Por Munaari

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Munaar Ahmad is your typical example of a Muslim Fulani teenage girl living her life to the fullest, the way... Más

#knowing your characters
chapter one🌸
chapter 2🌸
chapter 3🌸
chapter 4🌸
chapter 5🌸
chapter 6🌸
chapter 7🌸
chapter 8🌸
chapter 9🌸
chapter 10🌸
chapter 11🌸
chapter 12🌸
Apologies 😭😭
chapter 13🌸
chapter 14🌸
chapter 15🌸
chapter 16♥
chapter 17♥
chapter 18♥
chapter 19♥
chapter 20♥
chapter 21♥
chapter 22♥️
chapter 23🖤
chapter 24🖤
chapter 25🖤
chapter 26🖤
chapter 27 🖤
chapter 28🖤
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

Chapter 29🖤

572 59 16
Por Munaari

Assalam lovelies... How're y'all doing?

May God continue to bless your heart.

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The skies were immensely dark, tiny sparkles of the stars sparsely dotted, here and there. Sometimes I wonder if the starts do fall asleep.

The night was silent, peaceful. I looked over at him, as he gobbled up the Burabusko da miyan kupewa and chilled zobo drink I served him.

He smiled at me. And that was my cue to Start talking.

"Thank God you're here, wallah I've never been more bored in my life..... I'm like alone almost all the time fah... Just my phone and TV to keep me company" I ranted and fold my arms.

"How so? What about Adda Hafsie and Maami?" He calmly asked and took a sip of the zobo.

"Maami is always at the market and the lazy Mai jego is always sleeping. Oh Lawd, the only thing I do I take care of YasRah when needed cause the nanny does everything. Can you believe Maami still thinks I'm a child, she doesn't like letting me bath the babies" I whined like a small girl.

"Well aren't you one?" He said and chuckled.

"What did you say?! Could you be more elaborate please. What makes you think so?" I asked, eyes wide, mouth agape.

"Aren't you a child?.... And there's no way a child can take care of another child" he chuckled again and that annoyed me.

"I beg your pardon, but I will not sit back and watch you say that. You're talking with a woman here. I am not a child. And I can pretty much take care of a child cause I'm not one" I stopped to release a breath.

"And for your information, I'm a grown woman with a husband, and I cater for all his needs. I can also have my own kid so what makes you think I cannot take proper care of a mere little baby?"

"You cater all his needs? And you can have your own kids? With your husband?" He asked With a smirk. And only then did I notice the double meaning behind those words. And I felt hot. So hot.

All over.

I stood up to pack the used dishes cause he was done eating, and I needed something to take my mind off him for a moment.

"Stay here, I'll put the plates in the kitchen" came his low raspy voice. He stopped me. I didn't protest. Not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't. My tongue was tied.

I watched his back disappear into the kitchen door. I released a long breath I didn't know I was holding.

I brought out my phone and played some music, then plopped my earpiece. I silently hummed to the tune. I didn't notice when he came back and sat opposite me.

I tried to avoid eye contact but my eyes betrayed me. They trained themselves accurately on his own shady dark orbs.

"Reina what're you listening to?" He asked. I smiled. I wanted to tease him a little.


"I know it's music Reina " he said like it was the most obvious thing..."Which song?" He asked then chuckled. I smile.

"Dusk till Dawn" I say. And remove the earpiece. Won't he just let me listen to my music in peace???

"Sia and Zayn.... it's nice" he said and I hummed.

Peaceful silence followed.

Out if the blue he asked.

"Let's dance Reina " he said. I abruptly raise my head. My eyes as wide as saucers.

"But there's no music" I say and he laughed.

He brought out his phone and played some soft tunes. I can't seem to make out which song it was, but sounded like Ali Gatie.

"Hmm..Nour, we're at my parents backyard... What if someone walks in on us" I say softly.

"What's there?... It's not like we're doing something haram" he said and chuckled. I shake my head.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I tentatively get up and he came in front of me. Slowly my hands eased themselves into his own strong palms.

That's how we waltz into the night, my head placed on his hard torso, our fingers entwined. And for some strange reason I felt safe.

After some minutes, we sat down in blissful silence. A big grin adorning his face and well, a a big blush blanketed my face. Of course I got to blush, Like who the hell am I kidding not to blush?!? Right.... No one.

