Aurora of the Phoenix (Book 1...

By NurainiSalleh

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Teenage life is a rollercoaster ride, with school, crushes, and the social scene that can make you feel like... More

Chapter 1 The Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 2 New beginnings? (Edited)
Chapter 3 New Friends and First Crush?! (Edited)
Chapter 4 The Dream (Edited)
Chapter 5 We're Neighbours?? (Edited)
Chapter 6 WHAT IS GOING ON?? (Edited)
Chapter 7 They're Amazing, aren't they? (Edited)
Chapter 8 The Hangout (Edited)
Chapter 9 Life of Ryder Hunter (Edited)
Chapter 10 The Aftermath Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 11 The Aftermath Part 2 (Edited)
Chapter 12 How times have changed (Edited)
Chapter 13 The Past of Ourselves Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 14 The Past of Ourselves Part 2 (Edited)
Chapter 15 Meet the Hunters (Edited)
Chapter 16 The Swimming Pool (Edited)
Chapter 17 Birthday Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 18 The Birthday (Edited)
Chapter 19 Changes (Edited)
Chapter 20 Powers, the truth, and pets (Edited)
Chapter 21 Rosaleen, Abilities and Identity (Edited)
Chapter 22 The Past and Pets (Edited)
Chapter 23 Teachers, swimsuits and theft? (Edited)
Chapter 24 swimming lessons and bullies from the past (Edited)
Chapter 25 The magic, the queen, and presents! (Edited)
Chapter 26 The Family Book (Edited)
Chapter 27 The First Queen of the Mythical Realm Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 28 The First Queen of the Mythical Realm Part 2 (Edited)
Chapter 30 The Confrontation (Edited)
Chapter 31 Family (Edited)
Chapter 32 The daily life of the Rossi boys Part 1(Edited)
Chapter 33 The daily life of the Rossi boys Part 2(Edited)
Chapter 34 The daily life of the Rossi boys Part 3 (Edited)
Chapter 35 Back to School (Edited)
Chapter 36 The Burning Feeling (Edited)
Chapter 37 The Fire (Edited)
Chapter 38 The Pain
Chapter 39 The realised Truth
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 29 The First Queen of the Mythical Realm Part 3 (Edited)

63 4 11
By NurainiSalleh

"We are here, we are in the land of our ancestors"

"Yeah, we need to find the cave right now." Said, Edgar. "So stop admiring the scenery."

Matilda started to notice some light coming from the fields, she and the boys teleported to the cave.

Matilda then fell as she landed from the teleportation and instead of helping her the boys continued to run towards the light. "Ugh! That hurts!" Then she saw her legs, it had made a scratch and blood was coming out. She stood up and continued running with all her might to find what was inside the cave.

Once she reached it, she saw the cave but it was not made of rocks- it was made of something that shone. It looked like diamonds and crystals.

She noticed the boy's footsteps on the ground and proceeded to follow the footsteps. The cave inside was already lit up with torches.

She reached the center of the cave and saw the boys just standing there in amazement. She looked up, amazed by the scenery as well.

Tears started forming the 2nd time as she finally made the very last quest but also what she saw from above. "They.....are here" her voice trembled and she was happy to see them, The Phoenixes.

There were thousands of them or even more that flew into the cave. What was also amazing was how they made their home. The ground was made of water and around it, there were beautiful flowers which Matilda walked around to have a closer look.

It turns out that inside the flowers were gems and diamonds of all kinds that shine, the flowers were also connected to the nest of the Phoenixes. It also has a hole in the cave which they can see the sky to allow them to go in and out of the cave as they please. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold.

While they were flying in the cave, it looked like they were dancing and their cries were so melodious.

Suddenly, a huge roar came and it seemed like it was coming towards them. Out of all the phoenixes in that cave, there was one that was bigger than the others and that was the one that the roar belonged to.

"Who are you all, that have entered our sacred home!" it was loud but it didn't talk with his mouth, he spoke to them telepathically. The Phoenix looked at them closely "Oh, the Mythix I see, I haven't seen your kind since they moved out of their ancestors' land. That was decades ago." Its voice became softer.

Edgar started shouting "We are here to live in this land!"

