Coincidence? I think not.


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|UNDER-GOING EDITING| Even after meeting so many times, none of them knows the identity of the other. Thea an... More

P A R T : O N E
1 ~ New Beginnings
2 ~ First Day
3 ~ We Meet Again
4 ~ The Park
5 ~ A Yellow Face
6 ~ Bickering
7 ~ Periods And Flannels [unedited]
8 ~ Lasagna [unedited]
9 ~ Dancing In The Rain [unedited]
10 ~ The Beach [unedited]
P A R T : T W O
11 ~ Chiko [unedited]
13 ~ All-Nighter [unedited]
14 ~ Gifts [unedited]
15 ~ Party [unedited]
16 ~ Sweet Home Alabama Alert [unedited]
17 ~ Soup For The Sick [unedited]
18 ~ Fireworks in the sky and in my heart [unedited]
19 ~ A Stroll in the park [unedited]
20 ~ Charmed [unedited]
21 ~ I Call It Love
22 ~ Comfort

12 ~ Silly Girl [unedited]

119 13 42

(Past Thea) -

[Stalker Journal: Entry NO. 11]

"And then you just use the Pythagoras Theorum to get your answer," I explained to Sam, the guy I was tutoring. Sam was autistic yet somehow he was comfortable with me so I volunteered to tutor him.

"Yes, The Pythagoras Theorum! Wait, what's that?" He asked me sheepishly.

"I'll get a textbook, until then try to remember, ok?" I smiled at him and he nodded. Standing up, I was about to ruffle his hair but stopped myself.

'He'll get uncomfortable, don't touch' I chastised myself while walking towards some shelves at the side.

We were at the local library since Sam liked the quiet environment there. I liked it as well since it made it easier for him to concentrate on what I was saying.

Touching the spine of a textbook, I pulled it towards me. After making sure it contained what I needed I began to leave the aisle but someone's voice stopped me.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the fantasy books are located?" I turned around to come face to face with him.

Mystery guy.

"Um yeah, they would be to your right, across that shelve," I answered him. I wasn't even shocked to see him anymore, it was a monthly occurrence to meet him.

"Ok thanks," he smiled and left, following my directions.

I walked back to Sam, "Hey, I got the textbook."

(Present Thea) -

"So I'm thinking of like using this color for the cardigan, this for the sweater and then this for the dress itself. What do you think?" I pointed towards some neutral shades of fabric that went well together.

"That's nice. I'm thinking of using leather for mine," Jonah confessed, picking up some black leather.

We were at the shops to look for fabrics for our fashion assignment on layering. We had to come up with an outfit that involved layers and Jonah and I had decided to work on the project together. I'd asked Tori too but she'd declined, saying that she was more of a lone worker.

"Ooh look at this one! I'll think it'll be perfect for the cardigan," I said, picking up the woven cotton fabric. It was a warm grey and soft to the touch.

"If you pick that then pick this for the dress, they'll go well together," he showed me a white lace material, delicate to the touch.

"That's gorgeous," I said, feeling it in my hand, the white lace was stunning and angelic. "I'll take it," I told him and he put it in the bag.

Gathering and buying the rest of the supplies took us nearly two hours, we had to make sure everything went together well, the quality was good, and if it was under the budget.

Taking the bags from the cashier, I began to walk towards the car park but Jonah stopped me from walking further.

"Wait, give me your bags," he ordered and I complied. I mean if he was doing it willingly, who was I to judge, besides I had noodle arms no matter how much I worked out.

"No problem, you wanna get some food?" he asked me raising an eyebrow and I nodded.

"So what do you wanna eat?"

"You can decide, I'm fine with anything," I shrugged.

"Ok, what about sushi?"

"I just had that last night, though."


"I'm not in the mood."

"Then you tell me."

"No, no, you can decide. I'm fine with anything," I told him and he gave me an unamused look.


"I just gave you options and you didn't agree to anything!"

"No, I didn't! ...Oh, wait." I realized what I did and smiled sheepishly. "Fine, let's have Italian, hm?"

"I'm ok with that," he said and put all the bags in the trunk of my car. I got in the driving seat up front while he rode shotgun.

We went to a quaint little Italian restaurant nearby and took a seat in the corner booth. While Jonah ordered a pepperoni pizza for himself, I ordered chicken parmesan.

Chicken parmesan is amazing, period.