I felt over the moon.

Happiness they say is short-lived. But what they don't know is..... you can make happiness long-termed if you want. You just have to feel it at the right time, and express it with the right persons.

Right now I feel like happiness was meant for me. Like it was purposely put down on Earth for me to feel it.

It seemed he was mirroring my thoughts cause he broke the silence.

"I wish for this moment to stay forever" I smiled at him.

"Then let's be like this forever. Forget the world. Let it be Just us..." I said

"Forever" he finished and we got lost in each other's eyes.

Out of nowhere, I hear a camera click and a flash of light fell on us. I looked around.

I saw a girl waving ferociously at us


"Zaynab Omar Ibrahim what the hell did you just do?" I yell at her. Standing up to go and punch her. Ya Nour holds my hand back and I turn to glare at him, he was laughing.

At me!!!!


"Ya Nour release my hand lemme give this girl a taste of her medicine" I screeched and tried to get free of his hold. The yeye girl was laughing her heads off too.

"Billahillazi Maamah if I catch you koh" I warned her, while still trying to get my wrist from his hold....

Then an idea struck me.

I quickly masked my face, and mustered some crocodile tears I stopped struggling.

"Ya Nour..... You're hurting me" I said with an almost quavering voice. He let go at once. Before he could stand up to check my wrists, I quickly made a dash to where ZeeMaamah was laughing her ass off at me. A look of horror suddenly took over her face and I grabbed her arm, tackling her to the ground. It was now my turn to laugh. As I was practically sitting in her butt and her face was planted in the grass.

"Munaar I'm sorry manaaaa" she screamed. I let out an evil laugh.

"Why" spank "did you" spank "snap us" spank "eh?" Spank. I asked, while spanking her back. And trust me my spanks hurt alott.

"Ouch... You guys looked so divine....ouch... Y'all could fit into any front page aswerr to Gahd" she said rubbing her back.

I got off her. And held a hand for her, I helped her up and we dusted our dresses.

I hugged her tight.... I haven't seen her since June I think, and it's August now.

"Urgh... Munaari can't breathe"and I released her, then shoved her.

"When'd you come? Are you sleeping over here? Is Goggo inside? How's your baby step sis sorry I didn't come to the naming ceremony, what's her name ma?" I asked all at once.

"I'm not a machine you know... A question at a time. I came since but I didn't want to disturb your 'couple time' so I laid low" she said airquoting couple time. I just shake my head. And smile.

"Awww she's blushing. Yes I'm sleeping over tonight, Mom's at home and Misra is a pain in the ass" she said rolling her eyes.

"Yaaaaaaaay!!! I finally got a partner. We're going to have so much fun tonight baby.... Which ass are you talking about? This flat thing? Does it even feel any pain" she wacks my head.

" And seriously....they named her Misra????.... after a city?"

"I also thought so... But her real name is Khadija" she shrugged.

"Ikon Allah..... May Allah bless her dei"I said.

"Ameen.... And may he bless your womb too" and I wacked her head.

We started walking back to where ya Nour was standing. I happy smile graced his lips.

"Mahn.... You do spank good, When'd you get so strong abi it's the marriage?.... Me too gaskiya I'll soon get married" I spank her head.

"Shameless girl" I mutter, we'd reached him by now.

"Sheish.... You're so violent. I wonder how my brother copes with you..... How'd you manage this girl bro...... I'm sure she goes all cave girl on you huh?" She asked him. And I almost choked on my saliva.

Hellooo... Doesn't she have a filter???

I glared at her.

"Nastu hakilo ma" (get into your senses) I whisper to her in fulfulde.

I look up to see him smirking. They exchanged pleasantries with Nour and ZeeMaamah had embarrassed me three more times, and they laughed at my expense.

Laughter is a great thing, it heals the soul. But I believe that's when they're laughing with you. Not at you.

"Well I guess I should get going right Munaar?" He said. Even though he had to go..... Some part of me didn't want him to go home. I wanted him to stay here, with me. And I noticed he called me Munaar. I know it's my name, but hey! I'm used to Reina.

"Yh.... I guess" I said, trying hard to not let the sadness into my voice.

"Okay bye" he said.... It was getting kinda awkward with my cousin present. I'd almost forgotten her.

"Yh bye" I waved. And he walked away into the kitchen leaving us at the backyard.

