By BA_cool

261 22 3

The QATAR crash on a island, that is not on the map. Five people survive the plane crash. Two girls that are... More

Chapter 1, On The QATAR
Chapter 2, Your fault
Chapter 3, The First Day
Chapter 4, The Night Job!
Chapter 5, To Much Fightings!
Chapter 7, Two Members!

Chapter 6, No Sadness!

24 3 1
By BA_cool

                       James POV
The night turn into a wonderful pink, and orange sunrise. I am just waking up from my slumber. Me and Toffee worked really hard. Plus, once we had free time we would always try to learn how to fight. I always gave up, I learn that fighting was not my thing. But am really good at planning, or as called, I am really good at strategizing. Toffee is really good at fighting, and Ellie is good at building thing, and there is a reason to why I did not say Jake's name. That reason is because I woke up to this...
                           Ellie POV
"Toffee, James, good to see your awake, hey come here I have something I wanted to tell you." I said walking turned the camp fire.
"You got to be kidding me, James, Jake is dead! I know this cuz he always yells at us to get up, and start to do work!" Toffee spoked out loud.
I was just trying to comfort them a little, but I guess he was really mean, and liked to fight a lot. That they must not care as much as what I thought!
"Being honest I am kinda glad he is gone, he keep being a jerk, I mean we will half to work a little harder, because we are now two hands short." James added after Toffee.
They walked over to the camp fire, and sated down on two different logs by mine.
"So what do you want to talk about Ellie?" James question.
"Oh, ya, about that, I just wanted to say that, Jake is gone, maybe even died, but I see you all ready find out by him not waking up you two!" I responded not really knowing what to say, because they all ready know.
We all had breakfast and talked about the good, and bad things about Jake.
                     James POV
So that is what I woke up to, this morning. The sound of peace and quiet. Which meant things are going to get down a lot faster, on the wall we a building so zombies don't come in. Me and toffee are working finding some spiky to put on top of the wall, plus doors, we just made.
                    Toffee POV
We were working really hard and we decided to put wood spicks on top of the walls, and doors. While Ellie was off gathering more wood to use, it is going to take her a little longer, because it is just her.
"Hey James I am going to go get the dirt off me, want to come?" I ask James.
"Sure I am a little muddy my self, it is not like we are going to be bumping into someone or something like that!" James said missing around.
We walked out of the new door, and around to the water. Half way around I hear, "Dam it, there goes another!"
"James did you hear that?" I asked quickly.
"Ya it is coming by the water!" He answered my question.
"Let's go!" I said excited to see someone, or even something. But I am pretty sure that only humans can talk.
Walking around there stand a older man with a dog. The dog was a German Shepherd, and it was so cute!
"Hey look Timmy there are other people on the island!" The man said happily.
The dog ran up to us and sniffed us, as the dogs tail waged with excitement.
"I am Toffee, this is James and Ellie will be back soon, who are you and this cute doggy?" I ask, kneeling down to meat the dog face to face.
"I am hunter, and the dog is named Timmy." Hunter responded.

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