Her surroundings were eerily quiet and she hummed a little to herself to negate it.

The disguise she’d chosen to infiltrate enemy territory was a teenage boy with long black hair, and red eyes.  For effect she added scars to the face and neck, a lip piercing, and wore all black with a blood red trench coat.  

A bit of an extreme change... but an effective one.

She briefly glanced at the phone when it started to ring. She reached out with the tip of the blade and pressed the speaker button. The “sound only” screen popped onto the TV and the familiar voice of “All for One” spoke. 

“Shigaraki Tomura…” He spoke, in an almost bored voice, and Izumi let out a little laugh. 

“I’m afraid he can’t come to the phone right now. May I take a message?” 

There was a pause, and then All for One let out an amused laugh.

“Izumi? What a surprise. Have you finally decided to agree to my request?” 

Izumi admired the shining blade, looking at her reflection to admire the fangs flashing over her lips.

“Now, now... you and I both know that’s not why I’m here.” She sighed out.

“A pity… I take it you’ve killed Shigaraki. After all you’ve hated him all this time. It must feel good to finally get your revenge on the man who tortured and nearly killed your grandfather.” 

“Hmph… not revenge.” She threw the blade at the wall and it landed point blank into the pair of bloody hands she mounted there. "Justice."

“Murder is still murder, Izumi, no matter what label you give it.” All for One tsked.

“Oh I didn’t murder him.” She lounged back. “That would have been too easy. No, any minute now the police should be receiving a very messy package. Two in fact."


"Kurogiri proved to be a but of a handful. I wound up using my last resort…” she stared at her hand, her eyes slitting as the appendage morphed into the shadowy smoke of a warp gate. “I was able to take away his only source of defense, and thanks to my new friends both he and Shigaraki squealed like pigs for me. It was very satisfying.” 

“I see… I haven’t heard much about people’s quirks being stolen… and yet it seems like you’ve gained some new powers, as well as some control.” 

“Admittedly not a lot, but enough to make a nuisance of myself.” She'd attained three new quirks counting Kurogiri’s warp. She'd taken them all from villains her new ally had provided her with. Little by little she got more powerful, but each new quirk made it a struggle to remain in control. It was taxing, but the results were more than satisfying. “You were right that it was hard finding control without guidance. I need to be careful just how much of it I use and take… but I’ve finally found a trick to it. Now that I have… I’ve chosen my path.” 

“Have you now? If you’re not accepting my request then what are you going to do with your new found power?” 

Izumi looked to the TV her eyes amused and her fingers brushed back the wild mane of black hair on her head.. 

“I’m going to become you… but on my own terms. This little game that you’ve been playing with my psyche is over. I’m not your pawn anymmmmmore… and I’ll prove it by destroying all that you’ve worked so hard to build.” 

“Think you’ve got it all figured out do you?” There was some bite to his voice showing his irritation. “Do you think I’m powerless now that I don’t have any pawns to play? You’re sadly mistaken child.”

“Perhaps… I’ve made a lot of mistakes and this very well may be one of them… but you’re no longer a threat to me. I do want to thank you though… for giving me this gift. It’s opened my eyes to a whole new world.” 

“Tch… spoiled brat. I’ve given you more than you deserve. You honestly think you can become a hero after everything you’ve done? I’ll crucify you, child.” 

“I’m no hero…” she spat back. “You’ve got that much right. My brother is the real hero. He’ll be the one to bring us into a new era.” 

“And what, pray tell, is this new era?” All for one asked irritably. 

“An era of peace and unity. An era in which heroes are heroes, and not spectacles for the public. You, if fate is kind, will never see the beauty of his work. You will sit forever behind the cold walls of your cell and live the rest of your life in isolation, loneliness and insanity.” Her grin went wide and sadistic. “As for me… I am the shadow of my hero. With my power I will help turn him into the greatest hero the world has ever known.” 

“A childish sentiment… just how do you intend to do that?” 

“By eliminating anything and anyone that threatens to dull his light. I’m no longer bound by rules and morals. I am someone who can and will serve justice to criminals who seek to destroy him, and remove the heroes that threaten to dull his light. This is my true purpose, this is what I choose to use this power for, and only one person in the world will be able to stop me… and that’s him.” 

“You really did become another Stain.” All for one sighed in disappointment. 

“I’m not Stain… and I’m not you. So suck it up and enjoy prison.” She spat at him.

“I do love your moxy, Izumi… you’ve got guts… and it’s a shame I’m going to have to pull the plug on your operation.” 

