An Impromptu Rescue

Galing kay Lana_Organa

2.8K 168 54

When Regina is about to be executed, by her own knights no less, she starts to give up on the idea of getting... Higit pa

Queen in Distress
Being Conscious
The Lion Tattoo
Healing Hearts
Inner Conflictions
A Dual Compromise
Plan Initiation
Embezzlement and Carnage
Saving the Outlaws
Taking a Moment
A Trail For Two
Veiled Affection
The Road to Love
Her Final Decision
End of the Road
A Heart's Turmoil
No More Hiding
Out in the Air
The Beginning of the End
A Fork in the Road

Hidden Meaning

134 6 0
Galing kay Lana_Organa

An Impromptu Rescue – Chapter 4 – Hidden Meaning

A/N: Ok so: TRIGGER WARNING! There is some pretty violent stuff in the beginning of this chapter. So I'm just putting a warning out for those with gentle stomachs.

I would really love to know what you all think of this chapter! So please, please leave a comment or review!

On another note this chapter is a lot shorter than the last one and it is shorter than I originally planned, but that was because I had to rush this one - I will explain why in the A/N at the bottom

Ok enough of my rambling



"The camp is just up ahead." Through these bushes." Robin tells her as he leads her to those said bushes, gently tugging on her hand.

Regina chuckles at his over eagerness. "Alright Robin, slow down!" the brunette smiles as she continues to hold onto his hand. "I'm sure they're all waiting for us."

He glances back at her, returning the smile. "They're going to love you Regina." he says as he brings her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss to her knuckles, making Regina's heart skip a beat and heat to rise into her cheeks. Before long he resumes his path, leading her behind the bushes, to reveal a hidden waterfall. They make their way behind it, Robin squeezing her hand as they walk through the hidden passage. Light appears at the end and the blue-eyed man looks back and gives her one more smile as he brings her closer to their destination.

Once they break out of the passage the warmth of the sun hits her face making her smile. But once the hidden clearing becomes within full view her smile falls away as she's overcome with the stench of rotting flesh making her crinkle her nose. But what causes Regina's stomach to drop is the sea of bodies that lays before her and Robin, and her heart sits in her throat as realisation washes over her.

His men, all of his Merry Men, are dead. Not even one has been spared.

She takes in the crumpled and misshapen bodies of Robin's family and the remains of the place he calls home. But what she refuses to take in as her and the thief unclasp their hands and make their way into the carnage is who could've done this? Who could be so heartless as to kill so many innocents?

She finds her answer by noticing the arrow lodged into a man's back – who carries a striking resemblance to Tuck – attaching him to a piece of paper. But it's not the paper that catches her eye. It's the arrow. Regina becomes sick as understanding dawns on her.

She ordered this to happen.

The brown-eyed woman glances at the scrap of paper and sure enough it's a wanted poster for the lives of Robin Hood and Snow White, confirming her self-accusation. Her legs give out as she collapses to the ground as a shaking hand coming to cover her gaping mouth, the other hovering over where the arrow has impelled the man that fell victim to it. "I'm so sorry." she barely whispers. Her body starts to shake at the horror that she's created, internally asking herself, What have I done?

A shadow then falls upon her. Regina notices it's a human shadow and tears prick behind her eyes as she already knows the owner of the shadow.

She turns, and meets Robin's gaze, his eyes filled with hurt, betrayal and unshed tears. Tears of her own now pool with her brown orbs as she sobs, "Robin, I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"What have you done Regina?" he murmurs, voice just above a whisper.

She sobs even harder then, , "Robin, I-I didn't know I-"

"What have you done Regina?" he repeats in a yell, as he grabs her under her elbow and pulls her up. Regina suddenly finds herself face to face with Robin. Although, his grip isn't all that firm, she finds she cannot pull away even though she desperately attempts to. But, as she tries to yank her arm away, his hold tightens and she hisses at how strongly he clutches onto her arms. As she gazes into his eyes her heart breaks as she finds his usual soft blue eyes full with anger and hate. Anger and hate that she knows is directed at her, causing the tears to slip from her eyelids and her heart to start beating wildly in her chest

"Robin, you have to believe me, I-"

"How can I believe you? Especially seeing that you clearly tipped your guard off to the location of my whereabouts so they could come and kill me!" Robin growls, his face no longer recognisable to the woman in front of him and her heartbeat becomes erratic. Suddenly he backs away from her, his hands falling to his sides as he shakes his head in what now appears to be disbelief. "I trusted you Regina!" Robin outcries before turning his back to her.

