Smitten Anyway

By Gayatrikothuri

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Angelina and Jacob may like or strongly dislike each other but they are smitten anyway. ***** Drew is Angelin... More

About The Book
My Interview
Chapter 1 : First Day Drama
Chapter 2 : The Drama Continues...
Chapter 3 : Retaliation
Chapter 4 : Let The War Begin Part 1
Chapter 5 : Let The War Begin Part 2
Chapter 6 : Fraternizing With The Enemy
Chapter 7 : Hate Is A Very Strong Word
Chapter 8 : Untamed Night
Chapter 9 : Revelations Part 1
Chapter 10 : Revelations Part 2
Chapter 11 : Maybe History Is Repeating Itself
Chapter 12 : Clubs And Cheerleading Tryouts
Chapter 13 : Google Can Never Fail Me
Chapter 14 : Our Bonding Is More Important
Chapter 15 : Prank War And Cell phones
Chapter 17: New Beginnings
Cover and Banners
Chapter 18: I Will Always Love You
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Jealousy
Chapter 21: Anything For You
Chapter 22: Business Party
Chapter 23: Dad's Baby Girl
Chapter 24: Our Own Always
Chapter 25: Dating Within Friend Group is Awful
Chapter 26: Crazy Is The New Normal
Chapter 27: Hyping Up The School Spirits

Chapter 16 : Truce

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By Gayatrikothuri

Jacob's POV

I think we can achieve anything if we believe in ourselves. Because if we don't believe in ourselves or don't want to do something even god can't help us.

That's why when I saw Anne freaking out; my sole goal was to make her gain her confidence back. And I think I was successful since till the time the results came out she didn't have a freak out session, at least in the classes she has with me.

Now when I see her beyond excited I can't help but grin at her and mouth 'I told you' and to my surprise she rolls her eyes but returns it. Not wanting to ruin her moment, I start making my way towards the cafeteria when I get a message.

Voldemort: The results are out!

Jacob: I thought you died! And why are you messaging me?

Voldemort: What the hell are you talking about man? I am messaging you because I am stuck in Economics class since our teacher decided to teach even after the bell rung. So check out the results and tell me.

Jacob: Sh*t! Sorry man, someone changed your name to Voldemort in my phone.

Dasher: The f*ck! Tell me about it later.

I check my phone and all my recent contacts have been changed to Harry Potter character names. What the actual f*ck?

I put the phone in my pocket deciding to deal with it later.

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Voldy go away.
Golden trio is the best,
Hogwarts all the way.

I look around to see who has such a childish ringtone but I find all eyes on me. That’s when I realize it's my phone. The students passing by are either laughing at me or giving me weird looks.

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Umbridge go away.
Draco is hot,
Hogwarts all the way.

I take out my phone quickly and look at the caller ID.

Bellatrix Lestrange calling....

Fuck my life

"Hello" I ask tentatively.

"Hello, sorry I called you during school hours but it was important." Mom's voice comes from the other end.

"No problem Mom, what is it?"

"Your Dad and I have to go to an important party so we won't be home today. Money is on the kitchen counter so order something or eat out. We just found out about it so we couldn't tell you earlier and we have to leave now so we can't take you with us."

"It's ok, I will be fine. Enjoy with Dad."

"Thank you for understanding. Love you honey."

"Love you too Mom."

There is a message so I open it.

Harry Potter: Where are you?

Jacob: Who is this?

Harry Potter: It's me, Dylan. Have still not saved my number? I thought we were friends!

Jacob: Stop being dramatic. Someone tampered with my phone and changed my contact names and ringtones. I am on my way to cafeteria.

Dylan: Oh ok.

When I finally reach the cafeteria, I take my food and make my way to our table and see that even Dasher reached before me.

"What was all that about?" Dasher asks the moment I sit down. Today the girls are sitting at the cheerleading table again. At least it will save me from some embarrassment.

"Someone changed my phone’s ringtones and contact names."

"I wonder who that someone might be." Dasher says sarcastically. That girl!

"Do you have Anne's number?" I ask.


She changed hers to Ginny Weasley. Suits her

She has really embarrassed me today so without thinking I send her 'I hate you'.

Jacob : I love you

Anne : Aww, I knew you loved me.

Jacob : What the hell! You are amazing.

Anne : I already knew that but I am glad you figured it out as well.


She doesn't reply so I look over to their table. She is too busy laughing. By laughing I mean holding her stomach and banging the table laughing. Asher takes her phone and reads it. But he appears confused. Rose snatches the phone from him and starts laughing with her after reading the messages. They start talking so I turn to the ones who are reading over my shoulder.

"Why did you tell her 'I love you'?" Dasher asks confused.

"I meant to say 'I hate you' but I think she tampered with my auto - correct as well. She changed 'hate' to 'love' in my phone’s settings and 'crazy' to 'amazing'." I say gritting my teeth.

I glare at my phone while Dasher and Dylan laugh at my expense. When I look up I find her looking in my direction. This is too much; I decide to talk to her about it. But the bell rings and she uses it to rush out before I could even get up. She is going to pay for this one.