“Humph, I’d like to see you try.” She hung up the phone and for added measure she punched her fist into the TV. Dusting off her hands she smiled cheerfully at the figure behind the bar. “Was that long enough, Whiz?” 

“Plenty… you do know how to ramble.” The tech whiz hiding behind the bar tapped his fingers across the keyboard madly and Izumi felt her cell phone buzz in her pocket. She picked it up and flipped it open smirking. “I pinpointed the call’s location… it tried to relocate me… a simple yet effective spyware, but spyware is powerless against my skills.” He looked up at her grinning. The guy was shorter than her, and a little stouty. He wore big framed glasses, and was punked out in otaku wear.  

Code Name: Whiz

Quirk: Microchip, his brain is 100 times faster than a computer giving him mad hacking skills. 

“He’s in a warehouse district in Musutafu… pfft how anticlimactic. That place practically screams secret hideout.” 

“Well hiding in plain sight is very much his style.” Izumi commented as she hit a few keys on her phone and sent all the information Whiz had sent her to various hero agencies including the UA  faculty, and the local police department. “You sure they won't trace the message back to me?”

“Trust me,” Whiz pushed his glasses up his nose grinning smugly. “With the protection I put on your phone no one is going to find you.”

 “Excellent, and if all goes well about fifty or so heroes and law enforcers will be knocking on that asshole’s front door. Send Skyy to overlook the takedown and have her report any and all movement. We’ll want to keep our distance from the fireworks.”

“You’re the boss, boss…” He saluted and started packing up his work.

Izumi closed her phone and looked to the spectators standing in the doorway. Giran clapped several times his cigarette caught between his teeth. The blonde female to his right was practically bouncing in her shoes, and the boy to his left gave her a wide smirk. 

“Did I pass the test?” She asked the newcomers and gave a little bow.  

“You’ve got my vote…” Dabi commented. “It was like watching a movie. Very impressive… especially for a kid.” 

“Thank you… Dabi was it?” She put her hands into the pockets of the trench coat. “I don’t know much about you… but Giran says you’ll be worth my while.” 

“I merely believe in your cause, as I’ve lost hope in today’s society… but I am a bit skeptical about goldilocks over there.” He gave the girl a wary look. “You sure you want her on board?” 

“… Toga Himiko… now you I have heard of.” Izumi scowled. She wasn’t too thrilled about the prospect of working with a murderer.

“Yes!” She bounced and ran over leaning in close to admire her face. “You’re every bit as pretty as Mr. Giran said you would be!” Toga squealed with delight. “This looks like so much fun… can I kill you?” 

“No,” Izumi told her and grabbed her by the chin to pry her face away. “Looks like I’m gonna have to put a leash on this one… but if what you’ve told me about her quirk is true, Giran, it’ll come in handy… so we’ll see if she can follow orders like a good girl.” She let go of Himiko and reached into her coat to pull out an envelope of cash. “Here you go. A deal’s a deal.” 

Giran took the envelope opening it and looking through the bills with a wide grin. He'd been shocked as hell when the girl had shown up on his front door a month ago. He expected an interrogation...but had instead found himself in an unusual and profitable business arrangement. 

“Always a pleasure doing business with you, Miss Midoriya.” 

“Ah!” She snapped her fingers. “Of course, that reminds me.” She held out two fingers pressing them to the center of Giran’s forehead. His eyes glazed over a moment… and he blinked staring around in confusion. 

“Huh? What happened? Where am I?”

“We’re at a discreet location” She spoke thickening her voice to sound more male. “We just finished a business transaction. I’m your new client and providing you behave well, we’ll be working closely together for some time.” She nodded to the cash in his hand. 

He looked down at the fat wad of bills… though the situation seemed odd…the money spoke for itself. He smiled slowly. 

“Oh… I see…well then, a pleasure doing business with you.” He nodded to her and exited. Dabi watched him leave and let out a chuckle. 

“One surprise after another…” 

“Stick around, stitches, you’ll find I’m full of them.” Izumi retrieved her knife from the wall wiping the blood off again. “Let’s get out of this hole in the wall and to my real hideout. We’ll discuss business from there.” 

“Okie Dokie!” Toga giggled. 

“By the way… I doubt you want us using your real name… so what should we call our new boss?” Dabi asked as Izumi walked in between them.

“You can call me…” She twirled the dagger in hand as she walked, eyes blood red and her wide sadistic smile returning. “No Mercy.” 

The End

~Ask Briry~

Bri: Finally!  Did you guys enjoy it? I hope so! I was worried I was rambling some

  Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you'll look forward to the upcoming continuation “We are the future.” 

Thank You!

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