Regina's tears continue to flow down her cheeks as she sees the shoulders of the man before her shake. She wants nothing more than to go over there and comfort him, but still finds herself unable to move or even speak as her heart continues its abnormal pace.

After attempting to gain movement in her legs yet again, Regina notices that Robin has stopped shaking and that he's managed to find a bow, which he now holds in his right hand. "How could you Regina?" he questions, voice thick with emotion, "After I thought..." He trails off not finishing the comment. Instead the archer turns back to face her. "Yet my thoughts no longer matter." he says abruptly and an unpleasant chill runs down her spine at the coldness in his voice. "You have to pay Regina!" Robin bellows, "You have to pay for all the lives you've took!"

Regina watches in horror as he brings the bow up, nocking an arrow and aiming it directly at her heart. "Robin please!" she pleads, "I never told them anything I swear! How could I when I didn't know of its whereabouts?" She continues to gaze into his eyes that she now no longer recognises, her heart beating so loudly in her chest that she swears it will rip itself out. Tears continue to pool in her eyes before they fall as she tries to appeal to him, "I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Too late." Robin sneers as he starts to draw the string back. "I'll be doing the world a favour by killing you."

The tears now to fall in rapid succession down her cheeks. "Please Robin," she begs, "I love you."

Robin's only response is to tighten his grip on the bow before murmuring, "Who could ever love an Evil Queen?"

Her heart shatters into a thousand pieces as the arrow flies toward her. Time slows, their gazes holding for the last time as broken and pleading brown locks with fire-filled blue, his words ring in her ears mixing with the voice of her mother as she claims "Love is weakness." The harsh reality that her mother was right rains down on her as the arrow finds its mark, piercing her chest along with her already shattered heart.


Regina jolts awake, a hand flying to her chest to subconsciously check for the presence of an arrow lodged there. Her hearts calms considerably when all she can feel is her clothes. She manages to sit up enabling her to inhale deep breaths. It was only a dream Regina, she tells herself, it wasn't real. Once her breathing and heart rate is almost back to normal, she lies back down.

As she lays there awake, Regina regains her bearings, slowly remembering where she is and why she currently isn't in her comfy four-poster bed within the four walls of her castle. Then the memories from the past few days trickle into the forefront of her mind – how she was rescued by a thief and how that specific thief has the identity of none other than Robin Hood. Who is also coincidentally destined to be her soulmate.

Regina's heart clenches at the thought. There was just no way that her path was crossing that of her soulmate's a second time, fate just wouldn't allow it. And yet here you are, a voice in the back of her mind says, rescued by your soulmate and currently inhibiting his camp. But the voice is gone as soon as it came and the still disguised queen doesn't allow her mind to dwell on it. What it does dwell on however is the dream she just had. Well what she can remember of it anyway as it is slowly slipping from her memory.

To say she's confused by the events of the nightmare is an understatement. Nothing in it made sense. Sure, she'd only murdered an entire village a few days ago, but they were withholding information on Snow White. What motive did she have to kill all of Robin's men? Yes, she has a deal with Nottingham, but she wouldn't go as far as killing each and every one of them.

Then there was the fact that she claimed that she loved the outlaw. Yes, he was her soulmate but that doesn't necessarily mean she'll end up falling in love with him. The voice of her mother rings in her ears again, repeating the same phrase from the dream. And for the first time in a long time, Regina contemplates the meaning of those words, as the last time she did so was when she made herself barren. Is love weakness? But as she has many times before, she doesn't come up with a clear answer, instead she determines that love fickle and that she should avoid it at all costs.

But her mind wanders to the last events of the dream. How Robin's eyes held so much love before filling with such hate that her heart really felt as though it were breaking. Why was her heart even breaking? She has no feelings for the man, except annoyance and tolerance.

Was her dream a vision of the future? Regina quickly dismisses the thought away as she seriously doubts it. Dreams were often the greatest desires and fears of a person played out before them in sleep. And she assumes she just saw her greatest fear subconsciously played out in her mind. That fear apparently being her death at the hands of her soulmate.

Wait what? Since when did she start including Robin within her thoughts? Regina mentally shakes herself. She's overthinking this, more than what is necessary. Deciding that she wouldn't give the nightmare another thought the brunette takes in a deep breath before closing her eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.


