Witchcraft (An Avengers/Witch...


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Fox Summers, mutant and current Witchblade bearer, has been summoned by Nick Fury to join the Avengers. Unkno... More

Why Should I?
Check In
Black Fingernails, Red Wine
Keeping Score
Pass Me By
Lockets and Keys
Meanwhile, Somewhere In The World...
Shits and Giggles
"You did what now?"
A Little Bit Closer
Don't Waste Resources
Roll The Dice
Just A Moment Behind
If I Saved You From Drowning
Crashing Into My Little World
A Matter of Time
I Know I Know I Know

Dangerous For You

1K 18 6

(A/N: Weren't expecting that last twist? Or maybe you did? Whatever, I have a few more up my metaphorical sleeve. Anyway, as I've said before, votes are good. And any comment or suggestion made will be taken into consideration and, if I think I can ravel it into the storyline, I will use them. YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING, DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT!)

My necklace is gone. I hadn't even noticed yesterday, but I can't find it. I ripped all the blankets and sheets off my bed, I pulled everything out of the wardrobe, I went through all the drawers in the dresser, I checked the shelf in the bathroom near the shower that usually has all my jewellery on it. It's vanished. I stood in the middle of the wreckage that is now my room. Things were flung everywhere. Fucking hell, where could it be? Think, woman. I started cleaning everything up, putting it all back in the right places. Once my room was as clean as it was ever going to get, I went upstairs.

After being locked in my room all day yesterday, I didn't realise just how much human contact Bruce had deprived me of. But hugs can wait, the necklace is top priority. As soon as the elevator doors pinged open, I walked purposefully over to the kitchen and started going through cupboards and drawers. Clint was sitting at the bench, mouth full of toast.

"Wha da hell you doingff?" His words near-unrecognisable.


He swallowed. "Good to see you back on your feet. But seriously, what ARE you doing?"

"Looking for my necklace." I replied, walking into the pantry.

"Well I don't think you'll find it in the flour jar." He called.

"First rule of looking for lost jewellery." I called out. "It's never anywhere you'll expect it to be." I stuck my hand in the flour, just to be sure. Nope, not there. I walked out and headed for the fridge.

"Told you."

I threw a handful of flour at Clint. It went all over his red shirt. I laughed.

"Bitch." He said and went back to drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

I shrugged. "Still been called worse than that."

"I don't doubt it."

I riffled through it and, other than some mouldy pie and somebody's chocolate stash, there was nothing of any importance in there. I grumbled and moved over to the couch. I pulled off the cushions and ran my hands down the crack. I pulled out a fifty dollar note.

"Fox, what are you doing? If you need something to hock, the good silverware is in the third drawer to the right." Tony Stark called.

"Shut up, Stark." I could hear the panic in my voice.

"Told you she was on drugs yesterday." He mumbled to who I guessed was Steve. They've been spending a lot more time together recently. Weird. I thought they hated each other.

"Have you lost something Fox?" Steve asked.

I sighed. Obviously. "Yeah, my necklace."

"No problem, I'll just buy you another one." Stark said.

"No you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because its the only one like it in the world."

"Never stopped me before."

I rolled my eyes. "Ming Dynasty Chinese metalwork. My cousin gave it to me for Christmas when I was nine years old. The memories I have in that locket are worth more than anything you can buy, Stark."

Steve came over and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him. "I'll help you look. I know how much it hurts when things that mean a lot to me disappear."

I hugged him. I could feel that he was shocked. I dunno, I just needed a hug. I let go as suddenly as I'd started and went back to looking under the tv. Steve went and looked back at things with a hell of a lot more patience than I had. Stark went and sat with Clint, who was just watching the pandemonium. I had my arm immersed up to my shoulder under one of the armchairs when Bruce walked in.

"What is she doing?" He asked the two guys.

"Looking for her necklace. Honestly, I can just buy her another but she's been pretty dedicated to finding it." Stark replied.

"Dude, you weren't even here when she went through the fridge and found that pie we forgot about." Clint interjected.

"Seriously? Fox, lose stuff more often. You clean awesomely when you're looking for stuff." Stark called. "You found it yet?"

"No, you arsehole, but I've found more money than I'd care to have and a few earrings." I pulled my arm out and sat like a sad child. Which I was, I guess. I felt like crying, but that's been impossible since I was ten, so... Wait.

"Hey Clint?" I asked quietly.

"Yo." He replied dryly.

"Was I wearing it the other night? Y'know, before we went after the Doombots?"

He sat thoughtfully for a moment. "I think you might've been. I wasn't really looking because I was kind of focused on staying alive, but yeah, I think you were."

"Bruce, was I wearing it when I came back?"

