The One Way Ticket To Hell [B...

By lily_is_thicc

1K 90 69

"If our love is a sin, then I'm ready to meet you in the depths of our hellfire." The elves are the perfect s... More



52 6 2
By lily_is_thicc

Do you remember the times when we were young? We wore our hearts on our sleeves, no hesitation, we just wanted to run around and have fun. Such beautiful, innocent memories. Then again, it's just a memory. Every giggle and laugh is gone, every funny face and the bad jokes, gone. You never notice what you have until it's all gone.

Warm, I felt warm. Sitting in front of the fire with homeade blankets made by ma, hot cocoa, funny stories with Connor. Safe, I felt safe in the warmth. Crying in mom's arms, comforting words, and the familiar lavender vanilla scent. I felt at home, the darkness comforted me, telling me everything would be okay, and for a mere second.

I believed it.

The cool breeze tickled my eyelashes, my face was warm but wet. I wanted to open my eyes yet it felt so good in the darkness.

Small but still there, a flame, as small as a spark, somewhere in the darkness, getting larger and larger. Warm, captivating, grey eyes.

His grey eyes.

Sunlight peaked from above into my eyelids, the bright light causing me to squint.

"Oh! You're awake!"

A soft yet familiar voice spoke. Something white and big was hiding in the corner of my eyes. Ice cold eyes, dark black stripes, sharp canines.

Eyes wide, shuffling back until I hit a hard tree.

"Calm down, she's quite nice, she loves you and was so worried when you fainted."

"A-Alaina, there's a freaking tiger right there. It can kill us!"

She laughed, laughed while petting a tiger, and restraining it from pouncing on me to eat me.

"Go give him a hug won't you?" She told to the tiger, smirking, and eyebrows raised. Her ice-blue eyes melted until it was a soft lake, watching me with hopeful eyes.

Hopping over Alaina's leg, walking slowly to me, yet I didn't feel as scared, staring into those blue orbs I felt safe, secured, protected.

Soft, warm, that's what I felt. Her snow-white fur was soft to touch and warm to feel, placing her face in the crook of my neck, lightly licking my cheekbone. A soft airy laugh filled the air, it took a while to realize it was coming from me, realizing how long I haven't had a proper laugh, Alaina had a soft look on her face, for once not shielding something, not hiding.

"2043, 2044, 2045.."

Step after step, breath after breath, turn after turn, one foot in front of the other. Mind foggy, breath shallow and throat dry, the only thing keeping me going is the thought of returning to the safety of my brother's arms, the place where I belong, home. Yet whenever I thought about that word, home, his face would pop up every so often, his eyes, it scared me, what is this feeling?


"Mhm?" I hummed in response.

"Do you mind telling me what happened when you were uhm, taken? A lot of people back in the village think you were dead, but I never lost hope!" She quickly added on.

Everything paused, everything went numb, I couldn't feel my eyes, my toes or hear my breath, my vision started to blur, his face, his eyes, him. I wanted him.


A yell was heard in the air only for me to realize a few moments later it was me, falling and scraping my knee on the hard dirt floor. The thin slices of cut flesh on my knee seeps out blood, stinging, causing me to hiss in pain. The sound of paws hitting the ground echoed around my ears, only to find her, the tiger slowly licking my injured knee. Her tongue lapping at the injury and care. Then,

My mind went black.

I couldn't see but I could hear and I could feel, a soft yet deep feminine voice spoke out into the oblivion of my mind.

"Kayne, nice to finally get to meet you."

Soft yet firm, smooth as silk, the voice I could hear but could not see.

"W-Who's there-"

"Really? Does my voice not match my body that bad? Idiot" She mumbles the last part.


"INARA" the voice roared, causing me to flinch in my head.

"Inara, Inara is my name. I'm the tiger you idiot" she spoke.

"KAYNE, KAYNE WHAT THE FUCK YOU CAN'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT YOU PIECE OF SHI-" Alayna shook me back and forth in panic. Her mist blue eyes filled with fear relief and anger.

"ALA, STOP SHAKING ME F-FIRST-" I yelled back at her rambling. Stopping her shaking, sitting back on the dirt ground with a huff, staring at me waiting for an explanation.

"I-, I heard her." I pointed to Inara. Her eyes widened for a bit before nodding in understanding and standing up. Starting to walk without hesitation without an utter word next.

When I didn't move an inch, she stopped walking and turned to me. "Come on Kay, let's go home first, I think I know whats going on." She lent her hand out, waiting for me to accept it. Her hand was warm and slightly sweaty, pulling me up onto my feet with unexpected strength.

"Let's go back to Connor, he's gonna fucking be delighted to see you. Only a couple more minutes Kay, just a couple more."

Seeing the entrance to the village felt strange, not in a good way nor bad. It felt oddly nonfamiliar, I was cold, I didn't want to go back in. As soon as we stepped around the tree, the guards spotted us first. Jumping, waving yelling until even we could hear them.


"I didn't even miss him, ugh'

"It's 4 am can this wai-, KAYNE!" Connor was only in a pair of baggy shorts and his hair was a messy mop of being awake so early.

"KAYNE, OH MY GOODNESS WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!" Tears formed in his eyes as he held me close and hugged all the oxygen out of my body. My ribs could be broken from that hug, I swear. When I thought it was all smiley I felt a harsh hurtful slap on the back of my head, my eyes meeting back to my brother's furious ones. Sadness, happiness, and relief all gone replaced by one emotion. Anger.

"Kayne Walsh, where the fuck were you for the past 3 days? You know how many thought you had DIED, not to mention the attacks and death threats we've been receiving and the information Alaina provided? You are in so much fucking trouble, inside the hut now!" He yelled at me, a small crowd had soon gathered around to watch us, Alaina watching us with pity in her eyes.

I could feel the eyes tearing into my skin and flesh into my skull, panic setting in, not used to the sudden attention and outburst of anger from my brother. The one who was always gentle with me, the one I came back for, the one I love. Eyes blurred by tears, silent crying, hed down and made my way to the hut, I could see a flame of guilt wash over Connor's eyes as he saw a teardrop onto the floor before I broke down in small hiccups. Everything fell silent, the wind, people, and the animals. All watching my tears as it dropped one by one, faster and faster onto the grass, absorbing it as if it was never there.

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