Regina reawakens to the soft sounds of the forest coming to life, signalling the start of a new day. She gives herself a moment to enjoy being surrounded by the noises that are so unique to nature, even with the tent preventing her from being immersed in it fully. But the brunette can't help but feel this is the closest she's been to nature in years.

Suddenly memories from her childhood wash over her like a bucket of water being dumped over her head. Memories of riding Rocinante through the fields of her family's manor and up to the royal gardens. Memories of playing in the nearby stream with a friend who is long gone. Memories of secret picnics with Daniel up at firefly hill amongst the glow of the bugs it was famous for. Regina recalls the happiness she felt during each of those moments.

But that happiness is quickly replaced by shame and guilt as the brown-eyed woman realises just how distant from nature she's let herself become, especially seeing as the only time she's surrounded by it is when she's on a killing spree.

Tears prick at the back of her eyes as she's now consumed with the familiar feeling of self-loathing. But she refuses to let them fall, she can't give into weakness, especially when someone could walk through the tent flaps at any moment. So, Regina takes a deep breath to recompose herself.

Just as she manages to get control over her emotions the flaps part to reveal Robin at the entrance of the tent. Perfect timing the brown-eyed woman thinks to herself sarcastically as he makes his way to the foot of the cot and sits down, revealing a plate piled with an assortment of various edibles, much like the morning before. "Morning." the thief announces cheerily. Regina doesn't return the sentiment or give a thank you in response, she just moves to grab for the plate.

However, Robin veers it out of her reach. "Nuh uh, milady," he quips, "I'm afraid manners come before food."

The brunette groans. Is he being serious? How dare he keep her food from her. If only she had her magic. "Don't you know you shouldn't mess with a woman when food is involved?" the brown-eyed woman grumbles. There is no way he is going to make her ask for her food, let alone politely.

The thief merely shrugs at her retort, "Well, I have had my fair share of encounters, but so far none have been life threatening."

"Really?" Regina scoffs. "That's certainly about to change if you don't give me what I want. And besides, I don't have to threaten you." The outlaw gives her a quizzical look to which she replies with a sure smile, "You'll give me the food anyway."

Robin smirks, as he asks her, "And how do you plan on doing that exactly?"

The thief has a point. Says a voice inside her head, but she quickly pushes it aside. She will get her breakfast without having to beg or move. So, she tells him exactly this, "I certainly don't need to move let alone beg to make you give me that plate."

"You're right," the blue-eyed man comments, "all you need to say is the magic word."

The brunette just rolls her eyes. She then looks him dead in the eyes as she says, "No magic word is required. You're just going to give it to me."

Robin scoffs, a slight smile forming on his lips as he replies, "And why is that?"

"Well your very well not going to let a woman under your care starve now are you?" Regina smirks.

The thief chuckles as he shakes his head, "You've got a point there."

The disguised queen gives a malicious grin, knowing the outlaw cannot counter her statement. "Well?" she prompts, holding her hand out, demanding for the plate that's still in his.

He gives it to her as he quips, "Who new a miller's daughter could be so demanding." Her only response is to shrug, but a smile overcomes her lips at the outlaw's next words, "Anyone would think you're a queen."

Little does he know. Again, the brunette shrugs as she starts to pick at the assortment of fruits and nuts, placing them within her mouth.

Silence passes between the pair as Regina indulges in her breakfast, this time displaying more decorum and self-control.

Once she finishes, she hands back the plate. Robin then gets up from his spot beside the foot of the cot, but he doesn't make a move to leave, at least not yet. "Did you want something?" she sasses, her tone gentler than her words.

The blue-eyed man sighs, seemingly debating his next words. "How would you feel about getting out of this tent for a bit?" he asks. The brunette blinks at him. How would she feel indeed? Before she can form a reply he quickly adds, "Only if you feel up for it of course."

Regina quickly thinks it over in her mind. She supposes it would be a nice change of scenery, and after all she did tell herself she should get to know this man a little, and what better way than getting a further glimpse at the world he lives in.

"Alright," she agrees, "I mean it would be nice to get some fresh air and to see the sun once again."

A slight smile graces his features then. "Well, I just need to finish a few things around camp," Robin tells her, "but once they're done I'll tend to your wound and get you out of this tent."

Regina returns the smile, murmuring, "That'll be nice."

With a nod the outlaw turns and exit's through the tent's flaps.

