Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy

By Just_SparkleBlue

629K 24.4K 921

"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Alternate Ending I
Alternate Ending II

Chapter 2

19.6K 723 14
By Just_SparkleBlue

A/N: Hey guys, welcome to the second chapter. I hope that you like it so far.

"Emilyn, please prepare some coffee for the interview later." Taylor, Emilyn supervisor, instructed. "Even though you are not fully involved in this interview, I would like you to observe behind the camera."

"Yes, Ms Taylor." Emilyn got up from her seat and nod.

"Emilyn." Taylor frown. "I told you not to call me that. It makes me sound so old," she said. "Go now, do what I told you to do." Emilyn nodded and hurried off to prepare the stuff.

"Entering the office while balancing two coffee trays, looking up often, making sure there is no one in her path. "Emilyn!" She turns around, hearing someone calling her name. To her dismay, the coffee cups bump into something white.

"Ouch!" The person shouted in pain.

"I am so sorry." Quickly, she spots a tissue box at the table beside her and pulls out a few tissues to dab on the stain."Emilyn." She looked up and saw the same guy last night, but it was not him who called; it is her supervisor.

"Yes?"She bites on her lips, facing her supervisor.

"Go and get someone to clean the floor. And go get another order of drinks." Emilyn nods her head and lets out a breath that she has been holding. Emilyn picks up the spilt cups from the floor and throws them into the bin.

"Mr Evans, I'm so sorry for the clumsiness of my employee." Taylor apologizes. "Do you need a change of clothes? We have some in our office."

"Is okay. I have a clean set of clothes in my car. Just give me five minutes." He said. Taylor nodded and went into the studio.

Emilyn finished picking up all the spilt cups and stood up. "Uhmm...I'm sorry. Is my fault." She looks downward and sighs when she spots the stain on his shirt.

"Come with me." He gestures her to follow him.

"I can't," Emilyn shakes her head. "I have to get the drinks again." Emilyn steps aside from him to escape. But, his hands caught her wrists.

"Follow me." Christoper said in a deep voice. He pulls her to the elevator. Emilyn frowned and wondered what is he going to do to her. This is her second time spilling a drink on him. Christopher brought her to the parking basement.

"Why are we here?" She asked; the base of their shoes sounded on the floor. He didn't reply. They walk until he stops in front of a white BMW. Letting go of her wrist and click his car key to unlocked the door.

Christopher opened the car door and took out a shirt. Then, without warning, he unbuttons his shirt in front of Emilyn.

Emilyn's eyes grew wide. She quickly covers her eyes once her brain starts realizing what's happening. "Do you realize that this is a public area, and people will be able to see you?"

"I'm just changing my clothes. There's nothing wrong." He said calmly, undoing each button slowly.

"Are you done yet? I still have things to do." Emilyn asked while still keeping her eyes covered.

"I'm done. You can stop covering your eyes." He lightly chuckled, and she slowly takes her hands off her eyes.

When she took her hands from her eyes, he's all dress. "So why did you bring me here?" Emilyn frowned in confusion.

"Take this." He threw his shirt. "You know what to do with it." He smirks.

"Not this again." She groaned in her head. "Excuse me? Emilyn placed her hands on her hips. "Are you asking me to clean your clothes again?"

"Bingo!" He snaps his fingers. "You made the mess; you clean it." He smirks. "I knew you are smart."

Emilyn wants to wipe that smirk from his face. "But this is a coffee stain; it is hard to remove." She showed him the stain. "Don't you have someone to clean it for you or a place that calls a laundry shop?"

"I don't care. You have to clean it. Unless...." He tapped his chin. "You want to buy me the same shirt. I'm fine with it." He shrugged. "By the way, this shirt is costly." He leans down to her height and whisper into her ear. Emilyn cheeks grew red as she felt him leaning closer to her; the smell of his cologne filled her nose.

Emilyn leans back away from him, "Fi-ne." she stuttered. "I'll clean it. Anything else?" Emilyn's lips flatten into a thin line.

"One more thing," he smirks. "You still have my number, right?" He pulled her arm towards him without warning and pulled up the sleeve of her clothes. He smirks when he sees the number is still there.