"yeah!" agreed Henry.

Matilda was shocked and scared at how they talked to others. She was right to be scared. As what they did was the wrong choice.

The phoenix spewed fire from its feathers hitting the water and the walls of the caves. "who are you to make demands in our territory, you are not our leader!" he started to boil, spew more fire and the ground started shaking.

The walls started to crumble and it split all of them up, then the water on the ground started to make a whirlpool and they all started to panic. Edgar thought of levitating but it failed. Instead, he was sucked into the whirlpool and eventually both Henry and Matilda went into the whirlpool as well, they were swallowed by the whirlpool.

When the whirlpool stopped spinning, they were all back in the ocean but it was different from yesterday. The thing that was different about this ocean was that it had no surface, she saw the boys struggling to get out but it was blocked.

Matilda then quickly took out the gifts that Queen Cora gave her and saw that she had some extra that she asked Queen Cora, just in case she broke one. She quickly ate the seaweed and then put on the bubble thing.

She saw the boys stopped struggling and were falling slowly, she swam to them as quickly. She came up with an idea. Matilda quickly took the seaweed and the bubble thing to put it on their heads and they breathed underwater again. The Seaweed is just in case the bubble thing that is protecting them and allowing them to breathe isn't there and they have to breathe underwater by eating the seaweed.

Henry and Edgar inhale deeply. " saved us?" Henry said with a surprised look on his face.

"After all that we have done to you, the net, all those names we called still saved us?" Edgar asked.

"Of course, I did, I can't just let you both die, what about your families that are still waiting for you? Think of how they would feel if you never came back home. I saved you because I know it is the right thing to do and we mythix have to stick together." she said with a smile on her face.

At that moment, something came to the boys, they saw Matilda differently, and they remembered back on everything she had done during the quest.

They saw a person that would do anything to help anyone big or small, a person that doesn't care what you are or what you look like and still will save you even though you have made a mistake.

She's a person who wants to fight for peace and justice for all the mythix and mythical creatures and never gave up and saw her not even panicking and did her best to save the people who discouraged, bullied, and treated her as useless person. They saw a future Queen in their presence.

"Okay, we need to figure out how to get out of here, there is no surface but maybe there is a bottom. If we can't go up, maybe we can go down....." she figured.

The boys still were surprised at what she did for them but listened to her and agreed. "That is a good idea, we should go with your plan and go deep to the bottom of the ocean," Edgar said. Matilda was shocked that they listened to her idea. Then they all went off and dived into the deep part of the ocean, they suddenly found a cave.

"Ughhh, why do all the quests we have, got to do with a cave again!?" said Henry.

"I am not sure but it's our only clue on how to get out of here," Matilda explained and they all went inside the cave, they went deeper and found out that the deeper they went, the level of the water went down. Eventually, it was dry in the cave but they continued to explore the cave, they then saw a lone mirror inside.

"Why is there a mirror here?" Edgar asked while looking at the mirror. The mirror was attached to the wall of the cave.

Matilda went closer to the mirror and it shone upon her, she looked at it weirdly as her reflection seemed different somehow, she went closer to touch it and was sucked into the mirror.

"Matilda!" both of the boys yelled.

Matilda opened her eyes and she saw a figure, a familiar figure. "Hi there me! Feeling confused?" it turns out to be Matilda's reflection that was talking back to her. "Listen, are you sure about all this? You? Queen?! if you think that you are the right Mythix to be Queen. Leading others and being royal. Just let the guys win, they are better than you, let them win Matilda." said her reflection.

"Why are you saying that? Shouldn't I be able to try and make our kind, the whole mythix be happy and live in harmony and peace?" Matilda said to herself.

"Listen to yourself, Peace? You know that there will never be peace among the mythix, they are all too different. how are you going to fix that? Especially being stuck here?" her reflection talked down to her.

Matilda realized that her reflection was right, how was she going to fix it? How is she going to find peace among the mythix? Would going back to their ancestor's land be any help? Or would it make it even worse? She then heard someone's voice come to her.