The smile remains on her face minutes after he's left. It will be nice to be able to leave the confines of the tent, even if it was only going to be for a short while. And if she is being honest with herself, she doesn't at all mind the thief's company, though she would never admit it.

Regina then gives into temptation by allowing her mind to drift back to the remnants of what she can remember of the nightmare she had earlier. And like what happened only hours before, Cora's words ring from the shadows of her mind.

"Love is weakness."


Robin is grateful and yet disappointed that his men were so organised for the upcoming heist. Grateful because that meant not much work is left to be done to finish preparations. Disappointed because that means he'll be spending the majority of his day with the woman in his care.

Yes, he has promised her that he'll let her enjoy some fresh air if she so chooses, – which she did – and yes her company can be somewhat enjoyable at times, but Wilma is definitely proving herself to be a pain in his ass.

But, a promise is a promise, and with that in mind the outlaw went in search of the friar. Once he did, Tuck immediately hands him the bowl containing the freshly produced salve. Robin nods in thanks before heading back to his tent.

Upon entering he notices Wilma is staring up at him readily although a far off look is present in her brown orbs. He responds by moving to the small table, grabbing a cloth before sitting back down at the foot of the cot. "You know the drill." he says and she nods her head, helping him bunch up her skirts.

"So, was sleep kinder to you?" the blue-eyed man asks as he dips the cloth into the bowl. Silence passes between them, causing him to look up at the woman to make sure she's still with him, only to find her staring at him directly with that same expression that makes her seem miles away.

She then seems to realise she hasn't answered and hastily replies, "Yes, it did."

Robin nods in acknowledgement before moving the bowl containing the salve and cloth to the side as he unwraps the bandage from her thigh, making sure to be as gentle as possible. "I couldn't help but notice that your hunger wasn't as vigorous this morning." he states, glancing up to catch her reaction.

Wilma rolls her eyes, though good naturedly it seems. "Well, maybe I decided to show some decorum in front of company." she quips, throwing his words back at him from the day before.

The thief chuckles, grabbing the bowl. "Is that so?" he questions, aiming to keep the conversation flowing as he brings the cloth over, ready to dab at her wound.

"Yes, it is," she replies, "I mean you were paying me out for it after-ah!" Her comment is cut off as she gives a startled gasp when the pain seemingly grips her.

"You were saying milady?" Robin teases, continuing to dab at her wound, being as gentle and quick as possible.

Wilma just groans in response and the thief can't help but chuckle. He makes quick work of the injury and grabs another cloth. The blue-eyed man wraps the new bandage gently around her thigh, making sure it's secure but comfortable.

"All done." he says as he stands up. When Wilma doesn't reply, Robin glances at her face, but instead of finding her features twisted in pain or discomfort, he only finds her arching an eyebrow at him. The thief arches one in return and the woman just continues to stare at him. "Is there something I've forgotten?" he asks when her burning gaze doesn't let up.

"If my memory serves, I believe a certain thief held a promise of leaving this tent for a while." she states matter-of-factly.

Robin smiles to himself. Someone is very eager to see the world beyond these tent walls again he muses. "If only you'd been a bit more patient as I was just getting to that." the thief chuckles placing the bowl back in its spot on the table. He then moves back to stand over her. "Now you still won't be able to walk," he states, "so you have no choice but for me to carry you."

Wilma's response is to groan in what the thief assumes is annoyance. She then looks up at him and sighs. "Fine, if you must."

Robin chuckles internally as he bends down to place one arm under her legs and the other under her back in order to pick her up in a bridle-style fashion. Once he's positioned, the blue-eyed man delicately lifts the woman from the cot, making sure to have a firm but gentle grip on her.

He then makes his way out of the tent. As he's walking over to the centre of camp he notices she inhales a deep breath. "This is already better than being cooped up in that tent." the woman comments.

"Good." is all he replies.

Once they reach the dying campfire he lets her down gently and helps her to sit on the nearest log. After she settles, Wilma closes her eyes and Robin wonders if she really is completely up for this. "Are you alright?" he asks sitting down next to her, "Because if you're not up for it-"

She cuts him off by waving her hand dismissively. "I'm fine," she says softly, "just enjoying what nature has to offer." A smile appears on her face then – one of the biggest smiles he's seen from the woman – and Robin can't help but to think she's rather beautiful when she smiles.

Feeling a smile spread across his own features he continues to look at her as he agrees, "It is beautiful."