Jonah and I were discussing different methods of sewing when our food arrived. The aroma of marinara sauce and cheese came with it and I inhaled deeply. The waiter put my plate in front of me and I thanked him.

I cut off a piece of the chicken and bit into it, it melted into my mouth and the tangy flavor of marinara invaded my taste buds. I looked up at Jonah with wide eyes.

"This is so good!" I told him while practically inhaling my food in ladylike and inhuman speed.

"You want to try my pizza?" he held up a slice in front of me. I nodded and took a bite. It was delicious as well.

"I'm so coming here with Chance sometime," I said while trying to pry some pasta with my fork, however, the pasta was determined to stay uneaten and did not budge no matter how much I violently poked it.

"Who's Chance?" Jonah's voice broke me out of my trance of thinking of ways to murder the pasta and I grinned at his name.

"Chance?" Jonah's voice broke me out of my trance of thinking of ways to murder the pasta and I grinned at his name.

"You know, he's that dumbass who's at my dorm 24/7, the tall one with brown hair and blue eyes, does that ring a bell?" I tilted my head at him.

"I think. Anyways, if you're done we can go now, I'll pay," he told me and I opened my mouth to protest.

"No, we'll split the bill-"

"No, I'm paying end of discussion, " he cut me off with a hard glare and I glared back.

"We will split the bill," I accentuated each word and he sighed in exasperation and called the waiter and I smiled in satisfaction but just as the waiter set the bill down, Jonah reached ahead for it, kept his credit card in it, gave it to the waiter and shooed him away.

He looked at me with a smug expression and I glared at him and smacked his arm.

"I'm giving the tip," I told him, still glaring and he laughed at me.

"You're like a kitten mad at a tiger," he brushed me off and I huffed blowing my hair out my face.

Ugh, I had to get my roots done.


I focused on the outline of the delicate flower, and slowly sewed it onto the pastel dress. Moving back to examine my work, I sighed in content. The dress was finally complete, with a skirt that flowed around it beautifully and a corsetted bodice that took ages to craft from scratch.

Nodding to myself, I decided to take a small break and go outside. Opening the door of Jonah's room, I stepped outside and towards the kitchen slowly, where he was silently chopping some tomatoes. Tip-toeing, I crept up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder shouting some incoherent words to give him a scare.

Within seconds of my attempted scare, Jonah had me pinned against the fridge. I looked at him wide-eyed while he had the most bewildered look on his face but once he realized it was me, the corners of lips twitched up into a menacing smirk.

He leaned down until he was right in front of his face and I could feel his warm breath on my neck, I backed away towards the fridge as he whispered in his deep voice.

"Trying to scare me now, are you?" he glared at me and I let out a squeak to which he chuckled. Keeping eye contact, he pulled my hair back and leaned down to my ear slowly while I gulped. I could feel his smirk as he growled.

"Silly girl."

And in a flash he was off of me, continuing to chop his vegetable while I stood against the fridge; flustered and panting. Once I collected all my thoughts, I turned towards him, "You can't do that!"

He turned back to me, holding his hands up. "Me? I didn't do anything."

I stepped towards and looked up to try and make eye contact, which was hard, considering he was 6'4. "Yes, you! You just cornered me-"

He gasped and held a hand to his heart, feigning his innocence. "I did no such thing."

"Yes, you did! And I just- hey! Let me down, I'm not a ragdoll!" I screamed as he tossed me over his shoulder with ease and snickered.

He poked my sides as he threw me on his bed, grinning while I wiggled around underneath him, many giggles escaped my mouth as I tried to stop his hands from tickling me anymore.

"Jonah, stop! " I whined and he laughed. Eventually, he stopped and smirked at me.

"Dinner in 10 minutes," he winked at me and smacked my bottom and exited the room, leaving me all embarrassed and red in his bed. Reflecting back on what just happened, I buried my head in his pillow and groaned.

Standing up, I walked towards his floor-length mirror and looked at myself, scowling at the mess he had done to my hair. Smoothing out my dress, I ran fingers through my hair, smoothing out all the little tangles. Taking my band from my wrist, I tied my pink hair into a messy bun and pulled out a few baby hairs to look presentable. Straightening my jacket, I left Jonah's room for the second time in the past couple of minutes.

"You," I pointed to Jonah, giving him a death glare. "I don't like you anymore," I crossed my arms and stuck my bottom lip out; pouting. Angrily stomping my feet, I marched myself over to his leather couch and plopped down in the corner.