"Is this what you fear? That you can't satisfy the mythix and become their leader? Is that why you came to the ancestors' land? so you can find peace." she looked and saw the Leader of the Phoenix fly in front of her. "This is a fake, the fake you," he said and swiped her reflection to dust.

"I just want peace again, where all of us are happy and smiling and to never feel that they will get hunted by people, I just want that feeling of fear to go away" Matilda teared up and started to cry.

"Fear will always be there, it is how you overcome it is what you need to find. What is your main fear, Matilda? What are you really afraid of?" Said the leader of the Phoenix.

"My fear?......" She looked down. "My fear is I might never be as good a leader as Master Jeremiah. I cannot take his place, no one could be as wise as he was. He knows how mythix feels, the struggles that they face every day, and tries his best to help them, I am just his student who is only following him like a mere duckling."

"That is not true, I think you have become wise as you learn from your mistakes in this quest, you learn from them and teach others. Both the elements you found have a reason to it, the Crystal of Hope was Hope for humanity. you have shown that you are selfless and rather help others than help yourself." Matilda looked up at him confused that he knew. "I have been watching the elements for decades, hoping that someone would try and find it."

"So, was it true all of it was a test?"

"Yes, like the test of the Rose of Beauty, you have found beauty within the so-called monster by her kindness to help you when you needed it the most. You defended it and recognized the fault of everyone's judgment on appearance rather than personality. You are wise and quick to understand that as it can take years or even longer for a person to truly understand it and accept it."

"So all of this has been a test, I didn't understand why the elements came to me without me even knowing. Now I know that you were the one who made those tests to find someone worthy to possess the elements. That you.... The leader of the phoenixes, instead of hiding those elements, you gave someone like me a chance to find them was truly an honour for me, for all the mythix"

Matilda then walks towards the Phoenix "Phoenix? I- We are sorry for disrupting your peace and leaving the ancestor's land and leaving you all here, we were selfish and we should have treated all of you better and everyone else too and not separate everyone."

A sudden huge explosion came by, and she saw lights of different colors dancing around her. She heard sobbing, she looked up and saw that it came from the Phoenix itself, she then saw the tears that came from the Phoenix. "What is wrong?"

"We all have been waiting for decades for someone to say those words, that is all we asked for. The apology that most Mythix and Mythical creatures were too arrogant to say. Matilda, you have passed the final test. Now I will give you the final 2 elements, the representation of Air is around you or should I say wind. Aurora Borealis necklace also is known as the Northern Lights, the light of transformation"

The Phoenix spread its wings took the light and transformed it into a small ball that was filled with color. It then was placed around Matilda. "You deserve this as well, to have a connection to the Phoenix and the other elements. The Heart of the Phoenix! The representation of Fire!"

He then held his chest and a ball of fire appeared and started to form into a Gem, which later he made into a tiara and placed it on Matilda's head which transformed the bottom half of her hair reddish burgundy.

"You are the chosen one to help the Mythix and mythical creatures through troubling times, we the Phoenixes stay beside the New Queen of this ancestor land, I will stay by your side. What is your first order, my Queen."

"Queen? Me?" Matilda asked "But I - I can't be"

"Yes you can, I bestowed all the elements to you as you have earned to be Queen, With it you can now help the Mythix and mythical creatures be safe again in this land," he said.

With those words, Matilda stands tall and walks closer to the Phoenix "I want to get out of this Ocean with my friends and go back to where Master Jeremiah and the others are."

"As you wish My Queen" The phoenix then transported Matilda out of the mirror where Henry and Edgar were panicking. The Phoenix took them and opened a portal back to where the mythic and mythical creatures were while Matilda was on the Phoenix's back. When they reached, the phoenix was flying up in the air and all the Mythix and mythical creatures were there to see it. They were amazed and bewildered by the Phoenix flying around. The Phoenix landed on the ground and placed Edgar and Henry down.

Master Jeremiah ran towards them. "You all have done it!" he then noticed that Matilda wasn't with them. "Boys, where is Matilda? Didn't she come back with you?" Master Jeremiah was worried.

" I am here Master Jeremiah!" Said Matilda as the Mystics and Master Jeremiah looked at her in pure shock at the changes in her.