Quickly, Emilyn pulls her arm back and said, "Of course, it is still there. Someone wrote it in permanent ink." She glares at him.

"Good." He pats her head. "I'll wait for your call." He said before leaving.

"Jerk," She said softly.

"I heard that." He said, not looking back. Kicking the floor in frustration, this turns out to be the worst day for Emilyn. She can't go one day without spilling stuff, and it turns out spilling on someone's shirt is her thing now. If this keeps happening, she should just open a personal laundry store for him."Way to go, Emilyn Walker. Can you be any clumsier?" She scolds herself before exiting the parking lot.


"Thank you for coming in for the interview, Mr Evans," Taylor said. "Okay, and cut." The producer said.

"Thank you for having the time for us to interview you," Taylor said as both of them walk over to Emilyn.

"Taylor, this is yours." Emilyn passes her a drink. "Mr Evans." She hesitantly said his name with a forced smile. "Do you want any?"

"Sure." He replies. Emilyn chooses a drink for him before she can pick it up. He said, "I'll choose. don't want you to spill it on me again." He smirks and picks his drink. Emilyn rolled her eyes—the nerve of this guy.

"Thank you for coming again, Mr Evans." Taylor pulls out her hand for him to shake.

"No problem." He shakes her hand.

"I'll have my employee to escort you out," Taylor said. "Emilyn, would you please escort Mr Evans out?"

"Sure." Emilyn gave a fake smile. Unfortunately, the smile quickly turns into a frown when Taylor left him and me alone. "This way, Mr Evans," She shows him the way. "Here's the elevator. Please feel free to leave right now."

"That not very nice." He shakes his head and tutted.

"Whatever." Emilyn rolled her eyes. "You can go now,"

"Why are you chasing me out?" He leans down to her height and stares right at her eyes.

She backs away from him, "Because you don't work here." Emilyn crossed her arms.

"But I think I would love to stay here more." he teases.

"If you are not leaving, then I'm leaving." Before Emilyn could step a foot away from him, he pulled her back by the wrist.

"I'll be waiting for your call." He whispers into her ear, which gives her a shiver down her spine. "Bye, Clumsy." He said and stepped into the elevator. She felt her cheek grew redder and feeling hot. "What was that?" She asked herself.


Ana: "Oh my god, he did that!" She squeals

Em: "My ears." I move away from the phone. When I got home, I immediately call Ana to tell her what happened.

Ana: "I think he likes you."

Em: No way, he literally tried to torture me. Now I have two of his shirt stain." I sigh.

Ana: "Don't worry, I believe your hatred will turn into love."

Em: "You are joking, right?" I shake my head.

Ana: "Come on, it is totally true. Haven't you seen movies like that? At first, both of them hate each other, or one of them hate the person, and then it turns to love."

Em: I laugh, "Whatever you say, Ana. I need to figure out how to remove the coffee stain. See you."

Ana: "Okay, bye." She ends the call.

Emilyn sigh; she can't believe that she bumps into him again. Taking out the detergent, putting it on the stain and scrubbed it. After 10 minutes, the stain is still there. She sighs, "I knew it." She said.

"Emilyn, what are you doing?" My grandma came into the laundry room. "I can hear you sighing from the living room; what's bothering you."

"Sorry to wake you up, but I'm trying to get this stain clean." Emilyn lifted the shirt and showed her.

"Whose shirt is this?" She asked. "This looks like a guy's shirt." She gasped. "Are you seeing someone?"

"No, grandma," Emilyn said quickly. "It's one of the shirts from the office. I accidentally spill coffee on it." she lied. There is no way, Emilyn is going to tell her about the tales of spilling drinks on a ceo, repetitively.

"Try it with baking soda and vinegar. That always works with stains."

"Okay, I'll try it," Emilyn said. "I'll take it from here, and you should go back to bed."

Grandma Lou yawned. "Okay, goodnight." She said before going back to bed.

She let the shirt soak with baking soda and vinegar overnight. The following day, she went to check on it. Rinsing the shirt with water and lift the shirt to see the stain which had lightened. "Thank god, it is fading." Emilyn let out a sigh of relief.

A/N: Her wish did not come true. Will she meet him again? What trick do you have for cleaning up coffee stains? Comment.

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