"Seriously? Is that it? Where's the spice? Here's the moment where you'll kiss him goodbye and Walk him to his car. And stand on the driveway till he's out of sight.... And you're here saying 'yh bye' are you mad? Is this what I taught you? Tsk tsk munaar bad move....." I turn to look at her. With a quizzical look. But she looked darn serious.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. We both know you miss him alot. I see it in your eyes." I widen my eyes.

" When'd you become mind reader?" I ask her. She smacked my head.

"You my dear, have a loose but up here. I don't care what you call me. Now go see your husband off, and thank me later" she said practically pushing me out.

I had no choice but to follow the back route to the front courtyard. I arrived in time to see him coming out of the front door. He stopped in his tracks.

A smile broke on his face.

I smiled too.

He walked to where I am and we walked step in step towards the black G63.

"What're you doing Reina?" He asked. Alittle but too harsh. I was awestrucked.

"What'd you mean?" I ask.

"Your armss.... They're showing, wrap your veil properly. And some part of your hair is also outside. They're only mine to see?" He said, while unwrapping my veil and wrapping it up again. Thank God it was a huge kashkha veil. I almost rolled my eyes.

"I'm at my father's house" I stated the obvious.

"I know.... But a non mahrem can Walk thru the way any time and he'll see you waiyazubillah ....C'mere Reina" he hurriedly shielded me between the car and him. I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Reina you came to see me off?" He asked.

"Yh... I had to, and oh, it's Reina now? Not Munaar?" I cocked my head to the side.

Humor laced his eyes.

"You're mad I didn't call you Reina back in there?" He asked. I rolled my eyes in reply

"Ow c'mon, I know how your cousin is and I know you won't hear the end of it when I go. That's why I didn't. But I'm going to say it over and over now. Mi Reina, Reina mia. Mi Querida Reina. My only Reina. Just me. Okay now or should I Carry on?" He said and I just stood staring at him like the mumu that I am. Am I hearing things or is the Muhammad Nour Bagoni Ngabura raining sweet words on me???. I smile at him. I surely like.... No I love this version of him.

"No... it's okay....but what does this all mean huh" I ask. He chuckled.

"I'll tell you, but not now....."he said. He opened the back door. And brought out a white paper bag.

He handed it out to me.

"Hey I almost forgot this... I brought you something, it's a laffaya I saw today at the mall, and I'm sure it'll look so good on you. I'd really love it if you wear it tomorrow...so will you?" He asked. I accepted it. With a grin.

"How're you so sure it'll look good on me?" I asked. He scratches the back of his head. And it looked so cute.

"I saw you during the.... During OUR wedding and the white one you wore looked to good on you" he said. And I looked up.

"You saw? " I said surprised.

"Of course I saw... I'm not blind you know, and it was my wedding so I had to see my bride Mana" he said with a shy smile.

"I just didn't think you'd noticed" I said softly.

"Well I did. And that's not the only thing I noticed. Should I count them for you?" He asked. And I know it's not like him to say things he doesn't mean. So I let it slide.

"No... You don't have to. But thank you for the laffaya and the compliment." I hugged him quickly the broke the hug then I graced him a wink. He smiled at me and I smiled too, a wholehearted one.

"Anytime habibty...... But now I gotta go, I've got work and a naming ceremony to attend tomorrow" and my smile dropped. My lips turned down. I just look at the floor.

"Awww someone's going to miss me?" He asked with that husky voice that sends chills down my oh so fragile spine.

I raised my head and I'm met with his intense dark orbs. All the goofiness and laughter he had earlier had disappeared. Now an incomprehensible emotion cluster around his eyes. His pupils dilated. And his eyes also held longing, just like mine. He misses me too.

And just like that, my eyes watered and a giant lump settled in my throat. I pursed my lips to stop my self from crying. As if sensing, he opened his arms for me.

"Come here Reina"

I didn't need to be told twice to walk Into his warm arms. I didn't talk, I let my arms do the talking as I wrapped them tightly around him. Around us.

"I never thought I'll say this but wallah I miss you too mi Reina" he whispered in my left ear. I almost melted. I didn't say a thing.

"The house feels empty without you.... habibty you're the soul of the house. I can't wait to have you back at home" he whispered again. This time in my left ear. I held him tighter.