She hums in response and the thief is brought back to his thoughts from the previous day as he notices how the low tone of her voice again doesn't seem to match her soft features. But he quickly brushes it off as another coincidence.

"You don't realise how much you miss it until it's gone." He suddenly hears the woman murmur causing his head to turn to look at her once again.

"What do you mean?" he asks, confused by her comment.

Wilma sighs as she opens her eyes, though her gaze remains straight ahead. "Freedom."

He hums in agreement as he too turns his attention to the forest ahead, knowing exactly where she's coming from. Freedom was partly why he chose the path of thievery, but in all honesty he didn't really have a choice.

They sit in silence for a while the sounds of nature mixed with the faint laughter and chatter of the Merry Men surrounding them. Upon hearing his men Robin is grateful that none of his men have seemed to notice that their guest is up and about, or if they have they've chosen to leave her in peace.

"Do you do this often?" she quietly question, almost as if she's afraid to break the silence. The thief turns to look at her , finding her brown orbs already locked onto his face.

"Take a moment to be surrounded in nature? Why yes I do." he states.

"No, I mean take your charges out of the stuffy tents you own and sit with them." she says.

He moves his gaze to his hands which have settled in his lap. Deciding to be honest – because really what harm could it bring? – he sighs. "A few times," he replies, "with my late wife Marion. When she was badly sick, I would bring her out of our tent so she could have a change of scenery from time to time."

"I'm sorry." Wilma murmurs before a thick silence settles between the pair.

After a while Robin clears his throat, "she always enjoyed nature. It soothed her." He allows his mind to drift to those last few months with his wife, remembering how her face would light up whenever she was surrounded by the trees of Sherwood. At those times she would forget about her sickness and he would fool himself into believing she was perfectly healthy. The outlaw's thoughts continue to move to the last few months Marion had with Roland. Those moments were especially precious as each moment neared to the last that mother and son would spend together.

He's brought out of his musings by a hand being gently placed on his wrist. The simple touch draws his eyes to look at the woman next to him. in her eyes he only finds understanding. "It still must've been very difficult, knowing what was looming over her." she says softly.

"It was," the thief agrees swallowing thickly and turning away from her gaze, "especially for Roland." His heart clenches at the memory of having to tell his boy that his mother had left this world to join their other ancestors in heaven, his heart breaking all over again at the crushed look in his usually bright brown orbs.

"Roland?" Wilma questions.

"My son." he replies, a smile immediately forming on his lips at the mention of him, despite the ache in his heart. "He was only little when she passed. It was hard for him to comprehend." Robin tells her.

"I can't imagine what that must've been like." he hears the woman say, her hand still resting on his wrist.

"Very hard." the blue-eyed man murmurs before inhaling a deep breath and clearing his thoughts in the process. "Anyway, it's all in the past," he says, standing and instantly losing the warmth her hand provided as he does so, "I'm just going to run an errand. But you can stay here. Would you like someone to keep you company?"

Wilma shrugs, "I don't mind. I mean I've gotten used to being on my own."

Robin merely nods, though he wonders why that is before responding, "I'll see if Tuck isn't too occupied."

"Alright." the brunette nods in agreement.

Robin then turns around to go in search of Tuck when she calls his name. "Yes?" he replies turning back around to face her.

"I just wanted to say that...if you ever need to talk about something, I'd be happy to lend an ear. During my stay here that is." she tells him. And before he can respond, she adds, "And I don't feel obligated to because you offered the same to me. I genuinely mean it."

He nods and gives her a small smile, "Thank you, Wilma."

Her eyes sparkle as she returns his smile, "You're welcome."

Robin then resumes his search for Tuck all the while smiling to himself as he thinks of the woman who is unknowingly worming her way into his heart.


A/N: Yes, I know that was a crappy ending, I'm sorry! But hey! It looks like our disguised Queen and honourable Thief are getting a little closer. Oh and by the way the friend that Regina had that I talked about was Claire form Regina Rising. I will be using things from that book to help with Regina's past. It's a great book btw, I love it so much.

There will be more to Robin's backstory in later chapters and I have Marion die a different way as I'm sure you've gathered. I did this because why not? It is an AU after all.

Anyways, thank you for reading and please leave a comment!

Ok so unfortunately I won't be able to post next weekend because I have exams so I will be posting in a fortnights time

I will try and make the next chapter a little longer as well because I know I finished this in a bad spot so please forgive me.

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