"You are the one that did it, aren't you Matilda?" Master Jeremiah cried. "I am so proud of you! You... you look different" he cracked a smile at her.

"Yeah, I do."

"listen all Mhytix and Mythical creatures!" the roar of the Phoenix echoed through the forest. He then levitated the 2 elements. "You can now be accepted to live in the other realm, your new realm under Queen Matilda's order!"

"you did it!" yelled someone from the back and all of them cheered for her. It was the happiest day for all the Mythical creatures as they were able to find refuge in their ancestor's land. It was also the happiest day for Matilda as she found confidence in herself to lead the Mythical kingdom. She was then given a coronation to make her Queen.


"Wow, that is an amazing story! To know that one of my biological parents came from that Mythical Kingdom, ruled over by this woman," said Aurora.

"Yeah, I know right? That is one cool lady!" said Nick

There was the sound of the front door opening. "kids! We're back with Dad!"

"Oh! Mom and Dad came back! we better go down now." Aurora then placed the book at her desk.

"Okay let's go!" said Aurora as Nick and her ran out of the room and greeted their parents.

The Past

"Okay, My Queen is time for your Coronation!" Said Simon as he came into her new room.

Matilda was wearing a beautiful gown and got her hair done by fairies. "I can't believe that it happened, it seems only yesterday I started the Quest."

"Well, it was only a month ago that you became Queen by the Phoenix and we had to rebuild a civilization here."

"Yeah....." Matilda looked at her mirror sighing. "Simon, will I be a good Queen? I know I did feel I could do it but now..... When my coronation is here. It is real! I am to become Queen and give decrees and solutions. How am I able to do that? What if I make a mistake and everyone is disappointed in me? What if-"

"The Mythical are now living in the ancestor's land to live in, you found all the elements and got yourself out of danger. You saved Edgar and Henry who tried to ambush you and convinced the Phoenix leader to let us live here. Being Queen is nothing compared to what you have done a month ago. you can do it!"

Matilda smiled at him and they continued to walk out of the room together and came to the main hall of the palace. "I can't believe this palace used to be the cave that the Phoenix used to live in. Amazingly, they did this for me."

When Matilda returned with the other Mythical creatures to the Mythical Kingdom, she was shocked to find the cave that trapped her was turned into a humongous palace that the Phoenix made as one of their gifts to her.

After that, all the leaders started to build their land, houses, and essentials while also figuring out which part of the ancestor's land each creature would rule.

"Yeah, it is amazing. Probably a good place to live in, for us to get married and raise our children, and also it's in the middle of the realm so it's the perfect location to rule in." Simon said while walking in front of her. Matilda stopped and Simon noticed and turned around. "Yes, Matilda?"

"Wh- what did you say?" she asked.

"Oh, I said that the palace is in the middle so it is the absolute perfect place for everyone to gather and - "

"No no, I mean the other part, married? children? What do you mean?"

"Matilda, remember when I confessed my feelings to you? Well, I don't want you to think that I just want you because you are a queen now...." Simon then kneeled on one knee and took something out of his pocket. It was a diamond ring. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and be by your side through thick and thin. Even if you never were the queen I would still do this as I wanted to propose to you when I confessed my feelings for you but..." he paused.

Matilda was shocked. "Hey! Is that a yes?" Simon asked as he was lying there with Matilda on top of him.

"yes! A thousand times yes!" she said while Simon placed the ring on her finger. "But where did you?"

"Edgar took some diamonds and gems from the Cerberus cave and he gave it to me as he knew I wanted to propose," he explained.

"I am just so happy that I got to marry my closest friend, I love you, Simon. Thank you." Matilda cheerfully said.

They heard footsteps coming to them. "Well, Well, I see that you both have finally gotten together." Master Jeremiah came close to them and Matilda and Simon felt embarrassed. "There is no need to be embarrassed, you are both in love and have the right to be but Queen Matilda still has to attend her coronation and to meet her people."

"Yes, Master Jeremiah! I will tell the rest that she is coming right away." Simon said before he smiled at Matilda and walked away.