"Let's go home" I said in a voice barely audible. But I'm sure he heard me. Cause his vibrating chuckle came out if him went through my entire frame. Sending jolts of electricity everywhere. He broke the hug and u missed his touch immediately. He held my face in his large palms.

"Oh Reina we can't just disappear like that... It's just a day okay? I'll come and take us home tomorrow inshallah okay? Now go inside and get some rest. Wake up tomorrow and dress up real good. Show them the killer look only my Reina can pull off....kinji.... Now I really gotta go" he said and I nod.

"Okay.... Stay safe" I whisper. He kissed my forehead

"I surely will" and he got in the car. I stood as he turned the engine on.

"And one more thing Reina.... You aren't a child. You're a woman. My woman"

And with that he revved out of the compound.


Aloha everyone!!!!🤸❤️

Yh I know I'm meant to update earlier..... Well my health is not in my favour these days. But alhamdulillah I'm better now.🤧

Well here it is... Tho it's just a filler chapter.❤️

Yay or nay???.👀

But I surely love the progress. I can see our ship sailing now Kam.

Who else has a cousin like Zaynab???😣😂🤯

Spoiler: Drama is gonna unveil next chapter!!!! Anticipate. Inshallah.

Thank you all for your reads, votes and comments. Please keep up the good work. Loads of Blessings your way...✨


Some people said the characters are a bit confusing, and they're too lazy to go back to the chapter I wrote the characters names to check. So I decided to rewrite the characters names at the end of this week's chapter.

The main characters in this book are....

Munaar Ahmad Bawuro: The last daughter to Alhaji Ahmad Bawuro and Hajiya Aishatu Bawuro. She's 16 years old. She got married to Nour while she was still writing her highschool finals.

Muhammad Nour Ngabura: The First Son to Alhaji Bagoni Ngabura and Hajiya Maryam Ngabura. He is 27, years old. He works at Ngab's Construction company, a family business.

Hajiya Aishatu Bawuro(maami): Munaar's Mother. Wife to Alhaji Ahmad Bawuro, Mother of six children. She's 50 years old.

Alhaji Ahmad Bawuro(baffa): Munaar's Father. He's the Owner Bawuro Land and Interior, Hajiya Aishatu's husband. He's 61 years old.

Hajja Maryam Ngabura(Ammi): Nour's Mother. Wife to Alhaji Bagoni Ngabura. Mother of 3. She's 48 years old.

Alhaji Bagoni Ngabura(Abba): Nour 's dad, Owner of Ngab's construction company. He's Hajiya Maryam's husband. He's 63 years old.

Goggo meiramu: Maami's sister, has three kids, Zaynab, Zayyad and Fadeelah.

Goggo fadimatu: Baffa's sister..has 2 kids... Fawza and Fawaz.

Anty Hauwa:Ammi sister....has 2 kids. Khadija and Shettima.

Anty Hureira: Abba's sister has one daughter. Muneebah.

Ashe Bagoni Ngabura: second daughter to Nour's parents. His immediate sister.

Aasiya: the Ngaburas last daughter.

Muneebah : Nour and Ashe's cousin.


Adda Aisha(umm Naeem, married to Ya Ahmad. Two kids.. niimah'and naeem)
Hanma Othman(married to Adda sakeena, one daughter. Malika)
Hanma Muhammad(married to Adda Teem, one son. Fawaz)
Adda Zaynab(married to ya Abdullah, two kids. Jiddarh and kabeer)
Adda Hafsie(married to ya Omar. Now two kids. Yasser and Yusrah)

They are Munaar's siblings


Salmah MT Ummaru : daughter of a renowned business tycoon. Nour's childhood friend.

Nour's other friends are...

Adebayo Abdullahi Malaheem
Samira A. B.

Nana Saed Omar.
Maryam A. M.
Hauwa Ibrahim.
Ladeefa Aliyu.
Hafsah B. Tarauni.


Sayyed U.
Haydar A.
Omar S.
Salem J.
Mukhtar M.

Are Munaar's friends.


The Bukars are Nour's cousins.

Uncle Bukar is Alhaji Bagoni Ngabura brother. His wife, anty Hauwa. Their kids . Fatima, Aliko, and Yakura.


Mallam kamaye
Adaman kamaye
Baba Delu.

Are staffs at Munaar's house.

I think that's all... But whenever I make up new characters I'll notify.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement ❤️.

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