He pushed his glasses up and sighed. "I was looking at where the wound was supposed to be on your neck and I saw no evidence that you'd been wearing a necklace."

"Damn it." I hissed. It must've fallen off somewhere in the park when we were fighting. I punched the chair, the black leather cushion absorbing the blow. How will I be able to explain this to Scott? You know, when I tell him I'm not dead. Or it could be out on the balcony.

I stood up and nearly ran outside. It was my last hope. I looked around, expecting to just see it shining on the ground. I cursed, knowing it wouldn't be on the chair I was sitting in either. I leaned over the railing. It could've fallen off here. I rocked back on my heels and jumped over it. But instead of landing gracefully on the balcony a floor down, someone had grabbed my arm to try to pull me back up. Their plan failed, so we fell a story and landed in a heap. I groaned. Ow, my ribs. I sat up slowly, wincing in pain. I then realised there was someone on top of me. Goddamn it, Loki. You're not helping. Obviously he had come out of the fall best, since he'd landed on me. He stood up and offered me his hand. I looked at it furiously.

"Can't you leave me alone for five minutes!?"

"I'm sorry?" He replied, confused.

"You bloody well should be!" I went stood up and hissed as my rib throbbed again.

"Fox, you are injured. Let me help y-"

"You've done enough! I'm sick of you being there all the time, saving me from nothing! I can handle things myself, I've been doing it since I was twelve years old!"

"I meant no disrespect."

"No, you did what EVERY 'hero' does and SAVED the girl. Just stop it!" I was panting from the yelling. The anger had been there a while and, I don't know, I just needed to take it out on someone. Loki put his hand in the pocket of his jeans. As he pulled his hand out, it closed into a fist. He let the arm hang by his side as my locket swung from his fist like a pendulum. I faltered. I looked at it and looked back at him, unsure.

"I have been trying to return it to you ever since we brought you back to the tower two nights past. I found it next to where you were lying, near dead, in a pool of blood. The chain had been severed." His voice was cold but I could see in his eyes he was thinking something else. "As soon as Banner had told me that you were recovering, I located a jeweller downtown who specialised in repairing ancient items. He was able to find a chain that nearly matched the original. I returned and was planning to give it to you, but Banner was keeping vigil outside your door. He would not allow anyone to enter for any reason."

I rubbed my neck sheepishly. "Yeah, he's good like that..."

"He also seemed suspicious when I would not tell him why I wished to speak to you alone."

I couldn't say anything to that. Well, I could, but why make this anymore awkward? Goddamn Bruce with his bloody theories and shit. I unintentionally shifted my feet and looked away. Great, now I look like I'm not telling him everything, and he's being all polite after I was such a bitch to him and, oh joy, now he's looking at me with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms and a serious face and it's so-

"Is there somewhere you need to be? You look as if your mind is elsewhere." He asked, head cocked to the side and his eyes narrowed.

"No. No, not that I know of." My rib chose that moment to remind me of its piteous existence. "Although I could use some ice." I winced.

"Of course. I'm sorry." He moved towards the glass doors leading inside.

"No, I am. I'm sorry for being so horrid. It's just the having my throat slashed and nearly dying and yeah. Thinking that my necklace was gone just... Pushed me over the edge." I smiled weakly as I realised the unintentional pun.

He nodded solemnly and gave it back to me. The chain looked like solid steel. I went to put it on and squeaked. (I hate not being able to scream, although it does have its advantages.) I couldn't even raise my arm. I stopped trying so I didn't aggravate the injury. Well this day is going fantastically already, and I don't think it's even noon yet. I stood there with a bitter look on my face, fuming that I was being injured so often. Loki walked back over and took the necklace from my hand. I was about to ask why when he walked behind me and slipped it around my neck. I heard the clasp fasten with a satisfying click.

"Am I cursed or something?" I muttered to myself. I was so sick of being helpless.

"I doubt it. I cannot sense any magic around you, other than the Witchblade gauntlet." He replied unnecessarily. It was a rhetorical question.

"I wasn't talk-" I stopped when I realised his hand was on my ribcage. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Applying ice." He said simply, as if i was a child and he was explaining to me how a watch worked. Piercing cold was numbing my injury.

"Just saying but it's kind of..." Nice? Considerate? Helpful? "Creepy." Out of the corner of my eye I could see his face over my shoulder, looking at me curiously. He didn't move his hand, he just stood behind me. I looked at the ground and slowly put my hand over his. It was freezing. I guess I left mine there a nano-second longer than I had to before I pried his hand off me.

"Thanks, but you can't leave it there forever. Bruce will get even more shitty." I took a few steps forward and turned to face him.

"A pity." He folded his arms and looked at me with a smile playing on his lips.

"Excuse me?"

He didn't get to answer me as Bruce banged on the glass doors. I waved and walked over as he opened them, wincing as I went.