"Master Jeremiah..... I ....Thank you for everything, for being there for me when my parents died, and for having to teach me everything I know. I have become what I am now because you have helped me and I love you, I love you like a father." Matilda said.

Master Jeremiah came towards them while shedding a tear. "I love you like a daughter too. Ever since my wife died I thought I would never find love again, but I found it in you, the love for a daughter that I didn't have and now, you are about to be daughter-in-law. I will continue to guide you and to love you as my daughter and daughter-in-law." Matilda cried as well, but she eventually wiped her tears away.

They proceeded to go to the coronation, below the castle was the cave the Phoenix still lived in where the coronation was held. When they reached everyone murmured and the leader of the Phoenix flew beside her at the entrance. "Are you nervous My Queen?"

"Yes... Phoenix I am" she said.

"Well, let us begin then." The Phoenix nodded at the other Phoenixes and they were carrying the 2 elements with them. The rose was dropped into the water where the mermaids entered. The rose then continued to grow into flowers connected around the cave again and connected to the nest of the Phoenix while the other Phoenix carefully hovered on top of the flower which the Crystal glowed and became larger.

The Crystal then proceeded to grow bigger and started to turn on its own clockwise which lit up the room and connected to the flower. "Now before we begin, each creature has received a certain jewelry that represents their kind, which the Crystal will recognize, it will allow its power to connect each creature with the Queen of the Mythical Kingdom.

The Phoenix looked at Matilda "My Queen, please be around the centre of the rose." She did what he said and continued to walk to the center while there she noticed everyone was happy and smiling and she reminisced about her past of the time when they were this happy.

Once Matilda reached the middle of the cave where the rose was placed, both her necklace and tiara started to glow. The Crystal started to make a sound and light was shot to Matilda and so was the rose, a small Aura came swirling around her.

"Now all the leaders raise your gems!" They did and all of their gems started to glow and light shot up to the Crystal which eventually reached Matilda.

Matilda started shaking and she began to levitate, her eyes glowed and a huge light came to her with one blast! Everyone was startled, Matilda was put down on the ground and had a headache. "What was that?" she asked.

"Now the Ceremony has completed." The leader of the Phoenix flew to her and whispered. "My Queen, I think we need to talk in private. Matilda agreed and told the rest of the Mythical creatures b to go home. She then went back to her room with the Phoenix and she found out that it can also shrink itself to normal bird size. "What is going on? What was that blast? Why do you need to talk to me privately?"

"My Queen, the mixture of the abilities from the 4 elements makes you have a connection to every living Mythical creature leader. The blast was just the amount of ability you have."

"Oh, I understand now, so is that what you want to talk to me about?" Matilda asked.

"No... I heard from Master Jeremiah that you are the only one in your village that does not have a pet?" Matilda nodded. "Well, what if I become your pet? It will strengthen our bond and keep my promise to stay by your side."

"My pet? - but you are a Phoenix. Mostly the pets are"

"I just feel connected to you somehow when you came to the ancestor's land."

"Oh, my... so because of that you want to be my pet? The connection we have?"

"Yes Matilda, I wanted to do this but please don't be angry my Queen," he said right before he scratched her right hand.

"ouch! Why did you do that, it hurts! It is - wha" Matilda then saw her arm, the scratch then went from her hand down to her wrist and started forming a shape. She looked closely and she saw that it formed into a phoenix-shaped mark. "What is this?"

"Another gift for us to be bonded, not only to me but to all the Phoenix. For each generation of your family, every one of them will have this mark on their hand so they are also bonded with the phoenixes but only the Queen can make the tiara glow. For now and forever, we will stand by your family no matter what. so will the phoenix after me and after them" said the Phoenix.

"That is so kind of you Phoenix, I-" The phoenix put out his wings in front of her.

"As your pet, I think you should give me a name, any name that you may like, My Queen," he said. He then flew to the shoulder and sat there.

"A name? Okay what name should I give you, since you are a boy? Ummmm....." Matilda smiled at him. "I know you are very passionate so what about Zeal? It means with Passion"

"Zeal? With passion." Matilda started to walk to the window and saw the Mythical creatures at work. "You know Matilda, that sounds like sounds wonderful. Like our newfound friendship." 

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