I heard Jonah come up behind me chuckling at my childish antics, "Aww, is my little baby mad? Perhaps dinner will cheer you up." He entered my vision with a plate of burritos and two cans of soda.

My eyes widened and I restrained my stomach from growling, the last I had eaten was at that Italian restaurant and about 5 hours had passed from that time. Forcing myself to not look in his direction, I held my chin up and let out a "Hmph!"

"But Thea, I don't even cook and I cooked just for you! Don't tell me you won't eat because of this," he whined and I had to stop my lips from twitching into a grin. I turned to him and grabbed my burrito from his hands.

"I will eat, thank you very much. I just won't talk," I shrugged and took a humongous bite of the burrito in a very unladylike way and I instantly regretted it. It burned my mouth and I immediately opened my mouth, trying to blow some cool air in, simultaneously screaming that it's hot.

Looking like he was seconds away from cracking up, Jonah popped up open a soda, and handed it to me. Snatching it from his grasp, I chugged the ice-cold soda and the burrito in my mouth with it. The cool liquid running through my throat immediately cooled me down and I let out a breath in relief.

But my little moment of "relaxation" didn't last long after I remembered the boy to my left and my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Before he could get a word in, I poked my tongue at him, "I'm still not talking to you, laughing won't do your case any justice."

"I'm not laughing," he held his hands up in surrender and I gave him an unimpressed look.

"You're trying not to."


I narrowed my eyes at him and smacked his chest.

"Ok ok fine I'm sorry for cornering you but you were the one who crept up on me," he pointed to me and I gasped.

"Excuse me, I was just trying to give you a scare, I didn't know you would pin me against the fridge!" I raised my hands, trying to explain my point. "Without my permission, I may add, you shouldn't pin any women- no anyone without a valid reason."

"I think thinking you were an intruder was valid enough," he rolled his eyes.

"Fine but you saw it was me, you should've let go," I huffed and crossed my arms, I was losing the argument and I didn't like it.

"Where's fun in that? I wanted revenge since you did scare me," he tilted his head. "Tell me, do you like burritos?"

"What does this have to do w-"

"Answer the question."

"Yes..." I said, confused about where he was going with this.

"Do you like designing?"


"Do you like ice-cream?"


"Can I pin you?"

"Yes, wait n-" and before I could complete my sentence, Jonah had me pinned once again but this time against the sofa. He looked down at me grinning.

"Look, I asked permission this time, do you forgive me now?"

"What? No, get off, please," I told him, trying to push him off me

"Not until you forgive me," he winked at me and I groaned. "I can do this forever, you know?" He said and my stubborn self refused to react but when a minute passed and he showed no sign of exhaustion, I finally gave in.

"Fine, I forgive you, now get off."

"Really?" he looked confused, probably because he knew how stubborn I was and I smirked.

"No," on that note, I pushed one of his legs with mine making him lose his balance and pushed him off me, down on the floor.

"You look much better down there," I grinned and took my plate back from the table, the burrito had cooled down so it was much easier to eat now. Chuckling, Jonah got up and began to eat his burrito beside me.

After a while, I got up with the dishes in my hands and started to clean up the kitchen. I was wiping the counter when my phone rang. I picked up the phone and accepted the call, seeing it was Chance calling me.

"You're late, you're never late. Where are you?" I heard his voice from the other side of the line, worry evident in his tone.

"Late for what? Oh shit, it's Saturday?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, yes it is." I could practically hear Chance shaking his head in annoyance.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, I forgot. I'll be there in 20," I said and ended the call, running to Jonah's room to pack up my things.

"Sorry Jonah, I gotta run, I forgot today's movie night with Chance but I'll come back tomorrow to finish this off," I smiled, picking up my bag.

"Can't you skip one time and stay the night here?" he asked.

"I never miss movie night, it's only once a month," with that I hugged him. Grabbing my keys, I sprinted to the door.

"Bye Thea! Text me when you reach there!"

"Ok bye!"


Hi, lovelies! Long time no see.

I wonder whose fault that is?

Hehe, so yeah I haven't updated in a while, and I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

I hope you all liked this chapter! I'm not sure how long it will be till the next update but I'll try my best to get it out as soon as I'm done, writing 2000 words a chapter is hard, bruh. This chapter alone has about 2500 words. (excluding the author's note, duh)

That's it for now!

Potato out.

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