Our Physics teacher is absent and didn't give the substitute teacher any instructions so she allowed us to do anything we want but it must be done inside the class.

I decided to think of a prank. Right now I only have my phone so I have to think of some prank I can manage with it.

That's when I remember about some websites that were saying we can spam any person. I open one and using the instructions I spam Anne's phone. This will surely annoy her and she can't do anything about it.

Towards the end of the period she messages.


Jacob: Maybe or maybe not.


Jacob: Fix my phone.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Why can't you just apologize?" Dylan asks frustrated.

"She tampered with my phone!" I exclaim.

"And did you even stop to think why she did that? I will help you out; it’s because of what happened in the parking lot and at the party."

"Whenever I contemplate apologizing she pranks me!" I say in my defense.

"Maybe because you were being an asshole and didn't apologize at the right time?" He counters.


"Did you even think how she got your phone?" He scoffs and continues before I can answer "I gave it to her because I thought if you can't grow some balls and apologize to her maybe you would do it after she defeats you. Do you know how much this is straining everyone's relationships with each other? Hell even if it isn't her fault she offered to back out so why can't you man up and apologize?!"

"She hates me, she won’t forgive me." I say in a low voice.

"At least try you dumbass!" He exclaims.

"Ok I will." I relent.

Anne: DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME! And this is my way of showing I am angry.

Jacob: I will stop those spam messages if you fix my phone.

Anne: Fine, this is the last period so we don't have to go anywhere. Meet me near the lockers but fix this now.

Jacob: The bell is about to ring can't you wait for five more minutes?

Anne: Fine, but just five minutes. If you don't fix this in five minutes I will beat the sh*t out of you.

Jacob: I will fix it!

"I will apologize to her face to face." I tell Dylan and he nods in appreciation.

After the class I make my way to the lockers and wait for her while leaning against my locker. After sometime I see her walking towards me and boy is she angry. The strands of her hair are flying as if they are waves of her anger and the look on her face could kill anyone. Everyone else must have also sensed it since they back out of her way eyeing her warily. But her sole focus is on me making me gulp. I decide that I should just fix the spam problem first.

"Fix.It." She grits out the moment she reaches me. I simply nod and follow the instructions I read on the website to stop the spam messages. When she seems satisfied she holds out her palm and I put my phone in it wordlessly.

"I fixed the ringtones and autocorrect but I don't remember whom I gave what name." She says with a blank expression returning my phone.

"What?" I exclaim.

"You can do that yourself. Anyways you are not the one who has to delete over 200 messages." She says dryly. Sh*t

"I am sorry." I rush out when she turns to leave. She just stares at me with that blank expression.

"Please say something." Those words as if break her mask and all the anger bursts out.

"What are you even sorry for? Sorry for damaging our car, which by the way cost us a lot or for almost killing us that day? Or for bad mouthing us in front of everyone? Or are you sorry for being an asshole to me after the party." Her voice cracks a bit at the end making my heart clench.

"Everything" She just scoffs and turns to go. I grab her hand.

"Let go of me!" She exclaims.

"Just just hear me out." I plead and then leave her hand. If she wants she can go I won't force her. She looks at me expectedly.

"I know I was an asshole to you and I am an idiot." I begin.

"Tell me something I don't know." She says rolling her eyes.

"I know the excuses don't make up for the way I acted for this past week but the day that accident happened I was having a really bad day. And yeah, I really want to give you the money, it was my fault. I was going to apologize to you after I calmed down but you retaliated so all my sense went out of the window. The night of the party, it meant something to me as well. I didn't mean those words at all. Dasher kept asking why I was with you so I just said that to make him back off. I am really sorry. The next day I tried to apologize but you had retaliated again. I thought you hated me so I continued the prank war as well. But now I know I am an idiot and a coward. If you don't want to forgive me I understand." I keep looking at my shoes not being able to meet her eyes.

I look up when I feel her hand on my shoulder. "I forgive you."

"Really?"I ask not being able to believe my ears but she nods. My mouth splits into a wide grin.

"One more thing, can we call a truce." I ask.

"You know it would make you lose by one point right?" She counters.

"Yeah, but you deserve to win. So truce?" I try again holding out my hand.

"Truce" She confirms shaking my hand then continues "But you know it won't make us buddies right? We can put this past us but if you wish to become friends, you have to work for it and I think I have to myself."

"Yeah I know and do you want to go eat with me now? I mean we can discuss how we did the pranks and maybe it can be the first step towards being friends. And it will be totally on me." I didn't push my luck too much right?

"Fine, let me just tell Ash." She says hiding a smile. I refrain from punching my fist in the air.

Looking at her now I realize I have a crush on the beautiful feisty girl in front of me, my sunshine.


Author's Note

Hello everyone 😄 ! How are you all? I wrote this whole chapter as well as edited it today. It was exhausting but totally worth it.

So finally our prank war comes to an end! And...


Are you as excited as me? And did anyone see that coming? Come on someone must have. All those half hearted pranks were enough hints. Now let's see what happens when they eat together alone or maybe not alone.

Anyways I hope you all like the story so far and have a nice day ahead 🙃 !

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