"Are you alright? I saw you fall over the rail-"

"I didn't fall, I was jumping over because I knew I was going to land down here. Someone just decided to come along." I gestured over my shoulder. "And no, I'm not alright. I require some ice, and I don't think a check-up would be a bad idea."

"Sure, I'll take you down to the lab." We walked inside and to the elevator. I felt kind of rude towards Loki, but Bruce looked as if he was about to Hulk out. As soon as we were in, I turned to him.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

Bruce shrugged. "Nothing, I was just worried."

"Bullshit. There's something else. C'mon Bruce." I started sarcastically pleading as we left the elevator and entered his lab. "You can tell me. Pleeeease?"

The door shut behind him. He walked over to the freezer and rummaged through all his frozen samples until he found an ice pack. He brought it over and handed it to me.

"Sit on the bench. Where does it hurt most?" He asked clinically.

"Tell me."


"Tell me. I won't sit on the bench until you do."

"If you won't then I won't tell you."

"Fine. And here." I poked my ribs stupidly, grimacing as the pain shot through my body. He helped me up onto the bench and started prodding my side.

"Ow." I gasped.

"Cracked rib. Only you could manage two near-death experiences in as many days." Come on, it's not that bad.

"Just my luck." I put the ice back on it. I looked him straight in the eye and started swinging my legs with a grin. "So spill. What's on your mind?"

"I just don't get it." He sighed.


"You and Loki."

"You're being cryptic. Stop it."

I was expecting him to grin, but he just gave me a serious look. "He is just... I don't understand him. I don't understand his actions. I can't recognise his motives. I just-"

"Like what? What do you mean 'motives'?"

"Why he cares about what happens to you. What's in it for him? He only does things when there is something in it for him. For example, before Natasha was reassigned we had some trouble with Hydra agents. Cap was a bit out of it from the shock of Hydra still existing in the modern day. Because we were one down she suggested, reluctantly, that we allow Loki into the field. She spoke to him and made a deal with the metaphorical devil. He would be allowed to leave the tower whenever he wished, but would tell the others where he would be going, in exchange for his help. And another time Clint was lying in the street after a fight, bleeding out. He just left him to die." Bruce rubbed the lenses of his glasses on his shirt, sighing.

"So what you're saying is..?"

"What I'm saying is that I don't trust him as far as the 'Other Guy' can throw him. Which is pretty far."

"Bruce, that's a hell of a lot more obvious than you're meaning for it to be." I laughed.

"Fox, you have no idea how serious I'm being. He could kill all of us with a flick of his wrist, but he hasn't. Because he's using us all, even Thor. But he's trying something different with you. And I have to admit, I'm scared for you."

I slid slowly off the bench, careful not to hurt myself more. I took a few steps up to Bruce and looked him straight in the eye. "Bruce, you're the oldest friend I have. And I'm lucky to have you. You've been looking out for me for so long and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for all your help." I hugged him tightly, well, as much of a hug as I could with a cracked rib. He squeezed me back gently.

"Just please tell me, that whatever happens..." He whispered. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Things that are stupid cover quite a large area. You want to be more specific?" I asked sarcastically. He poked me near my rib. Ow. He grasped me by the shoulders.

"He 'likes' you." Oh wow, he must be serious. He just used air quotes. "And it's scaring the hell out of me."

"So you don't want me to go to the Dark Side?"

"I would prefer you to remain a Jedi, yes."

"Gotta love how we turn everything nerdy." I smiled.

"So you promise?" He looked at me with these puppy dog eyes that I had no idea he even owned.

I sighed and put my hand over my heart. "Stick a needle, Bruce." I promised with all my soul. He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Excuse me," J.A.R.V.I.S interrupted. Hello, we were having a moment... "But I was told to inform you that Mr Odinson is back and has news he wishes for everyone to hear."

"Thanks, J.A.R.V.I.S, we'll head up right now." Bruce called.

"Very good sir." Came the reply.

We walked out of the lab and got into the elevator, ice still strapped to my side. I leaned my head on Bruce's shoulder as we went up, his arm still hanging around me loosely. As soon as we stepped out, Thor yelled at us.

"My friends, you are all here!" He boomed excitedly. But his smile faltered when he saw the ice. "Lady Fox, by Odin's beard what has happened to you?"

"I fell. Don't worry, I'm fine. It only hurts when I laugh."

"'Tis a shame that you are injured yet again. I was told of your-"

"Thor, old buddy, what did you have to tell us so urgently? Because I have stuff to do..." Stark interrupted.

"Of course. You are a busy man, Anthony Stark. My friends," Thor beamed. "Jane and I are to be wed!"

(A/N: dun dun DUNNNNN! 🌵)

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